#age  how long something has existed; "it was replaced because of its age"
  supertype:  #property.attribute  a basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class; "a study of the physical properties of atomic particles"
  subtype:  #chronological_age__chronologicalage  age measured by the time (years and months) that something or someone has existed; "his chronological age was 71 years"
  subtype:  #bone_age  a person's age measured by matching their bone development (as shown by X rays) with with the bone development of an average person of known chronological age
  subtype:  #developmental_age__developmentalage  a measure of a child's development (in body size or motor skill or psychological function) expressed in terms of age norms
  subtype:  #fetal_age__fetalage__fertilization_age__fertilizationage__gestational_age__gestationalage  the age of an embryo counting from the time of fertilization
  subtype:  #mental_age  the level of intellectual development as measured by an intelligence test
  subtype:  #oldness__oldnes  the opposite of newness
     subtype:  #obsoleteness__superannuation  the property of being out of date and not current
     subtype:  #ancientness__ancientnes  extreme oldness
     subtype:  #old-fashionedness__oldfashionednes  the property of being no longer fashionable
        subtype:  #quaintness.old-fashionedness__quaintnes  the quality of being quaint and old-fashioned; "she liked the old cottage; its quaintness was appealing"
     subtype:  #time_of_origin__vintage  the oldness of wines
     subtype:  #hoariness__hoarines  great age esp gray or white with age
  subtype:  #newness__newnes  the opposite of oldness
     subtype:  #brand-newness__brandnewnes  the property of being very new
     subtype:  #freshness__freshnes  the property of being pure and fresh (as if newly made); not stale or deteriorated; "she loved the freshness of newly baked bread"; "the freshness of the air revived him"
        subtype:  #crispness__crispnes  a pleasing firmness and freshness: "crispness of new dollar bills"; "crispness of fresh lettuce"
     subtype:  #recency__recentness  the property of having happened or appeared not long ago
  subtype:  #oldness.age__oldnes  the opposite of youngness
     subtype:  #agedness__senescence  the property characteristic of old age
     subtype:  #senility  the state of being senile
     subtype:  #longevity__seniority  the property of being long-lived
     subtype:  #staleness__stalenes  having lost purity and freshness as a consequence of aging
        subtype:  #mustiness__mustines__moldines  the quality of smelling or tasting old or stale or mouldy
  subtype:  #youngness__youngnes  the opposite of oldness
     subtype:  #youthfulness__youth__juvenility  the freshness and vitality characteristic of a young person
     subtype:  #childishness__puerility  a property characteristic of a child
  subtype:  #time_of_life  a period of time during which a person is normally in a particular life state
     subtype:  #period.time_of_life  a time of life characterized as a distinct phase; "Picasso's blue period"; "it was the happy period of my life"
     subtype:  #eld__age  a time in life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises; "she was now of school age"; "tall for his eld"
        subtype:  #age_of_consent  the minimum age for marrying without parental consent or the minimum age for consensual sexual relations; intercourse at an earlier age can result in a charge of assault or statutory rape; the age differs in different states of the Union
        subtype:  #legal_age__legalage__majority  the age at which a person is considered competent to manage their own affairs
        subtype:  #minority_age__nonage__minority  any age prior to the legal age
        subtype:  #drinking_age  the age at which is legal for a person to buy alcoholic beverages
        subtype:  #voting_age  the age at which a person is old enough to vote in public elections
     subtype:  #neonatal_period  the first 28 days of life
     subtype:  #early_childhood__earlychildhood__infancy  the early stage of growth or development
     subtype:  #childhood  the time of person's life when they are a child
        subtype:  #girlhood__maidenhood__maidhood  the childhood of a girl
        subtype:  #boyhood  the childhood of a boy
     subtype:  #schooldays__schooltime  the time of life when you are going to school
     subtype:  #youth  the time of life between childhood and maturity
     subtype:  #adolescence  the time period between the beginning of puberty and adulthood
     subtype:  #prepuberty  a period of two years immediately prior to the onset of puberty when growth and changes leading to sexual maturity occur
     subtype:  #puberty  the time of life when sex glands become functional
     subtype:  #teens__teen  the time of life between the ages of 12 and 20
     subtype:  #mid-twenties__twenties  the time of life between 20 and 30
     subtype:  #mid-thirties__thirties__thirty-something  the time of life between 30 and 40
     subtype:  #mid-forties__midfortie__forties__fortie  the time of life between 40 and 50
     subtype:  #mid-fifties__midfiftie__fifties__fiftie  the time of life between 50 and 60
     subtype:  #mid-sixties__midsixtie__sixties__sixtie  the time of life between 60 and 70
     subtype:  #mid-seventies__seventies__seventie  the time of life between 70 and 80
     subtype:  #mid-eighties__eighties  the time of life between 80 and 90
     subtype:  #mid-nineties__nineties  the time of life between 90 and 100
     subtype:  #bloom_of_youth__bloom  the best time of youth
     subtype:  #maturity__adulthood  the period of time in your life after your physical growth has stopped and you are fully developed
        subtype:  #prime_of_life__prime  the time of maturity when power and vigor are greatest
     subtype:  #bachelorhood.time_of_life  the time of a man's life prior to marriage
     subtype:  #middle_age  the time of life between youth and old age (e.g., between 40 and 60 years of age)
     subtype:  #widowhood  the time of a woman's life when she is a widow
     subtype:  #old_age__oldage__years__year__age__eld__geezerhood  late time of life; "old age is not for sissies," "he's showing his years"; "age hasn't slowed him down at all"; "a beard white with eld"; "on the brink of geezerhood"
        subtype:  #dotage__second_childhood__senility  mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations
     subtype:  #deathbed  the last few hours before death

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