Individual #Congo__Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo__Zaire__Belgian_Congo  a republic in central Africa; achieved independence from Belgium in 1960
  instance of:  #African_country
  member:  #Congolese  #Zairese
  part of:  #Africa
  part:  #Kananga__Luluabourg  a city in southwestern Congo; former name (until 1966) was Luluabourg
  part:  #Kinshasa__Leopoldville  the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the Congo river opposite Brazzaville
  part:  #Lubumbashi__Elisabethville  a city in southeastern Congo near the border with Zambia; a copper mining center; former name (until 1966) was Elisabethville
  part:  #Congo_River__Congo  a major African river (one of the world's longest); flows through Congo into the South Atlantic
  part:  #Kasai_River__Kasai__River_Kasai  a river of southwestern Africa that rises in central Angola and flows east and then north (forming part of the border between Angola and Congo) and continuing northwest through Congo to empty into the Congo River on the border between Congo and Republic of the Congo
  part:  #Lake_Kivu__Kivu  a lake in the mountains of central Africa between Congo and Rwanda

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