#advantage__vantage  the quality of having a superior or more favorable position; "he experience gave him the advantage over me"
  exclusion:  #disadvantage
  supertype:  #asset__plus  a useful or valuable quality
  subtype:  #favor.advantage__favour  an advantage to the benefit of someone or something; "the outcome was in his favor"
  subtype:  #leverage  strategic advantage; power to act effectively: "relatively small groups can sometimes exert immense political leverage"
     subtype:  #bargaining_chip  leverage in the form of an inducement or a concession useful in successful negotiations
  subtype:  #handicap  advantage given to a competitor to equalize chances of winning
  subtype:  #homecourt_advantage  the advantage of playing on your home court in front of fans who are rooting for you
  subtype:  #lead.advantage  an advantage held by a competitor in a race: "he took the lead at the last turn"
  subtype:  #pull.advantage  special advantage or influence; "the chairman's nephew has a lot of pull"
  subtype:  #head_start__start  advantage gained by an early start as in a race: "with an hour's start he will be hard to catch"
  subtype:  #profit__gain  the advantageous quality of being beneficial
     subtype:  #account.profit  the quality of taking advantage; "she turned her writing skills to good account"
     subtype:  #profitableness__profitability  the quality of affording gain or benefit or profit
  subtype:  #preference  grant of favor or advantage to one over another (esp to a country or countries in matters of international trade such as levying duties)
  subtype:  #privilege.advantage  a special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all
  subtype:  #expedience__expediency  the quality of being suited to the end in view
  subtype:  #favorable_position__favorableposition__superiority__favourableposition  the quality of being a competitive advantage
     subtype:  #edge.favorable_position  a slight competitive advantage; "he had an edge on the competition"
     subtype:  #inside_track  a favorable position in a competition; "the boss's son had the inside track for that job"
     subtype:  #upper_hand__upperhand__whip_hand  position of advantage and control
  subtype:  #good  benefit; "for your own good"; "what's the good of worrying?"
     subtype:  #common_good__commonweal  the good of a community
  subtype:  #favorableness__favorablenes__favourablenes__advantageousness  the quality of being encouraging or promising of a successful outcome
     subtype:  #auspiciousness__propitiousness  the favorable quality of strongly indicating a successful result
  subtype:  #tax_advantage__taxadvantage  an advantage bestowed by legislation that reduces a tax on some preferred activity

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