Individual #Brisbane  capital and largest city of Queensland state; located in the southeastern corner of Queensland on the Pacific; settled by British as a penal colony; 3rd largest city in Australia
  part of:  Queensland
  location of:  DSTC
  type:  state_capital__statecapital  the capital city of a United States state
  type:  australian_district

235 statements are about Brisbane
          phone_No: "13 11 55",
          GPO/PMB_Box_No: 1453,
          district: Brisbane,
          region_PO_Box_No: 4001]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Gladstone,
          departure_time: 06:10,
          arrival_time: 07:35,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday}]

          from_place: Bundaberg,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 11:45,
          arrival_time: 12:45,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Tuesday,the Wednesday,the Thursday}]

          from_place: Bundaberg,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 13:15,
          arrival_time: 14:15,
          day_of_the_week: {the Friday}]

          from_place: Bundaberg,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 13:45,
          arrival_time: 14:45,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Townsville,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 09:40,
          arrival_time: 14:45,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Bundaberg,
          departure_time: 07:40,
          arrival_time: 08:25,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Bundaberg,
          departure_time: 08:30,
          arrival_time: 09:20,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Gladstone,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 18:20,
          arrival_time: 19:35,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Rockhampton,
          departure_time: 13:05,
          arrival_time: 14:45,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Bundaberg,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:45,
          arrival_time: 07:35,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Bundaberg,
          departure_time: 14:20,
          arrival_time: 15:10,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Tuesday,the Wednesday,the Thursday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Bundaberg,
          departure_time: 15:00,
          arrival_time: 16:00,
          day_of_the_week: {the Friday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Bundaberg,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 16:40,
          arrival_time: 17:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Bundaberg,
          departure_time: 18:20,
          arrival_time: 19:10,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Gladstone,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:45,
          arrival_time: 07:55,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Bundaberg,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 07:25,
          arrival_time: 08:15,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Gladstone,
          departure_time: 08:50,
          arrival_time: 10:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Gladstone,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 10:35,
          arrival_time: 11:50,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Gladstone,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 11:20,
          arrival_time: 12:35,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Bundaberg,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 12:05,
          arrival_time: 12:55,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Gladstone,
          departure_time: 14:35,
          arrival_time: 15:50,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Gladstone,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 16:20,
          arrival_time: 17:35,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Bundaberg,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 17:00,
          arrival_time: 17:50,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Gladstone,
          departure_time: 18:00,
          arrival_time: 19:15,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Rockhampton,
          departure_time: 10:00,
          arrival_time: 11:40,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Rockhampton,
          departure_time: 10:30,
          arrival_time: 11:55,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Rockhampton,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 12:00,
          arrival_time: 13:40,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Rockhampton,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 12:15,
          arrival_time: 13:40,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Rockhampton,
          departure_time: 13:00,
          arrival_time: 14:25,
          day_of_the_week: {the Friday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Rockhampton,
          departure_time: 14:00,
          arrival_time: 15:25,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Rockhampton,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 14:45,
          arrival_time: 16:10,
          day_of_the_week: {the Friday}]

          from_place: Rockhampton,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 15:45,
          arrival_time: 17:10,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Maryborough,
          departure_time: 08:40,
          arrival_time: 09:25,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Maryborough,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 07:10,
          arrival_time: 07:55,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Hervey_Bay,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 10:10,
          arrival_time: 11:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Hervey_Bay,
          departure_time: 14:45,
          arrival_time: 15:40,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Maryborough,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 16:20,
          arrival_time: 17:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Maryborough,
          departure_time: 18:10,
          arrival_time: 18:55,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Blackwater,
          departure_time: 06:00,
          arrival_time: 07:30,
          day_of_the_week: {the Friday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Emerald,
          departure_time: 06:00,
          arrival_time: 07:40,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Tuesday,the Wednesday,the Thursday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Emerald,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 07:55,
          arrival_time: 09:30,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Emerald,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 08:15,
          arrival_time: 10:00,
          day_of_the_week: {the Friday}]

          from_place: Blackwater,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 08:25,
          arrival_time: 10:00,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Tuesday,the Wednesday,the Thursday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Blackwater,
          departure_time: 13:50,
          arrival_time: 15:20,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Emerald,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 16:05,
          arrival_time: 17:50,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Newcastle,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:20,
          arrival_time: 08:00,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday}]

          from_place: Newcastle,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:45,
          arrival_time: 08:20,
          day_of_the_week: {the Tuesday,the Wednesday,the Thursday,the Friday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Coolangatta,
          departure_time: 08:35,
          arrival_time: 09:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Coolangatta,
          departure_time: 11:30,
          arrival_time: 12:00,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Coolangatta,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 12:55,
          arrival_time: 13:25,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Wednesday,the Thursday,the Friday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Coolangatta,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 15:50,
          arrival_time: 16:20,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Coolangatta,
          departure_time: 08:35,
          arrival_time: 09:05,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Coolangatta,
          departure_time: 12:20,
          arrival_time: 12:50,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Coolangatta,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 13:15,
          arrival_time: 13:40,
          day_of_the_week: {the Tuesday}]

          from_place: Coolangatta,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 14:20,
          arrival_time: 14:50,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Coolangatta,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 17:20,
          arrival_time: 17:45,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Newcastle,
          departure_time: 16:45,
          arrival_time: 18:25,
          day_of_the_week: {the Friday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Newcastle,
          departure_time: 18:15,
          arrival_time: 19:55,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Thursday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Coolangatta,
          departure_time: 16:45,
          arrival_time: 17:15,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Coolangatta,
          departure_time: 18:15,
          arrival_time: 18:45,
          day_of_the_week: {the Wednesday}]

          from_place: Coolangatta,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 20:30,
          arrival_time: 21:00,
          day_of_the_week: {the Friday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Lord_Howe_Island,
          departure_time: 09:00,
          arrival_time: 11:15,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Lord_Howe_Island,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 11:45,
          arrival_time: 13:20,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Maroochydore,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:00,
          arrival_time: 06:30,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday}]

          from_place: Maroochydore,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 07:25,
          arrival_time: 07:55,
          day_of_the_week: {the Tuesday,the Wednesday,the Thursday}]

          from_place: Maroochydore,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 07:25,
          arrival_time: 07:55,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Maroochydore,
          departure_time: 09:30,
          arrival_time: 10:00,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Thursday,the Friday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Maroochydore,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 10:10,
          arrival_time: 10:40,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Thursday,the Friday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Maroochydore,
          departure_time: 10:35,
          arrival_time: 11:05,
          day_of_the_week: {the Tuesday,the Wednesday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Maroochydore,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 11:20,
          arrival_time: 11:50,
          day_of_the_week: {the Tuesday,the Wednesday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Maroochydore,
          departure_time: 11:55,
          arrival_time: 12:25,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Thursday,the Friday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Maroochydore,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 13:05,
          arrival_time: 13:35,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Thursday,the Friday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Maroochydore,
          departure_time: 12:30,
          arrival_time: 13:00,
          day_of_the_week: {the Tuesday,the Wednesday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Maroochydore,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 13:10,
          arrival_time: 13:40,
          day_of_the_week: {the Tuesday,the Wednesday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Maroochydore,
          departure_time: 14:05,
          arrival_time: 14:35,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Maroochydore,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 14:45,
          arrival_time: 15:15,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Thursday,the Friday,the Saturday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Maroochydore,
          departure_time: 15:55,
          arrival_time: 16:25,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Thursday,the Friday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Maroochydore,
          departure_time: 16:30,
          arrival_time: 17:00,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Maroochydore,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 16:20,
          arrival_time: 16:50,
          day_of_the_week: {the Tuesday,the Wednesday}]

          from_place: Maroochydore,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 16:45,
          arrival_time: 17:15,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Thursday,the Friday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Maroochydore,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 17:15,
          arrival_time: 17:45,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Maroochydore,
          departure_time: 17:30,
          arrival_time: 18:00,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Maroochydore,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 18:10,
          arrival_time: 18:40,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Maroochydore,
          departure_time: 18:05,
          arrival_time: 18:35,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Maroochydore,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 18:45,
          arrival_time: 19:15,
          day_of_the_week: {the Thursday,the Friday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Maroochydore,
          departure_time: 19:55,
          arrival_time: 20:25,
          day_of_the_week: {the Friday}]

          from_place: Canberra,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:15,
          arrival_time: 08:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Canberra,
          departure_time: 06:10,
          arrival_time: 08:10,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Canberra,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 08:40,
          arrival_time: 10:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Canberra,
          departure_time: 08:35,
          arrival_time: 10:35,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Tuesday}]

          from_place: Canberra,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 11:05,
          arrival_time: 12:55,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Tuesday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Canberra,
          departure_time: 14:00,
          arrival_time: 16:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Canberra,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 16:35,
          arrival_time: 18:25,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Canberra,
          departure_time: 16:45,
          arrival_time: 18:45,
          day_of_the_week: {the Thursday,the Friday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Canberra,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 19:15,
          arrival_time: 21:05,
          day_of_the_week: {the Thursday,the Friday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Canberra,
          departure_time: 19:00,
          arrival_time: 21:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Rockhampton,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:40,
          arrival_time: 07:45,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Rockhampton,
          departure_time: 08:30,
          arrival_time: 09:40,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Rockhampton,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 10:50,
          arrival_time: 11:55,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Rockhampton,
          departure_time: 15:30,
          arrival_time: 16:40,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Rockhampton,
          departure_time: 18:15,
          arrival_time: 19:25,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Rockhampton,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 17:10,
          arrival_time: 18:15,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Mackay,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:40,
          arrival_time: 08:10,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Mackay,
          departure_time: 08:50,
          arrival_time: 10:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Mackay,
          departure_time: 14:05,
          arrival_time: 15:45,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Mackay,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 11:40,
          arrival_time: 13:10,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Mackay,
          departure_time: 18:45,
          arrival_time: 20:25,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Mackay,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 16:15,
          arrival_time: 17:45,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Proserpine,
          departure_time: 11:00,
          arrival_time: 12:50,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Proserpine,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 13:20,
          arrival_time: 15:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 08:50,
          arrival_time: 10:20,
          day_of_the_week: {the Wednesday}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 19:25,
          arrival_time: 06:00,
          day_of_the_week: {the Tuesday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Auckland,
          departure_time: 10:00,
          arrival_time: 15:00,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Tuesday,the Thursday,the Friday,the Saturday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Auckland,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 16:20,
          arrival_time: 17:55,
          day_of_the_week: {the Thursday,the Friday,the Saturday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Christchurch,
          departure_time: 19:10,
          arrival_time: 00:30,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Christchurch,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:25,
          arrival_time: 08:10,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 11:00,
          arrival_time: 12:30,
          day_of_the_week: {the Tuesday}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:05,
          arrival_time: 07:30,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Friday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 06:00,
          arrival_time: 07:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:35,
          arrival_time: 08:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Townsville,
          departure_time: 08:30,
          arrival_time: 10:25,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 06:30,
          arrival_time: 08:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 07:05,
          arrival_time: 08:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Darwin,
          departure_time: 09:15,
          arrival_time: 12:55,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 07:00,
          arrival_time: 08:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 07:35,
          arrival_time: 09:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 08:05,
          arrival_time: 09:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 07:30,
          arrival_time: 09:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Townsville,
          departure_time: 10:55,
          arrival_time: 12:50,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 08:05,
          arrival_time: 09:35,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Friday}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 09:05,
          arrival_time: 10:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Townsville,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:10,
          arrival_time: 07:50,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 08:45,
          arrival_time: 10:15,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 10:05,
          arrival_time: 11:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 09:40,
          arrival_time: 11:10,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 11:05,
          arrival_time: 12:35,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 11:05,
          arrival_time: 12:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 12:05,
          arrival_time: 13:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 12:25,
          arrival_time: 13:55,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 13:05,
          arrival_time: 14:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Auckland,
          departure_time: 19:15,
          arrival_time: 00:15,
          day_of_the_week: {the Wednesday,the Thursday,the Friday,the Saturday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 14:05,
          arrival_time: 15:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 14:15,
          arrival_time: 15:45,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 15:05,
          arrival_time: 16:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 15:40,
          arrival_time: 17:05,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 15:00,
          arrival_time: 16:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 16:10,
          arrival_time: 17:35,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Cairns,
          departure_time: 18:35,
          arrival_time: 20:50,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 15:45,
          arrival_time: 17:15,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Auckland,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:25,
          arrival_time: 08:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 17:05,
          arrival_time: 18:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Townsville,
          departure_time: 18:55,
          arrival_time: 20:50,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 16:15,
          arrival_time: 17:45,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 17:35,
          arrival_time: 19:00,
          day_of_the_week: {the Friday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 16:45,
          arrival_time: 18:15,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 18:05,
          arrival_time: 19:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Cairns,
          departure_time: 20:20,
          arrival_time: 22:35,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 17:15,
          arrival_time: 18:45,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 18:20,
          arrival_time: 19:45,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 17:45,
          arrival_time: 19:15,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 19:05,
          arrival_time: 20:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Darwin,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 13:35,
          arrival_time: 17:50,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 18:15,
          arrival_time: 19:45,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Christchurch,
          departure_time: 09:15,
          arrival_time: 14:35,
          day_of_the_week: {the Tuesday,the Wednesday}]

          from_place: Townsville,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 16:30,
          arrival_time: 18:10,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 19:05,
          arrival_time: 20:35,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 19:35,
          arrival_time: 21:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 20:35,
          arrival_time: 22:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 20:30,
          arrival_time: 22:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 21:05,
          arrival_time: 22:30,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Wednesday,the Friday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 21:05,
          arrival_time: 22:35,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Tuesday,the Thursday,the Friday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Christchurch,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 16:00,
          arrival_time: 17:45,
          day_of_the_week: {the Wednesday,the Saturday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Wellington,
          departure_time: 15:30,
          arrival_time: 21:00,
          day_of_the_week: {the Wednesday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Wellington,
          departure_time: 16:00,
          arrival_time: 21:30,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Wellington,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 12:30,
          arrival_time: 14:25,
          day_of_the_week: {the Wednesday}]

          from_place: Wellington,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 22:30,
          arrival_time: 00:25,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Cairns,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 05:40,
          arrival_time: 07:40,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Friday,the Saturday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Melbourne,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:05,
          arrival_time: 08:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Cairns,
          departure_time: 08:40,
          arrival_time: 10:55,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Melbourne,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 07:05,
          arrival_time: 09:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Cairns,
          departure_time: 09:45,
          arrival_time: 12:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Melbourne,
          departure_time: 06:05,
          arrival_time: 08:25,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Melbourne,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 08:05,
          arrival_time: 10:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Melbourne,
          departure_time: 07:05,
          arrival_time: 09:25,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Melbourne,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 09:05,
          arrival_time: 11:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday}]

          from_place: Cairns,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:00,
          arrival_time: 08:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Melbourne,
          departure_time: 08:35,
          arrival_time: 10:55,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Melbourne,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 10:05,
          arrival_time: 12:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Cairns,
          departure_time: 13:05,
          arrival_time: 15:20,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Melbourne,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 11:05,
          arrival_time: 13:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Townsville,
          departure_time: 14:00,
          arrival_time: 15:55,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Melbourne,
          departure_time: 10:40,
          arrival_time: 13:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Cairns,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 09:25,
          arrival_time: 11:30,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday}]

          from_place: Melbourne,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 12:05,
          arrival_time: 14:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Melbourne,
          departure_time: 11:40,
          arrival_time: 14:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Melbourne,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 13:05,
          arrival_time: 15:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Melbourne,
          departure_time: 12:40,
          arrival_time: 15:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Melbourne,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 14:05,
          arrival_time: 16:05,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday}]

          from_place: Townsville,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 11:00,
          arrival_time: 12:40,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Melbourne,
          departure_time: 13:40,
          arrival_time: 16:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday}]

          from_place: Melbourne,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 15:05,
          arrival_time: 17:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Cairns,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 11:35,
          arrival_time: 13:35,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Melbourne,
          departure_time: 14:10,
          arrival_time: 16:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Melbourne,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 16:05,
          arrival_time: 18:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Cairns,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 12:40,
          arrival_time: 14:40,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Melbourne,
          departure_time: 15:40,
          arrival_time: 18:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Melbourne,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 17:05,
          arrival_time: 19:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Melbourne,
          departure_time: 16:40,
          arrival_time: 19:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Melbourne,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 18:15,
          arrival_time: 20:15,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Townsville,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 13:25,
          arrival_time: 15:05,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Melbourne,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 18:45,
          arrival_time: 20:45,
          day_of_the_week: {the Friday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Melbourne,
          departure_time: 17:40,
          arrival_time: 20:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Melbourne,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 19:40,
          arrival_time: 21:40,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Cairns,
          departure_time: 14:10,
          arrival_time: 16:25,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Cairns,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 15:55,
          arrival_time: 17:55,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Melbourne,
          departure_time: 18:40,
          arrival_time: 21:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Cairns,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 17:00,
          arrival_time: 19:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Melbourne,
          departure_time: 19:40,
          arrival_time: 22:00,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Melbourne,
          departure_time: 20:55,
          arrival_time: 23:15,
          day_of_the_week: {the Sunday}]

          from_place: Perth,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 00:15,
          arrival_time: 06:35,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Friday,the Saturday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Adelaide,
          departure_time: 15:05,
          arrival_time: 17:15,
          day_of_the_week: {the Saturday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Adelaide,
          departure_time: 16:10,
          arrival_time: 18:20,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Adelaide,
          departure_time: 18:25,
          arrival_time: 20:35,
          day_of_the_week: {the Wednesday,the Friday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Cairns,
          departure_time: 09:10,
          arrival_time: 11:30,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday,the Friday,the Saturday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Perth,
          departure_time: 19:45,
          arrival_time: 23:05,
          day_of_the_week: {the Friday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 22:05,
          arrival_time: 23:30,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Adelaide,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 10:40,
          arrival_time: 13:25,
          day_of_the_week: {any day_of_the_week}]

          from_place: Adelaide,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 16:25,
          arrival_time: 19:10,
          day_of_the_week: {any workday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Cairns,
          departure_time: 10:05,
          arrival_time: 12:30,
          day_of_the_week: {the Thursday}]

          from_place: Cairns,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 06:25,
          arrival_time: 08:30,
          day_of_the_week: {the Thursday,the Friday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 08:15,
          arrival_time: 09:45,
          day_of_the_week: {the Thursday,the Friday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Sydney,
          to_place: Brisbane,
          departure_time: 09:00,
          arrival_time: 10:30,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 19:15,
          arrival_time: 20:50,
          day_of_the_week: {the Thursday,the Friday,the Sunday}]

          from_place: Brisbane,
          to_place: Sydney,
          departure_time: 20:00,
          arrival_time: 21:35,
          day_of_the_week: {the Monday}]

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