#administrative_unit  a unit with administrative responsibilities
  supertype:  #social_unit__unit  an organization regarded as part of a larger social group; "the coach said the offensive unit did a good job"; "after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit"
  subtype:  #division.administrative_unit  an administrative unit in government or business
     subtype:  #department__section  a specialized division of a large organization; "you'll find it in the hardware department"; "she got a job in the historical section of the Treasury"
        subtype:  #academic_department  a division of a school that is responsible for a given subject
           subtype:  #anthropology_department__department_of_anthropology  the academic department responsible for teaching and research in anthropology
           subtype:  #art_department__artdepartment  the academic department responsible for teaching art and art appreciation
           subtype:  #biology_department__biologydepartment__department_of_biology  the academic department responsible for teaching and research in biology
           subtype:  #chemistry_department__chemistrydepartment__department_of_chemistry  the academic department responsible for teaching and research in chemistry
           subtype:  #department_of_computer_science  the academic department responsible for teaching and research in computer science
              instance:  pm#School_of_IT_at_Griffith_Uni_Gold_Coast_Campus (pm)
           subtype:  #economics_department__economicsdepartment__department_of_economics  the academic department responsible for teaching and research in economics
           subtype:  #English_department__department_of_English  the academic department responsible for teaching English and American literature
           subtype:  #history_department__historydepartment__department_of_history  the academic department responsible for teaching history
           subtype:  #linguistics_department__linguisticsdepartment__departmentoflinguistic  the academic department responsible for teaching and research in linguistics
           subtype:  #mathematics_department__mathematicsdepartment__departmentofmathematic  the academic department responsible for teaching and research in mathematics
           subtype:  #philosophy_department__department_of_philosophy  the academic department responsible for teaching philosophy
           subtype:  #physics_department__physicsdepartment__department_of_physics  the academic department responsible for teaching and research in physics
           subtype:  #music_department__musicdepartment__department_of_music  the academic department responsible for teaching music and music appreciation
           subtype:  #psychology_department__department_of_psychology  the academic department responsible for teaching and research in psychology
           subtype:  #sociology_department__sociologydepartment__department_of_sociology  the academic department responsible for teaching and research in sociology
        subtype:  #business_department  a division of a business firm
           subtype:  #advertising_department__advertisingdepartment__advertising_division__advertisingdivision  the division of a business that is responsible for advertising
           subtype:  #editorial_department__editorialdepartment  the department of a publishing business that edits material for publication
              subtype:  #city_desk  the editorial department of a newspaper that edits the local news
              subtype:  #sports_desk  the editorial department of a newspaper that edits the sports news
           subtype:  #parts_department__partsdepartment  the division of a business (e.g. a service garage) the sells replacement parts
           subtype:  #personnel_department__personneldepartment__personnel_office__personneloffice__personnel__staff_office__staffoffice  the division of a business responsible for hiring and training and placing employees and for seting policies for personnel management
           subtype:  #plant_department__plantdepartment__building_department  the division of a business responsible for building and maintaining the physical plant
           subtype:  #purchasing_department  the division of a business responsible for purchases
           subtype:  #sales_department__salesdepartment__sales_division__salesdivision__sales_force__salesforce  the division of a business that is responsible for selling
           subtype:  #service_department__servicedepartment  the division of a business that provides customer services
        subtype:  #government_department  a department of government
           subtype:  #ministry.government_department  a government department under the direction of a minister
              subtype:  #foreign_office__foreignoffice  the government department in charge of foreign relations
                 subtype:  #French_foreign_office__Quai_d'Orsay  the French department in charge of foreign affairs; referred to familiarly by its address in Paris
           subtype:  #treasury  the government department responsible for collecting and managing and spending public revenues
           subtype:  #local_department__localdepartment__departmentoflocalgovernment  a permanent department created to perform the work of a local government
              subtype:  #fire_department__firedepartment  the department of local government responsible for preventing and extinguishing fires
                 subtype:  #fire_brigade  British name for a fire department
              subtype:  #police_department  the department of local government concerned with enforcing the law and preventing crime
           subtype:  #state_department__statedepartment  in the US: a department of government in one of the 50 states
           subtype:  #federal_department__federaldepartment__federal_office__federaloffice__department_of_the_federal_government  a department of the federal government
              subtype:  #executive_department__executivedepartment  a federal department in the executive branch of government
                 subtype:  #Department_of_Agriculture__Agriculture_Department__Agriculture  the federal department that administers programs that provide services to farmers (including research and soil conservation and efforts to stabilize the farming economy); created in 1862
                 subtype:  #Department_of_Commerce__Commerce_Department__Commerce  the federal department that promotes and administers domestic and foreign trade (including management of the census and the patent office); in USA, created in 1913
                 subtype:  #Department_of_Defense__Defense_Department__Defense__DoD  the federal department responsible for safeguarding national security; in USA, created in 1947
                    instance:  USA#DOD (USA)  Oz#Department_of_Defense (Oz)
                 subtype:  #Department_of_Education__Education_Department__Education  the federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with education (including federal aid to educational institutions and students); in USA, created 1979
                 subtype:  #Department_of_Energy__Energy_Department__Energy  the federal department responsible for maintaining a national energy policy; in USA, created in 1977
                 subtype:  #Department_of_Health_and_Human_Services__Health_and_Human_Services  the federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with health and welfare; in USA, created in 1979
                 subtype:  #Department_of_Housing_and_Urban_Development__Housing_and_Urban_Development__HUD  the federal department that administers federal program dealing with better housing and urban renewal; in USA, created in 1965
                 subtype:  #Department_of_Justice__Justice_Department__Justice  the federal department responsible for enforcing federal laws (including the enforcement of all civil rights legislation); in USA, created in 1870
                 subtype:  #Department_of_Labor__Labor_Department__Labor  the federal department responsible for promoting the working conditions of wage earners; in USA, created in 1913
                 subtype:  #Department_of_State__State_Department__State  the federal department that sets and maintains foreign policies; "the Department of State was created in 1789 in USA"
                 subtype:  #Department_of_the_Interior__Interior_Department__Interior  the federal department charged with conservation and the development of natural resources; in USA, created in 1849
                 subtype:  #Department_of_the_Treasury__Treasury_Department__Treasury  the federal department that collects revenue and administers federal finances; the Treasury Department was created in 1789
                 subtype:  #Department_of_Transportation__Transportation  the federal department that institutes and coordinates national transportation programs; created in 1966
                 subtype:  #Department_of_Veterans_Affairs  the federal department responsible for the interests of military veterans; in USA, created in 1989
                 subtype:  #Department_of_Commerce_and_Labor  in USA, a former executive department; created in 1903 and split into two departments in 1913
                 subtype:  #Department_of_Health_Education_and_Welfare  in USA, a former executive department; created in 1953 and divided in 1979
                 subtype:  #Navy_Department  in USA, a former executive department; created in 1798 and combined with the War Department in 1947
                 subtype:  #War_Department  in USA, a former executive department; created in 1789 and combined with the Navy Department in 1947
                 instance:  #White_House__whitehouse
              subtype:  #Post_Office_Department__Post_Office  the federal government department responsible for mail delivery (and sometimes telecommunications)
           subtype:  #admiralty.government_department  the department in charge of the navy (as in Great Britain)
        subtype:  #security.department  a department responsible for the security of the institutions property and workers; "the head of security was a former policeman"
     subtype:  #branch.division__subdivision  an administrative division of some larger or more complex organization; "a branch of Congress"
        subtype:  #local_post_office__post_office  a local branch of the Post Office Department
        subtype:  #executive_branch__executivebranch  the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws
        subtype:  #legislative_branch__legislativebranch  the branch of the United States government that has the power of legislating
        subtype:  #judicial_branch  the branch of the United States government responsible for the administration of justice
  subtype:  #council  a body serving in an administrative capacity; "student council"
     subtype:  #city_council  a municipal body that can pass ordnances and appropriate funds etc.
     subtype:  #executive_council__executivecouncil  a council that shares the supreme executive power
     subtype:  #privy_council__privycouncil  an advisory council to a ruler (especially to the British crown)
        subtype:  #diwan__divan  a Muslim council of state
     subtype:  #works_council__workscouncil  (chiefly Brit) a council representing employer and employees of a plant or business to discuss working conditions etc; also: a committee representing the workers elected to negotiate with management about grievances and wages etc
     subtype:  #soviet  an elected governmental council in a Communist country
     subtype:  #world_council__worldcouncil  a council with representatives from different nations
        subtype:  #World_Council_of_Churches  an ecumenical organization of Protestant and Eastern churches; intended to promote unity and cooperation in religious and secular matters
     instance:  #Security_Council__SC  #Trusteeship_Council__TC  #Economic_and_Social_Council__ECOSOC
  subtype:  #secretariat__secretariate  an administrative unit responsible for maintaining records and other secretarial duties; especially for international organizations
     instance:  #Pam_American_Union  #United_Nations_Secretariat
  subtype:  #committee__commission  a special group delegated to consider some matter; "A committe is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours" - Milton Berle
     subtype:  #National_Security_Council__NSC  a committee in the executive branch of government that advises the president on foreign and military and national security; supervises the Central Intelligence Agency
     subtype:  #Economic_and_Social_Council_commission__ECOSOC_commission  a commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
        instance:  #Commission_on_Human_Rights  #Commission_on_Narcotic_Drugs  #Commission_on_the_Status_of_Women  #Economic_Commission_for_Africa  #Economic_Commission_for_Asia_and_the_Far_East  #Economic_Commission_for_Europe  #Economic_Commission_for_Latin_America  #Population_Commission  #Social_Development_Commission  #Statistical_Commission
     subtype:  #board.committee  a committee having supervisory powers; "the board has seven members"
        subtype:  #appeal_board__appeals_board__appealsboard__board_of_appeals  a board of officials that are not judicial but are appointed to hear appeals
        subtype:  #board_of_selectmen  a board of officials elected to administer the public business of a New England town
        subtype:  #governing_board__governingboard  a board that manages the affairs of an institution
           subtype:  #board_of_regents  a committee of university officers who have general supervision over the welfare and conduct of students
           subtype:  #board_of_trustees  a governing board elected or appointed to direct the policies of an educational institution
        subtype:  #directorate__boardofdirector  a group of persons chosen to govern the affairs of a corporation or other large institution
           subtype:  #staggered_board_of_directors  a board of directors a portion of whose members are elected each year instead of all members being elected annually
        subtype:  #advisory_board__planning_board  a board appointed to advise the chief administrator
           subtype:  #cabinet.advisory_board  persons appointed by a head of state to head executive departments of government and act as official advisers
              subtype:  #British_Cabinet  the senior ministers of the British government
              subtype:  #United_States_Cabinet__US_Cabinet  a board to advise the President; members are the secretaries of executive departments; the United States constitution does not provide for the Cabinet
        subtype:  #draft_board__draftboard  a board to select personnel for involuntary military service
        subtype:  #school_board__board_of_education  a board in charge of local public schools
        subtype:  #zoning_board  a board of officials who divide an area into zones that are subject to different restrictions
        instance:  #Federal_Reserve_Board
     subtype:  #election_commission  a commission delegated to supervise an election
     subtype:  #fairness_commission  a commission delegated to ensure opportunities for the expression of opposing views
     subtype:  #planning_commission  a commission delegated to propose plans for future activities and developments
     subtype:  #conservancy.committee  (British) a commission with jurisdiction over fisheries and navigation in a port or river
     subtype:  #subcommittee  a subset of committee members organized for a specific purpose
     subtype:  #standing_committee  a permanent committee
        instance:  #Ways_and_Means_Committee
     subtype:  #steering_committee  a committee to arrange the order of business for some larger (legislative) body
     subtype:  #ethics_committee__ethics_panel  a committee appointed to consider ethical issues
     subtype:  #finance_committee__financecommittee  a committee appointed to consider financial issues
     subtype:  #politburo  the chief executive and political committee of the Communist Party
     subtype:  #political_action_committee__PAC  committee formed by a special-interest group to raise money for their favorite political candidates
     subtype:  #presidium__praesidium  a permanent executive committee in socialist countries that has all the powers of some larger legislative body and that acts for it when it is not in session
     subtype:  #zoning_commission  a commission delegated to supervise the zoning of areas for residential or commercial use
     subtype:  #jury.committee__panel  a committee appointed to judge a competition
     subtype:  #vestry  in the Protestant Episcopal Church: a committee elected by the congregation to work with the churchwardens in managing the temporal affairs of the church
  subtype:  #government_agency__agency__federal_agency__federalagency__bureau__office__authority  an administrative unit of government; "the Central Intelligence Agency"; "the Census Bureau"; "Office of Management and Budget"; "Tennessee Valley Authority"
     subtype:  #Nuclear_Regulatory_Commission__NRC  government agency created in 1974 to license and regulate nuclear power plants
     subtype:  #Foreign_Service  the part of the executive branch that supplies diplomats for the United States embassies and consulates around the world
     subtype:  #executive_agency__executiveagency  an agency of the executive branch of government
        subtype:  #Council_of_Economic_Advisors  an executive agency responsible for providing economic advice to the President
        subtype:  #Council_on_Environmental_Policy  the executive agency that advises the President on protecting the environment
        subtype:  #Joint_Chiefs_of_Staff__Joint_Chiefs  the executive agency that advises the President on military questions; composed of the chiefs of the Army and Navy and Air Force and the Commandant of the Marine Corps
        subtype:  #Office_of_Management_and_Budget__OMB  the executive agency that advises the President on the federal budget
        subtype:  #United_States_Trade_Representative  the executive agency that administers the President's policies on international trade
     subtype:  #Food_and_Drug_Administration__FDA  a federal agency established to regulate the release of new foods and health-related products
     subtype:  #Interstate_Commerce_Commission__ICC  a federal agency that supervises carriers that transport goods and people between states; "the ICC of the USA was established in 1887 as the first federal agency"
     subtype:  #National_Labor_Relations_Board__NRLB  agency of the United States government charged with mediating disputes between management and labor
     subtype:  #Bureau_of_the_Census__Census_Bureau  the bureau of the Commerce Department responsible for taking the census
     subtype:  #National_Weather_Service  government agency responsible for weather forecast and preparation of weather maps; under the auspices of the Commerce Department
     subtype:  #Social_Security_Administration  the agency of Health and Human Services responsible for the social security system
     subtype:  #National_Park_Service  an agency of the Interior Department responsible for the National Parks
     subtype:  #Bureau_of_Alcohol_Tobacco_and_Firearms  the agency of the Treasury Department that administers federal laws concerning alcohol and tobacco and firearms
     subtype:  #Comptroller_of_the_Currency  the agency of the Treasury Department responsible for controlling the currency
     subtype:  #Bureau_of_Customs  the agency of the Treasury Department that enforces import tariffs
     subtype:  #Bureau_of_Engraving_and_Printing  the agency of the Treasury Department that produces currency
     subtype:  #Internal_Revenue_Service__IRS  the bureau of the Treasury Department responsible for tax collections
     subtype:  #Inland_Revenue__IR  (British) a board of the British government that administers and collects major direct taxes
     subtype:  #United_Nations_agency__UN_agency  an agency of the United Nations
        instance:  #United_Nations_Children's_Fund__United_Nations_International_Children's_Emergency_Fund__UNICEF  #Food_and_Agriculture_Organization_of_the_United_Nations__Food_and_Agriculture_Organization__FAO  #General_Agreement_on_Tariffs_and_Trade__GATT  #International_Atomic_Energy_Agency__IAEA  #International_Bank_for_Reconstruction_and_Development__World_Bank__IBRD  #International_Civil_Aviation_Organization__ICAO  #International_Development_Association__IDA  #International_Finance_Corporation__IFC  #International_Labor_Organization__International_Labour_Organization__ILO  #International_Maritime_Organization__IMO  #International_Monetary_Fund__IMF  #United_Nations_Educational_Scientific_and_Cultural_Organization__UNESCO  #World_Health_Organization__WHO  #World_Meteorological_Organization__WMO
     subtype:  #organ.government_agency  a government agency or instrument devoted to the performance of some specific function; "The Census Bureau is an organ of the Commerce Department"
     subtype:  #patent_office  the government bureau that keeps a record of patents and grants new ones
     subtype:  #central_bank__centralbank  a government monetary authority that issues currency and regulates the supply of credit and holds the reserves of other banks and sells new issues of securities for the government
        subtype:  #European_Central_Bank  the central bank of those members of the European Union who share a common currency; "The European Central Bank is Europe's equivalent of the Federal Reserve"
        instance:  #Federal_Reserve_System__Federal_Reserve__Fed  #Bank_of_England  #Bundesbank  #Bank_of_Japan
     subtype:  #secret_service  a government agency that conducts intelligence operations
        instance:  #United_States_Secret_Service
     subtype:  #redevelopment_authority__redevelopmentauthority  a public agency given responsibility for the renovation of blighted urban areas
     subtype:  #regulatory_agency__regulatory_authority  a government agency that regulates businesses in the public interest
     subtype:  #weather_bureau__weatherbureau  agency responsible for gathering and interpreting meteorological data for weather study and forecasts
     subtype:  #child_welfare_agency__childwelfareagency__child_welfare_service__childwelfareservice  an agency responsible for social work concerned with the welfare and vocational training of children
     subtype:  #Securities_and_Exchange_Commission__SEC  a United States government agency that oversees the exchange of securities to protect investors
     instance:  #Atomic_Energy_Commission__AEC  #Manhattan_Project  #Environmental_Protection_Agency__EPA  #Center_for_Disease_Control  #CIA__Central_Intelligence_Agency  #NASA__National_Aeronautics_and_Space_Administration  #FBI__Federal_Bureau_of_Investigation  #Selective_Service_System__Selective_Service  #Federal_Housing_Administration__FHA
  subtype:  #intelligence.administrative_unit  a unit responsible for gathering and interpreting information about an enemy
  subtype:  #placement_office__placementoffice__placement_center__placementcenter  an office that finds suitable employment for applicants
     subtype:  #hiring_hall  a union-operated placement office where jobs are allotted to applicants according to seniority or rotation

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