Individual #Asia  the largest continent with 60% of the earth's population; it is joined to Europe on the west to form Eurasia; it is the site of some of the world's earliest civilizations
  instance of:  continent
  location of:  Asian_countries
  part of:  Eurasia
  part:  Asian_country__Asian_nation  countries occupying the Asian continent
  part:  Asia_Minor__Anatolia  a peninsula in southwestern Asia that forms the Asian part of Turkey
     part:  Phrygia  an ancient country in west central Asia Minor
     part:  Pontus  an ancient region of northern Asia Minor on the Black Sea; it reached its height under Mithridates VI but was later incorporated into the Roman Empire
     part:  Aeolis__Aeolia  ancient name for the coastal region of northwestern Asia Minor (including Lesbos)
        part:  Lesbos__Lesvos__Mytilene  an island of eastern Greece in the eastern Aegean Sea; in antiquity it was famous for lyric poetry
     part:  Lycia  an ancient region on the coast of southwest Asia Minor
     part:  Lydia  an ancient region on the coast of western Asia Minor; a powerful kingdom until conquered by the Persians in 546 BC
     part:  Troy__Ilion__Ilium  an ancient city in Asia Minor that was the site of the Trojan War
     part:  Sakartvelo__Georgia  a republic in Asia Minor on the Black Sea separated from Russia by the Caucasus mountains; a provisional military government; formerly an Asian Soviet
        part:  Tbilisi__Tiflis__capital_of_Georgia  the capital and largest city of Georgia on the Kura river
        part:  Abkhazia__Abkhaz  an autonomous province of Georgia on the Black Sea; a strong independence movement has resulted in much instability
        part:  Adzhar__Adzharia  an autonomous province of Georgia on the Black Sea
     part:  Turkey__Republic_of_Turkey  a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans; achieved independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1923
        part:  Dardanelles_campaign__Dardanelles  the unsuccessful campaign in World War I (1915) by the English and French to open a passage for aid to Russia; defeated by the Turks
        part:  Edirne__Adrianople__Adrianopolis  a city in northwestern Turkey; a Thracian town that was rebuilt and renamed by the Roman emperor Hadrian
        part:  Abydos  an ancient Greek colony on the Asiatic side of the Dardanelles; scene of the legend of Hero and Leander
        part:  Adana__Seyhan  a city in southern Turkey on the Seyhan River
        part:  Ankara__Turkish_capital__capital_of_Turkey  the capital of Turkey; located in west-central Turkey; formerly known as Angora and is the home of Angora goats
        part:  Antalya__Adalia  a port city in southwestern Turkey on the Gulf of Antalya
        part:  Antioch__Antakya__Antakiya  a town in southern Turkey; ancient commercial center and capital of Syria; an early center of Christianity
        part:  Dardanelles__Hellespont  the strait between the Aegean and the Sea of Marmara that separates European from Asian Turkey
        part:  Istanbul__Stambul__Stamboul__Constantinople  the largest city and former capital of Turkey; rebuilt on the site of ancient Byzantium by Constantine I in the fourth century; renamed Constantinople by Constantine who made it the capital of the Byzantine Empire; now the seat of the Eastern Orthodox Church
           part:  Bosporus_Bridge  a suspension bridge across the Bosporus at Istanbul
        part:  Bursa__Brusa  a city in northwestern Turkey
        part:  Izmir__Smyrna  a port city in western Turkey
        part:  Aegospotamos__Aegospotami  a creek emptying into the Hellespont in present-day Turkey; at its mouth in 405 BC the Spartan fleet under Lysander defeated the Athenians and ended the Peloponnesian War
        part:  Mount_Ararat__Ararat__Mt._Ararat  the mountain peak that Noah's ark landed on as the waters of the great flood receded
        part:  Aras__Araxes  a river that rises in northeastern Turkey (near the source of the Euphrates) and flows generally eastward through Armenia to the Caspian Sea; ancient name was Araxes
        part:  Bosporus  a strait connecting the Mediterranean and the Black Sea; separates the European and Asian parts of Turkey; an important shipping route
        part:  Euphrates_River__Euphrates  a river in southwestern Asia; flows into the Persian Gulf; was important in the development of several great civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia
        part:  Seyhan_River__Seyhan  a Turkish river flowing south southwest into the Mediterranean
        part:  Tigris_River__Tigris  an Asian river; a tributary of the Euphrates River
     part:  Ionia  region of western Asia Minor colonized by Ancient Greeks
  part:  Afghanistan__Islamic_State_of_Afghanistan  a mountainous landlocked country in central Asia; bordered by Iran to the west and Russia to the north and Pakistan to the east and south; "Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan in 1979"
     part:  Kabul__capital_of_Afghanistan  the capital and largest city of Afghanistan; located in eastern Afghanistan
     part:  Hindu_Kush_Mountains__Hindu_Kush  a mountain range extending west of the Himalayas
        part:  Tirich_Mir  a mountain in the Hindu Kush in Pakistan (25,230 feet high)
  part:  Southeast_Asia  a geographical division of Asia that includes Indochina plus Indonesia and the Philippines and Singapore
     part:  Indochina__Indochinese_peninsula  a peninsula of southeastern Asia that includes Myanmar and Cambodia and Laos and Malaysia and Thailand and Vietnam
        part:  Myanmar__Union_of_Burma__Burma  a mountainous republic in southeastern Asia on the Bay of Bengal; "much opium is grown in Myanmar"
           part:  Yangon__Rangoon  the capital and largest city of Myanmar; located in the south near the Irrawaddy river delta
           part:  Mandalay  a city in central Myanmar north of Rangoon
           part:  Mekong_River__Mekong  an Asian river; flows through a large delta in southern Vietnam into the South China Sea
        part:  Cambodia__Kingdom_of_Cambodia__Kampuchea  a nation in Asia; was part of Indochina under French rule until 1946
           part:  Phnom_Penh__Pnom_Penh__Cambodian_capital  the capital and largest city of Kampuchea
           part:  Mekong_River__Mekong  an Asian river; flows through a large delta in southern Vietnam into the South China Sea
        part:  French_Indochina  the French colonies of Cambodia and Laos and Vietnam were formerly organized as French Indochina
        part:  Laos__Lao_People's_Democratic_Republic  a mountainous landlocked communist state in southeastern Asia; achieved independence from France in 1949
           part:  Vientiane__Laotian_capital__capital_of_Laos  the capital and largest city of Laos
           part:  Mekong_River__Mekong  an Asian river; flows through a large delta in southern Vietnam into the South China Sea
        part:  Malaysia__Malaya  a constitutional monarchy in southeastern Asia on Borneo and the Malay Peninsula; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1957
           part:  East_Malaysia  the part of Malaysia that is on the island of Borneo
              part:  Sabah__North_Borneo  a region of Malaysia in northeastern Borneo
              part:  Sarawak  a region of Malaysia on northwestern Borneo
           part:  West_Malaysia  the region of Malaysia on the Malay Peninsula
              part:  Kuala_Lumpur__Malaysian_capital__capital_of_Malaysia  the capital and largest city of Malaysia
        part:  Thailand__Kingdom_of_Thailand__Siam  country of southeastern Asia that extends southward along the isthmus of Kra to the Malay peninsula; "Thailand is the official name of the former Siam"
           part:  Bangkok__capital_of_Thailand__Krung_Thep  the capital and largest city and chief port of Thailand; a leading city in southeastern Asia; noted for Buddhist architecture
           part:  Chao_Phraya  a river in Thailand formed by the confluence of the Nan and Ping Rivers; flows southward past Bangkok and empties into the Gulf of Thailand
           part:  Mekong_River__Mekong  an Asian river; flows through a large delta in southern Vietnam into the South China Sea
           part:  Nan_River__Nan  a river of western Thailand flowing southward to join the Ping River to form the Chao Phraya
           part:  Ping_River__Ping  a river in western Thailand; a major tributary of the Chao Phraya
        part:  Vietnam__Socialist_Republic_of_Vietnam__Viet_Nam__Annam  a communist state in Indochina on the South China Sea; achieved independence from France in 1945
           part:  Dien_Bien_Phu  the French military base fell after a 56-day siege by Vietnam troops; ended the involvement of France in Indochina in 1954
           part:  Vietnam_War  a prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the non-communist armies of South Vietnam supported by the US
           part:  Hanoi__capital_of_Vietnam  the capital city of Vietnam; located in North Vietnam
           part:  Ho_Chi_Minh_City__Saigon  a city in South Vietnam; formerly (as Saigon) it was the capital of French Indochina
           part:  Haiphong  a port city in northern Vietnam; industrial center
     part:  Indonesia__Republic_of_Indonesia__Dutch_East_Indies  a republic in southeastern Asia on an archipelago including more than 13,000 islands; achieved independence from the Netherlands in 1945; the principal oil producer in the Far East and Pacific regions
        part:  Java  an island in Indonesia south of Borneo; one of the world's most densely populated regions
           part:  Jakarta__Djakarta__capital_of_Indonesia  capital and largest city of Indonesia; located on the island of Java; founded by the Dutch in 17th century
           part:  Bandung  a city in Indonesia; located on western Java (southeast of Jakarta); a resort known for its climate
           part:  Semarang__Samarang  a port city is southern Indonesia; located in northern Java
        part:  Bali  an island in Indonesia east of Java; striking volcanic scenery; culture is known for elaborate dances and rituals and for handicrafts
        part:  Timor  an island in Indonesia in the Malay Archipelago; the largest and most eastern of the Lesser Sunda Islands
        part:  Sumatra  a mountainous island in western Indonesia
           part:  Medan  a city in Indonesia; located in northeastern Sumatra
        part:  Celebes__Sulawesi  a mountainous island in eastern Indonesia
        part:  Moluccas__Spice_Islands  a group of island in eastern Indonesia between Celebes and New Guinea; settled by the Portuguese but taken by the Dutch who made them the center for a spice monopoly, at which time they were known as Spice Islands
        part:  Indonesian_Borneo__Kalimantan  the part of Indonesia on the southern side of the island of Borneo
        part:  Krakatau__Krakatao__Krakatoa  a small volcanic island in Indonesia between Java and Sumatra; its violent eruption in 1883 was the greatest in recorded history
     part:  Republic_of_the_Philippines__Philippines  a republic on the Philippine Islands; achieved independence from the United States in 1946
        part:  Manila_Bay  a naval battle in the Spanish-American War (1898); the American fleet under Admiral Dewey defeated the Spanish fleet
        part:  Manila__capital_of_the_Philippines  the capital and largest city of the Philippines; located on southern Luzon
        part:  Cebu_City__Cebu  an important seaport on the Island of Cebu in the Philippines
     part:  Singapore.island__singapore  an island south of the Malay Peninsula
  part:  China__People's_Republic_of_China__mainland_China__Communist_China__Red_China__PRC  a communist nation that covers a vast territory in eastern Asia; the most populous country in the world
     part:  Chinese_Revolution  the republican revolution against the Manchu dynasty in China; 1911-1912
     part:  Chino-Japanese_War  ware between China and Japan over control of Korea; China was defeated; 1894-1895
     part:  Manchuria  a region in northeastern China
        part:  Port_Arthur  a battle in the Chino-Japanese war (1894); Japanese captured the port and fortifications from the Chinese
     part:  Beijing__Peking__Peiping__peiping__capital_of_Red_China  capital of the People's Republic of China in the Hebei province in northeastern China; 2nd largest Chinese city
        part:  Forbidden_City  a walled section of Beijing that encloses the Imperial Palace that was formerly the residence of the emperor of China
     part:  Gansu__Kansu  a province in north-central China; formerly part of the Silk Road to Turkistan and India and Persia
        part:  Lanzhou__Lanchou__Lanchow  the capital city of the Chinese province of Gansu on the Yellow River
     part:  Hebei__Hopei__Hopeh  a populous province in northeastern China
     part:  Szechwan__Sichuan__Szechuan  a populous province of south central China
     part:  Yunnan  a province of southern China
     part:  Shanghai  the largest city of China; located in the east on the Pacific; one of the largest ports in the world
     part:  Guangzhou__Canton__Kuangchou__Kwangchow  a city on the Zhu Jiang delta in southern China; a major deep-water port
     part:  Nanchang__Nan-chang  a walled city in southeastern China on the Gan Jiang
     part:  Nanning__Nan-ning  an industrial city in southern China
     part:  Shenyang__Mukden__Moukden__Fengtien  a city in northeastern China
     part:  Tianjin__Tientsin__T'ien-ching  a major industrial center in northeastern China on the Grand Canal near the Yellow Sea; 3rd largest city in China
     part:  Nanjing__Nanking  a city in eastern China on the Yangtze River; a former capital of China; the scene of a Japanese massacre in the 1930s
     part:  Chongqing__Chungking  a city in south-central China on the Chang Jiang; a commercial center for western China
     part:  Xian__Sian__Singan__Changan__Hsian  a city of central China; capital of ancient Chinese empire 221-206 BC
     part:  Luoyang__Loyang  a city in east central China; the capital of ancient China during several dynasties
     part:  Hangzhou__Hangchow  a city of eastern China on Hangzhou Bay (an inlet of the East China Sea); regarded by Marco Polo as the finest city in the world
     part:  Great_Wall_of_China__Great_Wall  a wall in northern China built for defensive purposes during the 3rd century BC; 1,500 miles long and averaging 6 meters wide
     part:  Hong_Kong  a British Crown Colony on the coast of southern China; leased by China to Britain in 1842 and returned in 1997; one of the world's leading commercial centers
     part:  Amur_River__Amur__Heilong_Jiang  an Asian river between China and Russia; flows into the Sea of Okhotsk
     part:  Brahmaputra_River__Brahmaputra  an Asian river; flows into the Bay of Bengal
     part:  Gan_Jiang__Kan_River  a river in southeastern China that flows generally north into the Chang Jiang north of Nanchang
     part:  Huang_He__Hwang_Ho__Yellow_River  a major river of Asia in northern China; flows generally eastward into the Yellow Sea; carries large quantities of yellow silt to its delta
     part:  Kunlun_Mountains__Kunlun__Kuenlun__Kuenlun_Mountains  a mountain range in China
        part:  Muztagh_Ata__Muz_Tagh_Ata  a mountain peak in the Kunlun range in China (24,760 feet high)
        part:  Ulugh_Muztagh__Ulugh_Muz_Tagh  a mountain in the Kunlun range in China (25,340 feet high)
     part:  Mekong_River__Mekong  an Asian river; flows through a large delta in southern Vietnam into the South China Sea
     part:  Nan_Ling  a mountain range in southeastern China running generally east to west
     part:  Tien_Shan__Tyan_Shan  a major mountain range of central Asia; extends 1,500 miles
        part:  Pobeda_Peak__Pobedy_Peak  a mountain peak in the Tien Shan mountains in northern India (24,406 feet high)
     part:  Chang_Jiang__Chang__Yangtze__Yangtze_River__Yangtze_Kiang  the longest river of Asia; flows eastward from Tibet into the East China Sea near Shanghai
     part:  Zhu_Jiangi__Canton_River__Chu_Kiang  a river in southeast China that flows into the South China Sea
  part:  Turkistan__Turkestan  a historical region of central Asia that was a center for trade between the East and the West
  part:  Canaan__Palestine__Holy_Land__Promised_Land  an ancient country is southwestern Asia on the east coast of the Mediterranean; a place of pilgrimage for Christianity and Islam and Judaism
     part:  Juda__Judah  an ancient kingdom of southern Palestine with Jerusalem as its center
     part:  Judea__Judaea  the southern part of the ancient Palestine succeeding the kingdom of Judah; a Roman province at the time of Christ
     part:  Philistia  an ancient region on the coast of southwestern Palestine that was strategically located on a trade route between Syria and Egypt; important in Biblical times
  part:  Roman_Empire  an empire including the lands in Europe and Africa and Asia that were ruled by ancient Rome
     part:  Holy_Roman_Empire__First_Reich  the lands ruled by Charlemagne; a continuation of the Roman Empire in Europe
     part:  Byzantine_Empire__Eastern_Roman_Empire  a continuation of the Roman Empire in the East after AD 330 when Constantine the Great rebuilt Byzantium and called it Constantinople and made it his capital
        part:  Byzantium  an ancient city on the Bosporus founded by the Greeks; site of modern Istanbul
  part:  Arabian_Peninsula__Arabia  a peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf; strategically important for its oil resources
     part:  Oman__Sultanate_of_Oman__Muscat_and_Oman  a strategically located monarchy on the southern and eastern coasts of the Arabian Peninsula; the economy is dominated by oil
        part:  Muscat__Masqat__capital_of_Oman  a port on the Gulf of Oman and capital of the sultanate of Oman
     part:  Qatar_Peninsula__Qatar__Katar__Katar_Peninsula  a peninsula extending northward from the Arabian mainland into the Persian Gulf
        part:  Qatar__State_of_Qatar__Katar__State_of_Katar  an Arab country on the peninsula of Qatar; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1971; the economy is dominated by oil
           part:  Doha__Bida__El_Beda__capital_of_Qatar  the capital and chief port of Qatar
     part:  Saudi_Arabia__Kingdom_of_Saudi_Arabia  a kingdom occupying most of the Arabian Peninsula in southwest Asia; vast oil reserves dominate the economy
        part:  Riyadh__capital_of_Saudi_Arabia  joint capital (with Mecca) of Saudi Arabia located in the central oasis; largest city in Saudi Arabia
        part:  Mecca  joint capital (with Riyadh) of Saudi Arabia; located in western Saudi Arabia; as the birthplace of Mohammed it is the holiest city of Islam
        part:  Medina__Al_Madinah  a city in western Saudi Arabia; site of the tomb of Mohammed; the second most holy city of Islam
        part:  Jiddah__Jidda  port city in western Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea
     part:  United_Arab_Emirates  a federation of seven Arab emirates on the eastern Arabian peninsula; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1971; rich in oil reserves
        part:  Abu_Dhabi__United_Arab_Emirates's_capital  a sheikhdom of eastern Arabia and capital of the United Arab Emirates
        part:  Dubai  port city in the United Arab Emirates on the Persian Gulf
     part:  Yemen__Republic_of_Yemen  a republic on the southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula on the Indian Ocean; formed in 1990 when North Yemen and South Yemen merged
        part:  Aden  chief port of Yemen; located on the Gulf of Aden; its strategic location have made it a major trading center of southern Arabia since ancient times
        part:  San'a__Sanaa__Sana  the capital and largest city of Yemen; on the central plateau
     part:  Arabian_Desert  a desert on the Arabian Peninsula in southwestern Asia
  part:  Bahrain__State_of_Bahrain__Bahrein  an island country in the Persian Gulf off the coast of Saudi Arabia; oil revenues funded progressive programs until reserves were exhausted in 1970s
     part:  Manama__capital_of_Bahrain  the capital of Bahrain; located at the northern end of Bahrain Island
  part:  Bangladesh__People's_Republic_of_Bangladesh__Bangla_Desh__East_Pakistan  a Moslem Republic in southern Asia bordered by India to the north and west and east and the Bay of Bengal to the south; formerly part of India and then part of Pakistan; it achieved independence in 1971
     part:  Dahka__Dacca__capital_of_Bangladesh  the capital and largest city of Bangladesh
     part:  Chittagong  a port city and industrial center in southeastern Bangladesh on the Bay of Bengal
     part:  Brahmaputra_River__Brahmaputra  an Asian river; flows into the Bay of Bengal
     part:  Ganges_River__Ganges  an Asian river; rises in the Himalayas and flows east into the Bay of Bengal; a sacred river of Hindu India
  part:  Bhutan__Kingdom_of_Bhutan  a landlocked principality in the Himalayas northeast of India
  part:  India__Republic_of_India__Bharat  a republic in the Asian subcontinent in southern Asia; second most populous country in the world; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1947
     part:  Lucknow  the British were besieged during the Indian Mutiny (1857)
     part:  battle_of_Panipat__Panipat  battle in which the ruler of Afghanistan defeated the Mahrattas in 1761
     part:  battle_of_Plassey__Plassey  the victory in 1757 by the British under Clive over Siraj-ud-daula that establish British supremacy over India
     part:  Assam  state in northeastern India
     part:  Manipur  state in northeastern India
     part:  Hindustan  northern region of India where Hinduism predominates
     part:  Sikkim  a geographical area and former kingdom in northeastern India in the Himalaya Mountains between Nepal and Bhutan
     part:  Kanara__Canara  a historical region of southwestern India on the west coast
     part:  Punjab  a historical region on northwestern India and northern Pakistan
     part:  Delhi__Old_Delhi  a city in north-central India
        part:  New_Delhi__Indian_capital__capital_of_India  the capital of India is a division of the old city of Delhi
     part:  Calcutta  the largest city in India and one of the largest cities in the world; located in eastern India; suffers from poverty and overcrowding
     part:  Bombay__Greater_Bombay  a city in western India just off the coast of the Arabian Sea; India's 2nd largest city (after Calcutta); has the only natural deep-water harbor in western India
     part:  Agra  a city in northern India; former capital of the Mogul empire; site of the Taj Mahal
     part:  Hyderabad  a city in south central India in Andhra Pradesh
     part:  Chennai__Madras  a city in Tamil Nadu on the Bay of Bengal; formerly Madras
     part:  Salem.India__salem  a city in southern India
     part:  Andhra_Pradesh  a state of southeastern India on the Bay of Bengal
     part:  Bihar  a state of northeastern India
     part:  Goa  a state of southwestern India; a former Portuguese colony
     part:  Gujarat__Gujerat  an industrialized state in western India that includes parts of Bombay
     part:  Tamil_Nadu__Madras  a state in southeastern India on the Bay of Bengal (south of Andhra Pradesh); formerly Madras
     part:  Gujerat__Gujarat  a region of western India north of Bombay (bordering the Arabian Sea) where Gujarati is spoken
     part:  Maharashtra  a historical area in west-central India
     part:  Orissa  state in eastern India on the Bay of Bengal
     part:  Nilgiri_Hills  hills in southern India
     part:  Kashmir__Cashmere  an area in southwestern Asia whose sovereignty is disputed between Pakistan and India
        part:  Karakoram_Range__Karakoram__Karakorum_Range__Mustagh__Mustagh_Range  a mountain range in northern Kashmir; an extension of the Hindu Kush; contains the 2nd highest peak
           part:  Gasherbrum  a mountain in northern Kashmir (26,470 feet high)
           part:  K2'__Godwin_Austen__Mount_Godwin_Austen__Dapsang  a mountain peak in the Karakoram Range in northern Kashmir; the 2nd highest peak in the world (28,250 feet high)
           part:  Rakaposhi  a mountain peak in the Karakoram Range in northern Kashmir (25,560 feet high)
        part:  Nanga_Parbat  a mountain in the Himalayas in Kashmir (26,660 feet high)
     part:  Brahmaputra_River__Brahmaputra  an Asian river; flows into the Bay of Bengal
     part:  Ganges_River__Ganges  an Asian river; rises in the Himalayas and flows east into the Bay of Bengal; a sacred river of Hindu India
     part:  Himalayas__Himalaya_Mountains__the_Himalaya  a mountain range extending 1500 miles on the border between India and Tibet; this range contains the world's highest mountain
        part:  Annapurna__Anapurna  a mountain in the Himalayas in Nepal (26,500 feet high)
        part:  Changtzu  a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal (24,780 feet high)
        part:  Dhaulagiri  a mountain in the Himalayas in Nepal (26,820 feet high)
        part:  Mount_Everest__Everest__Mt._Everest  a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal; the highest mountain peak in the world (29,028 feet high)
        part:  Gosainthan  a mountain in the Himalayas in Tibet (26,290 feet high)
        part:  Kamet  a mountain in the Himalayas in northern India (25,450 feet high)
        part:  Kanchenjunga__Kanchanjanga__Kinchinjunga  a mountain the Himalayas on the border between Nepal and Tibet (28,146 feet high)
        part:  Lhotse  a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal (27,890 feet high)
        part:  Makalu  a mountain in the Himalayas in Nepal (27,790 feet high)
        part:  Nanda_Devi  a mountain in the Himalayas in northern India (25,660 feet high)
        part:  Nanga_Parbat  a mountain in the Himalayas in Kashmir (26,660 feet high)
        part:  Nuptse  a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal (25,726 feet high)
     part:  Kamet  a mountain in the Himalayas in northern India (25,450 feet high)
     part:  Nanda_Devi  a mountain in the Himalayas in northern India (25,660 feet high)
     part:  Pobeda_Peak__Pobedy_Peak  a mountain peak in the Tien Shan mountains in northern India (24,406 feet high)
     part:  Tien_Shan__Tyan_Shan  a major mountain range of central Asia; extends 1,500 miles
  part:  Nepal__Kingdom_of_Nepal  a small Asian country high in the Himalayas between India and Tibet
     part:  Kathmandu__Katmandu__capital_of_Nepal  the capital and largest city of Nepal
     part:  Annapurna__Anapurna  a mountain in the Himalayas in Nepal (26,500 feet high)
     part:  Changtzu  a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal (24,780 feet high)
     part:  Dhaulagiri  a mountain in the Himalayas in Nepal (26,820 feet high)
     part:  Mount_Everest__Everest__Mt._Everest  a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal; the highest mountain peak in the world (29,028 feet high)
     part:  Himalayas__Himalaya_Mountains__the_Himalaya  a mountain range extending 1500 miles on the border between India and Tibet; this range contains the world's highest mountain
     part:  Kanchenjunga__Kanchanjanga__Kinchinjunga  a mountain the Himalayas on the border between Nepal and Tibet (28,146 feet high)
     part:  Lhotse  a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal (27,890 feet high)
     part:  Makalu  a mountain in the Himalayas in Nepal (27,790 feet high)
     part:  Nuptse  a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal (25,726 feet high)
  part:  Tibet__Thibet__Xizang__Sitsang  an Asian country under the control of China; located in the Himalayas
     part:  Lhasa__Lassa__capital_of_Tibet__Forbidden_City  the sacred city of Lamaism; known as the Forbidden City for its former inaccessibility and hostility to strangers
     part:  Changtzu  a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal (24,780 feet high)
     part:  Mount_Everest__Everest__Mt._Everest  a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal; the highest mountain peak in the world (29,028 feet high)
     part:  Gosainthan  a mountain in the Himalayas in Tibet (26,290 feet high)
     part:  Himalayas__Himalaya_Mountains__the_Himalaya  a mountain range extending 1500 miles on the border between India and Tibet; this range contains the world's highest mountain
     part:  Kanchenjunga__Kanchanjanga__Kinchinjunga  a mountain the Himalayas on the border between Nepal and Tibet (28,146 feet high)
     part:  Lhotse  a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal (27,890 feet high)
     part:  Makalu  a mountain in the Himalayas in Nepal (27,790 feet high)
     part:  Nuptse  a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal (25,726 feet high)
  part:  Iran__Islamic_Republic_of_Iran__Persia  a theocratic republic in the Middle East in western Asia; Iran was the core of the ancient Persian Empire and was known as Persia until 1935; rich in oil
     part:  Teheran__Tehran__capital_of_Iran__Iranian_capital  the capital and largest city of Iran; located in northern Iran
     part:  Abadan  a port city in southwestern Iran
     part:  Mashhad__Meshed  the holy city of Shiite Muslims; located in northeastern Iran
     part:  Isfahan__Esfahan__Aspadana  city in central Iran; former capital of Persia
     part:  Shiraz  a city in central southwestern Iran; ruins of ancient Persepolis are nearby
     part:  Tabriz  an ancient city in northwestern Iran; known for hot springs
     part:  Qum  a city in northwestern Iran; a place of pilgrimage for Shiite Muslims
     part:  Persepolis  an ancient city that was the capital of the ancient Persian Empire; now in ruins
     part:  Demavend  an active volcano in northern Iran
     part:  Caspian_Sea__Caspian  a large saltwater lake between Iran and Russia fed by the Volga River; the largest inland body of water in the world
  part:  Persia__Persian_Empire  an empire in South Asia created by Cyrus the Great in the 6th century BC and destroyed by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC
  part:  Iraq__Republic_of_Iraq__Al-Iraq__Irak  a republic in the Middle East in western Asia; the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia was in the area now known as Iraq
     part:  Baghdad__Bagdad__capital_of_Iraq  capital and largest city of Iraq; located on the Tigris River; "Baghdad is one of the great cities of the Moslem world"
     part:  Basra__Basia  an oil port in southern Iraq
     part:  Mosul  a city in northern Iraq on the River Tigris across from the ruins of Nineveh
     part:  Mesopotamia  the land between the Tigris and Euphrates; site of several ancient civilizations; part of what is now known as Iraq
        part:  Babylon  the chief city of ancient Mesopotamia and capitol of the ancient kingdom of Babylonia
           part:  Hanging_Gardens_of_Babylon  terraced garden at Babylon watered by pumps from the Euphrates; construction attributed to Nebuchadnezzar around 600 BC; one of the seven wonders of the ancient world
           part:  Tower_of_Babel__Babel  (Genesis 11:1-11) a tower built by Noah's descendants (probably in Babylon) who intended it to reach up to heaven; God foiled them by confusing their language so they could no longer understand one another
        part:  Babylonia  an ancient kingdom in southern Mesopotamia; Babylonia conquered Israel in the 6th century BC and exiled the Jews to Babylon (where the Prophet Daniel became a counselor to the king)
           part:  battle_of_Cunaxa__Cunaxa  battle in 401 BC when the Persian King Artaxerxes II defeated his younger brother who tried to usurp the throne
           part:  Sumer  an area in the southern region of Babylonia in present-day Iraq; site of the Sumerian civilization of city-states that flowered during the third millennium BC
              part:  Ur  an ancient city of Sumer located on a former channel of the Euphrates River
        part:  Assyria  an ancient kingdom in northern Mesopotamia which is in present-day Iraq
           part:  Assur__Asur__Ashur  an ancient Assyrian city on the River Tigris and traditional capital of Assyria; just south of the modern city of Mosul in Iraq
           part:  Nineveh  an ancient Assyrian city on the River Tigris across from the modern city of Mosul in the northern part of what is now known a Iraq
     part:  Babylonia  an ancient kingdom in southern Mesopotamia; Babylonia conquered Israel in the 6th century BC and exiled the Jews to Babylon (where the Prophet Daniel became a counselor to the king)
     part:  Sumer  an area in the southern region of Babylonia in present-day Iraq; site of the Sumerian civilization of city-states that flowered during the third millennium BC
     part:  Assyria  an ancient kingdom in northern Mesopotamia which is in present-day Iraq
     part:  Assur__Asur__Ashur  an ancient Assyrian city on the River Tigris and traditional capital of Assyria; just south of the modern city of Mosul in Iraq
     part:  Nineveh  an ancient Assyrian city on the River Tigris across from the modern city of Mosul in the northern part of what is now known a Iraq
     part:  Euphrates_River__Euphrates  a river in southwestern Asia; flows into the Persian Gulf; was important in the development of several great civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia
     part:  Tigris_River__Tigris  an Asian river; a tributary of the Euphrates River
  part:  Japan__Nippon__Nihon  a constitutional monarchy occupying the Japanese Archipelago; a world leader in electronics and automobile manufacture and ship building
     part:  Kammon_Strait_Bridge  a suspension bridge between Kyushu and Honshu
     part:  Ryukyu_Islands  a chain of 55 islands in the western Pacific southwest of Japan (returned by United States to Japan in 1972)
        part:  Okinawa  the largest island of the central Ryukyu Islands
           part:  Okinawa_campaign__Okinawa  a campaign in the closing days of World War II in the Pacific (April to June 1945); in savage close-quarter fighting US marines and regular army troops took the island from the Japanese; considered the greatest victory of the Pacific campaign for the Americans
           part:  Naha_City  the chief city in the Ryukyu Islands
     part:  Fuji-san__Fuji__Fujiyama  an extinct volcano in south central Honshu; last erupted in 1707; famous for its symmetrical snow-capped peak
  part:  Jordan__Hashemite_Kingdom_of_Jordan  an Arab kingdom in southwestern Asia on the Red Sea
     part:  Jordan_River__Jordan  a river in Palestine that empties into the Dead Sea; John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan
     part:  Amman__capital_of_Jordan  the capital and largest city of Jordan
     part:  Aqaba__Akaba  Jordan's port; located in southwestern Jordan on the Gulf of Aqaba
     part:  Jericho  a village in Jordan near the north end of the Dead Sea; in the Old Testament it was the first place taken by the Israelites under Joshua as the entered the Promised Land
     part:  Zarqa__Az_Zarqa  city in northwestern Jordan
     part:  Dead_Sea  a saltwater lake on the border between Israel and Jordan; its surface in 1292 feet below sea level
  part:  Kuwait__State_of_Kuwait__Koweit  an Arab kingdom in Asia on the northwestern coast of the Persian Gulf; a major source of petroleum
     part:  Kuwait_City__capital_of_Kuwait__Kuwait__Koweit  a seaport on the Persian Gulf and capital of Kuwait
  part:  Korea__Korean_Peninsula__Choson  an Asian peninsula (off Manchuria) separating the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan; the Korean name is Choson
     part:  Chino-Japanese_War  ware between China and Japan over control of Korea; China was defeated; 1894-1895
     part:  Korean_War  a war between North and South Korea; South Korea was aided by the United States and other members of the United Nations; 1950-1953
        part:  Inchon  a battle in the Korean War (1950); US forces landed at Inchon
        part:  Yalu_River  a battle in the Korean War (November 1950); when UN troops advanced north to the Yalu River 200,000 Chinese troops crossed the river and drove them back
     part:  North_Korea__Democratic_People's_Republic_of_Korea  a communist country in the northern half of the Korean Peninsula; established in 1948
        part:  Yalu_River  a battle in the Korean War (November 1950); when UN troops advanced north to the Yalu River 200,000 Chinese troops crossed the river and drove them back
        part:  Pyongyang__capital_of_North_Korea  capital of North Korea and an industrial center; "Pyongyang is Korea's oldest city but little of its history has been preserved"
        part:  Yalu__Yalu_River  river in eastern Asia; rises in North Korea and flows southwest to Korea Bay (forming part of the border between North Korea and China)
     part:  South_Korea__Republic_of_Korea  a republic in the southern half of the Korean Peninsula; established in 1948
        part:  Inchon  a battle in the Korean War (1950); US forces landed at Inchon
        part:  Seoul__capital_of_South_Korea  the capital and largest city of South Korea; located in northwestern South Korea
        part:  Incheon__Inchon__Chemulpo  a port city in western South Korea on the Yellow Sea
        part:  Kwangju  city in southwestern South Korea; an important military base during the Korean War
        part:  Taegu__Tegu  a city in southeastern South Korea
        part:  Pusan  a city in southeastern South Korea on the Korean Strait; the chief port and second largest city
  part:  Lebanon__Lebanese_Republic  an Asian republic at east end of Mediterranean
     part:  Beirut__capital_of_Lebanon  capital and largest city of Lebanon; located in western Lebanon on the Mediterranean
     part:  Tarabulus__Tripoli  a port in northern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea
     part:  Saida__Sidon  the main city of ancient Phoenicia
     part:  Sur__Tyre  a port in southern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea; formerly a major Phoenician seaport famous for silks
  part:  Malay_Peninsula  a peninsula in southeastern Asia occupied by parts of Malaysia and Thailand and Myanmar
     part:  Myanmar__Union_of_Burma__Burma  a mountainous republic in southeastern Asia on the Bay of Bengal; "much opium is grown in Myanmar"
     part:  West_Malaysia  the region of Malaysia on the Malay Peninsula
     part:  Thailand__Kingdom_of_Thailand__Siam  country of southeastern Asia that extends southward along the isthmus of Kra to the Malay peninsula; "Thailand is the official name of the former Siam"
  part:  Mongolia  a vast region in Asia including the Mongolian People's Republic and China's Inner Mongolia
     part:  Outer_Mongolia__Mongolia__Mongolian_People's_Republic  a landlocked socialist republic in central Asia
        part:  Ulan_Bator__Ulaanbaatar__Urga__Kulun__capital_of_Mongolia  the capital and largest city of Mongolia
        part:  Gobi_Desert__Gobi  a desert in central Asia
  part:  Pakistan__Islamic_Republic_of_Pakistan__West_Pakistan  a Moslem republic in southern Asia; formerly part of India; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1947
     part:  Punjab  a historical region on northwestern India and northern Pakistan
     part:  Kashmir__Cashmere  an area in southwestern Asia whose sovereignty is disputed between Pakistan and India
     part:  Islamabad__capital_of_Pakistan  the capital of Pakistan in the north on a plateau; the site was chosen in 1959
     part:  Karachi  the largest city in Pakistan; located in southeastern Pakistan; an industrial center and seaport on the Arabian Sea; former capital of Pakistan
     part:  Lahore  city in northeast Pakistan
     part:  Faisalabad__Lyallpur  city in northeast Pakistan
     part:  Hindu_Kush_Mountains__Hindu_Kush  a mountain range extending west of the Himalayas
     part:  Indus_River__Indus  an Asian river; flows into the Arabian Sea
     part:  Tirich_Mir  a mountain in the Hindu Kush in Pakistan (25,230 feet high)
  part:  Parthia  an ancient country in Asia on the Caspian Sea; dominated southwestern Asia from about 100 BC to 200 AD
  part:  Armenia__Republic_of_Armenia__Hayastan  a republic in southwestern Asia; formerly an Asian Soviet; throughout 2500 years the Armenian people have been invaded and oppressed by their neighbors
     part:  Yerevan__Jerevan__Erivan__capital_of_Armenia  capital of Armenia
     part:  Aras__Araxes  a river that rises in northeastern Turkey (near the source of the Euphrates) and flows generally eastward through Armenia to the Caspian Sea; ancient name was Araxes
  part:  Azerbaijan__Azerbaijani_Republic__Azerbajdzhan__Azerbajdzhan_Republic  a landlocked republic in southwestern Asia; formerly an Asian Soviet
     part:  Baku__capital_of_Azerbaijan  a port city on the Caspian Sea that is the capital of Azerbaijan and an important center for oil production
  part:  Kazakhstan__Republic_of_Kazakhstan__Kazakstan__Kazakh__Kazak  a landlocked republic south of Russia and northeast of the Caspian Sea; the original Turkic-speaking inhabitants were overrun by Mongols in the 13th century; an Asian Soviet from 1936 to 1991
     part:  Almaty__Alma-Ata  the largest city in Kazakhstan and the capital until 1998
  part:  Kyrgystan__Kyrgyz_Republic__Kirghizia__Kirgizia__Kirghiz__Kirgiz__Kirghizstan__Kirgizstan  a landlocked republic in west central Asia bordering on northwestern China; formerly an Asian Soviet
     part:  Bishkek__Biskek__Frunze__capital_of_Kyrgystan  the capital of Kyrgystan (known as Frunze 1926-1991)
  part:  Tajikistan__Republic_of_Tajikistan__Tadzhikistan__Tadzhik__Tadjik__Tajik  a landlocked mountainous republic in southeast central Asia north of Afghanistan; formerly an Asian Soviet
     part:  Dushanbe__Dusanbe__Dyushambe__Stalinabad__capital_of_Tajikistan  the capital of Tajikistan; formerly Stalinabad 1926-1991
  part:  Turkmenistan__Turkomen__Turkmen__Turkmenia  a republic in Asia east of the Caspian Sea and south of Kazakhstan and north of Iran; an Asian Soviet from 1925 to 1991
     part:  Ashkhabad__capital_of_Turkmenistan  the capital and largest city of Turkmenistan
  part:  Uzbekistan__Republic_of_Uzbekistan__Uzbek  a landlocked republic in west central Asia; formerly an Asian Soviet
     part:  Tashkent__Taskent__capital_of_Uzbek  the capital of Uzbekistan
     part:  Samarkand__Samarcand  city in southern Uzbekistan; Tamerlane's opulent capital in the 14th century
  part:  Syria__Syrian_Arab_Republic  an Asian republic in the Middle East at the east end of the Mediterranean; site of some of the world's most ancient centers of civilization
     part:  Damascus__capital_of_Syria  an ancient city (widely regarded as the world's oldest) and present capital and largest city of Syria; according to the New Testament, the Apostle Paul (then known as Saul) underwent a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus
     part:  Aleppo__Alep  a city in northwestern Syria
     part:  Euphrates_River__Euphrates  a river in southwestern Asia; flows into the Persian Gulf; was important in the development of several great civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia
     part:  Tigris_River__Tigris  an Asian river; a tributary of the Euphrates River
  part:  Ottoman_Empire__Turkish_Empire  an empire created by the Ottoman Turks in the 13th century and that lasted until the end of World War I
  part:  Kura_River__Kura  a river in western Asia; rises in northeast Turkey and flows to the Caspian Sea

15 statements are about Asia
     [a cafe,
          cuisine_origin: Asia,
          name: "Lemon Grass Asian Cafe",
          phone_No: "(07) 5449-8833",
          address: "255 Gympie Tce, Noosaville",
          City_Search_ID: 4.51221e+07,
          latitude: -263969,
          longitude: 1.53066e+06]

     [a cafe,
          cuisine_origin: {Australia,Asia},
          name: "Boathouse Cafe",
          phone_No: "(07) 5474-4444",
          address: "142 Gympie Tce, Noosaville",
          City_Search_ID: 4.5722e+07,
          latitude: -263983,
          longitude: 1.53061e+06]

     [a restaurant,
          cuisine_origin: {Australia,Asia},
          name: "Spirit House Restaurant",
          phone_No: "(07) 5446-8994",
          address: "4 Ninderry Rd, Yandina",
          City_Search_ID: 4.51343e+07,
          latitude: -265476,
          longitude: 1.52962e+06]

     [a restaurant,
          cuisine_origin: Asia,
          name: "Chinois On Hastings",
          phone_No: "(07) 5449-2200",
          address: "18 Hastings St, Noosa Heads",
          City_Search_ID: 4.51172e+07,
          latitude: -263871,
          longitude: 1.53092e+06]

     [a cafe,
          cuisine_origin: Asia,
          name: "Lazuli Blue Cafe",
          phone_No: "(07) 5448-0055",
          address: "9 Sunshine Beach Rd, Noosa Junction",
          latitude: about -264003,
          longitude: about 1.53063e+06]

     [a restaurant,
          cuisine_origin: Asia,
          name: "Spice Mix Restaurant",
          phone_No: "(07) 5444-6777",
          address: "120 Brisbane Rd, Mooloolaba",
          latitude: about -266905,
          longitude: about 1.53114e+06]

     [a restaurant,
          cuisine_origin: Asia,
          name: "Sunflower Singapore Restaurant",
          phone_No: "(07) 5479-4688",
          address: "1 Maroochy Waters Shopng Cntr, Maroochydore",
          City_Search_ID: 4.51324e+07,
          latitude: -266475,
          longitude: 1.53068e+06]

     [a cafe,
          cuisine_origin: Asia,
          name: "Swell Times Cafe",
          phone_No: "(07) 5474-8555",
          address: "8 Lanyana Way, Noosa Junction",
          City_Search_ID: 4.51343e+07,
          latitude: -263985,
          longitude: 1.53091e+06]

     [a restaurant,
          cuisine_origin: Asia,
          name: "Wok In Noosa",
          phone_No: "(07) 5448-0372",
          address: "77 Noosa Drv, Noosa Heads",
          City_Search_ID: 4.51343e+07,
          latitude: -263954,
          longitude: 1.5309e+06]

     [a restaurant,
          cuisine_origin: Asia,
          name: "The Asian Alternative",
          phone_No: "(07) 5493-7744",
          address: "9 Warana Shpng Cntr, Warana",
          latitude: around -267175,
          longitude: around 1.53137e+06]

     [a sushi_bar,
          cuisine_origin: Asia,
          name: "Eu-Sushi",
          phone_No: "(07) 5471-1069",
          address: "1/95 Eumundi Memorial Drv, Eumundi",
          City_Search_ID: 4.59275e+07,
          latitude: -264757,
          longitude: 1.52951e+06]

     [a restaurant,
          cuisine_origin: Asia,
          name: "Jackie's Laksa House",
          phone_No: "(07) 5456-1688",
          address: "9/86 Burnett St, Buderim",
          City_Search_ID: 4.59259e+07,
          latitude: -266880,
          longitude: 1.53048e+06]

     [a restaurant,
          cuisine_origin: Asia,
          name: "The Master Wok",
          phone_No: "(07) 5449-9935",
          address: "187 Gympie Tce, Noosaville",
          City_Search_ID: 4.5717e+07,
          latitude: -263983,
          longitude: 1.5306e+06]

     [a restaurant,
          cuisine_origin: Asia,
          name: "Rasa Modern Asian Restaurant",
          phone_No: "(07) 5474-0263",
          address: "255 Gympie Tce, Noosaville",
          City_Search_ID: 4.51184e+07,
          latitude: -263969,
          longitude: 1.53066e+06]

     [a restaurant,
          cuisine_origin: Asia,
          name: "Sabai Sabai",
          phone_No: "(07) 5473-5177",
          address: "46 Duke St, Sunshine Beach",
          City_Search_ID: 4.57657e+07,
          latitude: -264058,
          longitude: 1.5311e+06]

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