sumo#object__entity_with_spatial_feature spatial object (space, location or physical object) or description medium/container (e.g., string, language, image); in a 4D ontology, an object is something whose spatiotemporal extent is thought of as dividing into spatial parts roughly parallel to the time-axis closed_exclusion: sumo#abstract sumo#process supertype: pm#entity (pm) sumo#physical subtype: pm#spatial_object__spatialobject object which as a direct spatial location, e.g., physical object, spatial region or shape subtype: pm#space point or extent in space subtype: sumo#region topographic location, e.g., object surface, imaginary place, and geographic_Area; a region is the only kind of object which can be sumo#located at itself; sumo#region is not a subclass of sumo#self_connected_object because some regions, e.g., archipelagos, have parts which are not connected with one another subtype: dl#feature__F e.g., hole, gulf, bundary subtype: dl#dependent_place__dependentplace subtype: dl#relevant_part subtype: dl#physical_place subtype: dl#geographical_object subtype: #space the unlimited 3-dimensional expanse in which everything is located; "they tested his ability to locate objects in space" subtype: #absolute_space physical space independent of what occupies it subtype: #location a point or extent in space subtype: #here the present location; this place; "where do we go from here?" subtype: #there a location other than here; that place; "you can take it from there" subtype: #home the country or state or city where you live; "Canadian tariffs enabled United States lumber companies to raise prices at home"; "his home is New Jersey" subtype: #base.location__home the place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end subtype: #Earth the abode of mortals (as contrasted with heaven or hell); "it was hell on earth" subtype: #line.location a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent subtype: #part.line a line where the hair is parted; "his part was right in the middle" subtype: #axis a straight line through a body or figure that satisfies certain conditions subtype: #coordinate_axis one of the fixed reference lines of a coordinate system subtype: #x-axis the horizontal axis in a plane coordinate system subtype: #y-axis the vertical axis in a plane coordinate system subtype: #z-axis the third axis in a 3-dimensional coordinate system subtype: #major_axis the longest axis of an ellipse or ellipsoid; passes through the two foci subtype: #semimajor_axis one-half the major axis of an ellipse; the distance from the center of an ellipse to one end subtype: #minor_axis the shorter or shortest axis of an ellipse or ellipsoid subtype: #semiminor_axis one-half the minor axis of an ellipse subtype: #principal_axis__optic_axis a line that passes through the center of curvature of a lens so that light is neither reflected nor refracted subtype: #aclinic_line__aclinicline__magnetic_equator an imaginary line paralleling the equator where a magnetic needle has no dip subtype: #agonic_line an imaginary line connecting points on the Earth's surface where the magnetic declination is zero subtype: #isogonic_line__isogonal_line__isogone an imaginary line connecting points on the Earth's surface where the magnetic declination is the same subtype: #crest the top line of a hill, mountain, or wave subtype: #timber_line__timberline__tree_line line marking the upper limit of tree growth in mountains or northern latitudes subtype: #snow_line the line on a mountain above which there is perpetual snow and ice subtype: #fault_line__faultline (geology) line determined by the intersection of a geological fault and the earth's surface subtype: #great_circle__greatcircle a circular line on the surface of a sphere formed by intersecting it with a plane passing through the center subtype: #celestial_equator__celestialequator__equinoctial_circle__equinoctialcircle__equinoctial_line__equinoctialline__equinoctial the great circle on the celestial sphere midway between the celestial poles subtype: #right_ascension an arc of the celestial equator eastward from the vernal equinox subtype: #ecliptic the great circle representing the apparent annual path of the sun; the plane of the Earth's orbit around the sun; makes an angle of about 23 degrees with the equator; "all of the planets rotate the sun in approximately the same ecliptic" subtype: #equator an imaginary line around the Earth forming the great circle that is equidistant from the north and south poles; "the equator is the boundary between the northern and southern hemispheres" subtype: #celestial_horizon__celestialhorizon__horizon the great circle on the celestial sphere whose plane passes through the sensible horizon and the center of the Earth subtype: #hour_circle a great circle on the celestial sphere that passes through both celestial poles subtype: #meridian__longitude__line_of_longitude an imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth passing through the north and south poles at right angles to the equator; "all points on the same meridian have the same longitude" subtype: #observer's_meridian a meridian that passes through the observer's zenith subtype: #prime_meridian__primemeridian meridian at zero degree longitude from which east and west are reckoned (usually the Greenwich (England) longitude) subtype: #magnetic_meridian an imaginary line passing through both magnetic poles of the Earth subtype: #date_line__dateline__International_Date_Line an imaginary line on the surface of the earth following (approximately) the 180th meridian subtype: #vertical_circle a great circle on the celestial sphere passing through the zenith and perpendicular to the horizon subtype: #hemline the line formed by the lower edge of a skirt or coat subtype: #hipline.line the line formed by the lower edge of hip-length garment subtype: #hipline the line formed by measuring the hip at its greatest part subtype: #apparent_horizon__horizon__visible_horizon__visiblehorizon__sensible_horizon__skyline the line at which the sky and Earth appear to meet subtype: #isogram__isopleth__isarithm a line drawn on a map connecting points having the same numerical value of some variable subtype: #isobar an isogram connecting points having equal barometric pressure at a given time subtype: #isochrone an isogram connecting points at which something occurs or arrives at the same time subtype: #isohel an isogram connecting points receiving equal amounts of sunshine subtype: #isotherm an isogram connecting points having the same temperature at a given time subtype: #flight_line place where airplanes are parked and the maintenance hangars (but not the runways or taxiways) subtype: #line_of_sight__line_of_vision a straight line along which an observer looks subtype: #parallel_of_latitude__latitude__line_of_latitude__parallel an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator subtype: #polar_circle__polarcircle a line of latitude at the north or south poles instance: #Antarctic_Circle #Arctic_Circle subtype: #horse_latitude__horselatitude either of two belts or regions near 30 degrees north or 30 degrees south; characterized by calms and light baffling winds subtype: #tropic either of two parallels of latitude about 23.5 degrees north and south of the equator representing the points farthest north and south at which the sun can shine directly overhead and constituting the boundaries of the torrid zone or tropics instance: #Tropic_of_Cancer #Tropic_of_Capricorn subtype: #lunar_latitude__lunarlatitude an imaginary line around the moon parallel to its equator subtype: #itinerary__path__route an established line of travel or access subtype: #feeder_line a branching path off of a main transportation line (especially an airline) subtype: #main_line the principal route of a transportation system subtype: #data_track__track (computer science) one of the circular magnetic paths on a magnetic disk that serve as a guide for writing and reading data subtype: #air_lane__airlane__flight_path__airway a designated route followed by airplanes in flying from one airport to another subtype: #approach_path__approach__glide_path__glidepath__glide_slope__glideslope the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing subtype: #traffic_pattern__trafficpattern__approach_pattern__pattern the path that is prescribed for an airplane that is preparing to land at an airport; "the traffic patterns around O'Hare are very crowded"; "they stayed in the pattern until the fog lifted" subtype: #flight_path the path of an aircraft or rocket through the air subtype: #beat.itinerary__round a regular route for a sentry or policeman; "in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew all his people by name" subtype: #bus_route__busroute the route regularly followed by a passenger bus subtype: #line_of_flight the path along which a freely moving object travels through the air subtype: #line_of_march.itinerary__lineofmarch the route along which a column advances subtype: #celestial_orbit__celestialorbit__orbit the (usually elliptical) path described by one celestial body in its revolution about another; "he plotted the orbit of the moon" subtype: #geosynchronous_orbit a circular orbit around the Earth having a period of 24 hours subtype: #geostationary_orbit__geostationaryorbit a geosynchronous orbit that is fixed with respect to a position on the Earth subtype: #electron_orbit__orbit the path of an electron around the nucleus of an atom subtype: #beeline the most direct route; "he made a beeline for the bathroom" subtype: #circuit.itinerary an established itinerary of venues or events that a particular group of people travel to; "she's a familiar name on the club circuit"; "on the lecture circuit"; "the judge makes a circuit of the courts in his district"; "the international tennis circuit" subtype: #crosscut a diagonal path subtype: #supply_line__supply_route a route over which supplies can be delivered subtype: #line_of_fire the path of a missile discharged from a firearm subtype: #migration_route__migrationroute__flyway the geographic route along which birds customarily migrate subtype: #fairway.itinerary the usual course taken by vessels through a harbor or costal waters subtype: #direction.itinerary__way a line leading to a place or point: "he looked the other direction"; "didn't know the way home" subtype: #bearing.direction__heading__aim the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies subtype: #tack.bearing the heading or position of a vessel relative to the trim of its sails subtype: #course.direction__trend general line of orientation: "the river takes a southern course"; "the northeastern trend of the coast" subtype: #tendency.direction__trend a general direction in which something tends to move: "the shoreward tendency of the current"; "the trend of the stock market" subtype: #trade_route__traderoute a route followed by traders (usually in caravans) instance: #Silk_Road subtype: #Northwest_Passage a water route between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans along the northern coast of North America; Europeans since the 16th century had searched for a short route to the Far East before it was successfully traversed by Roald Amundsen (1903-1906) subtype: #quarter-circle__quartercircle__quadrant a quarter of the circumference of a circle subtype: #rhumb_line__rhumbline__rhumb a line on a sphere that cuts all meridians at the same angle; the path taken by a ship or plane that maintains a constant compass direction subtype: #danger_line a line beyond which it is dangerous to go subtype: #side.line a line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure; "the hypotenuse of a right triangle is always the longest side" subtype: #waterline__water_line__waterline__water_level a line corresponding to the surface of the water when the vessel is afloat on an even keel; often painted on the hull of a ship subtype: #load_line__Plimsoll_line__Plimsoll_mark__Plimsoll waterlines to show the level the water should reach when the ship is properly loaded subtype: #water_line__waterline__watermark a line marking the level reached by a body of water subtype: #high-water_mark a line marking the highest level reached subtype: #low-water_mark__lowwatermark a line marking the lowest level reached subtype: #watershed__water_parting__waterparting__divide a line that divides two adjacent river systems subtype: #continental_divide__continentaldivide the watershed of a continent (especially the watershed of North America formed by a series of mountain ridges) instance: #Great_Divide__Great_Dividing_Range subtype: #path.line__track__course a line or route along which something travels or moves: "the hurricane demolished houses in its path"; "the track of an animal"; "the course of the river" subtype: #collision_course.path__collisioncourse a course of a moving object that will lead to a collision if it continues unchanged subtype: #inside_track.path__insidetrack the inner side of a curved racecourse subtype: #round.path the course along which communications spread; "the story is going the rounds in Washington" subtype: #steps__step the course along which a person has walked or is walking in; "I followed in his steps"; "he retraced his steps" subtype: #swath.path__belt a path or strip (as cut by one course of mowing) subtype: #trail.path a track or mark left by something that has passed; "there as a trail of blood"; "a tear left its trail on her cheek" subtype: #slot.trail the trail of an animal (especially a deer) subtype: #spoor the trail left by a person or an animal; what the hunter follows in pursuing game; "the hounds followed the fox's spoor" subtype: #line_of_force__field_line__fieldline an imaginary line in a field of force; direction of the line at any point is the direction of the force at that point subtype: #electrical_line_of_force a line of force in an electrical field subtype: #magnetic_line_of_force a line of force in a magnetic field subtype: #point the precise location of something; a spatially limited location; "she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street" subtype: #punctum (anatomy) a point or small area subtype: #blind_spot__blindspot__optic_disc__opticdisc__optic_disk__opticdisk the point where the optic nerve enters the retina; not sensitive to light subtype: #navel__umbilicu__bellybutton__omphalos__omphalus scar where the umbilical cord was attached subtype: #McBurney's_point a point one third of the way along a line drawn from the hip to the umbilicus; the point of maximum sensitivity in acute appendicitis subtype: #origin.point the point of intersection of coordinate axes; where the values of the coordinates are all zero subtype: #node.point (physics) the point of minimum displacement in a periodic system subtype: #antinode (physics) the point of maximum displacement in a periodic system subtype: #origin__root__rootage__source__beginning the place where something begins, where it springs into being; "the Italian beginning of the Renaissance"; "Jupiter was the origin of the radiation"; "Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River"; "communism's Russian root" subtype: #derivation.beginning the source from which something derives (i.e. comes or issues); "he prefers shoes of Italian derivation" subtype: #spring.beginning a point at which water issues forth subtype: #headspring__fountainhead__head the source of water from which a stream arises; "they tracked him back toward the head of the stream" subtype: #headwaters the source of a river; "the headwaters of the Nile" subtype: #wellspring__wellhead the source of water for a well subtype: #jumping-off_place__jumpingoffplace__jumping-off_point__jumpingoffpoint a place from which an enterprise or expedition is launched subtype: #birthplace__cradle__place_of_origin__provenance where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence; "the birthplace of civilization" subtype: #home.beginning place where something began and flourished; "the United States is the home of basketball" subtype: #point_source__pointsource a spatially constricted by concentrated source (especially of radiation or pollution) subtype: #trail_head__trailhead the beginning of a trail subtype: #celestial_point a point in the heavens (on the celestial sphere) subtype: #apex_of_the_sun's_way__apex__solar_apex__solarapex the point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun and solar system appear to be moving relative to the fixed stars subtype: #antapex the point opposite in direction from the solar apex; the point the solar system is moving away from subtype: #point_of_apoapsis__apoapsis (astronomy) the point in an orbit farthest from the body being orbited subtype: #apogee apoapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is at the greatest distance from the Earth subtype: #aphelion apoapsis in solar orbit; the point in the orbit of a planet or comet that is at the greatest distance from the sun subtype: #apojove apoapsis in orbit around Jupiter subtype: #aposelene__apolune apoapsis in orbit around the moon subtype: #node.celestial_point (astronomy) a point where an orbit crosses a plane subtype: #ascending_node__ascendingnode the point at which an orbit crosses the ecliptic plane going north subtype: #descending_node the point at which an orbit crosses the ecliptic plane going south subtype: #equinoctial_point__equinoctialpoint__equinox (astronomy) either of the two celestial points at which the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic subtype: #vernal_equinox (astronomy) the equinoctial point that lies in the constellation of Pisces subtype: #autumnal_equinox (astronomy) the equinoctial point that lies in the constellation of Virgo subtype: #nadir the point below the observer that is directly opposite the zenith on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected subtype: #point_of_periapsis__periapsis__periapsi (astronomy) the point in as orbit closest to the body being orbited subtype: #perigee periapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is nearest to the Earth subtype: #perihelion periapsis in solar orbit; the point in the orbit of a planet or comet where it is nearest to the sun subtype: #perijove periapsis in orbit around Jupiter subtype: #periselene__perilune periapsis in orbit around the moon subtype: #celestial_pole__celestialpole__pole one of two points of intersection of the Earth's axis and the celestial sphere subtype: #north_celestial_pole__northcelestialpole the celestial pole above the northern hemisphere; near Polaris subtype: #south_celestial_pole__southcelestialpole the celestial pole above the southern hemisphere subtype: #zenith the point above the observer that is directly opposite the nadir on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected subtype: #midpoint__center__centre a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure subtype: #bight the middle part of a slack rope (as distinguished from its ends) subtype: #center_of_curvature__centre_of_curvature the center of the circle of curvature subtype: #bowels the center of the Earth subtype: #bull's_eye.midpoint__bull'seye__bull the center of a target subtype: #centroid__center_of_mass point representing the mean position of the matter in a body subtype: #barycenter (astronomy) the common center of mass around which two or more bodies revolve subtype: #center_of_gravity__centre_of_gravity the point within something at which gravity can be considered to act subtype: #storm_center.midpoint__stormcenter__storm_centre__stormcentre the central area or place of lowest barometric pressure within a storm subtype: #core the center of an object; "do not eat the apple core" subtype: #corncob the hard cylindrical core that bears the kernels of an ear of corn subtype: #navel_point__navel the center point or middle of something subtype: #nombril the center point on a shield subtype: #core.midpoint the central part of the earth subtype: #nucleus__nucleu the positively charged dense center of an atom subtype: #nucleus.midpoint__nucleu (astronomy) the center of the head of a comet; consists of small solid particles of ice and frozen gas that vaporizes on approaching the sun to form the coma and tail subtype: #trichion__crinion point where the hairline meets the midpoint of the forehead subtype: #line_corner__corner the point where two lines meet or intersect; "the corners of a rectangle" subtype: #canthus either of the corners of the eye where the upper and lower eyelids meet subtype: #nasal_canthus__nasalcanthu the inner corner of the eye subtype: #temporal_canthus the outer corner of the eye subtype: #crossing.point a point where two lines (paths or arcs etc.) intersect subtype: #focus.point__focu a fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section subtype: #geographic_point__geographical_point a point on the surface of the Earth subtype: #workplace__work a place where work is done; "he arrived at work early today" subtype: #bakery__bakeshop__bakehouse a workplace where baked goods (breads and cakes and pastries) are produced or sold subtype: #patisserie a bakery specializing in French pastry subtype: #beehive any workplace where people are very busy subtype: #brokerage_house__brokeragehouse__brokerage place where a broker conducts his business subtype: #central__telephone_exchange__telephoneexchange__exchange a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communication subtype: #centrex (CENTRal EXchange) a kind of telephone exchange subtype: #switchboard__patchboard__plugboard telephone central where circuits are completed with patchcords subtype: #colliery__pit a workplace consisting of a coal mine plus all the buildings and equipment connected with it subtype: #creamery a workplace where dairy products (butter and cheese etc.) are produced or sold subtype: #drill_site__drillsite workplace that is the site of a drill hole subtype: #exchange.workplace a workplace for buying and selling; open only to members subtype: #commodity_exchange__commodityexchange__commoditiesexchange__commoditiesmarket an exchange for buying and selling commodities for future delivery subtype: #futures_exchange__futuresexchange__futures_market__futuresmarket a commodity exchange where futures contracts are traded subtype: #corn_exchange an exchange where grains are bought and sold subtype: #stock_exchange__stockexchange__stock_market__stockmarket__securities_market an exchange where security trading is conducted by professional stockbrokers subtype: #American_Stock_Exchange__AMEX__Curb a stock exchange in New York subtype: #Bourse the stock exchange in Paris subtype: #curb_market a stock market for trading in securities not listed on the New York Stock Exchange subtype: #New_York_Stock_Exchange__N._Y._Stock_Exchange__NYSE__big_board__bigboard a stock exchange in New York subtype: #over-the-counter_market__OTC_market a stock exchange where securities transactions are made via telephone and computer rather than on the floor of an exchange subtype: #farm workplace consisting of farm buildings and cultivated land as a unit; "it takes several people to work the farm" subtype: #chicken_farm__chickenfarm farm where chickens are raised for sale subtype: #croft (Great Britain) a small farm worked by a crofter subtype: #dairy_farm__dairyfarm__dairy a farm where dairy products are produced subtype: #farmplace__farmstead a farm together with its buildings subtype: #grange an outlying farm subtype: #home-farm (British) a farm that supplies the needs of a large estate of establishment subtype: #piggery__pig_farm__pigfarm a farm where pigs are raised or kept subtype: #cattle_ranch__ranch__spread__cattle_farm farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle) subtype: #sewage_farm a farm that is irrigated and fertilized with raw sewage subtype: #sheepwalk__sheeprun (British) farm devoted to raising sheep subtype: #stud_farm a farm where horses are bred subtype: #truck_farm__truckfarm__truck_garden__truckgarden a farm where vegetables are grown for market subtype: #vineyard__vinery a farm of grapevines where wine grapes are produced subtype: #fishery a workplace where fish are caught and processed and sold subtype: #pearl_fishery__pearlfishery a fishery where they fish for pearl oysters subtype: #fish_farm a workplace (usually a pond) where fish are raised for food subtype: #smithy__forge a workplace where metal is worked by heating and hammering subtype: #gasworks the workplace where coal gas is manufactured subtype: #glassworks a workplace where glass is made subtype: #ironworks__ironwork the workplace where iron is smelted or where iron goods are made subtype: #job.workplace a workplace; as in the expression "on the job" subtype: #research_lab__lab__laboratory__research_laboratory__science_lab__sciencelab__science_laboratory__sciencelaboratory a workplace for the conduct of scientific research subtype: #biology_lab__biologylab__biology_laboratory__biologylaboratory__bio_lab__biolab a laboratory for biological research subtype: #chemistry_lab__chemistrylab__chemistry_laboratory__chemistrylaboratory__chem_lab a laboratory for research in chemistry subtype: #physics_lab__physicslab__physics_laboratory__physicslaboratory a laboratory for research in physics subtype: #laundry workplace where clothes are washed and ironed subtype: #launderette__Laundromat a self-service laundry (service mark Laundromat) where coin-operated washing machines are available to individual customers subtype: #washhouse a building or outbuilding where laundry is done subtype: #lumberyard a workplace where lumber is stocked for sale subtype: #oyster_bed__oyster_bank__oyster_park a workplace where oysters are bred and grown subtype: #proving_ground__provingground a workplace for testing new equipment or ideas subtype: #ropewalk__rope_yard workplace consisting of a long narrow path or shed where rope is made subtype: #roundhouse.workplace workplace consisting of a circular building for repairing locomotives subtype: #shipyard a workplace where ships are built or repaired subtype: #navy_yard__naval_shipyard__navalshipyard a military shipyard subtype: #Charlestown_Navy_Yard the navy yard in Boston where the frigate `Constitution' is anchored subtype: #shop_floor workplace consisting of the part of a factory housing the machines; "the productive work is done on the shop floor" subtype: #studio workplace for the teaching or practice of an art; "she ran a dance studio"; "the music department provided studios for their students"; "you don't need a studio to make a passport photograph" subtype: #artist's_workroom__atelier a studio especially for an artist or designer subtype: #artist's_loft a factory loft that has been converted into an artist's workroom and living area subtype: #broadcasting_studio a studio where broadcasts originate subtype: #recording_studio__recordingstudio studio where tapes and records are recorded subtype: #studio.workplace workplace consisting of a room or building where movies or television shows or radio programs are produced and recorded subtype: #tannery workplace where skins and hides are tanned subtype: #test_bed a place equipped with instruments for testing engines and machinery under working conditions subtype: #waterworks workplace where water is stored and purified and distributed for a community subtype: #shop__workshop small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done subtype: #bindery a workshop where books are bound subtype: #brickyard__brickfield a place where bricks are made and sold subtype: #chop_shop a place where stolen cars are disassembled for their parts subtype: #dye-works__dyework a workshop where dyeing is done subtype: #machine_shop__machineshop workshop where metal is cut and shaped etc., by machine tools subtype: a workshop where clayware is made subtype: #print_shop__printshop a workplace where printing is done subtype: #saddlery workshop where a saddler works subtype: #sheltered_workshop__shelteredworkshop a workshop that offers jobs to members of the physically or developmentally disabled population subtype: workshop where objects are made on a lathe subtype: #address__addres the place where a person or organization can be found or communicated with subtype: #mailing_address__mailingaddres the address where a person or organization can be communicated with subtype: pwa#PostalAddress subtype: #street_address the address where a person or organization can be found subtype: #abode__residence the address where a person lives; "it is his legal place of residence" subtype: #home.abode__place where you live; "deliver the package to my home"; "he doesn't have a home to go to"; "your place or mine?" subtype: #business_address the address at which a business is located instance: SA#DSTO_address (SA) subtype: #confluence__junction__meeting a place where two things come together; "Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers" subtype: #epicenter__epicentre the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake subtype: #magnetic_pole either of two points where the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field are vertical subtype: #pole.geographic_point one of two antipodal points where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects the Earth's surface instance: #North_Pole #South_Pole subtype: #port a place (seaport or airport) where people and merchandise can enter or leave a country subtype: #entrepot__transshipment_center__transshipmentcenter a port where merchandise can be imported and re-exported without paying import duties; "Bahrain has been an entrepot of trade between Arabia and India since the second millenium BC" subtype: #free_port a port open on equal terms to all commercial vessels subtype: #outport (British) a subsidiary port built in deeper water than the original port (but usually farther from the center of trade) subtype: #port_of_entry__point_of_entry a port where customs officials are stationed to oversee the entry and exit of people and merchandise instance: #Nogales.Arizona__nogale #Panama_City.Florida__panamacity #Tampa #Brunswick.Georgia__brunswick #Columbus.Georgia__columbu #Gary #Houghton #Saginaw #Erie #Brownsville #Laredo #Aberdeen.Washington__aberdeen #Bellingham subtype: #seaport__harbor__harbour a place where ships can take on or discharge cargo subtype: #coaling_station__coalingstation a seaport where ships can take on supplies of coal subtype: #port_of_call any port where a ship stops except its home port instance: #Pearl_Harbor subtype: #treaty_port a port in China or Korea or Japan that once was open to foreign trade on the basis of a trading treaty instance: #Durres__Durazzo #Algiers__Algerian_capital #Oran #Luanda__Angolan_capital #Buenos_Aires__capital_of_Argentina #Antofagasta #Valparaiso #Cartagena #Colon__Aspinwall #Acapulco_de_Juarez__Acapulco #Mazatlan #Tampico #Veracruz #Santiago_de_Cuba__Santiago #Montego_Bay #Bridgetown__capital_of_Barbados #Cotonou #Arhus__Aarhus #Aalborg__Alborg #Djibouti.capital__djibouti__capital_of_Djibouti #Oslo__Christiania__capital_of_Norway #Bergen #Stavanger #Trondheim__Nidaros #Malmo #Goteborg__Goeteborg__Gothenburg #Hannover__Hanover #Helsinki__Helsingfors__capital_of_Finland__Finnish_capital #Mariehamn__Maarianhamina #Corinth__Korinthos #Thessaloniki__Salonika__Salonica__Thessalonica #Akko__Acre__Akka__Accho #Haifa #Jaffa__Joppa__Yafo #Naples__Napoli #Messina #Brindisi #La_Spezia #Palermo #Dubrovnik__Ragusa #Victoria.British_Columbia__victoria #Vancouver #Saint_John__St._John #Saint_John's.Newfoundland__saintjohn'__St._John's #Hamilton.port__hamilton #Thunder_Bay #Hobart #Chittagong #Antwerpen__Antwerp__Anvers #Gent__Gand__Ghent #Natal #Recife__Pernambuco #Hull__Kingston-upon_Hull #Liverpool #Bristol #Newcastle-upon-Tyne__Newcastle #Pompey__Portsmouth #Dublin__Irish_capital__capital_of_Ireland #Cork #Galway #Limerick #Waterford #Ayr #Glasgow #Newport.Wales__newport #Swansea #El_Iskandriyah__Alexandria #Cairo__El_Qahira__Egyptian_capital__capital_of_Egypt #Semarang__Samarang #Abadan #Basra__Basia #Osaka #Yokohama #Nagasaki #Kisumu #Mombasa #Bordeaux #Brest #Calais #Cannes #Le_Havre #Marseille__Marseilles #Nantes #Banjul__capital_of_Gambia #Conakry__Konakri__capital_of_Guinea #Stabroek__Georgetown #Reykjavik__capital_of_Iceland #Incheon__Inchon__Chemulpo #Pusan #Tarabulus__Tripoli #Sur__Tyre #Monrovia__Liberian_capital__capital_of_Liberia #Benghazi #Port_Louis #Casablanca #Auckland__Aukland #Lagos #Muscat__Masqat__capital_of_Oman #Asuncion__capital_of_Paraguay #Lisbon__Lisboa__capital_of_Portugal #Porto__Oporto #Setubal #Doha__Bida__El_Beda__capital_of_Qatar #Castries #Pago_Pago__Pango_Pango #Jiddah__Jidda #Dakar__capital_of_Senegal #Victoria.Seychelles__victoria__capital_of_Seychelles #Freetown__capital_of_Sierra_Leone__capitalofsierraleone #Mogadishu__Mogadiscio__capital_of_Somalia #Cape_Town #Durban #Murmansk #Rostov_na_Donu__Rostov__Rostov_on_Don #Tallinn__capital_of_Estonia #Riga__capital_of_Latvia #Dneprodzerzhinsk #Odesa__Odessa #Baku__capital_of_Azerbaijan #Barcelona #Cadiz #Cartagena.port__cartagena #Malaga #Sevilla__Seville #Port_Sudan #Paramaribo__capital_of_Suriname #Bangkok__capital_of_Thailand__Krung_Thep #Tunis__capital_of_Tunisia #Antalya__Adalia #Izmir__Smyrna #Dubai #Mobile #Valdez #San_Francisco #Bridgeport #Jacksonville #Savannah #New_Orleans #Baltimore #Alpena #Duluth #Portsmouth #Charleston.South_Carolina__charleston #Newport_News #Norfolk #Portsmouth.port__portsmouth #Seattle #Cuidad_Bolivar #Maracaibo #Haiphong #Aden subtype: #hot_spot.point__hotspot__hotspot a point of intense heat or radiation subtype: #limit_point__limit__pointofaccumulation a mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity subtype: #range the limits of the values a function can take; "the range of this function is the interval from 0 to 1" subtype: #midair some point in the air; above ground level; "the planes collided in midair" subtype: #abutment.point point of contact between two objects or parts subtype: #position__physical_object_position__place the particular portion of space occupied by a physical object: "he put the lamp back in its place" subtype: #half-mast a position some distance below the top of the mast to which a flag is lowered in mourning or to signal distress subtype: #lead.position (baseball) the position taken by a base runner preparing to advance to the next base; "he took a long lead off first" subtype: #pole_position the most favorable position at the start of a race subtype: #polls__poll the place where people vote subtype: #pride_of_place the first or highest or most important or most ostentatious place subtype: #anomaly (astronomy) position of a planet as defined by its angular distance from its perihelion (as observed from the sun) subtype: #site__situation physical position in relation to the surroundings subtype: #active_site the part of an enzyme or antibody where the chemical reaction occurs subtype: #locus.site__locu the specific site of a particular gene on its chromosome subtype: #locus_of_infection the specific site in the body where an infection originates subtype: #setting the physical position of something; "he changed the setting on the thermostat" subtype: #juxtaposition.position a side-by-side position subtype: #lie position or manner in which something is situated subtype: #post.position__station the position where something or someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand: "a sentry station" subtype: #bridgehead a defensive post at the end of a bridge nearest to the enemy subtype: #observation_post__observationpost__lookout an elevated post affording a wide view subtype: #meteorological_observation_post__weather_station__weatherstation one of a networks of observation posts where meteorological data is recorded subtype: #outstation__outpost a station in a remote or sparsely populated location subtype: #pitch.position (British) a vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk); "he was employed to see that his paper's news pitches were not trespassed upon by rival vendors" subtype: #landmark the position of a prominent or well-known object in a particular landscape; "the church steeple provided a convenient landmark" subtype: #right.position location near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east: "he stood on the right" subtype: #stage_right__stageright__right_stage__rightstage the part of the stage on the actor's right subtype: #left.position location near or direction toward the left side; i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east: "she stood on the left" subtype: #stage_left__stageleft__left_stage the part of the stage on the actor's left subtype: #rear_position__back__rear the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer: "he stood at the back of the stage"; "it was hidden in the rear of the store" subtype: #front.position the part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer; "he walked to the front of the stage" subtype: #stand.position the position where a thing or person stands subtype: #cabstand__taxistand a place where taxis park while awaiting customers subtype: #station.position (Navy) the location to which a ship or fleet is assigned for duty subtype: #vantage place or situation affording some advantage (especially a comprehensive view or commanding perspective) subtype: #vantage_point__vantagepoint__viewpoint a place from which something can be viewed; "from that vantage point he could survey the whole valley" subtype: #appropriate_position__appropriateposition__position the appropriate or customary location; "the cars were in position" subtype: #pressure_point any of several points on the body where the pulse can be felt and where pressure on an underlying artery will control bleeding from that artery at a more distal point subtype: #military_position__position a point occupied by troops for tactical reasons subtype: #ground a position to be won or defended in battle (or as if in battle); "they gained ground step by step"; "they fought to regain the lost ground" subtype: #line.military_position a fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops); "they attacked the enemy's line" subtype: #firing_line.line__firingline the line from which soldiers deliver fire subtype: #battlefront__front__front_line__frontline the line along which opposing armies face each other subtype: #line_of_battle a line formed by troops or ships prepared to deliver or receive an attack subtype: #battle_line the line along which warring troops meet subtype: #surface_intersection_corner__corner the point where three areas or surfaces meet or intersect; "the corners of a cube" subtype: #topographic_point__topographicpoint__place__spot a point located with respect to surface features of some region; "this is a nice place for a picnic" subtype: #tomb__grave a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone); "he put flowers on his mother's grave" subtype: #burial_chamber__sepulcher__sepulchre a chamber that is used as a grave subtype: #crypt a cellar or vault or underground burial chamber (especially beneath a church) subtype: #mausoleum a large burial chamber, usually above ground subtype: #Taj_Mahal beautiful mausoleum at Agra built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan (completed in 1649) in memory of his favorite wife subtype: #repository.burial_chamber__monument a burial vault (usually for some famous person) subtype: #burial_vault__vault a burial chamber (usually underground) subtype: #charnel_house__charnelhouse__charnel a vault or building where corpses or bones are deposited subtype: #junction the place where two or more things come together subtype: #interchange a junction of highways on different levels that permits traffic to move from one to another without crossing traffic streams subtype: #cloverleaf an interchange that does not require left-hand turns subtype: #crossroad__intersection__crossway__crossing__carrefour a junction where one street or road crosses another subtype: #street_corner__corner__turning_point__turningpoint the intersection of two streets; "standing on the corner watching all the girls go by" subtype: #blind_corner__blindcorner a street corner that you cannot see around as you are driving subtype: #level_crossing__levelcrossing__grade_crossing__gradecrossing intersection of a railway and a road on the same level; barriers close road when trains pass subtype: #p-n_junction__pnjunction the junction between a p-type semiconductor and an n-type semiconductor; "a p-n junction has marked rectifying characteristics" subtype: #railway_junction__railwayjunction a junction where two or more railway lines meet or cross subtype: #T-junction a junction where two roads or pipes etc. meet to form a T subtype: #traffic_circle__trafficcircle__circle__rotary__roundabout a road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island; "the accident blocked all traffic at the rotary" subtype: #place_of_birth__birthplace the place where someone was born subtype: #polling_place__pollingplace__polling_station__pollingstation a place where voters go to cast their votes in an election subtype: #end.topographic_point one of two places from which people are communicating to each other; "the phone rang at the other end" or "both ends wrote at the same time" subtype: #hiding_place a place suitable for hiding something (such as yourself) subtype: #drop.hiding_place a predetermined hiding place for the deposit and distribution of illicit goods (such as drugs or stolen property) subtype: #hideout__hideaway__den a hiding place; usually a remote place used by outlaws subtype: #lurking_place__lurkingplace a place suitable for lurking subtype: #heights__high a high place; "they stood on high and observed the coutryside" or "he doesn't like heights" subtype: #holy_place__sanctum__holy a sacred place of pilgrimage subtype: #mecca a place that attracts many visitors; "New York is a mecca for young artists" subtype: #nesting_place__nestingplace a place suitable for nesting subtype: #overlook a high place affording a good view subtype: #peak__crown__crest__top__summit the top point of a mountain or hill; "the view from the peak was magnificent"; "they clambered to the summit of Monadnock" subtype: #hilltop the peak of a hill; "the sun set behind the brow of distant hills" subtype: #pinnacle.peak a lofty peak subtype: #mountain_peak the summit of a mountain subtype: #Mount_Adams__Adams a mountain peak in southwestern Washington in the Cascade Range (12,307 feet high) subtype: #Adam's_Peak__Samanala a mountain peak in south central Sri Lanka (7,360 feet high) subtype: #El_Libertador a mountain in the Andes in Argentina (22,047 feet high) subtype: #Mount_McKinley__McKinley__Mt._McKinley__Denali a mountain in south central Alaska; the highest peak in North America (20,300 feet high) subtype: #Mount_Ranier__Ranier__Mt._Ranier__Mount_Tacoma a mountain peak in central Washington; highest peak in the Cascade Range; (14,410 feet high) subtype: #Mount_Shasta__Shasta a volcanic mountain peak in the Cascade Range in northern California (14,162 feet high) subtype: #Mount_Sherman__Sherman a peak in the Rocky Mountains in central Colorado (14,036 feet high) instance: #Aconcagua #Ancohuma #Annapurna__Anapurna #Mount_Ararat__Ararat__Mt._Ararat #Bonete #Cachi #Changtzu #Chimborazo #Coropuna #Dhaulagiri #El_Muerto #Mount_Everest__Everest__Mt._Everest #Galan #Gasherbrum #Gosainthan #Grand_Teton #Huascaran #Illampu #Illimani #K2'__Godwin_Austen__Mount_Godwin_Austen__Dapsang #Kamet #Kanchenjunga__Kanchanjanga__Kinchinjunga #Mount_Kilimanjaro__Kilimanjaro #Laudo #Lhotse #Llullaillaco #Mount_Logan__Logan #Makalu #Matterhorn #Mercedario #Mont_Blanc__Monte_Bianco #Mount_Elbert #Muztagh_Ata__Muz_Tagh_Ata #Nacimiento #Nanda_Devi #Nanga_Parbat #North_Peak #Nuptse #Ojos_del_Salado #Mount_Parnassus__Parnassus__Liakoura #Pike's_Peak #Pissis #Pobeda_Peak__Pobedy_Peak #Rakaposhi #Mount_Rushmore__Rushmore__Mt._Rushmore #Sajama #Mount_Sinai__Sinai #Tirich_Mir #Tupungato #Ulugh_Muztagh__Ulugh_Muz_Tagh #Weisshorn #Wheeler_Peak #Mount_Whitney__Whitney #Yerupaja subtype: #rendezvous.topographic_point__rendezvou a place where people meet; "he was waiting for them at the rendezvous" subtype: #scour a place that is scoured (especially by running water) subtype: #service_area__servicearea place on a highway providing garage services and eating and toilet facilities subtype: #showplace a place that is frequently exhibited and visited for its historical interest or natural beauty subtype: #solitude a solitary place subtype: #stop a spot where something halts or pauses; "his next stop is Atlanta" subtype: #bus_stop__busstop a place on a bus route where buses stop to discharge and take on passengers subtype: #checkpoint a place (as at a frontier) where travellers are stopped for inspection and clearance subtype: #loading_zone__loadingzone__loading_area__loadingarea a stop where carriers can be loaded and unloaded subtype: #stopover a stopping place on a journey; "there is a stopover to change planes in Chicago" subtype: #target_area__target the location of the target that is to be hit subtype: #pool.topographic_point__puddle something resembling a pool of liquid; "he stood in a pool of light"; "his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines" subtype: #parhelion__mock_sun__sundog a bright spot on the parhelic circle; caused by diffraction by ice crystals subtype: #sunspot__macula a cooler darker spot appearing periodically on the surface of the sun; associated with a strong magnetic field subtype: #vanishing_point the point beyond which something disappears or ceases to exist subtype: #focal_point__focus__focu a point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges subtype: #hilum the scar on certain seeds marking its point of attachment to the funicle subtype: #infection_focus__infectionfocu__focus__focu__nidus__nidu a central point or locus of an infection in an organism; "the focus of infection" subtype: #region.location__part the extended spatial location of something; "the farming regions of France"; "religions in all parts of the world"; "regions of outer space" subtype: #atmosphere the mass of air surrounding the Earth; "there was great heat as the comet entered the atmosphere" subtype: #airspace the atmosphere above a nation and deemed to be under its jurisdiction subtype: #biosphere the regions of the surface and atmosphere of the Earth (or other planet) where living organisms exist subtype: #depth.region (usually plural) the deepest and most remote part; "from the depths of darkest Africa"; "signals received from the depths of space" subtype: #outer_space__outerspace__space any region in space outside the Earth's atmosphere; "the astronauts walked in space without a tether" subtype: #interplanetary_space the part of outer space within the solar system subtype: #interplanetary_medium interplanetary space including forms of energy and gas and dust subtype: #interstellar_space the space between stars subtype: #interstellar_medium interstellar space including streams of protons moving from the stars subtype: #heliosphere the region inside the heliopause containing the sun and solar system subtype: #intergalactic_space__intergalacticspace the space between galaxies; "the Milky Way travels through intergalactic space" subtype: #deep_space any region in space outside the solar system subtype: #aerospace the atmosphere and outer space considered as a whole subtype: #zone an area or region distinguished from adjacent parts by a distinctive feature or characteristic subtype: #zona__zone (anatomy) any encircling or beltlike structure subtype: #zona_pellucida thick membrane around the mammalian ovum; can be penetrated by one sperm in the fertilization process; usually remains around the fertilized egg until it is implanted in the wall of the uterus subtype: #zonule__zonula small beltlike zone subtype: #combat_zone a military area where combat forces operate subtype: #beachhead__bridgehead__foothold an area in hostile territory that has been occupied and is held for further troops and supplies subtype: #danger_zone a dangerous area subtype: #drop_zone__dropping_zone an agreed area where military supplies are dropped to ground troops subtype: #tidal_zone__tidalzone an area subject to tidal action subtype: #belt.region an elongated region where a specific condition is found; "a belt of high pressure" subtype: #asteroid_belt the region of interplanetary space between Mars and Jupiter where most asteroids are found subtype: #greenbelt__greenway a belt of parks or rural land surrounding a town or city instance: #Bible_Belt #Corn_Belt #Van_Allen_belt subtype: #bottom the lowest part of anything; "they started at the bottom of the hill" subtype: #foot.bottom the lower part of anything; "curled up on the foot of the bed"; "the foot of the page"; "the foot of the list"; "the foot of the mountain" subtype: #base.bottom (anatomy) the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment: "the base of the skull" subtype: #rock_bottom the absolute bottom subtype: #distance.region a distant region; "I could see it in the distance" subtype: #eden__paradise__nirvana__heaven__promised_land__Shangri-la any place of complete bliss and delight and peace subtype: #extremity.region the outermost or farthest region or point subtype: #bounds__boundary the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something subtype: #hairline the natural margin formed by hair on the head subtype: #frontier.bounds an international boundary or the area (often fortified) immediately inside the boundary subtype: #heliopause the boundary marking the edge of the sun's influence; the boundary (roughly 100 AU from the sun) between the interplanetary medium and the interstellar medium; where the solar wind and the wind from other stars meet subtype: #boundary_line__border__borderline__delimitation a line that indicates a boundary subtype: #fence_line__fenceline a boundary line created by a fence subtype: #property_line the boundary line between two pieces of property subtype: #state_line__stateline__stateboundary the boundary between two states instance: #Mason-Dixon_Line__Mason_and_Dixon_Line__Mason_and_Dixon's_Line subtype: #bourne__bourn an archaic term for a boundary subtype: #district_line the boundary between two districts subtype: #county_line the boundary between two counties subtype: #city_line the boundary of a city subtype: #edge.bounds__border the boundary of a surface subtype: #brink the edge of a steep place subtype: #end.bounds a boundary marking the extremities of something: "the end of town" subtype: #demarcation__demarcation_line__demarcationline the boundary of a specific area subtype: #city_limit__city_limits the limits of the area occupied by a city or town subtype: #upper_limit the limit on the upper (or northernmost) side of something subtype: #lower_limit__lowerlimit the limit on the lower (or southernmost) side of something subtype: #three-mile_limit the limit of a nation's territorial waters subtype: #outline the line that appears to bound an object subtype: #coastline the outline of a coast subtype: #silhouette an outline of a solid object (as cast by its shadow) subtype: #skyline the outline of objects seen against the sky subtype: #surface.bounds the extended two-dimensional outer boundary of a three-dimensional object; "they skimmed over the surface of the water"; "a brush small enough to clean every dental surface"; "the sun has no distinct surface" subtype: #interface (physical chemistry) a surface forming a common boundary between two things (two objects or liquids or chemical phases) subtype: #oil-water_interface__oilwaterinterface an interface forming the boundary between the non-miscible liquids oil and water subtype: #hard_palate the bony part of the roof of the mouth subtype: #palate__roof_of_the_mouth the upper surface of the mouth that separates the oral and nasal cavities subtype: #side.surface__face a surface forming part of the outside of an object; "he examined all sides of the crystal"; "dew dripped from the face of the leaf" subtype: #beam-ends (nautical) at the ends of the transverse deck beams of a vessel; "on her beam-ends" means heeled over on the side so that the deck is almost vertical subtype: #underside__bottom__undersurface the lower side of anything subtype: #base.underside a flat bottom on which something is intended to sit; "a tub should sit on its own base" subtype: #bilge where the sides of the vessel curve in to form the bottom subtype: #bilges in a vessel with two hulls, an enclosed area between the frames at each side subtype: #heel the bottom of a shoe or boot; the back part of a shoe or boot that touches the ground subtype: #Cuban_heel a broad heel of medium height on women's shoes subtype: #French_heel a fairly high narrow heel on women's shoes subtype: #spike_heel__spikeheel__stiletto_heel a very high narrow heel on women's shoes subtype: #stacked_heel__stackedheel a heel made of many layers of leather subtype: #wedge_heel__wedgeheel__wedge a heel that is an extension of the sole of the shoe subtype: #wineglass_heel__wineglassheel a heel on a woman's shoe in the shape of a wineglass subtype: #sole the underside of footwear or a golfclub subtype: #half_sole shoe sole extending from the shank to the toe subtype: #insole__innersole the inner sole of a shoe or boot subtype: #outsole the outer sole of a shoe or boot subtype: #underbelly.underside lower side: "the underbellies of clouds" subtype: #front_end__frontend__front__forepart the side that is forward or prominent subtype: #forefront__head the part in the front or nearest the viewer; "he was in the forefront"; "he was at the head of the column" subtype: #lee_side__leeside__lee the side of something that is sheltered from the wind subtype: #backside__rear__back_end the side of an object that is opposite its front; "his room was toward the rear of the hotel" subtype: #nape__scruff__nucha the back side of the neck subtype: #rearward direction toward the rear; "his outfit marched to the rearward of the tank divisions" subtype: #top_side__topside__upper_side__upperside__upside the highest or uppermost side of anything; "put your books on top of the desk"; "only the top side of the box was painted" subtype: #crown.top_side__crest the center of a cambered road subtype: #poll.top_side the part of the head between the ears subtype: #pate.top_side__poll__crown the top of the head subtype: #tonsure.pate the shaved crown of a monk's or priest's head subtype: #desktop the top of a desk subtype: #rooftop the top of a (usually flat) roof subtype: #celestial_sphere__celestialsphere__sphere__empyrean__firmament__heaven__vault_of_heaven__welkin the apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be projected subtype: #end.surface the surface at either extremity of a three-dimensional object: "one end of the box was marked `This side up'" subtype: #interior__inside the inner or enclosed surface of something subtype: #exterior__outside the outer side or surface of something subtype: #wavefront__wave_front (physics) an imaginary surface joining all points in space that are reached at the same instant by a wave propagating through a medium subtype: #photosphere the intensely luminous surface of the sun subtype: #shoreline a boundary line between land and water instance: #Rubicon subtype: #end either extremity of something that has length: "the end of the pier"; "she knotted the end of the thread"; "they rode to the end of the line" subtype: #bitter_end.end__bitterend (nautical) the inboard end of a line or cable especially the end that is wound around a bitt subtype: #bitthead the upper end of a bitt subtype: #point.end sharp end; "he stuck the point of the knife into a tree"; "he broke the point of his pencil" subtype: #arrowhead the pointed head or striking tip of an arrow subtype: #barb.point a subsidiary point facing opposite from the main point that makes an arrowhead or spear hard to remove subtype: #fluke.barb a barb on a harpoon or arrow subtype: #barb_of_barbed_wire__barb the pointed part of barbed wire subtype: #cusp point formed by two intersecting arcs (as from the intrados of a Gothic arch) subtype: #diamond_point__diamondpoint a very hard small point made from a diamond subtype: #pike.point a sharp point (as on the end of a spear) subtype: #pinpoint.point the sharp point of a pin subtype: #spearpoint__spearhead the head and sharpened point of a spear subtype: #magnetic_pole.end__magneticpole__pole one of the two ends of a magnet where the magnetism seems to be concentrated subtype: #negative_magnetic_pole__negative_pole__south-seeking_pole__southseekingpole the pole of a magnet that points toward the south when the magnet is suspended freely subtype: #positive_magnetic_pole__positive_pole__north-seeking_pole__northseekingpole the pole of a magnet that points toward the north when the magnet is suspended freely subtype: #railhead.end the end of the completed track on an unfinished railway subtype: #terminus either end of a railroad or bus route subtype: #yardarm either end of the yard of a square-rigged ship subtype: #nerve_ending__nerveending__nerve_end__nerveend the terminal structure of an axon that does not end at a synapse subtype: #free_nerve_ending microscopic sensory nerve endings in the skin that are not connected to any specific sensory receptor subtype: #Pacinian_corpuscle a specialized bulblike nerve ending located in the subcutaneous tissue of the skin; occurs abundantly in the skin of palms and soles and joints and genitals subtype: #proprioceptor special nerve endings in the muscles and tendons and other organs that respond to stimuli regarding the position and movement of the body subtype: #endpoint__end_point__endpoint__terminus a place of termination or completion subtype: #finish.end__destination__goal the place designated as the end (as of a race or journey); "a crowd assembled at the finish"; "he was nearly exhuasted as their destination came into view" subtype: #finishing_line__finishingline__finish_line a line indicating the location of the finish of a race subtype: #tape.finishing_line the finishing line for a foot race; "he broke the tape in record time" subtype: #wire.finishing_line the finishing line on a racetrack subtype: #tip the extreme end of something; especially something pointed subtype: #fingertip the end (tip) of a finger subtype: #tiptoe the tip of a toe subtype: #extreme_point__extremepoint__extreme__extremum the point located farthest from the middle of something subtype: #apex__vertex__peak__acme the highest point of something subtype: #crown the part of a hat (the vertex) covering the crown of the head subtype: #roof_peak the highest point of a roof subtype: #limit as far as something can go subtype: #maximum the point on a curve where the tangent changes from positive on the left to negative on the right subtype: #minimum the point on a curve where the tangent changes from negative on the left to positive on the right subtype: #reach__range the limits within which something can be effective; "range of motion"; "he was beyond the reach of their fire" subtype: #earshot__hearing the range within which a voice can be heard; "the children were told to stay within earshot" subtype: #eyeshot__view the range of the eye; "they were soon out of view" subtype: #rifle_shot__rifleshot__rifle_range__riflerange the distance that a rifle bullet will carry; "the target was out of rifle range" subtype: #hell_on_earth__hell__hellhole__snake_pit__snakepit__the_pits__inferno any place of pain and turmoil: "the hell of battle"; "the inferno of the engine room"; "when you're alone Christmas is the pits"; subtype: #inside__interior the region that is inside of something subtype: #midland the interior part of a country subtype: #midst__thick the location of something surrounded by other things; "in the midst of the crowd" subtype: #penetralia the innermost parts subtype: #ionosphere the outer region of the Earth's atmosphere; contains a high concentration of free electrons subtype: #layer a relatively thin sheetlike expanse or region lying over or under another subtype: #stratum one of several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another (such as a layer of tissue or cells in an organism) subtype: #epidermis__cuticle the outer layer of the skin covering the exterior body surface of vertebrates subtype: #mantle.epidermis__pallium (zoology) a protective layer of epidermis in mollusks or brachiopods that secretes a substance forming the shell subtype: #stratum_corneum__stratumcorneum__corneum__horny_layer__hornylayer the outermost layer of the epidermis consisting of dead cells that slough off subtype: #stratum_lucidum__stratumlucidum the layer of epidermis immediately under the stratum corneum in the skin of the palms and soles subtype: #stratum_granulosum__stratumgranulosum the layer of epidermis just under the stratum corneum or (on the palms and soles) just under the stratum lucidum; contains cells (with visible granules) that die and move to the surface subtype: #stratum_germinativum__stratumgerminativum__stratum_basale__stratumbasale__malpighian_layer__rete_Malpighii the innermost layer of the epidermis subtype: #dermis__corium__derma the deep vascular inner layer of the skin subtype: #cambium the inner layer of the periosteum subtype: #paries__wall (anatomy) a layer (a lining or membrane) that encloses a structure; "stomach walls" subtype: #abdominal_wall__abdominalwall a wall of the abdomen subtype: #substratum__substrate any stratum lying underneath another subtype: #horizon a specific layer or stratum of soil or subsoil in a vertical cross section of land subtype: #soil_horizon a layer in a soil profile subtype: #A-horizon__A_horizon the top layer of a soil profile; usually contains humus subtype: #B-horizon__B_horizon immediately below the A-horizon; contains deposits of organic matter leached from surface soils subtype: #C-horizon__C_horizon beneath the B-horizon and above the bedrock; consisting of weathered rock subtype: #geological_horizon a layer of rock with a particular composition (especially of fossils); for dating the stratum subtype: #seam.stratum__bed a stratum of ore or coal thick enough to be mined with profit; "he worked in the coal beds" subtype: #coal_seam a seam of coal subtype: #bed.stratum (geology) a stratum of rock (especially sedimentary rock); "they found a bed of standstone" subtype: #ore_bed__orebed a stratum of ore subtype: #asthenosphere the lower layer of the crust subtype: #chromosphere a gaseous layer of the sun's atmosphere (extending from the photosphere to the corona) that is visible during a total eclipse of the sun subtype: #Earth's_crust__crust the outer layer of the Earth subtype: #horst a ridge of the earth's crust that has been forced upward between two faults and so is higher than the surrounding land subtype: #exosphere the outermost atmospheric layer subtype: #hydrosphere the watery layer of the earth's surface; includes water vapor subtype: #lithosphere__geosphere the solid part of the earth subtype: #plate.lithosphere a rigid layer of the lithosphere that is believed to drift slowly subtype: #lower_mantle__lowermantle the deeper part of the mantle subtype: #mantle.layer the layer of the earth between the crust and the core subtype: #mesosphere the atmospheric layer between the stratosphere and the thermosphere subtype: #ozone_layer__ozonelayer__ozonosphere a layer in the stratosphere (at approximately 20 miles) that contains a concentration of ozone sufficient to block most ultraviolet radiation from the sun subtype: #stratosphere the atmospheric layer between the troposphere and the mesosphere subtype: #Earth's_surface__surface the outermost level of the land or sea; "earthquakes originate far below the surface"; "three quarters of the Earth's surface is covered by water" subtype: #floor.Earth's_surface the bottom surface of any a cave or lake etc. subtype: #thermosphere the atmospheric layer between the mesosphere and the exosphere subtype: #tropopause the region of discontinuity between the troposphere and the stratosphere subtype: #troposphere the lowest atmospheric layer; from 4 to 11 miles high (depending on latitude) subtype: #upper_mantle__uppermantle the upper part of the mantle subtype: #snow a layer of snowflakes (white crystals of frozen water) covering the ground subtype: #corn_snow granular snow formed by alternate thawing and freezing subtype: #game_line__line in games or sports; a mark indicating positions or bounds of the playing area subtype: #balkline__baulk_line__baulkline__string_line line across a billiard table behind which the cue balls are placed at the start of a game subtype: #finishing_line__finishingline__finish_line a line indicating the location of the finish of a race subtype: #foul_line lines through 1st and 3rd base indicating the boundaries of a baseball field subtype: #bowling_foul_line__foul_line a line across a bowling alley that a bowler must not cross subtype: #basketball_foul_line__foul_line a line from which basketball players take penalty shots subtype: #baseball_baseline__baseline the lines a baseball player must follow while running the bases subtype: #tennis_baseline__baseline the back line at each end of a tennis court subtype: #goal_line a line marking each end of the playing field or pitch; where the goals stand subtype: #red_line__redline a line that is colored red bisects an ice hockey rink subtype: #scrimmage_line__scrimmageline__line_of_scrimmage line parallel to the goal lines where football linesmen line up at the start of each play in American football; "the runner was tackled at the line of scrimmage" subtype: #out_of-bounds__sideline a line that marks the side boundary of a playing field subtype: #touchline either of the sidelines in soccer or Rugby subtype: #starting_line__start a line indicating the location of the start of a race subtype: #yardline in football; line parallel to the goal lines indicating position on the field subtype: #outside__exterior the region that is outside of something subtype: #outdoors__out-of-doors__open_air__open where the air is unconfined; "he wanted to get outdoors a little"; "the concert was held in the open air"; "camping in the open" subtype: #radius.region a circular region whose area is indicated by the length of its radius; "they located it within a radius of 2 miles" subtype: #side a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location; "they always sat on the right side of the church"; "he never left my side" subtype: #dockside the region adjacent to a boat dock subtype: #north_side__northside the side that is on the north subtype: #east_side the side that is on the east subtype: #west_side the side that is on the west subtype: #south_side__southside the side that is on the south subtype: #bedside space by the side of a bed (especially the bed of a sick or dying person); "the doctor stood at her bedside" subtype: #position_at_the_side_of_an_object__hand a position given by its location to the side of an object; "objections were voiced on every hand" subtype: #shipside the part of a wharf that is next to a ship subtype: #air.region the region above the ground; "her hand stopped in mid air"; "he threw the ball into the air" subtype: #vacuity__vacuum a region empty of matter subtype: #top the upper part of anything; "the mower cuts off the tops of the grass"; "the title should be written at the top of the first page" subtype: #chapiter__capital the upper part of a column that supports the entablature subtype: #masthead the head or top of a mast subtype: the enamel covered part of a tooth above the gum subtype: #jacket_crown__jacket (dentistry) an artificial crown fitted over a broken or decayed tooth subtype: the top of something; "the head of the stairs"; "the head of the page"; "the head of the list" subtype: #treetop__capitulum the upper branches and leaves of a tree subtype: #zodiac.region a belt-shaped region in the heavens on either side to the ecliptic; divided into 12 constellations or signs for astrological purposes subtype: #sign_of_the_zodiac__sign__mansion__house__planetary_house__planetaryhouse one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided instance: #Aries_the_Ram__Aries #Taurus_the_Bull__Taurus #Gemini_the_Twins__Gemini #Cancer_the_Crab__Cancer #Leo_the_Lion__Leo #Virgo_the_Virgin__Virgo #Libra_the_Balance__Libra__Libra_the_Scales #Scorpio_the_Scorpion__Scorpio #Sagittarius_the_Archer__Sagittarius #Capricorn__Capricon_the_Goat #Aquarius_the_Water_Bearer__Aquarius__Water_Bearer #Pisces_the_Fishes__Pisces subtype: #black_hole__blackhole a region of space resulting from the collapse of a star; extremely high gravitational field subtype: #mare__maria a dark region of considerable extent on the surface of the moon instance: #D-layer__D_region #Appleton_layer__F_layer__F_region #Kennelly-Heaviside_layer__Heaviside_layer__E_layer__E_region #Witwatersrand__Rand__Reef subtype: #region a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth; "penguins inhabit the polar regions" subtype: #area.region__country a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography); "it was a mountainous area"; "Bible country" subtype: #arena the central area of an ancient Roman amphitheater where contests and spectacles were held; especially a sand-strewn area subtype: #bedground an area on which a drove of cattle or sheep can sleep for a night subtype: #broadcast_area__broadcastarea the area over which a radio or tv transmission can be received subtype: #center.area__centre__middle__heart__eye an area that is approximately central within some larger region; "it is in the center of town"; "they ran forward into the heart of the struggle"; "they were in the eye of the storm" subtype: #city_center__central_city__centralcity the central part of a city subtype: #financial_center__financialcenter the part of a city where financial institutions are centered subtype: #civic_center__civiccenter__hub__municipal_center__municipalcenter__down_town the center of a city subtype: #inner_city__innercity the older and more populated and (usually) poorer central section of a city subtype: #medical_center__medicalcenter the part of a city where medical facilities are centered subtype: #midfield the middle part of a playing field (as in football or lacrosse) subtype: a center of authority (as a city from which authority is exercised) subtype: #capital_city__capitalcity__capital a seat of government subtype: #Camelot (Arthurian legend) the capital of King Arthur's kingdom; according to the legend, truth and goodness and beauty reigned there subtype: #national_capital the capital city of a nation instance: #Windhoek #Kabul__capital_of_Afghanistan #Tirana__Albanian_capital #Algiers__Algerian_capital #Luanda__Angolan_capital #St._John's.Antigua_and_Barbuda__st.john'__capital_of_Antigua_and_Barbuda__Saint_John's #Buenos_Aires__capital_of_Argentina #Sofia__Serdica__Bulgarian_capital #Yangon__Rangoon #Bujumbura__Usumbura__capital_of_Burundi #Phnom_Penh__Pnom_Penh__Cambodian_capital #Yaounde__capital_of_Cameroon #Praia__Cidade_de_Praia__capital_of_Cape_Verde #Bangui__capital_of_Central_Africa #Colombo__capital_of_Sri_Lanka #N'Djamena__Ndjamena__Fort-Lamy__capital_of_Chad #Gran_Santiago__Santiago__Santiago_de_Chile__capital_of_Chile #Beijing__Peking__Peiping__peiping__capital_of_Red_China #Taipei__capital_of_Taiwan #Bogota__capital_of_Colombia #Brazzaville #Kinshasa__Leopoldville #San_Jose.Costa_Rica__sanjose__capital_of_Costa_Rica #Yamoussukro #Guatemala_City__capital_of_Guatemala #Tegucigalpa__Honduran_capital #San_Salvador__Salvadoran_capital #Managua__capital_of_Nicaragua__Nicaraguan_capital #Panama_City.Panama__panamacity__capital_of_Panama__Panamanian_capital #Mexico_City__Ciudad_de_Mexico__Mexican_capital__capital_of_Mexico #Havana__capital_of_Cuba__Cuban_capital #Port-au-Prince__Haitian_capital #Santo_Domingo__Ciudad_Trujillo__capital_of_the_Dominican_Republic #Kingston.Jamaica__kingston__capital_of_Jamaica__Jamaican_capital #Port_of_Spain__Port-of-Spain__capital_of_Trinidad_and_Tobago #Nicosia__capital_of_Cyprus #Prague__Praha__Prag__Czech_capital #Porto_Novo__capital_of_Benin #Lome__capital_of_Togo #Copenhagen__Kobenhavn__Danish_capital #Djibouti.capital__djibouti__capital_of_Djibouti #Roseau #Malabo #Oslo__Christiania__capital_of_Norway #Stockholm__capital_of_Sweden #Berlin__German_capital #Quito__capital_of_Ecuador #Asmara__Asmera #Addis_Ababa__New_Flower__capital_of_Ethiopia #Suva #Helsinki__Helsingfors__capital_of_Finland__Finnish_capital #Athens__Athinai__capital_of_Greece__Greek_capital #Jerusalem__capital_of_Israel #Roma__Rome__Eternal_City__Italian_capital__capital_of_Italy #Bucharest__Bucharesti__Bucuresti__capital_of_Romania #Kigali__capital_of_Rwanda #Ljubljana #Belgrade__Beograd__capital_of_Yugoslavia #Zagreb #Canadian_capital__Ottawa__capital_of_Canada #Canberra__Australian_capital__capital_of_Australia #Kolonia #Funafuti #Tarawa__Bairiki #Port_Moresby__capital_of_Papua_New_Guinea #Vienna__Austrian_capital__capital_of_Austria #Nassau__capital_of_the_Bahamas #Manama__capital_of_Bahrain #Dahka__Dacca__capital_of_Bangladesh #Bruxelles__Brussels__Belgian_capital__capital_of_Belgium #Gaborone__capital_of_Botswana #Brasilia__Brazilian_capital__capital_of_Brazil #London__Greater_London__British_capital__capital_of_the_United_Kingdom #Dublin__Irish_capital__capital_of_Ireland #Cairo__El_Qahira__Egyptian_capital__capital_of_Egypt #New_Delhi__Indian_capital__capital_of_India #Kathmandu__Katmandu__capital_of_Nepal #Lhasa__Lassa__capital_of_Tibet__Forbidden_City #Jakarta__Djakarta__capital_of_Indonesia #Teheran__Tehran__capital_of_Iran__Iranian_capital #Baghdad__Bagdad__capital_of_Iraq #Tokyo__Tokio__Yeddo__Yedo__Edo__Japanese_capital__capital_of_Japan #Amman__capital_of_Jordan #Nairobi__capital_of_Kenya #Kuwait_City__capital_of_Kuwait__Kuwait__Koweit #Paris__City_of_Light__French_capital__capital_of_France #Libreville__capital_of_Gabon #Banjul__capital_of_Gambia #Accra__capital_of_Ghana #St._George's__capital_of_Grenada #Conakry__Konakri__capital_of_Guinea #Bissau__capital_of_Guinea-Bissau #Stabroek__Georgetown #Amsterdam__Dutch_capital__capital_of_The_Netherlands #Budapest__Hungarian_capital__capital_of_Hungary #Reykjavik__capital_of_Iceland #Pyongyang__capital_of_North_Korea #Seoul__capital_of_South_Korea #Vientiane__Laotian_capital__capital_of_Laos #Beirut__capital_of_Lebanon #Maseru__capital_of_Lesotho #Monrovia__Liberian_capital__capital_of_Liberia #Tripoli__capital_of_Libya #Vaduz__capital_of_Liechtenstein #Luxembourg-Ville__Luxembourg__Luxemburg__Luxembourg_City__capital_of_Luxembourg #Skopje__Skoplje__Uskub #Antananarivo__capital_of_Madagascar #Lilongwe__capital_of_Malawi #Kuala_Lumpur__Malaysian_capital__capital_of_Malaysia #Male #Bamako #Valletta__Valetta__capital_of_Malta #Nouakchott #Port_Louis #Monaco-Ville #Ulan_Bator__Ulaanbaatar__Urga__Kulun__capital_of_Mongolia #Rabat__capital_of_Morocco #Maputo__capital_of_Mozambique #Wellington__capital_of_New_Zealand #Niamey__capital_of_Niger #Abuja__capital_of_Nigeria__Nigerian_capital #Muscat__Masqat__capital_of_Oman #Islamabad__capital_of_Pakistan #Asuncion__capital_of_Paraguay #Lima__capital_of_Peru #Manila__capital_of_the_Philippines #Warsaw__capital_of_Poland #Lisbon__Lisboa__capital_of_Portugal #Doha__Bida__El_Beda__capital_of_Qatar #Basseterre #Castries #Kingstown.Saint_Vincent__kingstown #Apia__capital_of_Western_Samoa #San_Marino.capital__sanmarino__capital_of_San_Marino #Sao_Tome #Riyadh__capital_of_Saudi_Arabia #Mecca #Dakar__capital_of_Senegal #Victoria.Seychelles__victoria__capital_of_Seychelles #Freetown__capital_of_Sierra_Leone__capitalofsierraleone #Singapore.capital__singapore__capital_of_Singapore #Honiara #Mogadishu__Mogadiscio__capital_of_Somalia #Pretoria__capital_of_South_Africa__capitalofsouthafrica #Moscow__capital_of_the_Russian_Federation__Russian_capital #Madrid__capital_of_Spain__Spanish_capital #Khartoum__capital_of_Sudan #Paramaribo__capital_of_Suriname #Mbabane__capital_of_Swaziland #Bern__Berne__capital_of_Switzerland #Damascus__capital_of_Syria #Dar_es_Salaam__capital_of_Tanzania #Bangkok__capital_of_Thailand__Krung_Thep #Tunis__capital_of_Tunisia #Ankara__Turkish_capital__capital_of_Turkey #Kampala__capital_of_Uganda #Abu_Dhabi__United_Arab_Emirates's_capital #Washington__American_capital__capital_of_the_United_States #Montevideo__capital_of_Uruguay #Port_Vila__Vila__capital_of_Vanuatu #Caracas__capital_of_Venezuela #Hanoi__capital_of_Vietnam #San'a__Sanaa__Sana #Lusaka__capital_of_Zambia #Harare__Salisbury__capital_of_Zimbabwe subtype: #provincial_capital the capital city of a province instance: #Edmonton #Victoria.British_Columbia__victoria #Winnipeg #Fredericton #Saint_John's.Newfoundland__saintjohn'__St._John's #Halifax #Toronto #Charlottetown #Quebec_City__Quebec #Regina #Whitehorse #Darwin subtype: #state_capital__statecapital the capital city of a United States state instance: #Brisbane #Sydney #Melbourne #Hobart #Adelaide #Perth #Montgomery__capital_of_Alabama #Juneau__capital_of_Alaska #Phoenix.Arizona__phoenix__capitalofarizona #Little_Rock__capital_of_Arkansas #Sacramento__capital_of_California #Denver__Mile-High_City__capital_of_Colorado #Hartford__capital_of_Connecticut #Dover__capital_of_Delaware #Tallahassee__capital_of_Florida #Atlanta__capital_of_Georgia #Honolulu__capital_of_Hawaii__Hawaiian_capital #Boise__capital_of_Idaho #Springfield.Illinois__springfield__capitalofillinoi #Indianapolis__capital_of_Indiana #Des_Moines__capital_of_Iowa #Topeka__capital_of_Kansas #Frankfort__capital_of_Kentucky #Baton_Rouge__capital_of_Louisiana #Augusta.Maine__augusta__capital_of_Maine #Annapolis__capital_of_Maryland #Boston__Hub_of_the_Universe__Beantown__capital_of_Massachusetts #Lansing__capital_of_Michigan #Saint_Paul__St._Paul__capital_of_Minnesota #Jackson.Mississippi__jackson__capitalofmississippi #Jefferson_City__capital_of_Missouri #Helena__capital_of_Montana #Lincoln.Nebraska__lincoln__capital_of_Nebraska #Carson_City__capital_of_Nevada #Concord.New_Hampshire__concord__capital_of_New_Hampshire #Trenton__capital_of_New_Jersey #Santa_Fe__capital_of_New_Mexico #Albany.New_York_State__albany__capital_of_New_York #Raleigh__capital_of_North_Carolina #Bismarck__capital_of_North_Dakota #Columbus.Ohio__columbu__capitalofohio #Oklahoma_City__capital_of_Oklahoma #Salem.Oregon__salem__capital_of_Oregon #Harrisburg__capital_of_Pennsylvania #Providence__capital_of_Rhode_Island #Columbia.South_Carolina__columbia__capital_of_South_Carolina #Pierre__capital_of_South_Dakota #Nashville__capital_of_Tennessee #Austin__capital_of_Texas #Salt_Lake_City__capital_of_Utah #Montpelier__capital_of_Vermont #Richmond__capital_of_Virginia #Olympia.Washington_State__olympia__capitalofwashington #Charleston.West_Virginia__charleston__capital_of_West_Virginia #Madison__capital_of_Wisconsin #Cheyenne.Wyoming__cheyenne__capital_of_Wyoming instance: #George_Town #Bridgetown__capital_of_Barbados #Bratislava__capital_of_Slovakia__Pressburg__Pozsony #Sucre #Belfast__capital_of_Northern_Ireland #Edinburgh #Cardiff #Minsk__capital_of_Byelorussia #Tallinn__capital_of_Estonia #Riga__capital_of_Latvia #Vilnius__Vilna__Vilno__Wilno__capital_of_Lithuania #Kishinev__Chisinau__capital_of_Moldova #Kiev__capital_of_the_Ukraine #Yerevan__Jerevan__Erivan__capital_of_Armenia #Baku__capital_of_Azerbaijan #Tbilisi__Tiflis__capital_of_Georgia #Astana__Akmola__capital_of_Kazakhstan #Bishkek__Biskek__Frunze__capital_of_Kyrgystan #Dushanbe__Dusanbe__Dyushambe__Stalinabad__capital_of_Tajikistan #Ashkhabad__capital_of_Turkmenistan #Tashkent__Taskent__capital_of_Uzbek subtype: #county_seat__county_courthouse the town or city that is the seat of government for a county subtype: #county_town__shire_town__shiretown (British) the town or city that is the seat of government for a shire subtype: #see the seat within a bishop's diocese where his cathedral is located instance: #Holy_See__The_Holy_See__State_of_the_Vatican_City instance: #La_Paz subtype: #midstream the middle of a stream subtype: #corner.area a place off to the side of an area; "he tripled to the rightfield corner"; "he glanced out of the corner of his eye" subtype: #remote_corner__corner a remote area; "in many corners of the world they still practice slavery" subtype: #disaster_area a region whose population is affected by a general disaster subtype: #haunt__hangout__resort__repair__stamping_ground a frequently visited place subtype: #gathering_place a favorite haunt where people gather subtype: #fireside__hearth an area near a fireplace (usually paved and extending out into a room) subtype: #hunting_ground.area__huntingground an area in which game is hunted subtype: #no-man's-land__no_man's_land an unoccupied area between opposing armies subtype: #circle_quadrant__quadrant the area enclosed by two perpendicular radii of a circle subtype: #quadrant.area any of the four areas into which a plane is divided by two orthogonal coordinate axes subtype: #staging_area__stagingarea an area where troops and equipment in transit are assembled before a military operation subtype: #open.area__clear a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water: "finally broke out of the forest into the open" subtype: #free_zone__free_port an area adjoining a port where goods that are intended for reshipment can be received and stored without payment of duties subtype: #anchorage_ground__anchorageground__anchorage place for vessels to anchor subtype: #mooring__berth__slip a place where a craft can be made fast subtype: #roads__road__roadstead a partly sheltered anchorage subtype: #resort__holiday_resort__holidayresort__vacation_spot__playground an area where many people go for recreation subtype: #dude_ranch a holiday resort offering ranch activities (riding and camping) subtype: #ski_resort__skiresort a resort with lodging and facilities for skiing subtype: #watering_place__watering_hole__spa a health resort near a spring or at the seaside instance: #Wiesbaden instance: #Waikiki subtype: #city_block__block a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings; "he lives in the next block" subtype: #retreat.area a place of privacy; a place affording peace and quiet subtype: #Camp_David retreat northwest of Washington used by the president of the United States subtype: #nook a sheltered and secluded place subtype: #nest.retreat a cosy or secluded retreat subtype: #pleasance a pleasant and secluded part of a garden; usually attached to a mansion subtype: #sanctum__sanctum_sanctorum__sanctumsanctorum a place of inviolable privacy; "he withdrew to his sanctum sanctorum, where the children could never go" subtype: #safety.area__refuge a safe place; "He ran to safety" subtype: #harborage__harbourage a place of refuge (as for a ship) subtype: #danger.area a dangerous place; "He moved out of danger" subtype: #scene the place where some action occurs; "the police returned to the scene of the crime" subtype: #light.scene an illuminated area; "he stepped into the light" subtype: #darkness.scene__dark__shadow an unilluminated area; "he moved off into the darkness" subtype: #stage.scene any scene regarded as a setting for exhibiting or doing something; "All the world's a stage"--Shakespeare; "it set the stage for peaceful negotiations" subtype: #locale__venue__locus__locu the scene of any event or action (especially the place of a meeting) subtype: #plane_section__planesection__section (geometry) the area created by a plane cutting through a solid subtype: #cross_section__crosssection a section created by a plane cutting a solid perpendicular to its longest axis subtype: #profile.cross_section a vertical section of the Earth's crust showing the different horizons or layers subtype: #soil_profile a vertical section of soil from the ground surface to the parent rock subtype: #section.area a distinct region or subdivision of a territorial or political area or community or group of people; "no section of the nation is more ardent than the South"; "there are three synagogues in the Jewish section" subtype: #outskirts__outskirt outlying areas (as of a city or town); "they lived on the outskirts of Houston" or "they mingled in the outskirts of the crowd" subtype: #vicinity__locality__neighborhood__neighbourhood a surrounding or nearby region; "the plane crashed in the vicinity of Asheville"; "it is a rugged locality"; "he always blames someone else in the immediate neighborhood" subtype: #place.vicinity a general vicinity; "He comes from a place near Chicago" subtype: #proximity the region close around a person or thing subtype: #presence.proximity__front the immediate proximity of someone or something; "she blushed in his presence"; "he sensed the presence of danger"; "he was well behaved in front of company" subtype: #scenery the appearance of a place subtype: #landscape an expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view subtype: #seascape.scenery a view of the sea instance: #Left_Bank__Latin_Quarter #Montmartre #Right_Bank instance: #Forbidden_City subtype: #shrubbery.area an area where a number of shrubs are planted subtype: #space.area an area reserved for some particular purpose; "the laboratory's floor space" subtype: #crawlspace__crawl_space low space beneath a floor of a building; gives workers access to wiring or plumbing subtype: #disk_space__disc_space (computer science) the space available on a magnetic disk subtype: #disk_overhead__overhead (computer science) the disk space required for non-data information (used for location and timing) subtype: #swap_space__swap_file the disk space that is set aside for virtual memory subtype: #no-parking_zone a space where automobiles are not allowed to park subtype: #parking_space__parkingspace__parking_zone__parkingzone a space where an automobile can be parked subtype: #seat.space__place a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane); "he booked their seats in advance"; "he sat in someone else's place" subtype: an elevated place serving as a seat subtype: #terreplein level space where heavy guns can be mounted behind the parapet at the top of a rampart subtype: #workspace space allocated for your work (as in an office) subtype: #tank_farm an area used exclusively for storing petroleum in large tanks subtype: #winner's_circle a small area at a racecourse where awards are given to the owners of winning horses instance: #Bermuda_Triangle #Saxony__Sachsen__sachsen__Saxe subtype: #backwater any backward region that is isolated from the world and resists progress subtype: #military_field__field a region in which military operations are in progress; "the army was in the field awaiting action" subtype: #district__territory a region marked off for administrative or other purposes subtype: #administrative_district__administrative_division__territorial_division__territorialdivision a district defined for administrative purposes subtype: #borough one of the administrative divisions of a large city instance: #Greenwich #Westminster__City_of_Westminster #Bronx__The_Bronx #Brooklyn #Manhattan #Queens #Staten_Island subtype: #canton a small administrative division of a country subtype: #Swiss_canton one of the cantons of Switzerland instance: #Ticino__Tessin subtype: #city.administrative_district an incorporated administrative district established by state charter; "the city raised the tax rate" subtype: #commune the smallest administrative district of several European countries (Belgium and France and Italy and Switzerland) subtype: #country__state__land the territory occupied by a nation; "he returned to the land of his birth"; "he visited several European countries" subtype: #banana_republic__bananarepublic a small country (especially in Central America) that is politically unstable and whose economy is dominated by foreign companies and depends on one export (such as bananas) subtype: #fatherland__homeland__motherland__mother_country__country_of_origin__native_land the country where you were born subtype: #old_country__oldcountry the country of origin of an immigrant subtype: #buffer_state__buffer_country a small neutral state between two rival powers subtype: a country with a king as head of state instance: #Israel #UK__Great_Britain_and_Northern_Ireland__Great_Britain__United_Kingdom_of_Great_Britain_and_Northern_Ireland__United_Kingdom__Britain subtype: #European_country__European_nation countries occupying the European continent subtype: #Scandinavian_country__Scandinavian_nation countries occupying Scandinavia instance: #Denmark__Kingdom_of_Denmark__Danmark #Norway__Kingdom_of_Norway__Norge__Noreg #Sweden__Kingdom_of_Sweden__Sverige subtype: #Balkan_country__Balkan_nation__Balkans__Balkan_state a country on the Balkan Peninsula instance: #Albania__Republic_of_Albania #Bulgaria__Republic_of_Bulgaria #Greece__Hellenic_Republic__Ellas #Romania__Roumania__Rumania #Macedonia instance: #Czech_Republic #Slovakia__Slovak_Republic #Germany__Federal_Republic_of_Germany__Deutschland__FRG #East_Germany__German_Democratic_Republic #West_Germany__Federal_Republic_of_Germany #Finland__Republic_of_Finland__Suomi #Italy__Italian_Republic__Italia #Yugoslavia__Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia__Jugoslavija__Serbia_and_Montenegro #Croatia__Republic_of_Croatia__Hrvatska #Bosnia_and_Herzegovina__Republic_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina__Bosna_i_Hercegovina__Bosnia-Herzegovina__Bosnia #Slovenia__Republic_of_Slovenia__Slovenija #Austria__Republic_of_Austria__Oesterreich #Flanders #Belgium__Kingdom_of_Belgium__Belgique #England #Northern_Ireland #Eire__Ireland__Irish_Free_State__Republic_of_Ireland #Scotland #France__French_Republic #Netherlands__The_Netherlands__Kingdom_of_The_Netherlands__Holland__holland #Hungary__Republic_of_Hungary__Magyarorszag #Republic_of_Iceland__Iceland #Liechtenstein__Principality_of_Liechtenstein #Luxembourg__Grand_Duchy_of_Luxembourg__Luxemburg #Monaco__Principality_of_Monaco #Poland__Republic_of_Poland__Polska #Portugal__Portuguese_Republic #San_Marino__Republic_of_San_Marino #Belarus__Republic_of_Belarus__Byelarus__Byelorussia__Belorussia__White_Russia #Moldova__Republic_of_Moldava__Moldavia #Andorra__Principality_of_Andorra #Spain__Kingdom_of_Spain__Espana #Switzerland__Swiss_Confederation__Suisse__Schweiz__Svizzera #Holy_See__The_Holy_See__State_of_the_Vatican_City subtype: #African_country__African_nation countries occupying the African continent instance: #Namibia__Republic_of_Namibia #Algeria__Democratic_and_Popular_Republic_of_Algeria__Algerie #Angola__Republic_of_Angola #Burundi__Republic_of_Burundi #Republic_of_Cameroon__Cameroon__Cameroun #Central_African_Republic__Central_Africa #Republic_of_Chad__Chad__Tchad #Republic_of_the_Congo__French_Congo #Congo__Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo__Zaire__Belgian_Congo #Ivory_Coast__Cote_d'Ivoire__Republic_of_Cote_d'Ivoire #Benin__Republic_of_Benin__Dahomey #Togo__Togolese_Republic #Djibouti__Republic_of_Djibouti__Afars_and_Issas #Equatorial_Guinea__Republic_of_Equitorial_Guinea__Spanish_Guinea #Eritrea__State_of_Eritrea #Ethiopia__Federal_Democratic_Republic_of_Ethiopia__Yaltopya__Abyssinia #Rwanda__Rwandese_Republic__Ruanda #Botswana__Republic_of_Botswana #Egypt__Arab_Republic_of_Egypt__United_Arab_Republic #Kenya__Republic_of_Kenya #Gabon__Gabonese_Republic__Gabun #Gambia__The_Gambia__Republic_of_The_Gambia #Ghana__Republic_of_Ghana__Gold_Coast #Guinea__Republic_of_Guinea__French_Guinea #Guinea-Bissau__Republic_of_Guinea-Bissau__Guine-Bissau__Portuguese_Guinea #Lesotho__Kingdom_of_Lesotho__Basutoland #Liberia__Republic_of_Liberia #Libya__Socialist_People's_Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya #Republic_of_Madagascar__Madagascar__Malagasy_Republic #Malawi__Republic_of_Malawi__Nyasaland #Mali__Republic_of_Mali__French_Sudan #Mauritania__Islamic_Republic_of_Mauritania__Mauritanie__Muritaniya #Morocco__Kingdom_of_Morocco__Maroc__Marruecos__Al-Magrib #Mozambique__Republic_of_Mozambique__Mocambique #Niger__Republic_of_Niger #Nigeria__Federal_Republic_of_Nigeria #Senegal__Republic_of_Senegal #Sierra_Leone__Republic_of_Sierra_Leone #Somalia #South_Africa__Republic_of_South_Africa #Republic_of_the_Sudan__Sudan__Soudan #Swaziland__Kingdom_of_Swaziland #Tanzania__United_Republic_of_Tanzania #Tunisia__Republic_of_Tunisia #Uganda__Republic_of_Uganda #Zambia__Republic_of_Zambia #Zimbabwe__Republic_of_Zimbabwe__Rhodesia__Southern_Rhodesia subtype: #Asian_country__Asian_nation countries occupying the Asian continent instance: #Afghanistan__Islamic_State_of_Afghanistan #Myanmar__Union_of_Burma__Burma #Cambodia__Kingdom_of_Cambodia__Kampuchea #China__People's_Republic_of_China__mainland_China__Communist_China__Red_China__PRC #Bahrain__State_of_Bahrain__Bahrein #Bangladesh__People's_Republic_of_Bangladesh__Bangla_Desh__East_Pakistan #Bhutan__Kingdom_of_Bhutan #India__Republic_of_India__Bharat #Nepal__Kingdom_of_Nepal #Tibet__Thibet__Xizang__Sitsang #Iran__Islamic_Republic_of_Iran__Persia #Iraq__Republic_of_Iraq__Al-Iraq__Irak #Japan__Nippon__Nihon #Jordan__Hashemite_Kingdom_of_Jordan #Kuwait__State_of_Kuwait__Koweit #North_Korea__Democratic_People's_Republic_of_Korea #South_Korea__Republic_of_Korea #Laos__Lao_People's_Democratic_Republic #Lebanon__Lebanese_Republic #Malaysia__Malaya #Outer_Mongolia__Mongolia__Mongolian_People's_Republic #Oman__Sultanate_of_Oman__Muscat_and_Oman #Pakistan__Islamic_Republic_of_Pakistan__West_Pakistan #Qatar__State_of_Qatar__Katar__State_of_Katar #Saudi_Arabia__Kingdom_of_Saudi_Arabia #Singapore__Republic_of_Singapore #Armenia__Republic_of_Armenia__Hayastan #Azerbaijan__Azerbaijani_Republic__Azerbajdzhan__Azerbajdzhan_Republic #Sakartvelo__Georgia #Kazakhstan__Republic_of_Kazakhstan__Kazakstan__Kazakh__Kazak #Kyrgystan__Kyrgyz_Republic__Kirghizia__Kirgizia__Kirghiz__Kirgiz__Kirghizstan__Kirgizstan #Tajikistan__Republic_of_Tajikistan__Tadzhikistan__Tadzhik__Tadjik__Tajik #Uzbekistan__Republic_of_Uzbekistan__Uzbek #Syria__Syrian_Arab_Republic #Thailand__Kingdom_of_Thailand__Siam #United_Arab_Emirates #Vietnam__Socialist_Republic_of_Vietnam__Viet_Nam__Annam #Yemen__Republic_of_Yemen subtype: #South_American_country__South_American_nation countries occupying the South American continent instance: #Argentina__Argentine_Republic__the_Argentine #Chile__Republic_of_Chile #Colombia__Republic_of_Colombia #Ecuador__Republic_of_Ecuador #Bolivia__Republic_of_Bolivia #Brazil__Federative_Republic_of_Brazil__Brasil #Guyana__Co-operative_Republic_of_Guyana__British_Guiana #Paraguay__Republic_of_Paraguay #Peru__Republic_of_Peru #Suriname__Republic_of_Suriname__Surinam__Dutch_Guiana__Netherlands_Guiana #Uruguay #Venezuela__Republic_of_Venezuela subtype: #North_American_country__North_American_nation a country on the North American continent subtype: #Central_American_country__Central_American_nation countries occupying Central America; except for Belize and Costa Rica these countries are characterized by low per capita income and unstable governments instance: #Costa_Rica__Republic_of_Costa_Rica #Guatemala__Republic_of_Guatemala #Belize__British_Honduras #Honduras__Republic_of_Honduras #Salvador__El_Salvador__Republic_of_El_Salvador #Nicaragua__Republic_of_Nicaragua #Panama__Republic_of_Panama instance: #Mexico__United_Mexican_States #Canada #USA__United_States_of_America__United_States__America__US__U.S.__U.S.A. instance: #Antigua_and_Barbuda #Cape_Verde__Republic_of_Cape_Verde #Sri_Lanka__Democratic_Socialist_Republic_of_Sri_Lanka__Ceylon #Comoros__Federal_Islamic_Republic_of_the_Comoros #Republic_of_Cuba__Cuba #Haiti__Republic_of_Haiti #Dominican_Republic #Jamaica.country__jamaica #Barbados.country__barbado #Trinidad_and_Tobago__Republic_of_Trinidad_and_Tobago #Republic_of_Cyprus__Cyprus #Commonwealth_of_Dominica__Dominica #Fiji__Republic_of_Fiji #State_of_Israel__Israel__Yisrael__Zion__Sion #Etruria #Australia__Commonwealth_of_Australia #Federated_States_of_Micronesia__Micronesia__TT #Republic_of_the_Marshall_Islands__Marshall_Islands #Tuvalu #Kiribati__Republic_of_Kiribati #Nauru__Republic_of_Nauru #Papua_New_Guinea__Independent_State_of_Papua_New_Guinea #Bahamas__Commonwealth_of_the_Bahamas__Bahama_Islands #sultanate #Burkina_Faso #Indonesia__Republic_of_Indonesia__Dutch_East_Indies #Grenada #Republic_of_Maldives__Maldives #Republic_of_Malta__Malta #Republic_of_Mauritius__Mauritius #New_Zealand #Palau__Republic_of_Palau__TT #Republic_of_the_Philippines__Philippines #Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis__Federation_of_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis__Saint_Christopher-Nevis__St._Christopher-Nevis__St._Kitts_and_Nevis #St._Lucia__Saint_Lucia #Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines__St._Vincent_and_the_Grenadines #Independent_State_of_Samoa__Samoa__Western_Samoa__Samoa_i_Sisifo #Sao_Tome_and_Principe__Democratic_Republic_of_Sao_Tome_and_Principe__Sao_Tome_e_Principe__Sao_Thome_e_Principe__St._Thomas_and_Principe #Seychelles__Republic_of_Seychelles #Solomon_Islands #USSR__Soviet_Union__Russia__Union_of_Soviet_Socialist_Republics #Russia__Russian_Federation #Ukraine__Ukrayina #Turkmenistan__Turkomen__Turkmen__Turkmenia #Kingdom_of_Tonga__Tonga__Friendly_Islands #Turkey__Republic_of_Turkey #Vanuatu__Republic_of_Vanuatu__New_Hebrides subtype: #county a territorial division for local government instance: #Avon #Berkshire #Cornwall #Devonshire__Devon #Gloucestershire__gloucestershire #Hampshire #Kent #Somerset #East_Sussex #West_Sussex #Leicestershire__Leicester #Lincolnshire #Northumberland #North_Yorkshire #West_Yorkshire #South_Yorkshire #Isle_of_Wight__Wight subtype: #county_palatine the territory of a count palatine subtype: #department.administrative_district the territorial and administrative division of some countries (such as France) subtype: #federal_district__federaldistrict a district set apart as the seat of government of a federation instance: #District_of_Columbia__DC subtype: #reservation.administrative_district__reserve a district that is reserved for particular purpose subtype: #indian_reservation a reservation set aside for the use of indians subtype: #preserve.reservation a reservation where animals are protected subtype: #shooting_preserve a preserve on which hunting is permitted during certain months of the year subtype: #shire (British) a former administrative district of England; equivalent to a county subtype: #municipality.urban_area an urban district having corporate status and powers of self-government subtype: #city__metropolis__urban_center__urbancenter a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts; "Ancient Troy was a great city" subtype: #capital_city__capitalcity__capital a seat of government instance: #Dunkerque__Dunkirk #Durres__Durazzo #Oran #Constantine #Hamilton #Cordoba__Cordova #Plovdiv__Philippopolis #Mandalay #Douala #Kandy #Vina_del_Mar #Antofagasta #Punta_Arenas #Concepcion #Valparaiso #Lanzhou__Lanchou__Lanchow #Shanghai #Guangzhou__Canton__Kuangchou__Kwangchow #Nanchang__Nan-chang #Nanning__Nan-ning #Shenyang__Mukden__Moukden__Fengtien #Tianjin__Tientsin__T'ien-ching #Nanjing__Nanking #Chongqing__Chungking #Xian__Sian__Singan__Changan__Hsian #Luoyang__Loyang #Hangzhou__Hangchow #Taichung #Hong_Kong #Cali #Medellin #Cartagena #Kananga__Luluabourg #Lubumbashi__Elisabethville #Abidjan #San_Pedro_Sula #Santa_Ana.Salvador__santaana #Colon__Aspinwall #Merida #Campeche #Cancun #Acapulco_de_Juarez__Acapulco #chihuahua #Juarez__Ciudad_Juarez #Ciudad_Victoria #Culiacan #Durango__Victoria_de_Durango #Guadalajara #Hermosillo #Leon.Mexico__leon #Matamoros #Mazatlan #Mexicali #Monterrey #Oaxaca_de_Juarez__Oaxaca #Orizaba #Puebla_de_Zaragoza__Puebla__Heroica_Puebla_de_Zaragoza #San_Luis_Potosi #Tepic #Tampico #Torreon #Tijuana #Tuxtla_Gutierrez #Veracruz #Villahermosa #Santiago_de_Cuba__Santiago #Guantanamo #Santiago_de_los_Caballeros__Santiago #San_Juan #Montego_Bay #Cotonou #Arhus__Aarhus #Aalborg__Alborg #Bergen #Stavanger #Trondheim__Nidaros #Malmo #Lund #Goteborg__Goeteborg__Gothenburg #Uppsala__Upsala #Aachen__Aix-la-Chapelle #Chemnitz__Karl-Marx_Stadt #Dresden #Leipzig #Solingen #Weimar #Bonn #Cologne__Koln #Braunschweig__Brunswick #Dusseldorf #Essen #Frankfurt_on_the_Main__Frankfurt__Frankfort #Halle-an-der-Saale__Halle #Hamburg #Hannover__Hanover #Lubeck #Mannheim #Munich__Muenchen #Nuremberg__Nurnberg #Rostock #Stuttgart #Wiesbaden #Wurzburg__Wuerzburg #Guayaquil #Espoo #Tampere__Tammerfors #Corinth__Korinthos #Argos #Delphi #Mycenae #Sparta #Troy__Ilion__Ilium #Thebes #Thessaloniki__Salonika__Salonica__Thessalonica #Sodom #Gomorrah__Gomorrha #Tel_Aviv-Jaffa__Tel_Aviv #Haifa #Jaffa__Joppa__Yafo #Byzantium #Pompeii #Herculaneum #Aquila_degli_Abruzzi__Aquila__L'Aquila #Naples__Napoli #Messina #Bologna #Brindisi #Genoa__Genova #Cremona #La_Spezia #Milan__Milano #Pisa #Siracusa__Syracuse #Turin__Torino #Bari #Palermo #Firenze__Florence #Padua__Padova__Patavium #Venice__Venezia #Verona #Dubrovnik__Ragusa #Split #Banff #Calgary #Vancouver #Saint_John__St._John #Hamilton.port__hamilton #Sudbury #Thunder_Bay #Montreal #Saskatoon #Graz #Linz__Lentia #Salzburg #Innsbruck #Chittagong #Antwerpen__Antwerp__Anvers #Bruges__City_of_Bridges #Charleroi #Gent__Gand__Ghent #Liege__Luik #Namur #Belo_Horizonte #Natal #Rio_de_Janeiro__Rio #Recife__Pernambuco #Sao_Paulo #Lancaster #Manchester #Hull__Kingston-upon_Hull #Liverpool #Birmingham #Oxford.England__oxford #Cambridge #Brighton #Bristol #Leeds #Leicester #Newcastle-upon-Tyne__Newcastle #Pompey__Portsmouth #Coventry #Gloucester.England__gloucester #Reading #Sheffield #Winchester.England__winchester #Worcester.England__worcester #Cork #Galway #Limerick #Waterford #Aberdeen.Scotland__aberdeen #Glasgow #Newport.Wales__newport #Swansea #El_Iskandriyah__Alexandria #Aswan__Assuan__Assouan #Giza__El_Giza #Memphis.Egypt__memphi #Luxor #Suez #Delhi__Old_Delhi #Calcutta #Bombay__Greater_Bombay #Agra #Hyderabad #Chennai__Madras #Salem.India__salem #Bandung #Medan #Semarang__Samarang #Abadan #Mashhad__Meshed #Isfahan__Esfahan__Aspadana #Shiraz #Tabriz #Qum #Persepolis #Basra__Basia #Mosul #Edirne__Adrianople__Adrianopolis #Babylon #Ur #Assur__Asur__Ashur #Nineveh #Utica.Phoenicia__utica #Nagoya #Osaka #Yokohama #Naha_City #Kyoto #Hiroshima #Sapporo #Kitakyushu #Fukuoka #Nagasaki #Aqaba__Akaba #Zarqa__Az_Zarqa #Kisumu #Mombasa #Nakuru #Bordeaux #Brest #Cannes #Dijon #Grenoble #Le_Havre #Lille #Lyon__Lyons #Marseille__Marseilles #Nancy #Nantes #Nice #Orleans #Strasbourg__Strassburg #Toulouse #Versailles #The_Hague__'s_Gravenhage__Den_Haag #Eindhoven #Nijmegen #Rotterdam #Leiden__Leyden #Utrecht #Thorshavn #Incheon__Inchon__Chemulpo #Kwangju #Taegu__Tegu #Pusan #Tarabulus__Tripoli #Saida__Sidon #Sur__Tyre #Benghazi #Blantyre #Zomba #Timbuktu #Casablanca #Fez__Fes #Marrakesh__Marrakech #Tangier__Tangiers #Auckland__Aukland #Christchurch #Ibadan #Katsina #Lagos #Yerwa-Maiduguri__Maiduguri #Zaria #Karachi #Lahore #Faisalabad__Lyallpur #Arequipa #Cebu_City__Cebu #Quezon_City #Cracow__Krakow__Krakau #Gdansk__Danzig #Lodz #Lublin #Wroclaw__Breslau #Braga #Porto__Oporto #Papeete #Medina__Al_Madinah #Jiddah__Jidda #Hargeisa #Cape_Town #Johannesburg #Kimberley #Durban #Bloemfontein #Soweto #Astrakhan #Cherepovets #Grozny__Groznyy #Kaluga #Kursk #Nizhnyi_Novgorod__Nizhni_Novgorod__Gorki__Gorky__Gorkiy #Kazan #Leningrad__St._Petersburg__Peterburg__Petrograd__Saint_Petersburg #Murmansk #Nalchik #Novgorod #Perm__Molotov #Rostov_na_Donu__Rostov__Rostov_on_Don #Saratov #Smolensk #Ufa__ufa #Volgograd__Stalingrad__Tsaritsyn #Novosibirsk #Chelyabinsk #Omsk #Vladivostok #Gomel__Homel #Klaipeda__Memel #Kaunas__Kovna__Kovno #Donetsk__Donetske__Stalino #Chernobyl #Dneprodzerzhinsk #Dnepropetrovsk__Yekaterinoslav #Kharkov__Kharkiv #Odesa__Odessa #Sebastopol__Sevastopol #Yalta #Almaty__Alma-Ata #Samarkand__Samarcand #Barcelona #Cadiz #Cartagena.port__cartagena #Cordova__Cordoba #Granada #Jerez_de_la_Frontera__Jerez #Leon.Spain__leon #Malaga #Oviedo #San_Sebastian #Sevilla__Seville #Toledo.Spain__toledo #Zaragoza__Saragossa #Valencia.Spain__valencia #Nyala #Port_Sudan #Omdurman #Basel__Basle__Bale #Geneva__Geneve__Genf #Lausanne #Zurich #Aleppo__Alep #Tabora #Sfax__Safaqis #Adana__Seyhan #Antalya__Adalia #Istanbul__Stambul__Stamboul__Constantinople #Bursa__Brusa #Izmir__Smyrna #Jinja #Gulu #Dubai #Pittsburgh_of_the_South__Birmingham #Huntsville #Mobile #Selma #Anchorage #Tucson #Anaheim #Bakersfield #Berkeley #Beverly_Hills #Fresno #Long_Beach #Los_Angeles__City_of_the_Angels #Oakland #Pasadena #Riverside #San_Bernadino #San_Diego #San_Francisco #San_Jose.California__sanjose #Santa_Ana.California__santaana #Santa_Clara #Colorado_Springs #Pueblo.Colorado__pueblo #Bridgeport #New_Haven #Waterbury #Wilmington.Delaware__wilmington #Fort_Lauderdale #Jacksonville #Miami #Miami_Beach #Orlando #St._Augustine__Saint_Augustine #St._Petersburg__Saint_Petersburg #Tampa #Augusta.Georgia__augusta #Columbus.Georgia__columbu #Macon #Savannah #Windy_City__Chicago #Decatur.Illinois__decatur #Peoria #Rockford #Evansville #Fort_Wayne #Gary #South_Bend #Davenport #Cedar_Rapids #Sioux_City #Kansas_City.Kansas__kansascity #Wichita.Kansas__wichita #Lexington.Kentucky__lexington #Louisville #New_Orleans #Shreveport #Portland.Maine__portland #Baltimore #Cambridge.Massachusetts__cambridge #Springfield #Worcester.Massachusetts__worcester #Salem.Massachusetts__salem #Ann_Arbor #Detroit__Motor_City__Motown #Flint #Grand_Rapids #Duluth #Minneapolis #Independence #Kansas_City.Missouri__kansascity #Saint_Louis__St._Louis__Gateway_to_the_West #Springfield.Missouri__springfield #Billings #Omaha.Nebraska__omaha #Las_Vegas #Reno #Manchester.New_Hampshire__manchester #Atlantic_City #Jersy_City #Newark #Bayonne #Camden #Paterson #Albuquerque #Buffalo #New_York__New_York_City #Binghamton #Niagara_Falls #Rochester.New_York_State__rochester #Schenectady #Syracuse #Utica.New_York_State__utica #Charlotte #Durham #Greensboro #Winston-Salem #Fargo #Akron #Cleveland #Cincinnati #Dayton #Toledo.Ohio__toledo #Youngstown #Tulsa #Eugene #Portland.Oregon__portland #Allentown #Erie #Chester #Philadelphia__City_of_Brotherly_Love #Pittsburgh #Scranton #Newport.Rhode_Island__newport #Charleston.South_Carolina__charleston #Sioux_Falls #Chattanooga #Knoxville #Memphis.Tennessee__memphi #Abilene #Amarillo #Beaumont #Brownsville #Corpus_Christi #Dallas #El_Paso #Fort_Worth #Houston #Laredo #Lubbock #Odessa #San_Antonio #Waco #Wichita_Falls #Burlington #Newport_News #Norfolk #Lynchburg #Portsmouth.port__portsmouth #Roanoke #Seattle #Spokane #Tacoma #Beckley #Clarksburg #Huntington #Morgantown #Parkersburg #Wheeling #Green_Bay #Milwaukee #Racine #Casper #Vatican_City__Citta_del_Vaticano #Cuidad_Bolivar #Maracaibo #Maracay #Valencia.Venezuela__valencia #Ho_Chi_Minh_City__Saigon #Haiphong #Aden #Bulawayo subtype: #town an urban area with a fixed boundary that is smaller than a city; "they drive through town on their way to work" subtype: #burg colloquial American term for a town; "I've lived in this burg all my life" subtype: #boom_town a town enjoying sudden prosperity subtype: #ghost_town__ghosttown a deserted town (especially in Western United States) subtype: #hometown the town (or city) where you grew up or where you have your principal residence; "he never went back to his hometown again" subtype: #market_town a (usually small) town where a public market is held at stated times instance: #Nogales.northern_Mexico__nogale #Austerlitz #Viborg #Mariehamn__Maarianhamina #Knossos__Cnossos__Cnossus #Actium #Akko__Acre__Akka__Accho #Bethlehem #Tivoli__Tibur #Agrigento__Acragas__Girgenti #Nanaimo #Churchill #Yellowknife #Kingston.Ontario__kingston #Sault_Sainte_Marie #Dawson #Alost__Aalost #Blackpool #Stratford-on-Avon__Stratford-upon-Avon #Hastings #Canterbury #Bangor.Northern_Ireland #Tara #Ayr #Aberdare #Bangor.Wales__bangor #Saqqara__Saqqarah__Sakkara #Calais #Chablis #Vichy #Thule #Monte_Carlo #El_Aaium #Cuzco__Cusco #Setubal #Abydos #Antioch__Antakya__Antakiya #Decatur.Alabama__decatur #Gadsden #Tuscaloosa #Tuskegee #Nome #Flagstaff #Nogales.Arizona__nogale #Prescott #Yuma.Arizona__yuma #Fayetteville #Fort_Smith #Hot_Springs #Jonesboro #Pine_Bluff #Texarkana.Arkansas__texarkana #Barstow #Eureka #Monterey #Palo_Alto #Redding #San_Mateo #San_Pablo #Santa_Barbara #Boulder #Farmington.Connecticut__farmington #New_London #Daytona_Beach #Fort_Myers #Gainesville #Key_West #Melbourne.Florida__melbourne #Palm_Beach #Panama_City.Florida__panamacity #Pensacola #Sarasota #West_Palm_Beach #Albany.Georgia__albany #Athens.Georgia__athen #Brunswick.Georgia__brunswick #Oxford.Mississippi__oxford #Valdosta #Hilo #Coeur_d'Alene #Idaho_Falls #Lewiston.Idaho__lewiston #Nampa #Pocatello #Twin_Falls.Idaho__twinfall #Carbondale #Champaign #East_Saint_Louis #Moline #Rock_Island #Urbana #Bloomington #Lafayette.Indiana__lafayette #Muncie #Council_Bluffs #Clinton #Dubuque #Mason_City #Ottumwa #Dodge_City #Hays #Lawrence #Salina #Bowling_Green #Owensboro #Paducah #Alexandria #Lafayette.Louisiana__lafayette #Monroe.Louisiana__monroe #Morgan_City #Bangor.Maine__bangor #Brunswick.Maine__brunswick #Lewiston.Maine__lewiston #Orono #Aberdeen.Maryland__aberdeen #Frederick #Hagerstown #Concord.Massachusetts__concord #Gloucester.Massachusetts__gloucester #Lexington.Massachusetts__lexington #Medford.Massachusetts__medford #Pittsfield #Plymouth #Alpena #Houghton #Jackson.Michigan__jackson #Kalamazoo #Marquette #Monroe.Michigan__monroe #Saginaw #Traverse_City #Bemidji #Hibbing #Mankato #Rochester.Minnesota__rochester #Saint_Cloud__St._Cloud #Virginia.Minnesota__virginia #Biloxi.Mississippi__biloxi #Columbus.Mississippi__columbu #Greenville #Hattiesburg #Meridian #Natchez #Tupelo #Vicksburg #Cape_Girardeau #Columbia.Missouri__columbia #Hannibal #Poplar_Bluff #St._Joseph__Saint_Joseph #Sedalia #Bozeman #Great_Falls #Missoula #Grand_Island #North_Platte #Portsmouth #New_Brunswick.New_Jersey__newbrunswick #Princeton #Carlsbad #Farmington.New_Mexico__farmington #Gallup #Las_Cruces #Los_Alamos #Roswell #Silver_City #Taos #Ithaca #Elmont #Kingston.New_York_State__kingston #Newburgh #Saratoga_Springs #Watertown.New_York_State__watertown #Asheville #Chappel_Hill #Fayetteville.North_Carolina__fayetteville #Greenville.North_Carolina__greenville #Wilmington.North_Carolina__wilmington #Athens.Ohio__athen #Mansfield #Bartlesville #Enid #Lawton #McAlester #Muskogee.Oklahoma__muskogee #Bend #Klamath_Falls #Medford.Oregon__medford #Altoona #Gettysburg #Hershey #Florence #Greenville.South_Carolina__greenville #Aberdeen.South_Dakota__aberdeen #Rapid_City #Columbia.Tennessee__columbia #Jackson.Tennessee__jackson #Johnson_City #Bryan #Del_Rio #Galveston #Lufkin #McAllen #Midland #Paris.Texas__pari #San_Angelo #Sherman #Texarkana.Texas__texarkana #Tyler #Victoria.Texas__victoria #Ogden #Provo #Bennington #Brattleboro #Rutland #Blacksburg #Aberdeen.Washington__aberdeen #Bellingham #Kennewick #Vancouver.Washington__vancouver #Walla_Walla #Yakima #Fayetteville.West_Virginia__fayetteville #Appleton #Eau_Claire #La_Crosse #Superior #Watertown.Wisconsin__watertown #Wausau #Jackson.Wyoming__jackson #Lander #Laramie #Rock_Springs subtype: #prefecture.administrative_district the district administered by a prefect (as in France or Japan or the Roman Empire) subtype: #state.administrative_district__province the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation; "his state is in the deep south" subtype: #commonwealth the official name of some states in the United States (Massachusetts and Pennsylvania and Virginia and Kentucky) and associated territories (Puerto Rico) instance: #Commonwealth_of_Puerto_Rico__Puerto_Rico__Porto_Rico__PR subtype: #American_state one of the 50 states of the United States subtype: #slave_state__slavestate any of the southern states in which slavery was legal prior to the Civil War subtype: #free_state any state prohibiting slavery prior to the Civil War instance: #Alabama__Heart_of_Dixie__Camellia_State__AL #Alaska__Last_Frontier__AK #Arizona__Grand_Canyon_State__AZ #Arkansas__Land_of_Opportunity__AR #California__Golden_State__CA #Colorado__Centennial_State__CO #Connecticut__Nutmeg_State__Constitution_State__CT #Delaware__Diamond_State__First_State__DE #Florida__Sunshine_State__Everglade_State__FL #Georgia__Empire_State_of_the_South__Peach_State__GA #Hawaii__Aloha_State__HI #Idaho__Gem_State__ID #Illinois__Prairie_State__Land_of_Lincoln__IL #Indiana__Hoosier_State__IN #Iowa__Hawkeye_State__IA #Kansas__Sunflower_State__KS #Kentucky__Bluegrass_State__KY #Louisiana__Pelican_State__LA #Maine__Pine_Tree_State__ME #Maryland__Old_Line_State__Free_State__MD #Massachusetts__Bay_State__Old_Colony__MA #Michigan__Wolverine_State__Great_Lakes_State__MI #Minnesota__Gopher_State__North_Star_State__MN #Mississippi__Magnolia_State__MS #Missouri__Show_Me_State__MO #Montana__Treasure_State__MT #Nebraska__Cornhusker_State__NE #Nevada__Silver_State__Battle_Born_State__Sagebrush_State__NV #New_Hampshire__Granite_State__NH #New_Jersey__Garden_State__NJ #New_Mexico__Land_of_Enchantment__NM #New_York_State__New_York__Empire_State__NY #North_Carolina__Old_North_State__Tar_Heel_State__NC #North_Dakota__Peace_Garden_State__ND #Ohio__Buckeye_State__OH #Oklahoma__Sooner_State__OK #Oregon__Beaver_State__OR #Pennsylvania__Keystone_State__PA #Rhode_Island__Little_Rhody__Ocean_State__RI #South_Carolina__Palmetto_State__SC #South_Dakota__Coyote_State__Mount_Rushmore_State__SD #Tennessee__Volunteer_State__TN #Texas__Lone-Star_State__TX #Utah__Beehive_State__Mormon_State__UT #Vermont__Green_Mountain_State__VT #Virginia__Old_Dominion__Old_Dominion_State__VA #Washington_State__Washington__Evergreen_State__WA #West_Virginia__Mountain_State__WV #Wisconsin__Badger_State__WI #Wyoming__Equality_State__WY subtype: #Italian_region Italy is divided into 20 regions for administrative purposes instance: #Abruzzi_e_Molise__Abruzzi #Basilicata__Lucania #Calabria #Campania #Emilia-Romagna #Friuli-Venezia_Giulia #Latium__Lazio #Liguria #Lombardy__Lombardia #Marche__Marches #Molise #Piemonte__Piedmont #Puglia__Apulia #Sardegna__Sardinia #Sicily__Sicilia #Tuscany__Toscana #Trentino-Alto_Adige #Umbria #Valle_D'Aosta #Veneto__Venezia-Euganea__Venetia subtype: #Canadian_province Canada is divided into 12 provinces for administrative purposes instance: #Alberta #British_Columbia #Manitoba #New_Brunswick.Canada__newbrunswick #Newfoundland.Canadian_province__newfoundland #Nova_Scotia #Ontario #Prince_Edward_Island #Quebec #Saskatchewan subtype: #Australian_state one of the states constituting Australia instance: #Queensland__QLD #New_South_Wales__NSW #Victoria.Australian_state__victoria__VIC #Tasmania #South_Australia__SA #Western_Australia__WA subtype: #Soviet_Socialist_Republic one of the states that formerly made up the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1922-1991) instance: #Soviet_Russia__Russia__Russian_Soviet_Federated_Socialist_Republic instance: #Gansu__Kansu #Hebei__Hopei__Hopeh #Szechwan__Sichuan__Szechuan #Yunnan #Chihuahua.state__chihuahua #Lower_Saxony #Bavaria #Kosovo #Tyrol__Tirol #Assam #Manipur #Andhra_Pradesh #Bihar #Goa #Gujarat__Gujerat #Tamil_Nadu__Madras #Orissa #Indonesian_Borneo__Kalimantan #Transvaal #Abkhazia__Abkhaz #Adzhar__Adzharia #Buganda subtype: #township__town an administrative division of a county; "the town is responsible for snow removal" subtype: #ward.administrative_district a district into which a city or town is divided for the purpose of administration and elections subtype: #city_district a district of a town or city subtype: #Barbary_Coast.city_district__barbarycoast a part of a city that is notorious for gambling dens and brothels and saloons and riotous night life (especially the waterfront of San Francisco after the gold rush of 1849); "we'll tolerate no Barbary Coast in this city!" subtype: #precinct a district of a city or town marked out for administrative purposes subtype: #police_precinct a precinct in which law enforcement is the responsibility of particular police force subtype: #voting_precinct__election_district one of several districts into which a city or town is divided for voting; each contains one polling place subtype: #business_district__downtown the commercial center of a town or city instance: #Tin_Pan_Alley subtype: #red-light_district__redlightdistrict a district with many brothels subtype: #quarter a district of a city having some distinguishing character; "the Latin Quarter" subtype: #ghetto the quarter of many European cities in which Jews are required to live subtype: #kasbah the quarter of many North African cities in which the citadel is located subtype: #medina the ancient quarter of many North African cities subtype: #barrio.quarter a Spanish-speaking quarter in a town or city (especially in the United States) subtype: #waterfront the area of a city (such as a harbor or dockyard) alongside a body of water subtype: #seafront the waterfront of a seaside town subtype: #dockyard an establishment on the waterfront where vessels are built or fitted out or repaired subtype: #slum_area__slum a district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions subtype: #shantytown a city district inhabited by people living in huts and shanties subtype: #skid_row a city district frequented by vagrants and alcoholics and addicts subtype: #tenderloin__combat_zone a city district known for its vice and high crime rate subtype: #turf.city_district the territory claimed by a juvenile gang as its own subtype: #enterprise_zone__enterprisezone a city district where development receives special tax advantages subtype: #outskirt__fringe a part of the city far removed from the center; "they built a factory on the outskirts of the city" instance: #West_Berlin #Bloomsbury #Soho #Wembley #West_End #Nob_Hill #Beacon_Hill #Coney_Island #Harlem #Hell's_Kitchen__Hell's_Half_Acre #SoHo #off-Broadway #Times_Square subtype: #congressional_district__congressionaldistrict a territorial division of a state; entitled to elect one member to the United States House of Representatives subtype: #development.district a district that has been developed to serve some purpose; "such land is practical for small park developments" subtype: #housing_development__housingdevelopment a residential area of similar dwellings built by property developers and usually under a single management; "they live in the new housing development" subtype: #housing_project__housingproject a housing development that is publicly funded and administered for low-income families subtype: #enclave an enclosed territory that is culturally distinct from the foreign territory that surrounds it subtype: #residential_district__residentialdistrict__residential_area__residentialarea a district where people live; occupied primarily by private residences subtype: #uptown a residential part of town away from the central commercial district subtype: #suburb__suburbia__suburban_area a residential district located on the outskirts of a city subtype: #addition.suburb a suburban area laid out in streets and lots for a future residential area subtype: #faubourg a New Orleans district lying outside the original city limits; used in combination with the names of various quarters of the city: "in Faubourg Sainte Marie" instance: #Wimbledon #Orly subtype: #exurbia a residential area outside of a city and beyond suburbia subtype: #tenement_district a residential district occupied primarily with tenement houses subtype: #rabbit_warren__warren an overcrowded residential area instance: #Georgetown #Greenwich_Village__Village subtype: #goldfield a district where gold is mined subtype: #jurisdiction in law; the territory within which power can be exercised subtype: #abbacy the jurisdiction or office of an abbot subtype: #archbishopric the territorial jurisdiction of an archbishop subtype: #archdeaconry the territorial jurisdiction of an archdeacon subtype: #bailiwick the area over which a bailiff has jurisdiction subtype: #caliphate.jurisdiction the territorial jurisdiction of a caliph subtype: #diocese__bishopric the territorial jurisdiction of a bishop subtype: #archdiocese the diocese of an archbishop subtype: #eparchy a diocese of the Eastern Christian Church subtype: #justiciary the jurisdiction of a justiciar subtype: #turf (informal) range of jurisdiction or influence: "a bureaucracy...chiefly concerned with turf...and protecting the retirement system" subtype: #parish.jurisdiction the local subdivision of a diocese committed to one pastor subtype: #patriarchate the jurisdiction of a patriarch subtype: #venue in law: the jurisdiction where a trial will be held subtype: #viceroyalty a district or province governed by a viceroy subtype: #protectorate__associated_state a state or territory partly controlled by (but not a possession of) a stronger state but autonomous in internal affairs; protectorates are established by treaty subtype: pm#australian_district instance: QLD#Gold_Coast QLD#Fortitude_Valley QLD#Sunshine_Coast QLD#Whitsunday #Adelaide NT#Alice_Springs NSW#Armidale #Auckland__Aukland NT#Ayers_Rock Oz#Blackwater Oz#Brampton_Island #Brisbane Oz#Broken_Hill Oz#Broome Oz#Bundaberg Oz#Burnie QLD#Cairns #Canberra__Australian_capital__capital_of_Australia NSW#Coffs_Harbour #Darwin Oz#Devonport Oz#Dubbo Oz#Dunk_Island SA#Edinburgh Oz#Emerald Oz#Gladstone QLD#Coolangatta Oz#Gove Oz#Grafton QLD#Great_Keppel QLD#Hervey_Bay #Hobart Oz#Kalgoorlie Oz#Karratha Oz#Kempsey Oz#Launceston QLD#Lizard_Island QLD#Lord_Howe_Island QLD#Mackay QLD#Maroochydore Oz#Maryborough Oz#McArthur_River #Melbourne Oz#Mildura Oz#Moree Oz#Mount_Gambier Oz#Narrabri Oz#Newcastle #Perth Oz#Port_Hedland Oz#Port_Lincoln Oz#Port_Macquarie QLD#Proserpine Oz#Renmark Oz#Rockhampton #Sydney Oz#Tamworth Oz#Taree Oz#Thursday_Island Oz#Toowoomba QLD#Townsville #Wellington__capital_of_New_Zealand Oz#Whyalla QLD#Arundel QLD#Ashmore QLD#Labrador QLD#Nerang QLD#Parkwood QLD#Robina QLD#Southport QLD#Surfers_Paradise instance: #Louisiana_Purchase #Palatinate__Pfalz #Mount_Athos__Athos #Attica #Boeotia #Acadia #Northwest_Territories #Yukon_Territory__Yukon #Northern_Territory__NT #Acre #Lake_District__Lakeland #Galloway.district__galloway #Lothian_Region #East_Malaysia #Sabah__North_Borneo #Sarawak #West_Malaysia #Natal.district__natal #American_Samoa__Eastern_Samoa__AS #Aragon #Castile__Castilla #Catalonia #Kordofan pm#Darmstadt (pm) subtype: #demesne__domain__land territory over which rule or control is exercised; "his domain extended into Europe"; "he made it the law of the land" subtype: #archduchy the domain controlled by an archduke or archduchess subtype: #barony.demesne the domain of a baron subtype: #duchy__dukedom the domain controlled by a duke or duchess subtype: #earldom the domain controlled by an earl or count or countess subtype: #emirate.demesne the domain controlled by an emir subtype: #empire the domain ruled by an emperor or empress instance: #Roman_Empire #Egyptian_Empire__Egypt #Persia__Persian_Empire #Russia.empire__russia #Ottoman_Empire__Turkish_Empire subtype: #fiefdom.demesne the domain controlled by a feudal lord subtype: #grand_duchy__grandduchy the domain controlled by a grand duke or grand duchess subtype: #viscounty the domain controlled by a viscount or viscountess subtype: #kingdom.demesne__realm the domain ruled by a king or queen subtype: #principality__princedom territory ruled by a prince instance: #Wales__Cymru__Cambria #Monaco__Principality_of_Monaco #Muscovy subtype: #sheikdom__sheikhdom the domain ruled by a sheik subtype: #suzerainty the domain of a suzerain instance: #Kingdom_of_God subtype: #northland__North__septentrion any region lying in or toward the north subtype: #southland__South any region lying in or toward the south subtype: #practical_work_field__field somewhere (away from a studio or office or library or laboratory) where practical work is done or data is collected; "anthropologists do much of their work in the field" subtype: #geographical_area__geographic_area__geographical_region__geographic_region a demarcated area of the Earth subtype: #Andalusia__Andalucia a region in southern Spain on the Atlantic and the Mediterranean; formerly a center of Moorish civilization subtype: #Appalachia an impoverished coal mining area in the Appalachian Mountains (from Pennsylvania to North Carolina) subtype: #Nubia an ancient region of northeastern Africa (southern Egypt and northern Sudan) on the Nile; much of Nubia is now under Lake Nasser subtype: #desert an arid region with little or no vegetation instance: #Arabian_Desert #Atacama_Desert #Australian_Desert #Colorado_Desert #Death_Valley #Gila_Desert #Gobi_Desert__Gobi #Kalahari_Desert__Kalahari #Libyan_Desert #Mojave_Desert__Mojave__Mohave__Mohave_Desert #Namib_Desert #Negev_Desert__Negev #Nubian_Desert #Painted_Desert #Patagonian_Desert #Sahara_Desert__Sahara #Sinai_Desert__Sinai subtype: #semidesert a region much like a desert but usually located between a desert and the surrounding regions subtype: #borderland__marchland the area on either side of a border or boundary subtype: #place__property any area set aside for a particular purpose; "who owns this place?"; "the president was concerned about the property across from the White House" subtype: #sanctuary a consecrated place where sacred objects are kept subtype: #sanctum_sanctorum__sanctumsanctorum__holy_of_holies (Judaism) sanctuary comprised of the innermost chamber of the Tabernacle in the Temple of Jerusalem where the Ark of the Covenant was kept subtype: #Tabernacle (Judaism) a portable sanctuary in which the Jews carried the Ark of the Covenant on their exodus subtype: #centre__center a place where some particular activity is concentrated; "they received messages from several centers" subtype: #hatchery a place where eggs are hatched under artificial conditions (especially fish eggs); "the park authorities operated a trout hatchery" subtype: #catchment_area__catchmentarea__catchment_basin__catchmentbasin__drainage_area__drainage_basin the geographical area draining into a river or reservoir subtype: #river_basin__riverbasin__basin the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries; "flood control in the Missouri basin" subtype: #geographical_zone__zone any of the regions of the surface of the Earth loosely divided according to latitude or longitude subtype: #climatic_zone any of the geographical zones loosely divided according to prevailing climate and latitude subtype: #Frigid_Zone__polar_zone__polarzone the part of the Earth's surface forming a cap over a pole; characterized by frigid climate subtype: #Antarctic_Zone__Antarctic__South_Frigid_Zone the region around the south pole: Antarctica and surrounding waters subtype: #Arctic_Zone__Arctic__North_Frigid_Zone the regions north of the Arctic Circle centered on the North Pole subtype: #Temperate_Zone the part of the Earth's surface between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer or between the Antarctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn; characterized by temperate climate instance: #North_Temperate_Zone #South_Temperate_Zone subtype: #subtropics__semitropics__semitropic regions adjacent to the tropics instance: #Torrid_Zone__tropical_zone__tropics subtype: #time_zone any of the 24 regions of the globe (loosely divided by longitude) throughout which the same standard time is used subtype: #environs__environment__surroundings__surround the area in which something exists or lives: "the country--the flat agricultural surround" subtype: #ambiance__ambience the atmosphere of an environment subtype: #medium.environs the surrounding environment; "fish require an aqueous medium" subtype: #setting.environs__scene the context and environment in which something is set: "the perfect setting for a ghost story" subtype: #element.environs the most favorable environment for a plant or animal; "water is the element of fishes" subtype: #habitat the type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs: "a marine habitat" subtype: #habitation the native habitat or home of an animal or plant subtype: #aerie__aery__eyrie__eyry any habitation at a high altitude subtype: #lair__den the habitation of wild animals subtype: #melting_pot__meltingpot an environment in which many ideas and races are socially assimilated subtype: #parts__part the local environment; "he hasn't been seen around these parts in years" subtype: #dust_bowl a region subject to dust storms; especially the central region of United States subject to dust storms in the 1930s subtype: #hemisphere half of the terrestrial globe subtype: #eastern_hemisphere__easternhemisphere__orient the hemisphere that includes Eurasia and Africa and Australia subtype: #northern_hemisphere the hemisphere north of the equator subtype: #southern_hemisphere the hemisphere south of the equator subtype: #western_hemisphere__westernhemisphere__occident__New_World the hemisphere that includes North and South America subtype: #hotspot__hot_spot__hotspot a place of political unrest and potential violence; "the United States cannot police all of the world's hot spots" subtype: #panhandle.geographical_area a relatively narrow strip of land projecting from some larger area; "Wheeling is located in the northern panhandle of West Virginia" subtype: #rural_area__ruralarea__country an area outside of cities and towns; "his poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country" subtype: #backwoods__backwood__back_country__boondocks__boondock__hinterland a remote and undeveloped area subtype: #farmland__farming_area__farmingarea a rural area where farming is practiced subtype: #countryside rural regions subtype: #scrubland an uncultivated region covered with scrub vegetation subtype: #weald (Brit) an area of open or forested country subtype: #wold a tract of open rolling country (especially upland) subtype: #sphere_of_influence__sphere the geographical area in which one nation is very influential subtype: #field.geographical_area a geographic region (land or sea) under which something valuable is found; "the diamond fields of South Africa" subtype: #coalfield a region where there is coal underground subtype: #gasfield a region where there is natural gas underground subtype: #oilfield a region rich in petroleum deposits (especially one with producing oil wells) subtype: #settlement.geographical_area an area where a group of families live together subtype: #village__hamlet a settlement smaller than a town subtype: #kraal.village a village of huts for native Africans in southern Africa; usually surrounded by a stockade subtype: #pueblo a communal village built by Indians in the southwestern U.S. instance: #Kampong__campong #El_Alamein #Jericho #Jamestown subtype: #piece_of_land__tract__piece_of_ground__parcel_of_land__parcel an extended area of land subtype: #baseball_diamond__diamond__infield the area of a baseball field that is enclosed by 3 bases and home plate subtype: #centerfield__center the piece of ground in the outfield directly ahead of the catcher; "he hit the ball to deep center" subtype: #leftfield__left the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's left subtype: #outfield the area of a baseball playing field beyond the lines connecting the bases subtype: #rightfield__right the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's right subtype: #short the location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationed subtype: #railway_yard__railwayyard__yard an area having a network of railway tracks and sidings for storage and maintenance of cars and engines subtype: #marshalling_yard__marshallingyard a railway yard in which trains are assembled and goods are loaded subtype: #oasis__oasi a fertile tract in a desert (where the water table approaches the surface) subtype: #battlefield__battleground__field_of_battle__field a region where a battle is being (or has been) fought; "they made a tour of Civil War battlefields" subtype: #Camlan (Arthurian legend) the battlefield where King Arthur was mortally wounded instance: #Armageddon subtype: #minefield a region in which explosives mines have been placed subtype: #breeding_ground a place where animals breed subtype: #pesthole a breeding ground for epidemic disease subtype: #rookery a breeding ground for gregarious birds (such as rooks) subtype: #heronry a breeding ground for herons; a heron rookery subtype: #glade a tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded area subtype: #field a piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed; "he planted a field of wheat" subtype: #curtilage__yard__grounds the enclosed land around a house or other building; "it was a small house with almost no yard" subtype: #backyard the grounds in back of a house subtype: #courtyard__court a yard wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings; "the house was built around an inner court" subtype: #atrium the central area in a building; open to the sky subtype: #bailey.courtyard the outer courtyard of a castle subtype: #cloister a courtyard with covered walks (as in religious institutions) subtype: #forecourt the outer or front court of a building or of a group of buildings subtype: #parvis a courtyard or portico in front of a building (especially a cathedral) subtype: #dooryard a yard outside the front or rear door of a house subtype: #front_yard__frontyard the yard in front of a house; between the house and the street subtype: #garden.curtilage a yard or lawn adjoining a house subtype: #playground yard consisting of an outdoor area for children's play subtype: #side_yard the grounds at either side of a house subtype: #campus a field on which the buildings of a university are situated instance: QLD#Gold_Coast_campus_of_Griffith_Uni (QLD) subtype: #firebreak a narrow field that has been cleared to check the spread of a prairie fire or forest fire subtype: #grainfield__grain_field__grainfield a field where grain is grown subtype: #cornfield__corn_field a field planted with corn subtype: #wheatfield__wheat_field__wheatfield a field planted with wheat subtype: #lawn a field of cultivated and mowed grass subtype: #paddy_field__paddyfield__paddy__rice_paddy an irrigated or flooded field where rice is grown subtype: #grounds a tract of land cleared for some special purposes (recreation or burial etc.) subtype: #playing_field__playingfield__athletic_field__playing_area__playingarea__field a piece of land prepared for playing a game; "the home crowd cheered when Princeton took the field" subtype: #scene_of_action__arena a playing field where sports events take place subtype: #circus.scene_of_action__circu an arena consisting of an oval or circular area enclosed by tiers of seats and usually covered by a tent; "they used the elephants to help put up the circus" subtype: #ball_field__diamond the baseball playing field subtype: #court a specially marked area within which a game is played; "players had to reserve a court in advance" subtype: #badminton_court__badmintoncourt the court on which badminton is played subtype: #basketball_court the court on which basketball is played subtype: #home_court (basketball) the court where the host team plays its home games subtype: #handball_court the court on which handball is played subtype: #squash_court the indoor court in which squash is played subtype: #tennis_court the court on which tennis is played subtype: #volleyball_court the court on which volleyball is played subtype: #football_field__gridiron the playing field on which football is played subtype: #palestra__palaestra a public place in ancient Greece or Rome devoted to the training of wrestlers and other athletes subtype: #bowling_green__bowlinggreen a field of closely mowed turf for playing bowls subtype: #industrial_park a tract at a distance from city center that is designed for a community of businesses and factories subtype: #grassland a land where grass or grasslike vegetation grows and is the dominant form of plant life subtype: #hayfield__meadow a field where grass or alfalfa are grown to be made into hay subtype: #pasture__pastureland__grazing_land__grazingland__lea__ley a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock subtype: #common_land__commons__common a pasture subject to common use subtype: #cow_pasture__cowpasture a pasture for cows subtype: #prairie a treeless grassy plain instance: #Great_Plains subtype: #savanna__savannah a flat grassland in tropical or subtropical regions subtype: #veld__veldt elevated open grassland in southern Africa subtype: #mud_flat__mudflat a tract of low muddy land near an estuary; covered at high tide and exposed at low tide subtype: #parade_ground an area for holding parades subtype: #fairground an open area for holding fairs or exhibitions or circuses subtype: #midway the place at a fair or carnival where sideshows and similar amusements are located subtype: #fairway.piece_of_land a tract of ground free of obstacles to movement subtype: #park a large area of land preserved in its natural state as public property; "there are laws that protect the wildlife in this park" subtype: #national_park a tract of land declared by the national government to be public property instance: #Acadia_National_Park #Arches_National_Park #Badlands_National_Park #Big_Bend_National_Park #Biscayne_National_Park #Bruce_Canyon_National_Park #Canyonlands_National_Park #Capitol_Reef_National_Park #Carlsbad_Caverns_National_Park #Channel_Islands_National_Park #Crater_Lake_National_Park #Denali_National_Park #Everglades_National_Park #Gates_of_the_Arctic_National_Park #Grand_Canyon_National_Park #Grand_Teton_National_Park #Great_Smoky_Mountains_National_Park #Guadalupe_Mountains_National_Park #Haleakala_National_Park #Hawaii_Volcanoes_National_Park #Hot_Springs_National_Park #Isle_Royal_National_Park #Katmai_National_Park #Kenai_Fjords_National_Park #Kings_Canyon_National_Park #Kobuk_Valley_National_Park #Lake_Clark_National_Park #Lassen_Volcanic_National_Park #Mammoth_Cave_National_Park #Mesa_Verde_National_Park #Mount_Ranier_National_Park #North_Cascades_National_Park #Olympic_National_Park #Petrified_Forest_National_Park #Platt_National_Park #Redwood_National_Park #Rocky_Mountain_National_Park #Sequoia_National_Park #Shenandoah_National_Park #Theodore_Roosevelt_Memorial_National_Park #Virgin_Islands_National_Park #Voyageurs_National_Park #Wind_Cave_National_Park #Wrangell-St._Elias_National_Park #Yellowstone_National_Park #Yosemite_National_Park #Zion_National_Park subtype: #commons__common__park__green a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area; "they went for a walk in the park" subtype: #amusement_park__amusementpark__funfair__pleasure_ground a commercially operated park with stalls and shows for amusement subtype: #theme_park__themepark an amusement park that is organized around some theme (as the world of tomorrow) instance: instance: #Disneyland #Walt_Disney_World subtype: #village_green__villagegreen a village park consisting of a plot of grassy land instance: #Central_Park subtype: #picnic_area__picnic_ground a tract of land set aside for picnicking subtype: #public_square__square an open area at the meeting of two or more streets subtype: #piazza__plaza a public square with room for pedestrians; "they met at Elm Plaza"; "Grosvenor Place" subtype: #toll_plaza an area where tollbooths are located subtype: #range.piece_of_land a large tract of grassy open land on which livestock can graze; "they used to drive the cattle across the open range every spring"; "he dreamed of a home on the range" subtype: #home_range__home_territory the area in which an animal normally ranges subtype: #sector.piece_of_land a portion of a military position subtype: #land_site__site the piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located): "a good site for the school" subtype: #summer_camp__camp a site where care and activities are provided for children during the summer months; "city kids get to see the country at a summer camp" subtype: #day_camp__daycamp a camp providing care and activities for children during the daytime subtype: #apron.land_site (golf) the part of the fairway leading onto the green subtype: #bomb_site an area in a town that has been devastated by bombs; "they opened a parking lot on the bomb site" subtype: #campsite__campground__camping_site__campingsite__camping_ground__campingground__bivouac__encampment__camping_area__campingarea a site where people on holiday can pitch a tent subtype: #cemetery__graveyard__burial_site__burial_ground__burying_ground__buryingground__memorial_park__necropolis a tract of land used for burials subtype: #potter's_field a cemetery for unknown or indigent people subtype: #excavation__dig the site of an archeological exploration; "they set up camp next to the dig" subtype: #garbage_dump__garbagedump__dump__trash_dump__trashdump__rubbishdump__wasteyard__dumpsite a piece of land where waste materials are dumped subtype: #eitchen_midden__eitchenmidden__midden__kitchen_midden__kitchenmidden (archeology) a mound of domestic refuse containing shells and animal bones marking the site of a prehistoric settlement subtype: #garbage_heap__garbageheap__junk_heap__rubbish_heap__rubbishheap__scrapheap__trash_heap__trashheap__junk_pile__trash_pile__trashpile__refuse_heap an accumulation of refuse and discarded matter subtype: #toxic_waste_dump__toxicwastedump__toxic_waste_site__toxicwastesite__toxic_dumpsite__toxicdumpsite a location where toxic wastes can be or have been disposed of (often illegally) subtype: #fairway the area between the tee and putting green where the grass is cut short subtype: #putting_green__puttinggreen__green an area of closely cropped grass surrounding the hole on a golf course; "the ball rolled across the green and into the trap" subtype: #launching_site__launchingsite a place for launching pads subtype: #monument an important site that is marked and preserved as public property subtype: #market_cross a cross-shaped monument set up in the marketplace of a town where public business is often conducted subtype: #premises land and buildings together considered as a place of business; "bread is baked on the premises" subtype: #rough the part of a golf course bordering the fairway where the grass is not cut short subtype: #tee__teeing_ground the starting place for each hole on a golf course; "they were waiting on the first tee" subtype: #subdivision.piece_of_land an area composed of subdivided lots subtype: #mine_field a tract of land containing explosive mines subtype: #terrain a piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potential; "they decided to attack across the rocky terrain" subtype: #plot_of_ground__plot__patch a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation; "a bean plot"; "a cabbage patch"; "a briar patch" subtype: #bed.plot_of_ground a plot of ground in which plants are growing; "the gardener planted a bed of roses" subtype: #asparagus_bed__asparagusbed a bed in which asparagus is growing subtype: #flowerbed__bedofflower a bed in which flowers are growing subtype: #rose_bed__bed_of_roses a flower bed in which roses are growing subtype: #tulip_bed a flowerbed in which tulips are growing subtype: #hotbed a bed of earth covered with glass and heated by rotting manure to promote the growth of plants subtype: #seedbed a bed where seedlings are grown before transplanting subtype: #turnip_bed a bed in which turnips are growing subtype: #garden a plot of ground where plants are cultivated subtype: #flower_garden a garden featuring flowering plants subtype: #parterre an ornamental flower garden; beds and paths are arranged to form a pattern subtype: #formal_garden a garden laid out on regular lines with plants arranged in symmetrical locations or in geometrical designs subtype: #Tuileries_Gardens__Tuileries formal gardens next to the Louvre in Paris subtype: #woodlet__grove__orchard garden consisting of a small cultivated wood without undergrowth subtype: #apple_orchard__appleorchard a grove of apple trees subtype: #lemon_grove__lemongrove a grove of lemon trees subtype: #orange_grove grove of orange trees subtype: #peach_orchard__peachorchard a grove of peach trees subtype: #Hanging_Gardens_of_Babylon terraced garden at Babylon watered by pumps from the Euphrates; construction attributed to Nebuchadnezzar around 600 BC; one of the seven wonders of the ancient world subtype: #herb_garden a garden for growing herbs subtype: #hop_garden__hopgarden__hop_field__hopfield a garden where hops are grown subtype: #kitchen_garden__kitchengarden__vegetable_garden__vegetablegarden__vegetablepatch a small garden where vegetables are grown subtype: #victory_garden__victorygarden a kitchen garden planted during wartime to relieve food shortages subtype: #landscaping a garden laid out for esthetic effect; "they spent a great deal of money on the landscaping" subtype: #market_garden a garden where fruit and vegetables are grown for marketing subtype: #rock_garden__rockery a garden featuring rocks; usually alpine plants subtype: #roof_garden a garden on a flat roof of a building subtype: #rose_garden a garden for growing roses subtype: #sunken_garden a garden set below the level of the ground surrounding it subtype: #tea_garden__teagarden a public garden where tea is served subtype: a garden having shrubs clipped or trimmed into decorative shapes especially of animals subtype: #lot a parcel of land having fixed boundaries; "he bought a lot on the lake" subtype: #parking_lot__parkinglot__car_park__carpark__parking_area__parkingarea a lot where cars are parked subtype: #used-car_lot a parking lot where a dealer in used-cars displays cars for sale subtype: #vacant_lot__building_site a lot on which there are no permanent buildings subtype: #sandlot a vacant lot used by city boys to play games subtype: #yard.piece_of_land a tract of land enclosed for particular activities (sometimes paved and usually associated with buildings); "they opened a repair yard on the edge of town" subtype: #junkyard a field where junk is collected and stored for resale subtype: #schoolyard the yard associated with a school subtype: #churchyard__God's_acre the yard associated with a church subtype: #tiltyard (formerly) an enclosed field for tilting contests subtype: #urban_area__urbanarea a geographical area constituting a city or town subtype: #megalopolis__megalopoli a very large urban complex (usually involving several cities and towns) subtype: #conurbation__urban_sprawl__urbansprawl an aggregation or continuous network of urban communities subtype: #subtopia (Brit) monotonous urban sprawl of standardized buildings subtype: #municipality.urban_area an urban district having corporate status and powers of self-government subtype: #barrio an urban area in a Spanish-speaking country instance: #Rustbelt #Twin_Cities subtype: #Victoria_Land a mountainous area of Antarctica bounded by the Ross Sea subtype: #wilderness__wild a wild and uninhabited area subtype: #barren__waste__wasteland an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation; "the barrens of central Africa"; "the trackless wastes of the desert" subtype: #heathland__heath (British) a tract of level wasteland; uncultivated land with sandy soil and scrubby vegetation subtype: #bush a large wilderness area subtype: #outback the remote bush country of Australia subtype: #frontier a wilderness at the edge of a settled area of a country; "the individualism of the frontier in Andrew Jackson's day" subtype: #zone.geographical_area a circumscribed geographical region characterized by some distinctive features subtype: a zone or area resembling an island subtype: #traffic_island__trafficisland__safety_island__safety_isle__safety_zone an island area in a roadway from which traffic is excluded; provides safe area for pedestrians subtype: #French_region a geographical subdivision of France instance: #French_Riviera__Cote_d'Azur #Alsace__Alsatia__Elsass #Anjou #Aquitaine__Aquitania #Artois #Auvergne #Basse-Normandie__Lower-Normandy #Bourgogne__Burgundy #Bretagne__Brittany__Breiz #Centre #Champagne-Ardenne__Champagne #Corse__Corsica #Franche-Comte #Gascogne__Gascony #Haute-Normandie__Upper-Normandy #Ile-de-France #Languedoc-Roussillon #Limousin #Lorraine__Lothringen #Martinique #Mayenne #Midi-Pyrenees #Nord-Pas-de-Calais #Pays_de_la_Loire #Picardie__Picardy #Poitou-Charentes__Poitou #Rhone-Alpes #Provence subtype: #Baltic_State__Baltic_Republic European countries bordering the Baltic Sea instance: #Estonia__Republic_of_Estonia__Esthonia #Latvia__Republic_of_Latvia #Lithuania__Republic_of_Lithuania__Lietuva subtype: #Colony one of the 13 British colonies that formed the original states of the United States instance: #Connecticut.Colony__connecticut #Delaware.Colony__delaware #Georgia.Colony__georgia #Maryland.Colony__maryland #Massachusetts_Bay_Colony__Massachusetts #New_Hampshire.Colony__newhampshire #New_Jersey.Colony__newjersey #New_York.Colony__newyork #North_Carolina.Colony__northcarolina #Pennsylvania.Colony__pennsylvania #Rhode_Island.Colony__rhodeisland #South_Carolina.Colony__southcarolina #Virginia.Colony__virginia instance: #Bad_Lands__Badlands #Barbary #Caucasia__Caucasus #East_USA #Southeast_USA #Southwest_USA #Northeast_USA #Northwest_USA #Midwest_USA__Middle_West_USA #West_USA #Wild_West_USA #Phrygia #Pontus #Illyria #Caribbean #Bengal #Patagonia #pampas #Rhineland__Rheinland #Southeast_Asia #Manchuria #Turkistan__Turkestan #French_Indochina #Central_America #Czechoslovakia #Bohemia #northern_Europe #Scandinavia #Brandenburg #Prussia__Preussen #Ruhr_Valley__Ruhr #Thuringia #Karelia #Epirus #Laconia #Lycia #Lydia #Thessalia__Thessaly #Arcadia #Middle_East__Near_East #Fertile_Crescent #West_Bank #Galilee #Gaza_Strip #Golan_Heights #Canaan__Palestine__Holy_Land__Promised_Land #Juda__Judah #Judea__Judaea #Philistia #Byzantine_Empire__Eastern_Roman_Empire #Montenegro__Crna_Gora #Dalmatia #Serbia__Srbija #Labrador #Maritime_Provinces__Maritimes #Klondike #Austria-Hungary #British_Empire #East_Anglia #Lancashire #Yorkshire #Northumbria #West_Country #Sussex #Wessex #Ulster #Hindustan #Sikkim #Kanara__Canara #Punjab #Gujerat__Gujarat #Maharashtra #Levant #Macedon__Macedonia__Makedonija #Thrace #Mesopotamia #Babylonia #Sumer #Assyria #Phoenicia__Phenicia #Gallia__Gaul #Riviera #Midi #Normandie__Normandy #Orleanais #Lyonnais #Guiana #ultima_Thule__Thule #Lappland__Lapland #Mongolia #Western_Sahara__Spanish_Sahara #Kashmir__Cashmere #Parthia #Siberia #Livonia #Colchis #Donets_Basin__Donbass__Donbas #Latin_America #Galicia #Leon.geographical_area__leon #Sudan__Soudan #Tanganyika #Ionia #New_England #Mid-Atlantic_states #Gulf_States #Confederate_States_of_America__Confederacy__South__Dixie__Dixieland #South_USA #Deep_South #Old_South #Sunbelt #Tidewater #Piedmont #Union__North #North_USA #Carolina #Dakota.geographical_area__dakota #Bluegrass_Country__Bluegrass__Bluegrass_Region #Low_Countries #Lusitania #Silesia__Slask__Slezsko__Schlesien #Big_Sur #Silicon_Valley #Sub-Saharan_Africa__Black_Africa #Scythia #West_Africa subtype: #biogeographical_region__biogeographicalregion an area of the Earth determined by distribution of flora and fauna subtype: #benthos__bentho__benthic_division__benthicdivision__benthonic_zone__benthoniczone a region including the bottom of the sea and the littoral zones subtype: #irredenta__irridenta a region that is related ethnically or historically to one country but is controlled politically by another subtype: #antipodes__antipode any two places or regions on diametrically opposite sides of the Earth; "the North Pole and the South Pole are antipodes" subtype: #unknown_region__unknownregion__terra_incognita__terraincognita an unknown and unexplored region; "they came like angels out the unknown" subtype: #occident__West the countries of (originally) Europe and (now including) North and South America subtype: #Europe the 2nd smallest continent (actually a vast peninsula of Eurasia); the British use `Europe' to refer to all of the continent except the British Isles subtype: #dry_land__dryland__land__earth__solid_ground__solidground__terrafirma the solid part of the earth's surface; "the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land"; "the earth shook for several minutes"; "he dropped the logs on the ground" subtype: #the_Americas__America North and South America subtype: #archipelago a group of many islands in a large body of water instance: #Cape_Verde_Islands #Tierra_del_Fuego #Comoro_Islands__Iles_Comores #West_Indies__the_Indies #Antilles #Greater_Antilles #Lesser_Antilles__Caribees #Leeward_Islands #Windward_Islands #Svalbard #Lofoten #Aland_islands__Aaland_islands__Ahvenanmaa #Aleutian_Islands__Aleutians #Oceania__Oceanica #Australasia #Austronesia #Melanesia #Micronesia #Mariana_Islands__Marianas__Ladrone_Islands #Caroline_Islands #Marshall_Islands #Gilbert_Islands #Ellice_Islands__Tuvalu #Polynesia #Malay_Archipelago__East_Indies #Sunda_Islands #Greater_Sunda_Islands #Lesser_Sunda_Islands__Nusa_Tenggara #Bismarck_Archipelago #Admiralty_Islands #Hebrides__Hebridean_Islands__Hebridean_Isles__Western_Islands__Western_Isles #Inner_Hebrides #Outer_Hebrides #Japanese_Islands__Japan__Japanese_Archipelago #Ryukyu_Islands #Orkney_Islands #Shetland_Islands__Shetland__Zetland #Palau_Islands__Palau__Belau__Pelew #Philippines__Philippine_Islands #Society_Islands #Tuamotu_Archipelago__Paumotu_Archipelago__Low_Archipelago #Tubuai_Islands__Austral_Islands #Gambier_Islands #Marquesas_Islands__Iles_Marquises #Solomons__Solomon_Islands #Balearic_Islands #Alexander_Archipelago #Hawaiian_Islands__Sandwich_Islands subtype: #ness__cape a strip of land projecting into a body of water subtype: #Cape_Sable.ness__capesable a cape at the southwest tip of Florida; the southernmost part of the United States mainland subtype: #spit.ness__tongue a narrow strip of land that juts out into the sea instance: #Cape_Horn #Lindeness__Naze #Cape_of_Good_Hope #Cape_May #Cape_Fear #Cape_Hatteras subtype: #coastal_plain__coastalplain a plain adjacent to a coast subtype: #tidewater low-lying coastal land drained by tidal streams subtype: #floor.dry_land the ground on which people and animals move about; "the fire spared the forest floor" subtype: #foreland land forming the forward margin of something subtype: #woodland__forest__timberland__timber land that is covered with trees and shrubs subtype: #Black_Forest__Schwarzwald a hilly forest region in southwestern Germany subtype: #greenwood woodlands in full leaf; "the greenwood was Robin Hood's home" subtype: #jungle an impenetrable equatorial forest subtype: #tropical_rain_forest__rain_forest a tropical forest with heavy annual rainfall subtype: #riparian_forest woodlands along the banks of stream or river subtype: #Sherwood_Forest an ancient forest in central England; formerly a royal hunting ground; said to be the home of Robin Hood and his merry band subtype: #silva__sylva the forest trees growing in a country or region subtype: #tree_farm a forest (or part of a forest) where trees are grown for commercial use subtype: #pinetum an area planted with pine trees or related conifers subtype: #hills__hill hilly land; "they loved to roam the hills of West Virginia"; "the Black Hills" subtype: #foothills__foothill hilly land on the lower slopes of mountains instance: #Cotswolds__Cotswold_Hills #Nilgiri_Hills #Black_Hills subtype: #island a land mass (smaller than a continent) that is surrounded by water subtype: #Aegean_island an island in the Aegean Sea instance: #Aigina__Aegina #Chios__Khios #Cyclades__Kikladhes #Dodecanese__Dhodhekanisos #Lesbos__Lesvos__Mytilene #Rhodes__Rodhos subtype: #barrier_island__barrierisland a long narrow sandy island (wider than a reef) running parallel to the shore instance: #Hatteras_Island subtype: #isle__islet a small island instance: #Isle_of_Wight__Wight subtype: #Kodiak_Island__Kodiak an island off southern Alaska in the Gulf of Alaska; site of the first European settlement in the area which was founded by the Russians in 1784 subtype: #South_Sea_Islands any islands in the southern or southwestern of central parts of the Pacific Ocean instance: #Anguilla #Aran_Islands #Cayman_Islands #Antigua #Atlantis #Barbuda #Redonda #Bermuda__Bermudas #Montserrat #Sao_Tiago_Island #Falkland_Islands #Ceylon #Chiloe #Formosa__Taiwan #Taiwan__China__Nationalist_China__Republic_of_China #Guadalupe_Island #Caribbean_Island #Netherlands_Antilles #Aruba #Bonaire #Curacao #Saba #Saint_Eustatius__St._Eustatius #Saint_Martin__St._Martin__Saint_Maarten__St._Maarten #Cuba #Guadeloupe #Hispaniola__Haiti__Hayti #Puerto_Rico__Porto_Rico #Jamaica #Virgin_Islands #Barbados #Trinidad #Tobago #Cyprus #Zealand__Seeland__Sjaelland #Dominica #Bioko #Spitsbergen__Spitzbergen #Galapagos_Islands__Galapagos #Fiji_Islands__Fijis #Viti_Levu #Vanua_Levu #Crete__Kriti #Ithaki__Ithaca #Egadi_Islands__Aegadean_Isles__Aegadean_Islands__Isole_Egadi__Aegates #Lemnos__Limnos #Capri #Ischia #Sardinia__Sardegna #Sicilia__Sicily #Greenland__Gronland__Kalaallit_Nunaat #Baffin_Island #Vancouver_Island #Newfoundland.island__newfoundland #Tasmanian_Island__Tasmania #Guam__GU #Saipan.island__saipan #Wake_Island__Wake #Nauru_Island__Nauru__Pleasant_Island #Borneo__Kalimantan #Bougainville #Guadalcanal #New_Britain #New_Caledonia #New_Guinea__Papua #New_Ireland #Bahrain_Island__Bahrain__Bahrein__Bahrein_Island #British_Isles #Great_Britain #Ireland__Hibernia__Emerald_Isle #Isle_of_Man__Man #Anglesey_Island__Anglesey__Anglesea__Anglesea_Island__Mona #Java #Bali #Timor #Sumatra #Celebes__Sulawesi #Moluccas__Spice_Islands #Hokkaido__Ezo__Yezo #Honshu__Hondo #Kyushu #Shikoku #Okinawa #Ile-St-Louis #Corsica__Corse #Martinique #Faroe_Islands__Faeroe_Islands__Faroes__Faeroes #Iceland #Madagascar #Maldives__Maldive_Islands #Malta #Mauritius #New_Zealand_Islands__New_Zealand #Cebu #Luzon #Mindoro #Visayan_Islands__Bisayas #Azores__Acores #Madeira_Islands #Saint_Christopher__St._Christopher__Saint_Kitts__St._Kitts #Nevis #Sombrero #Saint_Lucia__St._Lucia #Saint_Vincent__St._Vincent #Tahiti #Samoa #Principe #Seychelles.island__seychelle #Singapore.island__singapore #Novaya_Zemlya__Nova_Zembla #Majorca #Canary_Islands__Canaries #Tenerife #Zanzibar #Admiralty_Island #Santa_Catalina__Catalina_Island #Hawaii_Island__Hawaii #Kahoolawe_Island__Kahoolawe #Kauai_Island__Kauai #Lanai_Island__Lanai #Maui_Island__Maui #Molokai_Island__Molokai #Nihau_Island__Nihau #Oahu_Island__Oahu #Martha's_Vineyard #Nantucket #Ellis_Island #Long_Island #Galveston_Island #Krakatau__Krakatao__Krakatoa subtype: #isthmus a relatively narrow strip of land (with water on both sides) connecting two larger land areas subtype: #Isthmus_of_Corinth a narrow isthmus between the Gulf of Corinth and the Saronic Gulf; a canal crosses the isthmus so that navigation is possible between the gulfs subtype: #Isthmus_of_Kra a narrow isthmus linking the Malay Peninsula to the Asian mainland subtype: #Isthmus_of_Suez__isthmusofsuez the isthmus in northeastern Egypt that connects Africa and Asia subtype: #Isthmus_of_Tehuantepec the narrowest part of southern Mexico is an isthmus between the Bay of Campeche on the north coast and the Gulf of Tehuantepec on the south coast subtype: #Karelian_Isthmus the isthmus between the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga that connects Finland and Russia instance: #Isthmus_of_Panama subtype: #landmass a large continuous extent of land subtype: #continent one of the large landmasses of the earth; "there are seven continents"; "pioneers had to cross the continent on foot" instance: #Africa #Antarctica__Antarctic_continent #Asia #Australian_continent #Eurasia #Gondwanaland #Laurasia #North_America #Pangaea__Pangea #South_America subtype: #subcontinent a large and distinctive landmass (as India or Greenland) that is a distinct part of some continent subtype: #mainland the main land mass of a country or continent; as distinguished from an island or peninsula subtype: #neck.dry_land a narrow elongated projecting strip of land subtype: #oxbow.dry_land the land inside an oxbow bend in a river subtype: #peninsula a large mass of land projecting into a body of water subtype: #Alaska_Peninsula.peninsula__alaskapeninsula a peninsula of southwestern Alaska subtype: #Lower_Peninsula the part of northern Michigan between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron instance: #Asia_Minor__Anatolia #Balkan_Peninsula__Balkans #Indochina__Indochinese_peninsula #Yucatan_Peninsula__Yucatan #Scandinavian_Peninsula__Scandinavia #Jutland__Jylland #Peloponnese__Peloponnesus__Peloponnesian_Peninsula #Italian_Peninsula #Nova_Scotia.peninsula__novascotia #Arabian_Peninsula__Arabia #Sinai_Peninsula__Sinai #Korea__Korean_Peninsula__Choson #Malay_Peninsula #Iberian_Peninsula__Iberia #Qatar_Peninsula__Qatar__Katar__Katar_Peninsula #Somali_peninsula__Horn_of_Africa #Kola_Peninsula #Crimea #Kamchatka_Peninsula #Taimyr_Peninsula__Taymyr_Peninsula #Alaska_Peninsula #Seward_Peninsula #Cape_Ann #Cape_Cod #Labrador-Ungava_peninsula #Lower_California__Baja_California #Upper_Peninsula subtype: #plain__champaign extensive tract of level open land; "they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain"; "he longed for the fields of his youth" subtype: #flat a level tract of land subtype: #salt_flat__salt_plain a flat expanse of salt left by the evaporation of a body of salt water subtype: #llano an extensive grassy and nearly treeless plain (especially in Latin America) subtype: #moor__moorland open land usually with peaty soil covered with heather and bracken and moss subtype: #snowfield a permanent wide expanse of snow subtype: #steppe extensive plain without trees (associated with eastern Russia and Siberia) subtype: #tundra a vast treeless plain in the arctic regions between the ice cap and the tree line instance: #Olympia subtype: #slash.dry_land an open tract of land in a forest that is strewn with debris from logging (or fire or wind) subtype: #wonderland.dry_land a place or scene of great or strange beauty or wonder subtype: pm#Mediterranean_region subtype: pm#North_Africa subtype: vin#Chateau_Margaux instance: #Old_World #Far_East #European_mainland__Continent subtype: #whereabouts__whereabout the general location where something is; "I questioned him about his whereabouts on the night of the crime" subtype: #sodom any location known for vice and corruption subtype: #mountain_pass__pass__notch the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks; "we got through the pass before it started to snow" subtype: #col__gap a pass between mountain peaks subtype: #water_gap a pass in a mountain ridge through which a stream flows subtype: #wind_gap a pass in a mountain ridge with no stream flowing through it subtype: #defile__gorge a narrow pass (especially one between mountains) subtype: #Khyber_Pass a mountain pass of great strategic and commercial value in the Hindu Kush on the border between northern Pakistan and western Afghanistan; a route by which invaders entered India subtype: #saddleback__saddle a pass or ridge that slopes gently between two peaks (is shaped like a saddle) instance: #Cumberland_Gap subtype: #natural_enclosure__naturalenclosure__enclosure a naturally enclosed space subtype: #cave an underground enclosure with access from the surface of the ground or from the sea subtype: #cavern a large cave or a large chamber in a cave subtype: #Carlsbad_Caverns a group of caverns in southeastern New Mexico noted for their stalactites and stalagmites subtype: #cove.cave small or narrow cave in the side of a cliff or mountain subtype: #grotto__grot a small cave (usually with attractive features) subtype: #Lascaux a cave in southwestern France that contains Paleolithic paintings subtype: #cavern.natural_enclosure any large dark enclosed space; "his eyes were dark caverns" subtype: #matrix.natural_enclosure an enclosure within which something originates or develops (from the Latin for womb) subtype: #expanse a wide and open space or area as of surface or land or sky subtype: #sheet any broad thin expanse or surface: "a sheet of ice" subtype: #stretch.expanse a large and unbroken expanse or distance; "a stretch of highway"; "a stretch of clear water" subtype: #slack.stretch a stretch of water without current or movement; "suddenly they were in slack water" subtype: #sky outer space as viewed from the earth subtype: #blue_sky__blue__blue_air__wild_blue_yonder the sky as viewed during daylight; "he shot an arrow into the blue" subtype: #mackerel_sky a sky filled with rows of cirrocumulus or small altocumulus clouds subtype: #shape__form the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance; "geometry is the mathematical science of shape" subtype: #solid.shape a three-dimensional shape subtype: #convex_shape__convexity a shape that curves or bulges outward subtype: #umbo a slight rounded elevation where the malleus attaches to the eardrum subtype: #camber.convex_shape a slight convexity (as of the surface of a road) subtype: #node.convex_shape__knob__thickening any thickened enlargement subtype: #ridge.convex_shape any long raised strip subtype: #raphe__rhaphe a ridge that forms a seam between two parts subtype: #palatine_raphe the seam at the middle of the hard palate subtype: #corrugation a ridge on a corrugated surface subtype: #point.convex_shape__tip a V shape; "the cannibal's teeth were filed to sharp points" subtype: #widow's_peak__widow'speak a V-shaped point in the hairline in the middle of the forehead subtype: #cusp.point small elevation on the grinding surface of a tooth subtype: #head.point the tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates) subtype: #taper.convex_shape a convex shape that narrows toward a point subtype: #projection.convex_shape any solid convex shape that juts out from something subtype: #salient (military) the part of the line of battle that projects closest to the enemy subtype: #jag.projection a sharp projection on an edge or surface; "he clutched a jag of the rock" subtype: #bulge__bump__hump__gibbosity__gibbousness__gibbousnes__prominence__protuberance__protrusion__extrusion__excrescence something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from a form subtype: #frontal_eminence__frontaleminence either prominence of the frontal bone above each orbit subtype: #occipital_protuberance__occipitalprotuberance prominence on the outer surface of the occipital bone subtype: #caput a headlike protuberance on an organ or structure; "the caput humeri is the head of the humerus which fits into a cavity in the scapula" subtype: #nub a small lump or protuberance subtype: #wart any small rounded protuberance (as on certain plants or animals) subtype: #spur.projection__spine any pointed projection subtype: #tail_end__tail any projection that resembles the tail of an animal subtype: #tongue.projection__knife any long thin projection that is transient; "tongues of flame licked at the walls"; "rifles exploded quick knives of fire into the dark" subtype: #concave_shape__concaveshape__concavity a shape that curves inward subtype: #fossa__pit a concavity in a surface (especially an anatomical depression) subtype: #glenoid_cavity__glenoidcavity__glenoid_fossa__glenoidfossa the concavity in the head of the scapula that receives the head of the humerus to form the shoulder joint subtype: #glenoid_fossa__glenoidfossa__mandibular_fossa a deep concavity in the temporal bone at the root of the zygomatic arch that receives the condyle of the mandible subtype: #pit_of_the_stomach__epigastric_fossa a slight depression in the midline just below the sternum (where a blow can affect the solar plexus) subtype: #recess.concave_shape__reces__recession__niche__corner a small concavity subtype: #pharyngeal_recess a small recess in the wall of the pharynx subtype: #bowl.concave_shape__trough a concave shape with an open top subtype: #scoop.concave_shape__pocket a hollow concave shape made by removing something subtype: #depression.concave_shape__impression__imprint a concavity in a surface produced by pressing; "he left the impression of his fingers in the soft mud" subtype: #dimple a small natural hollow in the cheek or chin; "His dimple appeared whenever he smiled" subtype: #groove__channel a long narrow furrow cut either by a natural process (such as erosion) or by a tool (as e.g. a groove in a phonograph record) subtype: #dado a rectangular groove cut into a board so that another piece can fit into it subtype: #flute a groove or furrow in cloth etc especially the shallow concave groove on the shaft of a column subtype: #quirk a narrow groove beside a beading subtype: #rabbet__rebate a rectangular groove made to hold two pieces together subtype: #track.groove a groove on a phonograph recording subtype: #rut a groove or furrow (especially one in soft earth caused by wheels) subtype: #stria__striation any of a number of tiny parallel grooves such as: the scratches left by a glacier on rocks or the streaks or ridges in muscle tissue subtype: #dimple.depression any slight depression in a surface; "there are approximately 336 dimples on a golf ball" subtype: #dip.depression a depression in an otherwise level surface; "there was a dip in the road" subtype: #incision__scratch__slit__dent a depression scratched or carved into a surface subtype: #scotch__score a slight surface cut (especially a notch that is made to keep a tally) subtype: #sag__droop a shape that sags; "there was a sag in the chair seat" subtype: #wrinkle__furrow__crease__crinkle__seam__line a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface; "his face has many lines"; "ironing gets rid of most wrinkles" subtype: #crow's_foot__crow's_feet__laugh_line__laughline a wrinkle at the outer corner of your eyes subtype: #dermatoglyphic the lines that form patterns on the skin (especially on the fingertips and the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet) subtype: #line_of_life__life_line__lifeline a crease on the palm; its length is said by palmists to indicate how long you will live subtype: #line_of_heart__heart_line__heartline__love_line__mensal_line a crease on the palm; palmists say it indicates your emotional nature subtype: #line_of_fate__line_of_destiny__line_of_Saturn a crease on the palm; palmists say it indicates how successful you will be subtype: #crevice__cranny__crack__fissure__chap a long narrow depression in a surface subtype: #cup.concave_shape any cup-shaped concavity; "bees filled the waxen cups with honey"; "he wore a jock strap with a metal cup"; "the cup of her bra" subtype: #indentation.concave_shape a concave shape in a surface or edge or coastline etc. subtype: #notch.indentation a V-shaped or U-shaped indentation carved or scratched into a surface; "there were four notches in the handle of his revolver" subtype: #serration a single notch in a row of notches; "one of the serrations was broken off" subtype: #sawtooth a serration on a saw blade subtype: #thumb_index__thumbindex one of a series of rounded notches in the fore edge of a book to indicate sections subtype: #notch a V-shaped indentation; "mandibular notch" subtype: #incisure__incisura (anatomy) a notch or small hollow subtype: #mandibular_notch small indentation in the middle of the lower jawbone subtype: #cleft a split or indentation in something (as the palate or chin) subtype: #cylinder.solid a solid bounded by a cylindrical surface and two parallel planes (the bases) subtype: #roll.cylinder anything rolled up in cylindrical form subtype: #bolt.roll a roll of cloth or wallpaper of a definite length subtype: #rouleau a roll of coins wrapped in paper subtype: #rouleau.roll a roll of ribbon subtype: #roller.cylinder a cylinder that revolves subtype: #garden_roller heavy cast-iron cylinder used to flatten lawns subtype: #paint_roller__paintroller a roller that has an absorbent surface used for spreading paint subtype: #platen the roller on a typewriter against which the keys strike subtype: #sprocket roller that has teeth on the rims to pull film or paper through subtype: #trundle small wheel or roller subtype: #prayer_wheel a cylinder with Tibetan Buddhist prayers written on it; each revolution counts as uttering prayers subtype: #polyhedron a solid figure bounded by plane polygons or faces subtype: #convex_polyhedron a polyhedron any plane section of which is a convex polygon subtype: #concave_polyhedron__concavepolyhedron a polyhedron some of whose plane sections are concave polygons subtype: #prism a polyhedron with two congruent and parallel faces (the bases) and whose lateral faces are parallelograms subtype: #parallelepiped__parallelopiped__parallelepipedon__parallelopipedon a prism whose bases are parallelograms subtype: #cuboid a rectangular parallelepiped subtype: #rhombohedron a parallelepiped bounded by six similar faces (either rhombuses or parallelograms) subtype: #quadrangular_prism a prism whose bases are quadrangles subtype: #triangular_prism a prism whose bases are triangles subtype: #pyramid.polyhedron a polyhedron having a polygonal base and triangular sides with a common vertex subtype: #tetrahedron any polyhedron having four plane faces subtype: #pentahedron any polyhedron having five plane faces subtype: #hexahedron any polyhedron having six plane faces subtype: #rhombohedron a parallelepiped bounded by six similar faces (either rhombuses or parallelograms) subtype: #octahedron any polyhedron having eight plane faces subtype: #decahedron any polyhedron having ten plane faces subtype: #dodecahedron any polyhedron having twelve plane faces subtype: #icosahedron any polyhedron having twenty plane faces subtype: #regular_polyhedron__regularpolyhedron__regular_convex_solid__regular_convex_polyhedron__Platonic_body__Platonic_solid__ideal_solid__idealsolid any one of five solids whose faces are congruent regular polygons and whose polyhedral angles are all congruent subtype: #regular_tetrahedron__regulartetrahedron a tetrahedron with four equilateral triangular faces subtype: #cube__regular_hexahedron__regularhexahedron a hexahedron with six equal squares as faces subtype: #quadrate.cube a cubelike object subtype: #regular_dodecahedron__regulardodecahedron a dodecahedron with twelve regular pentagons as faces subtype: #regular_octahedron__regularoctahedron an octahedron with eight equilateral triangles as faces subtype: #regular_icosahedron__regularicosahedron an icosahedron with twenty equilateral triangles as faces subtype: #prismatoid a polyhedron whose vertices all lie in one or the other of two parallel planes; the faces that lie in those planes are the bases of the prismatoid subtype: #prismoid a prismatoid whose bases are polygons having the same number of sides and whose other faces are trapezoids or parallelograms subtype: #trapezohedron a polyhedron whose faces are trapeziums subtype: #toroid the doughnut-shaped object enclosed by a torus subtype: #anchor_ring__ring__halo__annulus__annulu__anulus__doughnut a toroidal shape; "a ring of ships in the harbor"; "a halo of smoke" subtype: #fairy_ring__fairyring__fairy_circle__fairycircle a ring of fungi marking the periphery of the perennial underground growth of the mycelium subtype: #cast.solid__mold__stamp the distinctive form in which a thing is made; "pottery of this cast was found throughout the region" subtype: #block.solid__cube a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides subtype: #goldbrick.block a brick-shaped block that looks like gold but is not subtype: #ovoid an egg-shaped object subtype: #frustum the part that is left when a cone or pyramid is cut by a plane parallel to the base and the apical part is removed subtype: #truncated_pyramid__truncatedpyramid a frustum formed from a pyramid subtype: #truncated_cone__truncatedcone a frustum formed from a cone subtype: #plane.shape__sheet (mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape; "we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane"; "any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane" subtype: #facet_plane__facetplane the plane of a facet of an object (as of a cube) subtype: #midplane__midline the median plane of the body (or some part of the body) subtype: #orbital_plane__orbitalplane (astronomy) the plane on which a body is orbiting subtype: #picture_plane__pictureplane the plane that is in the foreground of a drawing or painting; coextensive with but different from the objective surface of the work subtype: #tangent_plane__tangentplane the plane that contains all the lines tangent to a specific point on a surface subtype: #natural_shape__naturalshape a shape created by natural forces; not man-made subtype: #leaf_shape__leaf_form any of the various shape that leaves of plants can assume subtype: #flare.shape a shape that spreads outward; "the skirt had a wide flare" subtype: #figure.shape a combination of points and lines and planes that form a visible palpable shape subtype: #plane_figure__planefigure__two-dimensional_figure__twodimensionalfigure a two-dimensional shape subtype: #heart.plane_figure a plane figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top and intersecting at the bottom; conventionally used on playing cards and valentines; "he drew a heart and called it a valentine" subtype: #polygon__polygonal_shape__polygonalshape a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides subtype: #convex_polygon a polygon such that no side extended cuts any other side or vertex; it can be cut by a line in at most two points subtype: #concave_polygon__concavepolygon a polygon such that there is a straight line that cuts it in four or more points subtype: #reentrant_polygon__reentrantpolygon__reentering_polygon a polygon with one or more reentrant angles subtype: #regular_polygon a polygon with all sides and all angles equal subtype: #equilateral_triangle__equilateraltriangle__equiangular_triangle__equiangulartriangle a three-sided regular polygon subtype: #quadrilateral__quadrangle__tetragon a four-sided polygon subtype: #parallelogram a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are both parallel and equal in length subtype: #rhombus__rhombu__rhomb a parallelogram with four equal sides; an oblique-angled equilateral parallelogram subtype: #rhomboid a parallelogram with adjacent sides of unequal lengths; an oblique-angled parallelogram with only the opposite sides equal subtype: #rectangle a parallelogram with four right angles subtype: #square__foursquare (geometry) a plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles; a four-sided regular polygon; "you can compute the area of a square if you know the length of its sides" subtype: #quadrate a square-shaped object subtype: #box.rectangle a rectangular drawing; "the flowchart contained many boxes" subtype: #trapezium (in US) a quadrilateral with no parallel sides subtype: #trapezoid (in US) a quadrilateral with two parallel sides subtype: #trigon__triangle__trilateral a three-sided polygon subtype: #acute_triangle__acutetriangle__acute-angled_triangle a triangle whose interior angles are all acute subtype: #equilateral_triangle__equilateraltriangle__equiangular_triangle__equiangulartriangle a three-sided regular polygon subtype: #isosceles_triangle__isoscelestriangle a triangle with two equal sides subtype: #oblique_triangle__obliquetriangle a triangle that contains no right angle subtype: #obtuse_triangle__obtuse-angled_triangle a triangle that contains an obtuse interior angle subtype: #right_triangle__righttriangle__right-angled_triangle a triangle with one right angle subtype: #scalene_triangle__scalenetriangle a triangle with no two sides of equal length subtype: #wedge_shape__wedgeshape__wedge__cuneus any shape that is triangular in cross section subtype: #pentagon a five-sided polygon subtype: #hexagon a six-sided polygon subtype: #heptagon a seven-sided polygon subtype: #octagon an eight-sided polygon subtype: #nonagon a nine-sided polygon subtype: #decagon a polygon with 10 sides and 10 angles subtype: #undecagon an eleven-sided polygon subtype: #dodecagon a twelve-sided polygon subtype: #spherical_polygon__sphericalpolygon a figure on the surface of of sphere bounded by arcs of 3 or more great circles subtype: #spherical_triangle__sphericaltriangle a spherical polygon formed by the arcs of 3 great circles subtype: #conic_section__conicsection__conic (geometry) a curve generated by the intersection of a plane and a circular cone subtype: #ellipse__oval a closed plane curve resulting from the intersection of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely through it; "the sums of the distances from the foci to any point on an ellipse is constant" subtype: #circle ellipse in which the two axes are of equal length; a plane curve generated by one point moving at a constant distance from a fixed point; "he calculated the circumference of the circle" subtype: #circle_of_curvature__osculating_circle the circle that touches a curve (on the concave side) and whose radius is the radius of curvature subtype: a circle dividing a sphere or other surface into two usually equal and symmetrical parts subtype: #epicycle a circle that rolls around (inside or outside) another circle; generates an epicycloid or hypocycloid subtype: #parabola a plane curve formed by the intersection of a right circular cone and a plane parallel to an element of the curve subtype: #hyperbola an open curve formed by a plane that cuts the base of a right circular cone subtype: #oblong a plane figure that deviates from a square or circle due to elongation subtype: #semicircle__hemicycle a plane figure with the shape of half a circle subtype: #sector a plane figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle subtype: #star.plane_figure a plane figure with 5 or more points; often used as an emblem subtype: #hexagram a regular polygon formed by completing two equilateral triangles from a regular hexagon subtype: (mineralogy) a six-rayed star-shaped figure seen in some crystal structures under reflected or transmitted light subtype: #pentacle__pentagram a star with 5 points; formed by 5 straight lines between the vertices of a pentagon and enclosing another pentagon subtype: #paraboloid a surface having parabolic sections parallel to a single coordinate axis and elliptic sections perpendicular to that axis subtype: #ellipsoid a surface whose plane sections are all ellipses or circles; "the Earth is an ellipsoid" subtype: #tree_diagram__tree a figure that branches from a single root; "genealogical tree" subtype: #cladogram a tree diagram used to illustrate phylogenetic relationships subtype: #solid_figure__solidfigure__three-dimensional_figure__threedimensionalfigure a three-dimensional shape subtype: #sculpture.plastic_art a three-dimensional work of plastic art subtype: #bronze.sculpture a sculpture made of bronze subtype: #bust a sculpture of the head and shoulders of a person subtype: #carving.sculpture a sculpture created by carving (as wood or ivory or stone) subtype: #cinquefoil an ornamental carving consisting of five arcs arranged in a circle subtype: #glyptic_art__glypticart__glyptography carvings or engravings (especially on precious stones) subtype: #anaglyph anything carved in low relief subtype: #cameo engraving or carving in low relief on a stone (as in a brooch or ring) subtype: #glyph glyptic art in the form of a symbolic figure carved or incised in relief subtype: #glyptics__lithoglyptics the art of engraving on precious stones subtype: #intaglio__diaglyph glyptic art consisting of a sunken or depressed engraving or carving on a stone or gem (as opposed to cameo) subtype: #scrimshaw a carving (or engraving) on whalebone, whale ivory, walrus tusk, etc., usually by American whalers subtype: #vermiculation a decoration consisting of wormlike carvings subtype: #woodcarving a carving created by carving wood subtype: #marble.sculpture a sculpture carved from marble subtype: #mobile sculpture suspended in midair whose delicately balanced parts can be set in motion by air currents subtype: #clay_sculpture__mold__mould__molding__moulding__modeling sculpture produced by molding subtype: #piece.sculpture an object created by a sculptor; "it was not known who created the piece" subtype: #sculptural_relief__relief__relievo__rilievo__embossment sculpture consisting of shapes carved on a surface so as to stand out from the surrounding background subtype: #alto_relievo__alto_rilievo__high_relief a sculptural relief in which forms extend out from the background to at least half their depth subtype: #bas_relief__basrelief__low_relief__lowrelief__basso_relievo__bassorelievo__basso_rilievo__bassorilievo a sculptural relief in which forms extend only slightly from the background; no figures are undercut subtype: #mezzo-relievo__mezzorelievo__mezzo-rilievo__mezzorilievo__half-relief a sculptural relief between low relief and high relief subtype: #stabile a sculpture having fixed units (usually constructed of sheet metal) and attached to a fixed support subtype: #statue a sculpture representing a human or animal subtype: #sphinx one of a number of large stone statues with the body of a lion and the head of a man that were built by the ancient Egyptians subtype: #Statue_of_Liberty a large monumental statue symbolizing liberty on Liberty Island in New York Harbor subtype: #subfigure a figure that is a part of another figure subtype: #flank.subfigure a subfigure consisting of a side of something subtype: #hypotenuse the side of a right triangle opposite the right angle subtype: #base.flank the bottom side of a geometric figure from which the altitude can be constructed; "the base of the triangle" subtype: #hemisphere.subfigure half of a sphere subtype: #facet a smooth surface (as of a bone or cut gemstone) subtype: #branch.subfigure__fork__leg a part of a forked or branching shape; "he broke off one of the branches"; "they took the south fork" subtype: #brachium (biology) a branching or armlike part of an animal subtype: pm#thing_with_a_special_shape subtype: pm#flat_thing subtype: pm#car_with_a_special_shape subtype: #station_wagon__stationwagon__beach_wagon__beachwagon__wagon__beach_waggon__beachwaggon__station_waggon__stationwaggon__waggon a car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat subtype: #convertible a car that has top that can be folded or removed subtype: #hardtop a car that resembles a convertible but has a fixed rigid top subtype: #coupe a car with two doors and front seats and a luggage compartment subtype: #minicar (British) a car that is even smaller than a subcompact car subtype: #minicab (British) a minicar used as a taxicab subtype: #minivan a small box-shaped passenger van; usually has removable seats; used as a family car subtype: #jeep__landrover a car suitable for traveling over rough terrain subtype: #limousine__limo large luxurious car; usually drive by a chauffeur subtype: #berlin a limousine with a glass partition between the front and back seats subtype: #compact_car__compactcar__compact a small and economical car subtype: #subcompact_car__subcompact a car smaller than a compact car subtype: #roadster__runabout__two-seater__twoseater an open automobile having a front seat and a rumble seat subtype: #touring_car__touringcar__phaeton__tourer large open car seating four with folding top subtype: #line.shape a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point subtype: #curve a line on a graph representing data subtype: #regression_line__regression_curve a smooth curve fitted to the set of paired data in regression analysis; for linear regression the curve is a straight line subtype: #curved_shape__curve the trace of a point whose direction of motion changes subtype: #normal_curve__bell-shaped_curve__Gaussian_curve__Gaussian_shape a symmetrical curve representing the normal distribution subtype: #meander a curve in a stream subtype: #oxbow.meander a U-shaped curve in a stream subtype: #S-shape a double curve resembling the letter S subtype: #catenary the curve theoretically assumed by a perfectly flexible and inextensible cord of uniform density and cross section hanging freely from two fixed points subtype: #Cupid's_bow.curved_shape__cupid'sbow the double curve of the upper lip when considered to resemble Cupid's bow subtype: #wave.curved_shape an undulating curve subtype: #sine_curve__sinusoid the curve of y=sin x subtype: #extrados the exterior curve of an arch subtype: #gooseneck something in a thin curved form (like the neck of a goose) subtype: #intrados the interior curve of an arch subtype: #crook__bend__turn a circular segment of a curve: "a bend in the road"; "a crook in the path" subtype: #bight.crook a bend or curve (especially in a coastline) subtype: #hook.curved_shape__crotchet a sharp curve or crook; a shape resembling a hook subtype: #uncus__uncu (biology) any hook-shaped process or part subtype: #envelope.curved_shape a curve that is tangent to each of a family of curves subtype: #arc a continuous portion of a circle subtype: #crenation__scallop one of a series of rounded teeth formed by curves along an edge (as the edge of a leaf or piece of cloth etc.) subtype: #spiral.curved_shape a plane curve traced by a point circling about the center but at ever-greater distances from it subtype: #helix__spiral a curve that lies on the surface of a cylinder or cone and cuts the element at a constant angle subtype: #sinuosity__sinuousness__sinuousnes having curves; "he hated the sinuosity of mountain roads" subtype: #arch.curved_shape a curved shape in the vertical plane that spans an opening subtype: #bell_shape__bell__campana the shape of a bell subtype: #bow.curved_shape__arc something curved in shape subtype: #rainbow an arc of colored light in the sky caused by refraction of the sun's rays by rain subtype: #crescent any shape resembling the curved shape of the moon in its first or last quarters subtype: #quadric_surface__quadricsurface__quadric a curve or surface whose equation (in Cartesian coordinates) is of the second degree subtype: #hyperboloid a quadric surface generated by rotating a hyperbola around its main axis subtype: #line_roulette__roulette a line generated by a point on one figure rolling around a second figure subtype: #cycloid a line generated by a point on a circle rolling along a straight line subtype: #curate_cycloid a cycloid generated by a point inside the rolling circle subtype: #prolate_cycloid a cycloid generated by a point outside the rolling circle subtype: #epicycloid a line generated by a point on a circle rolling around another circle subtype: #cardioid an epicycloid in which the rolling circle equals the fixed circle subtype: #hypocycloid a line generated by a point on a circle that rolls around inside another circle subtype: #straight_line a line traced by a point traveling in a constant direction; a line of zero curvature; "the shortest distance between two points is a straight line" subtype: #perpendicular.straight_line a straight line at right angles to another line subtype: #asymptote a straight line that is the limiting value of a curve; can be considered as tangent at infinity; "the asymptote of the curve" subtype: #tangent a straight line that touches but does not intersect a curve subtype: #secant a straight line that intersects a curve at two or more points subtype: #radius.straight_line a straight line from the center to the perimeter of a circle (or from the center to the surface of a sphere) subtype: #diameter.straight_line a straight line connecting the center of a circle with two points on its perimeter (or the center of a sphere with two points on its surface) subtype: #chord.straight_line a straight line connecting two points on a curve subtype: #element.straight_line a straight line that generates a cylinder or cone subtype: #element_of_a_cone a straight line joining the apex and a point on the base subtype: #element_of_a_cylinder a straight line running the length of the cylinder subtype: #bias__diagonal a line or cut across a fabric that is not at right angles to a side subtype: #diagonal.straight_line (geometry) a straight line connecting any two vertices of a polygon that are not adjacent subtype: #vector.straight_line a straight line segment whose length is magnitude and whose orientation in space is direction subtype: #ray.vector (mathematics) a straight line extending from a point subtype: #geodesic_line__geodesic (mathematics) the shortest line between two points on a mathematically defined surface (as a straight line on a plane or a an arc of a great circle on a sphere) subtype: #perimeter a line enclosing a plane areas subtype: #centerline__center_line a line that bisects a plane figure subtype: #boundary__edge__bound a line determining the limits of an area subtype: #rim the shape of a raised edge of a more or less circular object subtype: #margin.boundary__border__perimeter the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary subtype: #periphery__fringe__outer_boundary__outerboundary the outside boundary or surface of something subtype: #brink.boundary__threshold__verge a region marking a boundary subtype: #upper_bound__upperbound (mathematics) a number equal to or greater than any other number in a given set subtype: #summit__crown__peak the uppermost part of a shape; "at the peak of the pyramid" subtype: #lower_bound__lowerbound (mathematics) a number equal to or less than any other number in a given set subtype: #thalweg.boundary the middle of the chief navigable channel of a waterway that forms the boundary line between states subtype: #angular_shape__angularshape__angularity a shape having one or more sharp angles subtype: #furcation__bifurcation__forking a division into two or more branches subtype: #jog a sharp change in direction; "there was a jog in the road" subtype: #zigzag__zig__zag an angular shape characterized by sharp turns in alternating directions subtype: #crease__fold__plication__flexure__crimp__bend an angular shape made by folding subtype: #pleat__plait any of various types of fold formed by doubling fabric back upon itself and then pressing or stitching into shape subtype: #box_pleat__boxpleat a flat double pleat made by folding under the fabric on either side of it subtype: #inverted_pleat a box pleat reversed so that the fullness is turned inward subtype: #kick_pleat pleat in back of a straight skirt to allow ease in walking subtype: #knife_pleat__knifepleat a single pleat turned in one direction subtype: #sunburst_pleat__sunray_pleat knife pleat cut on the bias to produce a flared effect subtype: #tuck a narrow flattened pleat or fold that is stitched in place subtype: #dart a tapered tuck made in dressmaking subtype: #kink__twist__twirl a sharp bend in a line produced when a line having a loop is pulled tight subtype: #pucker__ruck an irregular fold in an otherwise even surface (as in cloth) subtype: #round_shape__roundshape a shape that is curved and without sharp angles subtype: #cone_shape__cone__conoid a shape whose base is a circle and whose sides taper up to a point subtype: #funnel_shape__funnel a conical shape with a wider and a narrower opening at the two ends subtype: #disc__disk__saucer something with a round shape like a flat circular plate subtype: #intervertebral_disc__intervertebral_disk a fibrocartilaginous disc serving as a cushion between all of the vertebrae of the spinal column (except between the first two) subtype: #dot__point a very small circular shape; "a row of points"; "draw lines between the dots" subtype: #loop.round_shape anything with a round or oval shape (formed by a line or cord etc.) that is closed or nearly closed subtype: #belt.loop endless loop of flexible material between two rotating shafts or pulleys subtype: #caterpillar_tread__caterpillartread__caterpillar_tracks a belt around wheels to grip rough ground subtype: #half_track caterpillar tread goes around only rear wheels subtype: #conveyer_belt__conveyor_belt__conveyer__conveyor__transporter a moving belt that transports objects (as in a factory) subtype: #luggage_carousel__luggagecarousel__carousel__carrousel__luggagecarrousel carries luggage to air travelers subtype: #driving_belt__drivingbelt a belt that carries motion from a motor to the machinery subtype: #fan_belt__fanbelt a belt driven by the crankshaft that drives a fan that pulls air through the radiator subtype: #running_noose__runningnoose__noose__slip_noose a loop formed in a cord or rope by means of a slipknot; it binds tighter as the cord or rope is pulled subtype: #clench__clinch a small slip noose made with seizing subtype: #double_clinch a clinch with two loops subtype: #inside_clinch a clinch with the end of the line inside the loop subtype: #outside_clinch__outsideclinch a clinch with the end of the line outside the loop subtype: #lobe.loop the enhanced response of an antenna in a given direction as indicated by a loop in its radiation pattern subtype: #major_lobe__majorlobe the maximum lobe in the radiation pattern which is intended to be along the forward axis and which gives the effect of a beam subtype: #bight.loop a loop in a rope subtype: #gyre__coil__whorl__roll__curl__curlicue__ringlet__scroll a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles subtype: #verticil a whorl of leaves growing around a stem subtype: #swirl__whirl__vortex__convolution the shape of something rotating rapidly subtype: #spheroid__ellipsoid_of_revolution a shape that is generated by rotating an ellipse around one of its axes; "it looked like a sphere but on closer examination I saw it was really a spheroid" subtype: #sphere.round_shape a three-dimensional closed surface such that every point on the surface is equidistant from the center subtype: #physical_sphere__physicalsphere__sphere a solid figure bounded by a spherical surface (including the space it encloses) subtype: #orb__globe any object with a spherical shape; "a ball of fire" subtype: #crystal_ball__crystalball a glass or crystal globe used in crystal gazing by fortunetellers subtype: #mothball__camphor_ball__camphorball a small sphere of camphor or naphthalene used to keep moths away from stored clothing subtype: #time-ball a ball that slides down a staff to show a fixed time; especially at an observatory subtype: #fireball the luminous center of a nuclear explosion subtype: #fireball.orb a ball of fire (such as the sun or a ball-shaped discharge of lightning) subtype: #globule a small globe or ball subtype: #bubble a hollow globule of gas (e.g., air or carbon dioxide) subtype: #air_bubble__airbubble a bubble of air subtype: #froth__foam a mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid subtype: #shaving_foam__shavingfoam toiletry consisting of a liquid preparation containing many small bubbles that soften the beard before shaving subtype: #head.froth the foam or froth that accumulates at the top when you pour an effervescent liquid into a container; "the beer had a large head of foam" subtype: #lather the foam resulting from excessive sweating (as on a horse) subtype: #soapsuds__suds__lather the froth produced by soaps or detergents subtype: #shaving_cream__shavingcream__shaving_soap__shavingsoap toiletry consisting of a preparation of soap and fatty acids that forms a rich lather for softening the beard before shaving subtype: #spume foam or froth on the sea subtype: #white_water__whitewater frothy water as in rapids or waterfalls subtype: #soap_bubble a bubble formed by a thin soap film subtype: #spherule a small sphere subtype: #pellet a small sphere subtype: #bolus.orb__bolu a small round soft mass (as of chewed food) subtype: #cylinder.round_shape a surface generated by rotating a parallel line around a fixed line subtype: #brake_drum__brakedrum__drum a hollow cast-iron cylinder attached to the wheel that forms part of the brakes subtype: #shank cylinder forming the part of a bit by which it is held in the drill subtype: #bolt_shank__shank cylinder forming the part of a bolt between the thread and the head subtype: #shank.cylinder__stem cylinder forming a long narrow part of something subtype: #stalactite a cylinder of calcium carbonate hanging from the roof of a limestone cave subtype: #stalagmite a cylinder of calcium carbonate projecting upward from the floor of a limestone cave subtype: #barrel__drum a bulging cylindrical shape; hollow with flat ends subtype: #tube__pipe a hollow cylindrical shape subtype: #torus__toru__toroid a ring-shaped surface generated by rotating a circle around an axis that does not intersect the circle subtype: #drop.round_shape__bead__pearl a shape that is small and round; "he studied the shapes of low-viscosity drops"; "beads of sweat on his forehead" subtype: #teardrop anything shaped like a falling drop (as a pendant gem on an earring) subtype: #dewdrop a drop of dew subtype: #rim the shape of a raised edge of a more or less circular object subtype: #distorted_shape__distortion a shape resulting from distortion subtype: #tortuosity__tortuousness__torsion__contortion__crookedness a tortuous and twisted shape or position; "they built a tree house in the tortuosities of its boughs"; "the acrobat performed incredible contortions" subtype: #warp.distorted_shape__buckle a shape distorted by twisting or folding subtype: #gnarl__knot something twisted and tight and swollen; "their muscles stood out in knots"; "the old man's fists were two great gnarls"; "his stomach was in knots" subtype: #amorphous_shape__amorphousshape an ill-defined or arbitrary shape subtype: #shapelessness.amorphous_shape__shapelessnes an amorphous or indefinite shape; "a shapeless mass" subtype: #blob an indistinct shapeless form subtype: #space.amorphous_shape an empty area (usually bounded in some way between things); "the architect left space in front of the building"; "they stopped at an open space in the jungle"; "the space between his teeth" subtype: #pleural_space__pleuralspace the small potential space between the parietal and visceral layers of the pleura subtype: #subarachnoid_space a space in the meninges beneath the arachnoid membrane and above the pia mater that contains the cerebrospinal fluid subtype: #opening.space__gap an open or empty space in or between things; "there was a small opening between the trees"; "the explosion made a gap in the wall" subtype: #Ranvier's_nodes__nodes_of_Ranvier small gaps in the myelin sheath of medullated axons subtype: #foramen__hiatus a natural opening or perforation through a bone or a membranous structure subtype: #interventricular_foramen__foramen_of_Monro__Monro's_foramen the small opening (on both the right and left sides) that connects the third ventricle in the diencephalon with the lateral ventricle in the cerebral hemisphere subtype: #foramen_magnum__foramenmagnum the large opening at the base of the cranium through which the spinal cord passes subtype: #breach.opening an opening (especially a gap in a dike or fortification) subtype: #chasm a deep opening in the earth's surface subtype: #abyss__abys a bottomless gulf or pit subtype: #gulf.chasm a deep wide chasm subtype: #scissure__crack__cleft__crevice__fissure a long narrow opening subtype: #chap.scissure a crack in a lip caused usually by cold subtype: #chink a narrow opening as e.g. between planks in a wall subtype: #crevasse a deep fissure subtype: #fatigue_crack__fatiguecrack a crack in metal resulting from metal fatigue subtype: #geological_fault__fault__shift__fracture__break (geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other; "they built it right over a geological fault" subtype: #Denali_Fault a major open geological fault in Alaska subtype: #inclined_fault a geological fault in which one side is above the other subtype: #normal_fault__gravity_fault__common_fault an inclined fault in which the hanging wall appears to have slipped downward relative to the footwall subtype: #thrust_fault__overthrust_fault__reverse_fault__reversefault a geological fault in which the upper side appears to have been pushed upward by compression subtype: #strike-slip_fault a geological fault in which one of the adjacent surfaces appears to have moved horizontally instance: #San_Andreas_Fault subtype: #rift.scissure a narrow fissure in rock subtype: #slit.scissure a narrow fissure subtype: #split.scissure a lengthwise crack in wood; "he inserted the wedge into a split in the log" subtype: #vent.scissure__volcano a fissure in the earth's crust (or in the surface of some other planet) through which molten lava and gases erupt subtype: #volcanic_crater__crater a bowl-shaped opening at the top of a volcano subtype: #caldera a large crater caused by the violent explosion of a volcano that collapses into a depression subtype: #maar a flat-bottomed volcanic crater that was formed by an explosion; often filled with water subtype: #hole.opening an opening into or through something subtype: #aperture.hole an opening in something subtype: #pupil contractile aperture in the iris of the eye subtype: #micropyle minute opening in the wall of an ovule through which the pollen tube enters subtype: #stoma.aperture__pore a minute epidermal pore in a leaf or stem subtype: #bolt-hole a hole through which an animal may bolt when pursued into its burrow or den subtype: #bullet_hole a hole made by a bullet passing through it subtype: #cranny a small opening or crevice (especially in a rock face or wall) subtype: #leak.hole an accidental hole that allows something (fluid or light etc.) to enter or escape; "one of the tires developed a leak" subtype: #ozone_hole__ozonehole an area of the ozone layer (near the poles) that is seasonally depleted of ozone subtype: #perforation.hole a hole made in something; "a perforation of the eardrum" subtype: #rathole a hole (as in the wall of a building) made by rats subtype: #knothole a hole in a board where a knot came out subtype: #mouth-like_space_opening__mouth an opening that resembles a mouth (as of a cave or a gorge); "he rode into the mouth of the canyon"; "they built a fire at the mouth of the cave" subtype: #rift a gap between cloud masses; "the sun shone through a rift in the clouds" subtype: #rip__rent__split__tear an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart; "there was a rip in his pants" subtype: #window.opening an opening that resembles a window in appearance or function; "he could see them through a window in the trees" subtype: #swath the space created by the swing of a scythe or the cut of a mowing machine subtype: #void__vacancy__emptines an empty area or space; "the huge desert voids"; "the emptiness of outer space" subtype: an unoccupied space subtype: #pore any tiny hole admitting passage of a liquid (fluid or gas) subtype: #enclosed_space__cavity space that is surrounded by something subtype: #hollow a cavity or space in something; "hunger had caused the hollows in their cheeks" subtype: #pouch.enclosed_space__sac__sack__pocket an enclosed space subtype: #connexion__connection__link a connecting shape subtype: #node.connexion a connecting point at which several lines come together subtype: #join__articulation__joint__juncture__junction the shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made subtype: #esophagogastric_junction__esophagogastricjunction__oesophagogastric_junction the junction between the esophagus and the stomach epithelium subtype: #circle.shape something approximating the shape of a circle; "the chairs were arranged in a circle" subtype: #column.shape__tower anything tall and thin approximating the shape of a column or tower; "the test tube held a column of white powder"; "a tower of dust rose above the horizon"; "a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite" subtype: dl#physical_endurant__PED subtype: pm#physical_entity__object spatial entity made of matter subtype: dl#physical_object__POB subtype: dl#agentive_physical_object__APO something or someone that can act on its own and produce changes in the world subtype: pm#entity_that_can_be_or_was_alive e.g., an animal, a cell subtype: sumo#sentient_agent an agent that has rights but may or may not have responsibilities and the ability to reason; if the latter are present, then the agent is also a cognitive_agent; domesticated animals are an example of sentient_agents that are not also cognitive_agents subtype: sumo#cognitive_agent__cognitiveagent (many specializations)$ sentient_agent with responsibilities and the ability to reason, deliberate, make plans, etc; this is essentially the legal/ethical notion of a person; chimpanzees, gorillas, dolphins, whales, and some extraterrestrials (if they exist) may be cognitive_agents subtype: sumo#human a modern man (member of the only remaining species of the Homo genus) subtype: sumo#man subtype: sumo#woman subtype: #person__individual__someone__somebody__mortal__human__human_being__humanbeing__soul a human being; "there was too much for one person to do" subtype: #self a person considered as a unique individual; "one's own self" subtype: #number_one (informal) a reference to yourself or myself etc.; "take care of number one" means to put your own interests first subtype: #grownup__adult a fully developed person from maturity onward subtype: #caregiver a person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult subtype: #catch.grownup__match a person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect subtype: #centrist__middle_of_the_roader__moderate__moderationist a person who takes a position in the political center subtype: #eccentric__character__type__case a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities); "a strange character"; "a friendly eccentric"; "the capable type"; "a mental case" subtype: #conservative__conservativist a person who has conservative ideas or opinions subtype: #rugged_individualist__capitalist an advocate of capitalism subtype: #conformist someone who conforms to established standards of conduct (especially in religious matters) subtype: #hardliner someone who is uncompromising subtype: #minimalist.conservative a conservative who advocates only minor reforms in government or politics subtype: #reactionary__ultraconservative__extreme_right-winger__extremerightwinger an extreme conservative; an opponent of progress or liberalism subtype: #Bourbon a reactionary politician in the United States (usually from the South) subtype: #Blimp__Colonel_Blimp (British) any elderly pompous reactionary ultranationalistic person (after the cartoon character created by Sir David Low) subtype: #rightist__right-winger__rightwinger a member of a right wing political party subtype: #fascist an adherent of fascism or other right-wing authoritarian views subtype: #Blackshirt a member of the Italian fascist party before World War II subtype: #Nazi a German member of Adolf Hitler's political party subtype: #Brownshirt a member of the German Nazi SA which wore brown uniforms subtype: #storm_trooper__stormtrooper a member of the Nazi S.A. instance: #Karl_Adolf_Eichmann__Eichmann__Adolf_Eichmann #Paul_Joseph_Goebbels__Goebbels__Joseph_Goebbels #Hermann_Wilhelm_Goring__Goring__Goering__Hermann_Goring__Hermann_Goering__Hermann_Wilhaelm_Goering #Walther_Richard_Rudolf_Hess__Hess__Rudolf_Hess #Heinrich_Himmler__Himmler #Adolf_Hitler__Hitler__Der_Fuhrer subtype: #monarchist__royalist an advocate of the principles of monarchy subtype: #Cavalier a royalist supporter of Charles I during the English Civil War subtype: #Orleanist a supporter of the Orleans branch of the French Bourbons that was descended from a younger brother of Louis XIV subtype: #Tory.rightist__tory a supporter of traditional political and social institutions against the forces of reform; a political conservative subtype: #square_toes__square (informal) a formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views subtype: #traditionalist__diehard one who adheres to traditional views subtype: #Rip_van_Winkle.traditionalist__ripvanwinkle a person oblivious to social changes subtype: #elder.grownup__senior a person who is older than you are subtype: #doyen__dean a man who is the senior member of a group; "he is the dean of foreign correspondents" subtype: #doyenne a woman who is the senior member of a group subtype: #ex-spouse a person who was formerly a spouse subtype: #host a person who invites guests to a social event (such as a party in his or her own home) and who is responsible for them while they are there subtype: a woman host subtype: #important_person__importantperson__influential_person__influentialperson__personage a person whose actions and opinions strongly influence the course of events subtype: #big_shot__bigshot__big_wheel__bigwheel__head_honcho (informal) an important influential person subtype: #famous_person__celebrity a widely known person; "he was a baseball celebrity" subtype: #immortal a person (such as an author) of enduring fame; "Shakespeare is one of the immortals" subtype: #social_lion__lion a celebrity who is lionized (much sought after) subtype: #luminary__leading_light__leadinglight__guiding_light__guidinglight__notable__notability a celebrity who is an inspiration to others; "he was host to a large gathering of luminaries" subtype: #personality.famous_person a person of considerable prominence; "she is a Hollywood personality" subtype: #colossus__behemoth__giant__heavyweight__titan a person of exceptional importance and reputation subtype: #elder_statesman.important_person__elderstatesman any influential person whose advice is highly respected subtype: #Excellency a title used to address dignitaries (such as ambassadors or governors); usually preceded by Your or His or Her: "Your Excellency" subtype: #fixer__influence_peddler__influencepeddler someone who intervenes with authorities for a person in trouble (usually using underhand or illegal methods for a fee) subtype: #heavy_hitter__heavyhitter an influential person who works hard to promote the causes they are interested in subtype: #high-muck-a-muck__pooh-bah an arrogant or conceited person of importance subtype: #kingpin__top_banana__topbanana__bigwig the most important person in a group or undertaking subtype: #magnificio a person of distinguished rank or appearance subtype: #public_figure__name__figure a well-known or notable person; "they studied all the great names in the history of France"; "she is an important figure in modern music" subtype: #policy_maker someone who sets the plan pursued by a government or business etc.; "policy makers often make the right decision for the wrong reason" subtype: #power_broker__powerbroker a person who is important by virtue of the people or votes they control; "a power broker who does you a favor will expect you to return it" subtype: #sacred_cow a person unreasonably held to be immune to criticism subtype: #sirdar an important person in India subtype: #socialite a socially prominent person subtype: #sun.important_person a person considered as a source of warmth or energy or glory etc subtype: #VIP__very_important_person__high-up__dignitary__panjandrum__high_muckamuck an important or influential (and often overbearing) person subtype: #worthy word is often used humorously subtype: #Jack_of_all_trades a person able to do a variety of different jobs acceptably well subtype: #progressive__liberal a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties subtype: #latitudinarian a person who is broad-minded and tolerant (especially in standards of religious belief and conduct) subtype: #neoliberal a liberal who subscribes to neoliberalism subtype: #pluralist someone who believes that distinct ethnic or cultural or religious groups can exist together in society subtype: #Whig urged social reform in 19th century England subtype: #liberal a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets subtype: #militarist__warmonger a person who advocates war or warlike policies subtype: #war_hawk__warhawk__hawk an advocate of an aggressive policy on foreign relations subtype: #oldster__old_person__oldperson__senior_citizen an elderly person subtype: #antediluvian a very old (or old fashioned) person subtype: #centenarian someone who is at least 100 years old subtype: #curmudgeon a crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas subtype: #dodderer one who dodders from old age and weakness subtype: #dodo__fogy__fogey__fossil (informal) someone whose style is out of fashion subtype: #dotard an oldster in his dotage; someone whose age has impaired his intellect subtype: #has-been__hasbeen__back-number someone who is no longer popular subtype: #nonagenarian someone whose age is in the nineties subtype: #octogenarian someone whose age is in the eighties subtype: #old_boy__oldboy a vivacious elderly man subtype: #greybeard__old_man__graybeard__Methuselah a man who is very old subtype: #old_codger__oldcodger__codger used affectionately to refer to an eccentric but amusing old man subtype: #patriarch.greybeard a man who is older and higher in rank than yourself subtype: #mossback__old-timer__oldtimer__gaffer__old_geezer__oldgeezer__antique an elderly man subtype: #old_woman__oldwoman a woman who is old subtype: #beldam__beldame a woman of advanced age subtype: #granny__matriarch an old woman subtype: #hag__beldame__crone an ugly evil-looking old woman subtype: #mother.old_woman a term of address for an elderly woman subtype: #septuagenarian someone whose age is in the seventies subtype: #sexagenarian someone whose age is in the sixties subtype: #pacifist__pacificist__disarmer someone opposed to violence as a means of settling disputes subtype: #peacenik__dove someone who prefers negotiations to armed conflict in the conduct of foreign relations subtype: #patrician a person of refined upbringing and manners subtype: #pledger someone who makes or gives a pledge subtype: #professional_person__professional a person engaged in one of the learned professions subtype: #careerist a professional who follows a career subtype: #career_girl a woman who follows a professional career subtype: #career_man a man who follows a professional career subtype: #craftsman a professional whose work is consistently of high quality; "as an actor he was a consummate craftsman" subtype: #critic a person who is professionally engaged in the analysis and interpretation of works of art subtype: #art_critic__artcritic a critic of paintings instance: #Roger_Eliot_Fry__Fry__Roger_Fry #John_Ruskin__Ruskin subtype: #literary_critic a critic of literature instance: #Matthew_Arnold__Arnold #Van_Wyck_Brooks__Brooks #John_Anthony_Ciardi__Ciardi__John_Ciardi #Jacques_Derrida__Derrida__derrida #Herman_Northrop_Frye__Frye__Northrop_Frye #William_Hazlitt__Hazlitt #Henry_Louis_Mencken__Mencken__H._L._Mencken #Ivor_Armstrong_Richards__Richards__I._A._Richards #Sir_Stephen_Harold_Spender__Spender__Stephen_Spender #Lionel_Trilling__Trilling #Carl_Clinton_Van_Doren__Van_Doren__Carl_Van_Doren #Edmund_Wilson__Wilson subtype: #newspaper_critic__newspapercritic a critic who writes a column for the newspapers instance: #Harley_Granville-Barker__Granville-Barker #John_Orley_Allen_Tate__Tate__Allen_Tate subtype: #educator__pedagogue someone who educates subtype: #academic__academician__faculty_member__facultymember an educator who works at a college or university subtype: #professor someone who is a member of the faculty at a college or university subtype: #assistant_professor__assistantprofessor a teacher or lower rank than an associate professor subtype: #associate_professor__associateprofessor a teacher lower in rank than a full professor but higher than an assistant professor subtype: #full_professor a professor of the highest rank subtype: #Regius_professor holder of a British professorship created by a royal patron subtype: #visiting_professor a professor visiting another college or university to teach for a limited time subtype: #lector__lecturer__reader a public lecturer at certain universities subtype: #school_principal__principal__head_teacher__head the educator who has executive authority for a school; "she sent unruly pupils to see the principal" subtype: #chancellor (British) the honorary or titular head of a university subtype: #headmaster__schoolmaster__master presiding officer of a school subtype: #housemaster teacher in charge of a school boardinghouse subtype: #headmistress a woman headmaster subtype: #schoolmaster any person (or institution) who acts as an educator subtype: #instructor__teacher a person whose occupation is teaching subtype: #art_teacher__artteacher someone who teaches art subtype: #private_instructor__privateinstructor__coach__tutor a person who gives private instruction (as in singing or acting) subtype: #crammer.private_instructor a teacher who is paid to cram students for examinations subtype: #demonstrator a teacher or teacher's assistant who demonstrates the principles that are being taught subtype: #English_teacher__englishteacher__English_professor someone who teaches English subtype: #French_teacher someone who teaches French subtype: #governess__governes a woman entrusted with the care and supervision of a child (especially in a private home) subtype: #instructress a woman instructor subtype: #math_teacher__mathematics_teacher__mathematicsteacher someone who teaches mathematics subtype: #geometry_teacher someone who teaches geometry subtype: #missionary someone who attempts to convert others to a particular doctrine or program instance: #David_Livingstone__Livingstone #Marcus_Whitman__Whitman #Saint_Francis_Xavier__Xavier subtype: #music_teacher__musicteacher someone who teaches music subtype: #piano_teacher__pianoteacher someone who teaches students to play the piano subtype: #preceptor__don (British) teacher at a university of college (especially at Cambridge or Oxford) subtype: #reading_teacher__readingteacher someone who teaches students to read subtype: #riding_master someone who teaches horsemanship subtype: #schoolteacher__school_teacher a teacher in a school below the college level subtype: #games-master__gamesmaster__games-mistress the teacher in charge of games at a school subtype: #schoolmarm__schoolmistress__mistress a woman schoolteacher instance: #John_Thomas_Scopes__Scopes__John_Scopes subtype: #science_teacher__scienceteacher someone who teaches science subtype: #section_man__sectionman someone who teaches a section of a large college course subtype: #catechist one who instructs catechumens in preparation for baptism subtype: #teaching_fellow a graduate student with teaching responsibilities instance: #Mary_McLeod_Bethune__Bethune #Louis_Braille__Braille #Dale_Carnegie__Carnegie #John_Amos_Comenius__Comenius__Jan_Amos_Komensky #John_Dewey__Dewey #Friedrich_Wilhelm_August_Froebel__Froebel__Friedrich_Froebel #Thomas_Hopkins_Gallaudet__Gallaudet #Mark_Hopkins__Hopkins #Robert_Maynard_Hutchins__Hutchins #Lucy_Craft_Laney__Laney #Abbott_Lawrence_Lowell__Lowell #Horace_Mann__Mann #William_Holmes_McGuffey__McGuffey #Montessori__Maria_Montesorri #James_Naismith__Naismith #Carl_Orff__Orff #Elizabeth_Palmer_Peabody__Peabody__peabody__elizabethpeabody #Sir_Isaac_Pitman__Pitman #Anne_Mansfield_Sullivan__Sullivan__Anne_Sullivan #Booker_Taliaferro_Washington__Washington__Booker_T._Washington #Andrew_Dickson_White__White__Andrew_D._White #Emma_Hart_Willard__Willard #John_Witherspoon__Witherspoon subtype: #health_professional__health_care_provider__caregiver a person who helps in identifying or preventing or treating illness or disability subtype: #bonesetter someone (not necessarily a licensed physician) who sets broken bones subtype: #electrologist someone skilled in the use of electricity to remove moles or warts or hair roots subtype: #medical_assistant__medicalassistant a person trained to assist medical professionals subtype: #medical_practitioner__medicalpractitioner__medical_man__medicalman someone who practices medicine subtype: #dentist__tooth_doctor__toothdoctor__dental_practitioner a person qualified to practice dentistry subtype: #dental_surgeon a dentist qualified to perform surgical procedures subtype: #endodontist a dentist specializing in diseases of the dental pulp and nerve subtype: #exodontist a dentist specializing in the extraction of teeth subtype: #orthodontist a dentist specializing in the prevention or correction of irregularities of the teeth subtype: #pedodontist a dentist who specializes in the care of children's teeth subtype: #periodontist a dentist specializing in diseases of the gums and other structure surrounding the teeth subtype: #prosthodontist a dentist who is expert in prosthodontics subtype: #doc__physician__MD__Dr.__medico a licensed medical practitioner; "I felt so bad I went to see my doctor" subtype: #abortionist a person (who should be a doctor) who terminates pregnancies subtype: #allergist a physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies subtype: #angiologist a physician who specializes in angiology subtype: #medical_extern__medicalextern__extern a nonresident doctor or medical student; connected with a hospital but not living there subtype: #gastroenterologist a physician who specializes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract subtype: #general_practitioner__generalpractitioner__GP a physician who is not a specialist but treats all illnesses subtype: #country_doctor__countrydoctor a doctor who practices in the country (rather than in a city) usually remote from a modern hospital; "do country doctors still make house calls?" subtype: #family_doctor a general practitioner who treats all the family members subtype: #house_physician__housephysician__resident__resident_physician a physician (especially an intern) who lives in a hospital and cares for hospitalized patients under the supervision of the medical staff of the hospital subtype: #medical_intern__medicalintern__intern__interne__houseman an advanced student or graduate in medicine gaining supervised practical experience (`houseman' is a British term) subtype: #quack an untrained person who pretends to be a physician and who dispenses medical advice subtype: #medical_specialist__medicalspecialist__specialist practices one branch of medicine subtype: #anesthesiologist__anesthetist__anaesthetist a specialist who administers an anesthetic to a patient before he is treated subtype: #baby_doctor__pediatrician__pediatrist__paediatrician a specialist in the care of babies instance: #Harold_Hirschsprung__Hirschsprung #Benjamin_Spock__Spock subtype: #cardiologist__heart_specialist__heartspecialist__heart_surgeon__heartsurgeon a specialist in cardiology; a specialist in the structure and function and disorders of the heart subtype: #chiropodist__foot_doctor__podiatrist a specialist in care for the feet subtype: #dermatologist__skin_doctor a doctor who specializes in the physiology and pathology of the skin subtype: #diagnostician__pathologist a doctor who specializes in medical diagnosis subtype: #etiologist__aetiologist a specialist in the etiology of diseases instance: #Sir_Howard_Walter_Florey__Florey__Howard_Florey #Karl_Landsteiner__Landsteiner #Sir_James_Paget__Paget #Francis_Peyton_Rous__Rous__Peyton_Rous #Rudolf_Karl_Virchow__Virchow__Rudolf_Virchow subtype: #diplomate medical specialist whose competence has been certified by a diploma granted by an appropriate professional group subtype: #ear_doctor__eardoctor__ear_specialist__earspecialist__otologist a physician who specializes in the ear and its diseases instance: #Prosper_Meniere__Meniere subtype: #endocrinologist physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the endocrine system instance: #Henry_Hubert_Turner__Turner subtype: #ENT_man__ear-nose-and-throat_doctor__otolaryngologist__otorhinolaryngologist__rhinolaryngologist a specialist in the disorders of the ear or nose or throat subtype: #gerontologist__geriatrician a specialist in gerontology subtype: #gynecologist__gynaecologist__woman's_doctor__woman'sdoctor a specialist in gynecology subtype: #hematologist__haematologist a doctor who specializes in diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs subtype: #internist a specialist in internal medicine subtype: #neurologist__brain_doctor__braindoctor a medical specialist in the nervous system and the disorders affecting it instance: #Jean_Martin_Charcot__Charcot__charcot #Harvery_Williams_Cushing__Cushing__Harvey_Cushing #Sigmund_Freud__Freud #Baron_Richard_von_Krafft-Ebing__Krafft-Ebing__Richard_von_Krafft-Ebing #Georges_Gilles_de_la_Tourette__Tourette__Gilles_de_la_Tourette #Karl_Wernicke__Wernicke subtype: #obstetrician__accoucheur a physician specializing in obstetrics subtype: #perinatologist an obstetrician specializing in perinatology subtype: #oncologist a specialist in oncology subtype: #ophthalmologist__eye_doctor__eyedoctor__oculist a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases of the eye instance: #Hermann_Snellen__Snellen subtype: #orthopedist__orthopaedist a specialist in correcting deformities of the skeletal system (especially in children) subtype: #orthoptist a specialist in orthoptics subtype: #proctologist a doctor specializing in diseases of the rectum and anus subtype: #psychiatrist__head-shrinker__shrink a physician who specializes in psychiatry subtype: #alienist a psychiatrist and specialist in the legal aspects of mental illness subtype: #psychoanalyst__analyst a licensed practitioner of psychoanalysis instance: #Sigmund_Freud__Freud #Melanie_Klein__Klein instance: #Karl_Theodor_Jaspers__Jaspers__Karl_Jaspers #Charles_Frederick_Menninger__Menninger__Charles_Menninger #Karl_Augustus_Menninger__Menninger__Karl_Menninger #William_Claire_Menninger__Menninger__William_Menninger #Harry_Stack_Sullivan__Sullivan subtype: #radiographer a person who makes radiographs subtype: #radiologist a medical specialist who uses radioactive substances and X-rays in the treatment of disease subtype: #rheumatologist a physician specializing in rheumatic diseases subtype: #urologist a specialist in urology subtype: #operating_surgeon__operatingsurgeon__surgeon__sawbones a physician who specializes in surgery subtype: #amputator a surgeon who remove part or all of a limb subtype: #cosmetic_surgeon__plastic_surgeon__plasticsurgeon a surgeon who beautifies the body (especially the face) subtype: #neurosurgeon__brain_surgeon__brainsurgeon someone who does surgery on the nervous system (especially the brain) instance: #Alexis_Carrel__Carrel #Michael_Ellis_De_Bakey__De_Bakey #William_Crawford_Gorgas__Gorgas #Joseph_Lister__Lister__Baron_Lister #James_Parkinson__Parkinson #Walter_Reed__Reed subtype: #veterinarian__veterinary__veterinary_surgeon__vet a doctor who practices veterinary medicine subtype: #horse_doctor__horsedoctor a veterinarian who treats horses instance: #Robert_Barany__Barany #Sir_David_Bruce__Bruce__David_Bruce #Burrill_Bernard_Crohn__Crohn #John_L._H._Down__Down #Christiaan_Eijkman__Eijkman #Etienne-Louis_Arthur_Fallot__etiennelouisarthurfallot__Fallot #William_Gilbert__Gilbert #William_Harvey__Harvey #Thomas_Hodgkin__Hodgkin #Aletta_Jacobs__Jacobs #Edward_Jenner__Jenner #Harry_F._Klinefelter__Klinefelter__Harry_Fitch_Kleinfelter #Clemence_Sophia_Harned_Lozier__Lozier #Sir_Patrick_Manson__Manson #Friedrich_Anton_Mesmer__Mesmer__Franz_Anton_Mesmer #Philippus_Aureolus_Paracelsus__Paracelsus__Theophrastus_Philippus_Aureolus_Bombastus_von_Hohenheim #Peter_Mark_Roget__Roget #Sir_Ronald_Ross__Ross #Benjamin_Rush__Rush #Albert_Schweitzer__Schweitzer #Anna_Howard_Shaw__Shaw #Sir_James_Young_Simpson__Simpson #Thomas_Sydenham__Sydenham__The_English_Hippocrates #Erik_Adolf_von_Willebrand__Willebrand__von_Willebrand__E._A._von_Willebrand subtype: #inoculator__vaccinator a medical practitioner who inoculates people against diseases subtype: #medical_officer__medicalofficer__medic a medical practitioner in the armed forces subtype: #flight_surgeon a medical officer specializing in aviation medicine subtype: #surgeon_general the senior medical officer in an army or navy instance: #Hippocrates subtype: #nurse one skilled in caring for the sick (usually under the supervision of a physician) subtype: #graduate_nurse__trained_nurse__trainednurse someone who has completed the course of study (including hospital practice) at a nurses training school subtype: #licensed_practical_nurse__LPN__practical_nurse__practicalnurse a nurse who has enough training to be licensed by a state to provide routine care for the sick subtype: #head_nurse__matron a woman in charge of nursing in a medical institution subtype: #midwife__accoucheuse a woman skilled in aiding the delivery of babies subtype: #probationer__student_nurse__studentnurse a nurse in training who is undergoing a trial period subtype: #registered_nurse__RN a graduate nurse who has passed examinations for registration subtype: #nurse-midwife__nursemidwife a registered nurse who has received special training as a midwife subtype: #nurse_practitioner__nursepractitioner__NP__nurse_clinician__nurseclinician a registered nurse who has received special training and can perform many of the duties of a physician subtype: #scrub_nurse__scrubnurse a nurse who helps a surgeon prepare for surgery subtype: #visiting_nurse a nurse who is paid to visit the sick in their homes instance: #Edith_Louisa_Cavell__Cavell__Edith_Cavell #Florence_Nightingale__Nightingale__the_Lady_with_the_Lamp #Margaret_Higgins_Sanger__Sanger__Margaret_Sanger subtype: #pharmacist__druggist__chemist__pill_pusher__pill_roller a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs subtype: #pharmacologist__pharmaceutical_chemist someone trained in the science of drugs (their composition and uses and effects) instance: #Otto_Loewi__Loewi subtype: #lawyer__attorney a professional person authorized to practice law; conducts lawsuits or gives legal advice subtype: #advocate__counsel__counselor__counsellor__counselor-at-law__pleader a lawyer who pleads cases in court subtype: #ambulance_chaser__ambulancechaser a lawyer who incites accident victims to sue subtype: #barrister a British lawyer who speaks in the higher courts of law subtype: #Counsel_to_the_Crown a barrister selected to serve as counsel to the British ruler subtype: #King's_Counsel Counsel to the Crown when the British monarch is a king subtype: #Queen's_Counsel Counsel to the Crown when the British monarch is a queen subtype: #serjeant-at-law__serjeant__sergeant-at-law__sergeant an English barrister of the highest rank subtype: #conveyancer a lawyer who specializes in the business of conveying properties subtype: #defense_attorney__defenseattorney__defenselawyer the lawyer representing the defendant subtype: #divorce_lawyer__divorcelawyer a lawyer specializing in actions for divorce or annulment subtype: #prosecutor__prosecuting_officer__prosecutingofficer__prosecuting_attorney__prosecutingattorney a lawyer who conducts criminal prosecutions on behalf of the state subtype: #district_attorney__DA an official prosecutor for a judicial district subtype: #state's_attorney__state'sattorney__state_attorney__stateattorney a prosecuting attorney for a state subtype: #public_defender a lawyer who represents indigent defendants at public expense subtype: #solicitor a British lawyer who gives legal advice and prepares legal documents subtype: #law_agent__lawagent a solicitor holding a certificate from the Law Society of Scotland subtype: #trial_attorney__trialattorney__trial_lawyer__triallawyer a lawyer who specializes in defending clients before a court of law instance: #William_Jennings_Bryan__Bryan__the_Great_Commoner__The_Boy_Orator_of_the_Platte #Clarence_Seward_Darrow__Darrow__Clarence_Darrow #Arthur_Garfield_Hays__Hays #William_Harrison_Hays__Hays__Will_Hays #John_Edgar_Hoover__Hoover__J._Edgar_Hoover #Francis_Scott_Key__Key #President_Lincoln__Lincoln__Abraham_Lincoln subtype: #librarian__bibliothec a professional person trained in library science and engaged in library services subtype: #cataloger__cataloguer a librarian who classifies publication according to a categorial system subtype: #practitioner__practician someone who practices a learned profession subtype: #clinician a practitioner (of medicine or psychology) who does clinical work instead of laboratory experiments subtype: #homeopath__homoeopath a practitioner of homeopathy subtype: #publisher a person engaged in publishing periodicals or books or music instance: #Karl_Baedeker__Baedeker #Henry_Oscar_Houghton__Houghton #Henry_Robinson_Luce__Luce__Henry_Luce #Keith_Rupert_Murdoch__Murdoch__Rupert_Murdoch #Adolph_Simon_Ochs__Ochs subtype: #yuppie a young upwardly mobile professional person; someone under 40 who prospered during the 1980s subtype: #sobersides a serious and sedate individual subtype: #sophisticate__man_of_the_world a worldly-wise person subtype: #city_slicker__city_boy a city dweller with sophisticated manners subtype: #cosmopolitan__cosmopolite a sophisticated person who has travelled in many countries subtype: #globetrotter__world_traveler__worldtraveler someone who travels widely and often subtype: #stay-at-home__homebody a person who seldom goes anywhere; one not given to wandering or travel subtype: #stoic__unemotional_person__unemotionalperson someone who is seemingly indifferent to emotions subtype: #thoroughbred a well-bred person subtype: #adventurer__venturer a person who enjoys taking risks subtype: #argonaut someone engaged in a dangerous but potentially rewarding adventure subtype: #adventuress a woman adventurer subtype: #cowboy someone who is reckless or irresponsible (especially in driving vehicles) subtype: #daredevil__madcap__hothead__swashbuckler__lunatic__harum-scarum__harumscarum a reckless impetuous irresponsible person subtype: #tearaway (British) a reckless and impetuous person subtype: #risk_taker__gambler someone who risks loss or injury in the hope of gain or excitement subtype: #hotspur a rash or impetuous person subtype: #mercenary__soldieroffortune a person hired to fight for another country than their own subtype: #mountaineer__mountain_climber someone who climbs mountains subtype: #alpinist a mountain climber who specializes in difficult climbs instance: #Sir_Edmund_Percival_Hillary__Hillary__Edmund_Hillary__Sir_Edmund_Hillary #Tenzing_Norgay subtype: #parachutist__parachuter a person who jumps from aircraft using a parachute subtype: #plunger__speculator someone who risks losses for the possibility of considerable gains subtype: #hedger.plunger someone who counterbalances one transaction (as a bet) against another in order to protect against loss subtype: #operator.plunger a speculator who trades aggressively on stock or commodity markets subtype: #scalper someone who buys something and resells it at a price far above the initial cost; "he got theater tickets through a scalper" subtype: #ticket_tout__tout (British) someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit subtype: #venture_capitalist__venturecapitalist a speculator who makes money available for innovative projects (especially in high technology) instance: #Giovanni_Jacopo_Casanova_de_Seingalt__Casanova__Giovanni_Jacopo_Casanova__Casanova_de_Seingalt subtype: #unusual_person__unusualperson__anomaly a person who is unusual subtype: #anachronism.unusual_person a person who seems to be displaced in time; who belongs to another age subtype: #aberrant one whose behavior departs substantially from the norm of a group subtype: #albino a person with albinism: white hair and pink eyes and milky skin subtype: #automaton__zombi__zombie someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way; "only an automaton wouldn't have noticed" subtype: #eccentric_person__eccentricperson__oddball a person with an unusual or odd personality subtype: #crackpot__crank__nut__nutcase__fruitcake__screwball a whimsically eccentric person subtype: #goliath__giant__behemoth__monster__colossus someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful subtype: #Jekyll_and_Hyde__jekyllandhyde someone with two personalities - one good and one evil subtype: #kook__odd_fellow__oddfellow__odd_fish__oddfish__queer_bird__queerbird__queer_duck__queerduck__odd_man_out__oddmanout someone regarded as eccentric or crazy and standing out from a group subtype: #misfit someone unable to adapt to their circumstances subtype: #anthropoid.misfit__ape person who resembles a non-human primate subtype: #dork__jerk a dull stupid fatuous person subtype: #addle-head__addlehead__loon__birdbrain a person with confused ideas; incapable of serious thought subtype: #rare_bird__rara_avis a rare or unique person subtype: #transsexual.unusual_person a person who has undergone a sex change operation subtype: #ugly_duckling an ugly or unpromising child who grows into a beautiful or worthy person subtype: #applicant__applier a person who requests or seeks something such as assistance or employment or admission subtype: #aspirant__aspirer__wannabe an ambitious and aspiring young person; "a lofty aspirant"; "two executive hopefuls joined the firm"; "the audience was full of Madonna wannabes" subtype: #bidder someone who makes an offer subtype: #claimant someone who claims a benefit or right or title; "claimants of unemployment compensation"; "he was a claimant to the throne" subtype: #Pretender a claimant to the throne or to the office of ruler (usually without just title) subtype: #job_candidate__jobcandidate an applicant who is being considered for a job subtype: #material.applicant a person judged suitable for admission or employment; "he was university material"; "she was vice-presidential material" subtype: #petitioner__suppliant__supplicant one praying humbly for something: "a suppliant for her favors" subtype: #besieger.petitioner an energetic petitioner subtype: #postulant one submitting a request or application especially one seeking admission into a religious order subtype: #solicitor.petitioner a petitioner who seeks contributions or trade subtype: #possible.applicant an applicant who might be suitable subtype: #probable an applicant likely to be chosen subtype: #submitter someone who submits something (as an application for a job or a manuscript for publication etc.) for the judgment of others; "he was a prolific submitter of proposals" subtype: #appointee.person__appointment a person who is appointed to a job or position subtype: #bad_person__badperson a person who does harm to others subtype: #wrongdoer__offender a person who transgresses moral or civil law subtype: #abuser__maltreater someone who abuses subtype: #attacker__aggressor__assailant__assaulter someone who attacks subtype: #ambusher an attacker who waits in a concealed position to launch a surprise attack subtype: #avenger__retaliator someone who takes vengeance subtype: #beast__wolf__savage__brute__wildcat a cruelly rapacious person subtype: #bully__tough__hooligan__ruffian__roughneck__rowdy__yob__yobo__yobbo a cruel and brutal fellow subtype: #bullyboy a swaggering tough; usually one acting as an agent of a political faction subtype: #muscleman a bully employed by a gangster subtype: #skinhead a young person who belongs to a British or American group that shave their heads and gather at rock concerts or engage in white supremacist demonstrations subtype: #tough_guy__toughguy__plug-ugly someone who bullies weaker people subtype: #Ted__Teddy_boy (Brit) a tough youth of 1950's and 1960's wearing Edwardian style clothes subtype: #harasser__harrier a persistent attacker; "the harassers were not members of the regular army" subtype: #marauder__predator__vulture someone who attacks in search of booty subtype: #night_rider__nightrider__nightrider member of a secret mounted band in United States south after the Civil War; committed acts of intimidation and revenge subtype: #raper__rapist someone who forces another to have sexual intercourse subtype: #shedder__spiller an attacker who sheds or spills blood; "a great hunter and spiller of blood" subtype: #stabber someone who stabs another person subtype: #stoner__lapidator an attacker who pelts the victim with stones (especially with intent to kill) subtype: #convict a person convicted of a criminal offence subtype: #first_offender__firstoffender someone convicted for the first time subtype: #criminal__felon__crook__outlaw__malefactor someone who has committed (or been legally convicted of) a crime subtype: #accessory__accessary someone who helps another person commit a crime subtype: #abettor__abetter one who helps or encourages or incites another subtype: #accessory_after_the_fact__accessoryafterthefact a person who gives assistance or comfort to someone known to be a felon or known to be sought in connection with the commission of a felony subtype: #accessory_before_the_fact a person who procures or advises or commands the commission of a felony but who is not present at its perpetration subtype: #accessory_during_the_fact a person who witnesses a crime but does not try to prevent it subtype: #confederate__collaborator__henchman__partner_in_crime someone who assists in a plot subtype: #arsonist__incendiary__firebug a criminal who illegally sets fire to property subtype: #barnburner someone who burns down a barn subtype: #blackmailer__extortioner__extortionist a criminal who extorts money from someone by threatening to expose embarrassing information about them subtype: #bootlegger__moonshiner someone who makes or sells illegal liquor subtype: #briber__suborner someone who pays (or otherwise incites) you to commit a wrongful act subtype: #conspirator__plotter a member of a conspiracy instance: #Guy_Fawkes__Fawkes #Titus_Oates__Oates subtype: #desperado__desperate_criminal__desperatecriminal a bold outlaw (especially on the American frontier) subtype: #fugitive_from_justice__fugitive someone who is sought by law officers; someone trying to elude justice subtype: #absconder someone who runs away and hides to avoid arrest or prosecution subtype: #escapee someone who escapes subtype: #gangster__mobster a criminal who is a member of gang subtype: #apache a Parisian gangster subtype: #yardie member of an international gang of Jamaican criminals who sell drugs and violence; "A much publicized raid on a yardie stronghold had first been simulated at Riot City" instance: #Alphonse_Capone__Capone__Al_Capone__Scarface subtype: #highbinder a corrupt politician subtype: #highjacker__hijacker someone who uses force to take over a vehicle (especially an airplane) in order to reach an alternative destination subtype: #hoodlum__hood__goon__punk__thug__tough__toughie__strong-armer an aggressive and violent young criminal subtype: #kidnapper__abductor__snatcher someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom) subtype: #crimper someone who tricks or coerces men into service as sailors or soldiers subtype: #shanghaier__seizer a kidnapper who drugs men and takes them for compulsory service aboard a ship subtype: #gangster's_moll__moll__gun_moll__gunmoll the girl friend of a gangster subtype: #murderer__liquidator__manslayer a criminal who commits homicide (who performs the unlawful premeditated killing of another human being) subtype: #assassin__assassinator__bravo a murderer (especially one who kills a prominent political figure) who kills by a treacherous surprise attack and often is hired to do the deed; "his assassins were hunted down like animals"; "assassinators of kings and emperors" instance: #John_Wilkes_Booth__Booth #Lee_Harvey_Oswald__Oswald subtype: #butcher a brutal indiscriminate murderer subtype: #cutthroat someone who murders by cutting the victim's throat subtype: #fratricide.murderer a person who murders their brother or sister subtype: #gunslinger__gunman__hired_gun__hiredgun__gun__triggerman__hit_man__hitman__torpedo__shooter a professional killer who uses a gun subtype: #hatchet_man__hatchetman__iceman a professional killer subtype: #infanticide.murderer a person who murders an infant subtype: #murderess__murderes a woman murderer subtype: #parricide.murderer someone who kills his or her parent subtype: #matricide.parricide a person who murders their mother subtype: #patricide.parricide a person who murders their father subtype: #ripper a murderer who slashes the victims with a knife; "Jack the ripper was probably a madman" subtype: #serial_killer__serial_murderer someone who murders more than three victims one at a time in a relatively short interval instance: #Jack_the_Ripper subtype: #parolee__probationer someone released on probation or on parole subtype: #drug_peddler__pusher__peddler__drug_dealer__drug_trafficker an unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs subtype: #racketeer some who commits crimes for profit (especially one who obtains money by fraud or extortion) subtype: #bagman a racketeer assigned to collect or distribute payoff money subtype: #raper__rapist someone who forces another to have sexual intercourse subtype: #recidivist__repeater__habitual_criminal someone who is repeatedly arrested for criminal behavior (especially for the same criminal behavior) subtype: #scofflaw one who habitually ignores the law and does not answer court summonses subtype: #smuggler__runner__contrabandist__mooncurser someone who imports or exports without paying duties subtype: #gunrunner__arms-runner a smuggler of guns subtype: #rumrunner someone who illegally smuggles liquor across a border subtype: #thief__stealer a criminal who takes property belonging to someone else with the intention of keeping it or selling it subtype: #bandit__brigand an armed thief who is (usually) a member of a band subtype: #shoplifter__booster__lifter a thief who steals goods that are on display in a store subtype: #burglar a thief who enters a building with intent to steal subtype: #housebreaker__cat_burglar a burglar who unlawfully breaks into and enters another person's house subtype: #dacoit__dakoit (in India and Burma) a member of an armed gang of robbers subtype: #embezzler__peculator__defalcator someone who violates a trust by taking (money) for their own use subtype: #body_snatcher__graverobber__ghoul someone who takes bodies from graves and sells them for anatomical dissection subtype: #graverobber someone who steals valuables from graves or crypts subtype: #holdup_man__stickup_man__stickupman an armed thief subtype: #highwayman__highjacker__hijacker__road_agent a holdup man who stops a vehicle and steals from it subtype: #footpad__padder a highwayman who robs on foot instance: #Dick_Turpin__Turpin subtype: #larcenist__larcener a person who commits larceny subtype: #pickpocket__cutpurse__dip a thief who steals from the pockets or purses of others in public places subtype: #plagiarist__plagiarizer__literarypirate__pirate someone who uses another person's words or ideas is they were his own subtype: #plunderer__pillager__looter__spoiler__raider__freebooter someone who takes spoils or plunder (as in war) subtype: #pirate__buccaneer__sea_robber__searobber__sea_rover__searover someone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without having a commission from any sovereign nation subtype: #Barbary_pirate__corsair a pirate along the Barbary coast instance: #Khayr_ad-Din__Barbarossa subtype: #sea_king__seaking a Viking pirate chief instance: #Jean_Laffite__Laffite__Lafitte__Jean_Lafitte #Sir_Henry_Morgan__Morgan__Henry_Morgan #Bartholomew_Roberts__Roberts #Edward_Teach__Teach__Thatch__Edward_Thatch__Blackbeard subtype: #robber a thief who steals from someone by threatening violence subtype: #bank_robber a robber of banks subtype: #mugger a robber who takes property by threatening or performing violence on the person who is robbed (usually on the street) subtype: #rustler__cattle_thief someone who steals livestock (especially cattle) subtype: #safebreaker__safecracker__cracksman a thief who breaks open safes to steal valuable contents subtype: #snatcher a thief who grabs and runs; "a purse snatcher" subtype: #sneak_thief__pilferer__snitcher a thief who steals without using violence subtype: #wharf_rat.sneak_thief__wharfrat someone who lives near wharves and lives by pilfering from ships or warehouses subtype: #traitor__treasonist someone who betrays his country by committing treason subtype: #collaborator__collaborationist__quisling someone who collaborates with an enemy occupying force subtype: #fifth_columnist__fifthcolumnist__saboteur a member of a clandestine subversive organization who tries to help a potential invader subtype: #traitress__traitres female traitor instance: #Benedict_Arnold__Arnold subtype: #violator__lawbreaker someone who violates the law instance: #William_H._Bonney__Bonney__Billie_the_Kid #Jesse_James__James #Robert_MacGregor__MacGregor__Rob_Roy subtype: #deceiver__cheat__cheater__trickster__beguiler__slicker someone who leads you to believe something that is not true subtype: #bluffer a person who tries to bluff other people subtype: #swindler__chiseller__chiseler__gouger__scammer__sharpie a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud subtype: #cardsharp__cardsharper a professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games subtype: #clip_artist a swindler who fleeces the victim subtype: #confidence_man__con_man__conman__con_artist__conartist a swindler who exploits the confidence of his victim subtype: #welcher__welsher someone who swindles you by not repaying a debt or wager subtype: #steerer__decoy a beguiler who leads someone into danger (usually as part of a plot) subtype: #roper.steerer a decoy who lures customers into a gambling establishment (especially one with a fixed game) subtype: #shill a decoy who acts as an enthusiastic customer in order to stimulate the participation of others subtype: #dodger__fox__slyboot a shifty deceptive person subtype: #double-crosser__double-dealer__two-timer__twotimer__betrayer__traitor a person who says one thing and does another subtype: #Judas someone who betrays under the guise of friendship subtype: #falsifier someone who falsifies subtype: #finagler__wangler a deceiver who uses crafty misleading methods subtype: #counterfeiter__forger someone who makes copies illegally subtype: #coiner.counterfeiter (British) a maker of counterfeit coins subtype: #paperhanger (informal) someone who passes bad checks or counterfeit paper money subtype: #fortune_hunter__fortunehunter a person who seeks wealth through marriage subtype: #front_man__frontman__front__figurehead__nominal_head__nominalhead__straw_man__strawman a person used as a cover for some questionable activity subtype: #hypocrite__dissembler__phony__phoney__pretender a person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold subtype: #smoothie__smoothy__sweettalker someone with an assured and ingratiating manner subtype: #Tartuffe__Tartufe a hypocrite who pretends to religious piety (after the protagonist in a play by Moliere) subtype: #whited_sepulcher__whited_sepulchre a person who is inwardly evil but outwardly professes to be virtuous subtype: #impersonator__imitator someone who (fraudulently) assumes the appearance of another subtype: #mimic__mimicker someone who mimics (especially an actor or actress) subtype: #imposter__impostor__pretender__fake__faker__fraud__sham__shammer__pseudo__pseud__role_player a person who makes deceitful pretenses subtype: #namedropper someone who pretends that famous people are his/her friends subtype: #ringer.imposter a contestant entered in a competition under false pretenses subtype: #liar__prevaricator a person who has lied or who lies repeatedly subtype: #perjurer__false_witness__falsewitnes a person who deliberately gives false testimony subtype: #storyteller__fibber__fabricator someone who tells lies instance: #Ananias subtype: #misleader someone who leads astray (often deliberately) subtype: #mountebank__charlatan a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes subtype: #phrenologist__craniologist someone who claims to read your character from the shape of your skull subtype: #quack an untrained person who pretends to be a physician and who dispenses medical advice subtype: #obscurantist a person who is deliberately vague subtype: #sandbagger someone who deceives you about his true nature or intent in order to take advantage of you subtype: #two-timer__twotimer someone who deceives a lover or spouse by carrying on a sexual relationship with somebody else subtype: #utterer someone who circulates forged banknotes or counterfeit coins subtype: #juvenile_delinquent__delinquent a young offender subtype: #defector__deserter a person who abandons their duty (as on a military post) subtype: #deviationist an ideological defector from the party line (especially from orthodox communism) subtype: #draft_dodger__draftdodger__draft_evader__draftevader someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve subtype: #renegade__turncoat someone who rebels and becomes and outlaw subtype: #transgressor someone who transgresses; someone who violates a law or command; "the way of transgressors is hard" subtype: #malfeasant one guilty of malfeasance subtype: #nonattender__no-show__truant someone who shirks duty subtype: #perpetrator__culprit someone who perpetrates wrongdoing subtype: #pimp__procurer__panderer__pander__pandar__fancy_man__fancyman__ponce someone who procures customers for whores (in England they call a pimp a ponce) subtype: #procuress__procures a woman pimp subtype: #whoremaster__whoremonger a pimp who procures whores subtype: #backslider__recidivist__reversionist someone who lapses into previous undesirable patterns of behavior subtype: #reprobate__miscreant a person without moral scruples subtype: #pervert__deviant__deviate__degenerate a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior subtype: #fetishist one who engages in fetishism (especially of a sexual nature) subtype: #masochist someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment subtype: #flagellant.masochist a person who is whipped or whips himself for sexual gratification subtype: #molester someone who subjects others to unwanted or improper sexual activities subtype: #nymphomaniac__nympho a woman with abnormal sexual desires subtype: #pederast__paederast__childmolester a man who has sex (usually sodomy) with a boy as the passive partner subtype: #pedophile__paedophile an adult who is sexually attracted to children subtype: #sadist someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain or others subtype: #sadomasochist someone who enjoys both sadism and masochism subtype: #satyr__lecher man with strong sexual desires subtype: #sodomite__sodomist__sod someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male) subtype: #scapegrace__black_sheep__blacksheep a reckless and unprincipled reprobate subtype: #wretch performs some wicked deed subtype: #shark.wrongdoer a person who is ruthless and greedy and dishonest subtype: #shyster__pettifogger a person (especially a lawyer or politician) who uses unscrupulous or unethical methods subtype: #sinner__evildoer a person who sins (without repenting) subtype: #magdalen a reformed prostitute instance: #St_Mary_Magdalene__Mary_Magdalene__Mary_Magdalen__St_Mary_Magdalen subtype: #usurper__supplanter one who wrongfully or illegally seizes and holds the place of another subtype: #claim_jumper__claimjumper one who illegally occupies property to which another has a legal claim subtype: #war_criminal__warcriminal an offender who violates international law during times of war subtype: #decadent a person who has fallen into a decadent state (morally or artistically) subtype: #destroyer__ruiner__undoer__waster__uprooter a person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to; "a destroyer of the environment"; "jealousy was his undoer"; "uprooters of gravestones" subtype: #annihilator a total destroyer subtype: #iconoclast__image_breaker__imagebreaker someone who tries to destroy traditional ideas or institutions subtype: #saboteur__wrecker someone who commits sabotage or deliberately causes wrecks subtype: #vandal someone who willfully destroys or defaces property subtype: #libertine__debauchee__rounder a dissolute person; usually a man who is morally unrestrained subtype: #adulterer__fornicator someone who commits adultery subtype: #adulteress__fornicatress__hussy__jade__loose_woman__slut__strumpet a woman adulterer subtype: #wencher someone who patronizes prostitutes subtype: #gigolo a man who has sex with and is supported by a woman subtype: #lounge_lizard__lizard a man who idles about in the lounges of hotels and bars in search of women who would support him subtype: #profligate__rake__rip__blood__roue a dissolute man in fashionable society subtype: #ladies'_man__seducer__ladykiller a man who takes advantage of women subtype: #undoer a seducer who ruins a woman; "she awoke in the arms of her cruel undoer" subtype: #swinger.libertine__tramp a person who engages freely in promiscuous sex subtype: #debaucher__violator__ravisher someone who assaults others sexually subtype: #womanizer__womaniser__philanderer a man who likes many women and has short sexual relationships with them subtype: #Casanova any man noted for his amorous adventures subtype: #Don_Juan a successful womanizer (after the legendary profligate Spanish nobleman) subtype: #Lothario a successful womanizer (after a fictional seducer) subtype: #woman_chaser__womanchaser__wolf__skirt_chaser__skirtchaser__masher a man who is aggressive in making amorous advances to women subtype: #panderer a person who serves or caters to the vulgar passions or plans of others (especially in order to make money) subtype: #polluter__defiler a person or organization that causes pollution of the environment subtype: #scalawag__scallywag white Southerner supporting Reconstruction policies after the Civil War usually for self-interest subtype: #seducer a bad person who entices others into error or wrong-doing subtype: #shocker.bad_person a shockingly bad person subtype: #snake_in_the_grass__snake a deceitful or treacherous person subtype: #trampler someone who injures by trampling subtype: #varmint__vermin an irritating or obnoxious person subtype: #victimizer__victimiser a person who victimizes others; "I thought we were partners, not victim and victimizer" subtype: #slaver__slave_dealer__slavedealer__slave_trader__slavetrader a person engaged in slave trade subtype: #white_slaver__whiteslaver a person who forces women to become prostitutes subtype: #capitalist a person who invests capital in a business (especially a large business) subtype: #businessperson__bourgeois__bourgeoi engages in industrial commercial enterprise subtype: #accountant__comptroller__controller someone who maintains and audits business accounts subtype: #auditor someone who audits accounts subtype: #bookkeeper someone who records the transactions of a business subtype: #certified_public_accountant__CPA an accountant certified by the state subtype: #chartered_accountant__charteredaccountant a British accountant who is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants subtype: #cost_accountant a specialist in the systematic recording and analysis of the costs incident to production subtype: #account_executive__accountexecutive__account_representative__accountrepresentative__registered_representative__customer's_broker__customer's_man someone in charge of a client's account for an advertising agency or brokerage or other service business subtype: #broker__agent__factor a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission subtype: #auctioneer an agent who conducts an auction subtype: #insurance_broker__insurancebroker__insurance_agent__insuranceagent__general_agent__generalagent an agent who sells insurance subtype: #investment_banker__underwriter a banker who deals chiefly in underwriting new securities subtype: #killer_bee an investment banker who devises strategies to make a target company less attractive for takeover subtype: #realtor__real_estate_broker__real_estate_agent__estate_agent__land_agent__house_agent__houseagent a person who is authorized to act as an agent for the sale of land; "in England they call a realtor a land agent" subtype: #ship_broker an agent for the ship owner; obtains cargo and may arrange for its loading or discharge subtype: #stockbroker an agent in the buying and selling of stocks and bonds subtype: #syndic one appointed to represent a city or university or corporation in business transactions subtype: #travel_agent someone who sells or arranges trips or tours for customers subtype: #businessman__man_of_affairs a person engaged in commercial or industrial business (especially an owner or executive) subtype: #arbitrageur__arbitrager__arb someone who engages in arbitrage (who purchases securities in one market for immediate resale in another in the hope of profiting from the price differential) subtype: #baron__big_businessman__bigbusinessman__business_leader__king__magnate__mogul__power__top_executive__topexecutive__tycoon a very wealthy or powerful businessman: "an oil baron" subtype: #oil_tycoon__oiltycoon a powerful person in the oil business subtype: #businesswoman a female businessman subtype: #brothel_keeper__brothelkeeper__madam a woman who runs a house of prostitution subtype: #industrialist someone who manages or has significant financial interest in an industrial enterprise instance: #Andrew_Carnegie__Carnegie #Peter_Cooper__Cooper #Glenn_Hammond_Curtiss__Curtiss__Glenn_Curtiss #Gottlieb_Daimler__Daimler #John_Deere__Deere #George_Eastman__Eastman #Henry_Ford__Ford #Edsel_Bryant_Ford__Ford #Henry_Ford_II__Ford #Henry_Clay_Frick__Frick #Gillette__King_Camp_Gilette #Meyer_Guggenheim__Guggenheim #Henry_John_Heinz__Heinz #William_Henry_Hoover__Hoover__William_Hoover #Howard_Robard_Hughes__Hughes__Howard_Hughes #Friedrich_Krupp__Krupp #Edwin_Herbert_Land__Land__Din_Land #First_Viscount_Nuffield__Nuffield__William_Richard_Morris #Wilhelm_von_Opel__Opel #Elisha_Graves_Otis__Otis #Robert_Owen__Owen #Sri_Frederick_Handley_Page__Page #John_Davison_Rockefeller__Rockefeller__John_D._Rockefeller #Igor_Ivanovich_Sikorsky__Sikorsky__Igor_Sikorsky #Ernest_Solvay__Solvay subtype: #oilman.businessman a person who owns or operates oil wells subtype: #wildcatter an oilman who drills exploratory wells in territory not known to be an oil field subtype: #operator.businessman someone who owns or operates a business; "who is the operator of this franchise?" subtype: #supermarketer an operator of a supermarket subtype: #proprietor__owner someone who owns (is legal possessor of) a business; "he is the owner of a chain of restaurants" subtype: #bookseller the proprietor of a bookstore subtype: #lessor__lease_giver__leasegiver someone who grants a lease subtype: #letter.proprietor owner who lets another person use something (housing usually) for hire subtype: #patronne__patron (Italian) the proprietor of an inn subtype: #innkeeper__host the owner or manager of an inn subtype: #hostess a woman innkeeper subtype: #padrone.innkeeper an owner or proprietor of an inn in Italy subtype: #victualer__victualler an innkeeper (especially British) subtype: #proprietress a woman proprietor subtype: #newspaper_publisher__newspaperpublisher__publisher the proprietor of a newspaper subtype: #press_lord__presslord a powerful newspaper proprietor instance: #1st_Baron_Beaverbrook__Beaverbrook__William_Maxwell_Aitken #Alfred_Charles_William_Harmsworth__Harmsworth__Viscount_Northcliffe #Benjamin_Harris__Harris #William_Randolph_Hearst__Hearst #Joseph_Pulitzer__Pulitzer #James_Edmund_Scripps__Scripps #Edward_Wyllis_Scripps__Scripps subtype: #renter an owner who receives payment for the use of their property by another subtype: #restaurateur__restauranter the proprietor of a restaurant subtype: #saloon_keeper the proprietor of a saloon subtype: #small_businessman__smallbusinessman a businessman who runs a business employing less than 100 people subtype: #concessionaire__concessioner someone who holds or operates a concession subtype: #syndicator a businessman who forms a syndicate subtype: #transactor someone who conducts or carries on business or negotiations instance: #Ezra_Cornell__Cornell #Edward_Henry_Harriman__Harriman__E._H._Harriman #James_Jerome_Hill__Hill__J._J._Hill #Collis_Potter_Huntington__Huntington #First_Baron_Marks_of_Broughton__Marks__Simon_Marks #David_Sarnoff__Sarnoff #Leland_Stanford__Stanford #George_Stephenson__Stephenson #Henry_Villard__Villard #John_Wanamaker__Wanamaker #Asron_Montgomery_Ward__Ward__Montgomery_Ward #Frank_Winfield_Woolworth__Woolworth #Rudolf_Wurlitzer__Wurlitzer subtype: #entrepreneur__enterpriser someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it instance: #William_Henry_Gates__Gates__Bill_Gates #Sir_Clive_Marles_Sinclair__Sinclair__Clive_Sinclair subtype: #exporter a businessperson who transports goods abroad (for sale) subtype: #importer someone whose business involves importing goods from outside (especially from a foreign country) subtype: #merchant__merchandiser a businessperson engaged in retail trade subtype: #baker someone who bakes commercially subtype: #bookdealer__book_seller a dealer in books; a merchant who sells books subtype: #meatman__butcher a retailer of meat subtype: #pork_butcher (British) a vendor of pork and products made from pork subtype: #clothier__haberdasher a merchant who sells men's clothing subtype: #fishmonger__fishwife someone who sells fish subtype: #grain_merchant__grainmerchant a merchant who deals in food grains subtype: #grocer a retail merchant who sells foodstuffs (and some household supplies) subtype: #greengrocer (British) a grocer who sells fresh fruits and vegetables subtype: #ironmonger__hardwareman someone who sells hardware; "in England they call a hardwareman an ironmonger" subtype: #jeweler__jeweller someone in the business of selling jewelry subtype: #milliner a merchant who designs and sells hats subtype: #poultryman__poulterer a dealer in poultry and poultry products subtype: #retailer__retail_merchant a merchant who sells goods at retail subtype: #chandler.retailer a retail dealer in provisions and supplies subtype: #ship's_chandler a dealer in sails and ropes and other supplies for sailing ships subtype: #licensee__licencee someone to who a license is granted subtype: #rug_merchant__rugmerchant a merchant who sells rugs subtype: #salt_merchant__salter someone who makes or deals in salt subtype: #schlockmeister__shlockmeister (slang) a merchant who deals in shoddy or inferior merchandise subtype: #seller__marketer__vender__vendor__trafficker someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money subtype: #ticket_agent__booking_clerk someone who sells tickets (e.g., theater seats or travel accommodations) subtype: #cosmetician someone who sells or applies cosmetics subtype: #flower_girl.seller__flowergirl a woman who sells flowers in the street subtype: #fruiterer (British) a person who sells fruit subtype: #cheap-jack__cheapjack__huckster a seller of shoddy goods subtype: #costermonger__barrow-man__barrow-boy a hawker of fruit and vegetables from a barrow subtype: #pedlar__peddler__packman__hawker__pitchman someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals) subtype: #chapman archaic term for an itinerant peddler subtype: #muffin_man (British) formerly an itinerant peddler of muffins subtype: #sandboy (British) a peddler of sand at a seashore resort; used now only to express great happiness in the expression "happy as a sandboy" subtype: #selling_agent__sellingagent someone who sells goods (on commission) for others subtype: #trafficker__dealer a seller of illicit goods; "a trafficker in stolen cars" subtype: #drug_peddler__pusher__peddler__drug_dealer__drug_trafficker an unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs subtype: #underseller a seller that sells at a lower price than others do; "he went all over town looking for undersellers" subtype: #shopkeeper__tradesman__storekeeper__market_keeper a merchant who owns or manages a shop subtype: #dry_cleaner__drycleaner__cleaner the operator of dry-cleaning establishment subtype: #florist someone who grows and deals in flowers; "the florist made up an attractive bouquet" subtype: #hosier a tradesman who sells hosiery (and (in England) knitwear) subtype: #newsagent__newsdealer__newsvendor__newsstand_operator__newsstandoperator someone who sells newspapers subtype: #tobacconist a retail dealer in tobacco and tobacco-related articles subtype: #stationer__stationeryseller a merchant who sells writing materials and office supplies subtype: #trader__bargainer__dealer__monger someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold subtype: #art_dealer__artdealer a dealer in works of art requiring esthetic evaluation subtype: #print_seller__printseller someone who sells etchings and engravings etc. subtype: #barterer a trader who exchanges goods and not money subtype: #bibliopole__bibliopolist a dealer in secondhand books (especially rare or curious books) subtype: #cutler a dealer in cutlery subtype: #draper a dealer in fabrics and sewing materials (and sometimes in clothing and drygoods) subtype: #linendraper (British) a retail dealer in yard goods subtype: #fence (informal) a dealer in stolen property subtype: #horse_trader__horsetrader a hard bargainer subtype: #mercer (British) a dealer in textiles (especially silks) subtype: #seedsman__seedman a dealer in seeds subtype: #slopseller (British) a dealer in cheap ready-made clothing subtype: #stamp_dealer__stampdealer a dealer in stamps (whose customers are stamp collectors) subtype: #stock_trader__stocktrader someone who buys and sells stock shares subtype: #profit_taker someone who sells stock shares at a profit subtype: #stockjobber (British) one who deals only with brokers or other jobbers subtype: #merchant-venturer__venturer a merchant who undertakes a trading venture (especially a venture that sends goods overseas) subtype: #vintner__wine_merchant someone who sells wine instance: #Charles_Henry_Harrod__Harrod #Charles_Digby_Harrod__Harrod subtype: #shipper.businessperson someone who ships goods subtype: #consigner__consignor the person who delivers over or commits merchandise subtype: #supplier__provider someone whose business is to supply a particular service or commodity subtype: #black_marketeer__blackmarketeer someone who engages illegally in trade in scarce or controlled commodities subtype: #caterer someone who provides food and service (as for a party) subtype: #connection.supplier a supplier (especially of narcotics) subtype: #dispenser.supplier a person who dispenses subtype: #distributor__distributer someone who markets merchandise subtype: #jobber__middleman__wholesaler someone who buys large quantities of goods and resells to merchants rather than to the ultimate customers subtype: #meat_packer__packer a wholesaler in the meat-packing business instance: #Gustavus_Franklin_Swift__Swift subtype: #ship_chandler a dealer in equipment and supplies for ships subtype: #wool_stapler a dealer in wool subtype: #purveyor someone who supplies provisions (especially food) subtype: #recruiter.supplier someone who supplies members or employees subtype: #headhunter (informal) a recruiter of personnel (especially for corporations) subtype: #talent_scout__scout someone employed to discover and recruit talented persons (especially in the worlds of entertainment or sports) subtype: #stockist one (as a retailer or distributor) that stocks goods subtype: #sutler__victualer__victualler__provisioner a supplier of victuals or supplies to an army subtype: #financier__moneyman a person skilled in large scale financial transactions subtype: #banker someone who owns or is an executive in a bank subtype: #cashier__teller__bank_clerk an employee of a bank who receives and pays out money instance: #Rothschild subtype: #city_man a financier who works in one of the banks in the City of London subtype: #principal.financier__dealer the major party to a financial transaction; buys and sells for his own account subtype: #broker-dealer a financial specialist who trades for his own account and so acts both as a broker and principal instance: #James_Buchanan_Brady__Brady__Diamond_Jim_Brady__Diamond_Jim #Jay_Cooke__Cooke #Cosimo_de_Medici__Cosimo_the_Elder #Stephen_Girard__Girard #Jay_Gould__Gould #Sir_Thomas_Gresham__Gresham #William_Averell_Harriman__Harriman__Averell_Harriman #Hopkins__Johns_Hopkins #Andrew_William_Mellon__Mellon__Andrew_Mellon__Andrew_W._Mellon #John_Pierpont_Morgan__Morgan__J._P._Morgan #Robert_Morris__Morris #Cecil_John_Rhodes__Rhodes__Cecil_Rhodes__Cecil_J._Rhodes #Haym_Salomon__Salomon #Cornelius_Vanderbilt__Vanderbilt__Commodore_VAnderbilt subtype: #holder.capitalist__bearer the person who is in possession of a check or note or bond or document of title that is endorsed to him or to whoever holds it; "the bond was marked `payable to bearer'" subtype: #ticket_holder holder of a ticket (for admission or for passage) subtype: #accumulator__collector__gatherer a person who is employed to collect payments (as for rent or taxes) subtype: #conductor.accumulator the person who collects fares on a public conveyance subtype: #conductress__conductres a woman conductor subtype: #gleaner someone who gathers something in small pieces (e.g. information) slowly and carefully subtype: #rent_collector a person who goes from house to house collecting rents for the owner instance: #Isabella_Stewart_Gardner__Gardner subtype: #tenant a holder of buildings or lands by any kind of title (as ownership or lease) subtype: #cotenant one of two or more tenants holding title to the same property subtype: #life_tenant a tenant whose legal right to retain possession of buildings or lands lasts as long as they (or some other person) lives subtype: #tenant_farmer a farmer who works land owned by someone else subtype: #investor someone who commits capital in order to gain financial returns subtype: #contrarian an investor who deliberately decides to go against the prevailing wisdom of other investors subtype: #bear.investor an investor with a pessimistic market outlook subtype: #bondholder a holder of bonds issued by a government or corporation subtype: #bull.investor an investor with an optimistic market outlook subtype: #caller.investor an investor who buys a call option subtype: #depositor a person who has deposited money in a bank or similar institution subtype: #withdrawer a depositor who withdraws funds previously deposited subtype: #lender__loaner someone who lends money or gives credit in business matters subtype: #creditor a lender to whom money is owed subtype: #mortgagee__mortgageholder the person who accepts a mortgage; "the bank became our mortgagee when it accepted our mortgage on our new home" subtype: #pawnbroker a person who lends money at interest in exchange for personal property that is deposited as security subtype: #usurer__loan_shark__moneylender__shylock someone who lends money at excessive rates of interest subtype: #rentier someone whose income is from property rents or bond interest and other investments subtype: #stockholder__shareholder__shareowner someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation subtype: #stockholder_of_record the stockholder whose name is registered on the books of the corporation as owning the shares at a particular time subtype: #materialist someone with great regard for worldly possessions subtype: #moneymaker someone who is successful in accumulating wealth subtype: #moneygrubber someone whose main interest in life is moneymaking subtype: #profiteer someone who makes excessive profit (especially on goods in short supply) instance: #John_Jacob_Astor__Astor subtype: #captor__capturer a person who captures and holds people or animals subtype: #kidnapper__abductor__snatcher someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom) subtype: #surpriser a captor who uses surprise to capture the victim subtype: #changer__modifier a person who changes something; "an inveterate changer of the menu" subtype: #adulterator a changer who lessens the purity or effectiveness of a substance subtype: #normalizer__normaliser a person who normalizes subtype: #standardizer__standardiser a person who sets a standard for things to conform to subtype: #commoner__common_man__common_person a person who holds no title subtype: #bourgeois__bourgeoi__burgher a member of the middle class subtype: #petit_bourgeois__petitbourgeoi a member of the lower middle class subtype: #nobody__cipher__cypher__nonentity a person of no influence subtype: #pip-squeak__pipsqueak__squirt__small_fry__smallfry someone who is small and insignificant subtype: #whippersnapper__jackanapes__lightweight someone who is unimportant but cheeky and presumptuous subtype: #everyman the ordinary person subtype: #Joe_Blow__John_Doe__Joe_Bloggs__man_in_the_street a hypothetical average man subtype: #layman__layperson someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person subtype: #lay_reader__layreader a layman authorized to read sermons subtype: #plebeian__pleb one of the common people subtype: #philistine__lowbrow a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits subtype: #proletarian__prole__worker a member of the working class (not necessarily employed); "workers of the world--unite!" subtype: #rustic an unsophisticated country person subtype: #coon a an eccentric or undignified rustic; "I'll be a gone coon when the battle starts" subtype: #countryman.rustic a man who lives in the country and has country ways subtype: #countrywoman.rustic a woman who lives in the country and has country ways subtype: #hillbilly__bushwhacker a disparaging term for an unsophisticated person subtype: #provincial__peasant a country person subtype: #cottar__cotter a peasant farmer in the Scottish highlands subtype: #muzhik__moujik__mujik__muzjik a Russian peasant (especially prior to 1917) subtype: #redneck__cracker a poor white person in the southern US subtype: #woodsman__woodman someone who lives in the woods subtype: #yokel__rube__hick__yahoo__hayseed__chawbacon not very intelligent or interested in culture subtype: #communicator a person who communicates with others subtype: #alarmist a person who alarms others needlessly subtype: #scaremonger a person who spreads frightening rumors and stirs up trouble subtype: #allegorizer__allegoriser someone who communicates in allegories subtype: #announcer.communicator someone who proclaims a message publicly subtype: #caller.announcer someone who proclaims or summons in a loud voice; "the callers were mothers summoning their children home for dinner" subtype: #caller-out__caller a person who announces the changes of steps during a dance; "you need a fiddler and a caller for country dancing" subtype: #muezzin__muazzin__mu'adhdhin the Moslem official of a mosque who summons the faithful to prayer from a minaret five times a day subtype: #town_crier__crier (formerly) an official who made public announcements subtype: #articulator.communicator someone who pronounces words subtype: #speaker__talker__utterer__verbalizer__verbaliser someone who expresses in language; someone who talks (especially someone who delivers a public speech or someone especially garrulous); "the speaker at commencement"; "an utterer of useful maxims" subtype: #alliterator a speaker or writer who makes use of alliteration subtype: #caller-up__caller__phoner__telephoner the person initiating a telephone call; "there were so many callers that he finally disconnected the telephone" subtype: #chatterer__babbler__prater__chatterbox__spouter an obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker subtype: #conversationalist__schmoozer someone skilled at conversation subtype: #deipnosophist someone skilled at across-the-table chit chat subtype: #conversational_partner__interlocutor a person who takes part in a conversation subtype: #drawler someone who speaks with a drawl subtype: #jabberer__driveller someone whose talk is trivial drivel subtype: #ejaculator a speaker who utters a sudden exclamation subtype: #growler.speaker a speaker whose voice sounds like a growl subtype: #inquirer__enquirer__questioner__querier__asker someone who asks a question subtype: #cross-examiner__crossexaminer__cross-questioner__crossquestioner someone who questions a witness carefully (especially about testimony given earlier) subtype: #quizzer__examiner__tester someone who administers a test to determine your qualifications subtype: #inquisitor__interrogator a questioner who is excessively harsh subtype: #interviewer a person who conducts an interview subtype: #pollster__poll_taker__headcounter someone who conducts surveys of public opinion; "a pollster conducts public opinion polls"; "a headcounter counts heads" subtype: #lecturer someone who lectures professionally instance: #Helen_Adams_Keller__Keller__Helen_Keller subtype: #lisper a speaker who lisps subtype: #mentioner a speaker who refers to something briefly or incidentally subtype: #mutterer__mumbler a person who speaks indistinctly subtype: #narrator__storyteller__teller someone who tells a story subtype: #anecdotist__raconteur a person skilled in telling anecdotes instance: #Karl_Friedrich_Hieronymus_von_Munchhausen__Munchhausen__Munchausen__Baron_Munchausen subtype: #fabulist a person who tells or invents fables instance: #Aesop subtype: #griot a storyteller in West Africa; perpetuates the oral traditions of a family or village subtype: #orator__speechmaker__rhetorician__public_speaker__speechifier a person who delivers a speech or oration subtype: #eulogist__panegyrist an orator who delivers eulogies or panegyrics subtype: #demagogue__demagog__rabble-rouser an orator who appeals to the passions and prejudices of his audience subtype: #elocutionist a public speaker trained in voice production and gesture and delivery subtype: #haranguer a public speaker who delivers a loud or forceful or angry speech subtype: #spellbinder an orator who can hold his listeners spellbound subtype: #tub-thumper__tubthumper a noisy and vigorous or ranting public speaker instance: #Edmund_Burke__Burke #Marcus_Tullius_Cicero__Cicero__Tully #Demosthenes #Patrick_Henry__Henry #Isocrates subtype: #prattler someone who speaks in a childish way subtype: #ranter__raver someone who rants and raves; speaks in a violent or loud manner subtype: #reciter someone who recites from memory subtype: #stammerer__stutterer someone who speaks with involuntary pauses and repetitions subtype: #talking_head__talkinghead a talker on television who talks directly into the cameras and whose upper body is all that is shown on the screen subtype: #vociferator a loud and vehement speaker (usually in protest) subtype: #voicer a speaker who voices an opinion subtype: #wailer a mourner who utters long loud high-pitched cries subtype: #whisperer one who speaks in a whisper subtype: #witnesser__witness__informant someone who sees an event and reports what happened subtype: #attester__attestant someone who affirms or vouches for the correctness or truth or genuineness of something subtype: #testifier__deponent a person who testifies or gives a deposition subtype: #subvocalizer__subvocaliser someone who articulates speech without uttering sounds subtype: #asserter__declarer__affirmer__asseverator__avower someone who claims to speak the truth; "a bold asserter"; "a declarer of his intentions"; "affirmers of traditional doctrine"; "an asseverator of strong convictions"; "an avower of his own great intelligence" subtype: #postulator someone who assumes or takes something for granted as the basis of an argument subtype: #avower someone who admits or acknowledges openly and boldly subtype: #broadcaster someone who broadcasts on radio or television subtype: #announcer reads news, commercials on radio or television subtype: #radio_announcer an announcer whose voice is broadcast on radio subtype: #sports_announcer__sportscaster__sports_commentator an announcer who reads sports news or describes sporting events subtype: #newscaster someone who broadcasts the news subtype: #tv_announcer__television_announcer an announcer on television subtype: #broadcast_journalist__broadcastjournalist a journalist who broadcasts on radio or television instance: #Edward_Roscoe_Murrow__Murrow__Edward_R._Murrow #Lowell_Jackson_Thomas__Thomas__Lowell_Thomas subtype: #disk_jockey__disc_jockey__dj a person who announces and plays popular recorded music subtype: #telecaster a television broadcaster subtype: #conferee a member of a conference subtype: #confessor.communicator someone who confesses (discloses information damaging to themselves) subtype: #letter_writer__correspondent someone who communicates by means of letters subtype: #pen_pal__penpal__pen-friend__penfriend a person you come to know by by frequent friendly correspondence subtype: #extrovert__extravert (psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings subtype: #gossiper__gossip__rumormonger__rumourmonger__newsmonger a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others subtype: #female_gossiper__cat a spiteful woman gossip; "what a cat she is!" subtype: #scandalmonger a person who spreads malicious gossip subtype: #tattletale__tattler__taleteller__talebearer__telltale__blabbermouth someone who gossips indiscreetly subtype: #yenta a woman gossip subtype: #hisser someone who communicates disapproval by hissing subtype: #informant__source a person who supplies information subtype: #informer__betrayer__rat__squealer__blabber one who reveals confidential information in return for money subtype: #fink__snitch__snitcher__stoolpigeon__stoolie__sneaker__canary someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police subtype: #copper's_nark__nark (British) an informer or spy working for the police subtype: #supergrass (British) a police informer who implicates many people subtype: #leaker a surreptitious informant; "the president wanted to know who the leakers were" subtype: #laudator__lauder__extoller someone who communicates high praise subtype: #applauder__clapper someone who applauds subtype: #negotiator__negotiant__treater someone who negotiates (confers with others in order to reach a settlement) subtype: #mediator__go-between__intermediator__intermediary a negotiator who acts as a link between parties subtype: #mediatrix a woman who is a mediator subtype: #appeaser__conciliator__make-peace__pacifier__peacemaker__reconciler someone who tries to bring peace subtype: #arbitrator__arbiter someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue subtype: #third_party.arbitrator__thirdparty someone other than the principals who are involved in a transaction subtype: #diplomat a person who deals tactfully with others subtype: #harmonizer a mediator who brings one thing into harmonious agreement with another subtype: #interpreter.mediator__translator someone who mediates between speakers of different languages subtype: #dragoman an interpreter and guide in the Near East subtype: #symbolizer__symbolist__symboliser someone skilled in the interpretation of symbols instance: #Edward_Fitzgerald__Fitzgerald #Benjamin_Jowett__Jowett #William_Tyndale__Tyndale__Tindale__William_Tindale__Tindal__William_Tindal #Bishop_Ulfilas__Ulfilas__Ulfila__Bishop_Ulfila__Wulfila__Bishop_Wulfila subtype: #matchmaker__matcher__marriage_broker someone who arranges (or tries to arrange) marriages for others subtype: #moderator someone who mediates disputes and attempts to avoid violence subtype: #modifier a moderator who makes less extreme or uncompromising subtype: #second_hand an intermediate person; used in the phrase "at second hand"; "he could learn at second hand from books" subtype: #bargainer negotiator of the terms of a transaction; "he is a hard bargainer" subtype: #haggler an intense bargainer subtype: #compromiser a negotiator willing to compromise; "Henry Clay was known as the Great Compromiser" subtype: #holdout.negotiator a negotiator who hopes to gain concessions by refusing to come to terms; "their star pitcher was a holdout for six weeks" subtype: #negotiatress__negotiatrix a woman negotiator subtype: #representative a person who represents others subtype: #agent.representative a representative who acts on behalf of other persons or organizations subtype: #business_agent an agent who handles business affairs for another; especially one who deals with employers subtype: #actor's_agent__actor'sagent__theatrical_agent a business agent for an actor subtype: #literary_agent an agent who represents an author is dealings with publishers subtype: #bailee the agent to whom property involved in a bailment is delivered subtype: #booker__booking_agent__bookingagent someone who engages a person or company for performances subtype: #showman__promoter__impresario a sponsor who books and stages public entertainments subtype: #exhibitor__exhibitioner__shower someone who organizes an exhibit for others to see subtype: #organ-grinder__organgrinder a street musician who plays a hand organ or hurdy-gurdy subtype: #pornographer__porn_merchant someone who presents shows or sells writing or pictures that are sexually explicit in violation of the community mores instance: #Phineas_Taylor_Barnum__Barnum__P._T._Barnum #William_Frederick_Cody__Cody__William_F._Cody__Buffalo_Bill__Buffalo_Bill_Cody #Sergei_Pavlovich_Diaghilev__Diaghilev__Sergei_Diaghilev #Richard_D'Oyly_Carte__D'Oyly_Carte #Solomon_Hurok__Hurok__Sol_Hurok #Charles_Ringling__Ringling subtype: #surrogate a person appointed to represent or act on behalf of others subtype: #vicegerent someone appointed by a ruler as an administrative deputy subtype: #employment_agent someone who runs an employment agency subtype: #freight_agent__freightagent an employee of a freight carrier who directs the receipt and delivery of goods subtype: #government_agent a representative or official of a government or administrative department of a government subtype: #G-man__FBI_agent__government_man a special law-enforcement agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation subtype: #revenuer a government agent responsible for collecting revenue (especially one responsible for stopping bootlegging) subtype: #T-man a special law-enforcement agent of the United States Treasury subtype: #handler an agent who handles something or someone; "the senator's campaign handlers" subtype: #mill_agent the responsible official at a mill that is under absentee ownership subtype: #next_friend a person who acts on behalf of an infant or disabled person (in law) subtype: #parliamentary_agent__parliamentaryagent a person (in Britain) who is employed to look after the affairs of businesses that are affected by legislation of the British Parliament subtype: #proxy.agent__placeholder__procurator a person authorized to act for another subtype: #purchasing_agent an agent who purchases goods or services for another subtype: #secret_agent__intelligence_officer__intelligence_agent__operative a person secretly employed in espionage for a government subtype: #agent_provocateur__agentprovocateur a secret agent who incites suspected persons to commit illegal acts subtype: #undercover_agent__spy a secret agent hired by a state to obtain (military) information about its enemies or by a business to obtain industrial secrets from competitors subtype: #counterspy__mole a spy who works against enemy espionage subtype: #double_agent a spy who works for two mutually antagonistic countries subtype: #espionage_agent someone employed to spy on another country or business competitor subtype: #foreign_agent__foreignagent a spy for a foreign country subtype: #infiltrator.undercover_agent someone who takes up a position surreptitiously for the purpose of espionage subtype: #sleeper.undercover_agent a spy planted in advance for future use but not presently active instance: #Mata_Hari__Margarete_Gertrud_Zelle subtype: #shipping_agent the agent of a shipowner subtype: #shopper.agent a commercial agent who shops at the competitor's store in order to compare their prices and merchandise with those of the store that employs her subtype: #special_agent__specialagent someone whose authority is limited to the special undertaking they have been instructed to perform subtype: #talent_agent an agent who represents performers subtype: #universal_agent__universalagent__general_agent__generalagent someone authorized to transact every kind of business for the principal subtype: #alderman a member of a municipal legislative body (as a city council); "aldermen usually represent city wards" subtype: #assemblyman someone who is a member of a legislative assembly subtype: #assemblywoman a woman assemblyman subtype: #middleman__contact a person who is in a position to give you special assistance; "he used his business contacts to get an introduction to the governor" subtype: #delegate a person appointed or elected to represent others subtype: #apostolic_delegate__apostolicdelegate (Roman Catholic) a representative of the Holy See in a country that has no formal diplomatic relations with it subtype: #emissary__envoy someone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else subtype: #legate__official_emissary a member of a legation subtype: #head_of_state__chief_of_state the chief public representative of a country who may also be the head of government subtype: #prime_minister__primeminister__chancellor__premier the person who is head of state (in several countries) subtype: #Prime_Minister__PM__premier the person who holds the position of head of state in England subtype: #president.head_of_state the chief executive of a republic subtype: #ex-president a former president instance: #Vigdis_Finnbogadottir__Finnbogadottir subtype: #President_of_the_United_States__President__Chief_Executive the person who holds the office of head of state of the United States government; "the President likes to jog every morning" instance: #President_John_Adams__Adams__John_Adams__President_Adams #President_John_Quincy_Adams__Adams__John_Quincy_Adams__President_Adams #Chester_Alan_Arthur__Arthur__Chester_A._Arthur__President_Arthur #President_Buchanan__Buchanan__James_Buchanan #George_Herbert_Walker_Bush__Bush__George_Bush__President_Bush #George_Walker_Bush__Bush__George_Bush__George_W._Bush__Dubyuh__President_Bush #James_Earl_Carter_Jr.__Carter__Jimmy_Carter__James_Earl_Carter__President_Carter #Stephen_Grover_Cleveland__Cleveland__Grover_Cleveland__President_Cleveland #William_Jefferson_Clinton__Clinton__Bill_Clinton__President_Clinton #President_Coolidge__Coolidge__Calvin_Coolidge #Dwight_David_Eisenhower__Eisenhower__Dwight_Eisenhower__Dwight_D._Eisenhower__Ike__President_Eisenhower #President_Fillmore__Fillmore__Millard_Fillmore #Gerald_Rudolph_Ford__Ford__Gerald_Ford__Gerald_R._Ford__President_Ford #James_Abraham_Garfield__Garfield__James_Garfield__James_A._Garfield__President_Garfield #Ulysses_Simpson_Grant__Grant__Ulysses_Grant__Ulysses_S._Grant__Hiram_Ulysses_Grant__President_Grant #Warren_Gamaliel_Harding__Harding__Warren_Harding__President_Harding #President_William_Henry_Harrison__Harrison__William_Henry_Harrison__President_Harrison #President_Benjamin_Harrison__presidentbenjaminharrison__Harrison__Benjamin_Harrison__President_Harrison #Rutherford_Birchard_Hayes__Hayes__Rutherford_B._Hayes__President_Hayes #Herbert_Clark_Hoover__Hoover__Herbert_Hoover__President_Hoover #Andrew_Jackson__Jackson__Old_Hickory #President_Jefferson__Jefferson__Thomas_Jefferson #President_Andrew_Johnson__Johnson__Andrew_Johnson__President_Johnson #President_Lyndon_Johnson__Johnson__Lyndon_Johnson__Lyndon_Baines_Johnson__LBJ__President_Johnson #John_Fitzgerald_Kennedy__Kennedy__Jack_Kennedy__JFK__President_Kennedy #President_Lincoln__Lincoln__Abraham_Lincoln #President_Madison__Madison__James_Madison #President_McKinley__McKinley__William_McKinley #President_Monroe__Monroe__James_Monroe #Richard_Milhous_Nixon__Nixon__Richard_Nixon__Richard_M._Nixon__President_Nixon #President_Pierce__Pierce__Franklin_Pierce #James_Knox_Polk__Polk__James_Polk__James_K._Polk__President_Polk #Ronald_Wilson_Reagan__Reagan__Ronald_Reagan__President_Reagam #President_Theodore_Roosevelt__Roosevelt__Theodore_Roosevelt__President_Roosevelt #President_Franklin_Roosevelt__Roosevelt__Franklin_Roosevelt__Franklin_Delano_Roosevelt__President_Roosevelt__FDR #William_Howard_Taft__Taft__President_Taft #President_Taylor__Taylor__Zachary_Taylor #President_Truman__Truman__Harry_Truman__Harry_S_Truman #President_Tyler__Tyler__John_Tyler #President_Van_Buren__Van_Buren__Martin_Van_Buren #President_Washington__Washington__George_Washington #Thomas_Woodrow_Wilson__Wilson__Woodrow_Wilson__President_Wilson subtype: #sovereign__crowned_head__crownedhead__monarch a nation's ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right subtype: #tsar__czar__tzar a male monarch or emperor (especially of Russia prior to 1917) instance: #Boris_Fyodorovich_Godunov__Godunov__godunov__Boris_Godunov #Ivan_IV__Ivan_Iv_Vasilievich__Ivan_the_Terrible #Nicholas_I #Nicholas_II #Peter_I__Peter_the_Great subtype: #Emperor the male ruler of an empire subtype: #Empress a woman Emperor or the wife of an Emperor instance: #Catherine_I #Catherine_II__Catherine__Catherine_the_Great subtype: #Holy_Roman_Emperor sovereign of the Holy Roman Empire instance: #Charlemagne__Charles_I__Charles_the_Great #Charles_I__Charles_II__Charles_the_Bald #Ferdinand_I #Ferdinand_II #Ferdinand_III #Emperor_Francis_II__Francis_II #Frederick_Barbarossa__Frederick_I__Barbarossa #Frederick_II #Otto_I__Otho_I__Otto_the_Great subtype: #Kaiser the Holy Roman Emperors or the Emperors of Austria or Germany until 1918 instance: #Wilhelm_II__Kaiser_Wilhelm subtype: #mikado__tenno (archaic) the emperor of Japan; when regarded as a religious leader the emperor is called tenno subtype: #Roman_Emperor__Emperor_of_Rome sovereign of the Roman Empire instance: #Marcus_Aurelius_Antoninus__Antoninus__Aurelius__Marcus_Aurelius__Marcus_Annius_Verus #Antonius_Pius #Augustus__Gaius_Octavianus__Gaius_Julius_Caesar_Octavianus__Octavian #Caligula__Gaius__Gaius_Caesar #Tiberius_Claudius_Drusus_Nero_Germanicus__Claudius__Claudius_I #Constantine_the_Great__Constantine__Constantine_I #Decius #Domitian__Titus_Flavius_Domitianus #Hadrian__Publius_Aelius_Hadrianus__Adrian #Nero_Claudius_Caesar_Drusus_Germanicus__Nero__Lucius_Domitius_Ahenobarbus #Marcus_Cocceius_Nerva__Nerva #Tiberius_Claudius_Nero_Caesar_Augustus__Tiberius #Titus_Flavius_Vespasianus__Titus #Trajan__Marcus_Ulpius_Traianus #Vespasian__Titus_Flavius_Sabinus_Vespasianus instance: #Francis_Joseph_I__Francis_Joseph__Franz_Joseph__Franz_Josef_I #Genghis_Khan__Jinghis_Khan__Jenghiz_Khan #Haile_Selassie__Ras_Tafari_Makonnen__Ras_Tafari #Michinomiya_Hirohito__Hirohito #Justinian_the_Great__Justinian__Justinian_I #Kublai_Khan__Kubla_Khan__Kublai_Kaan #Meiji_Tenno__Mutsuhito #Montezuma_II #Napoleon_Bonaparte__Napoleon__Napoleon_I__Bonaparte__the_Little_Corporal #Napoleon_III__Charles_Louis_Napoleon_Bonaparte #Shah_Jahan subtype: #male_monarch__king a male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom subtype: #Messiah the awaited King of the Jews; the promised and expected deliverer of the Jewish people subtype: #King_of_England the sovereign ruler of England instance: #Canute_the_Great__Canute__Cnut__Knut #Charles_Stuart__Charles_I #Charles_II #Edgar #Edward_I #Edward_II #Edward_III #Edward_IV #Edward_V #Edward_VI #Edward_VII__Albert_Edward #Edward_VIII__Duke_of_Windsor #Saint_Edward_the_Confessor__Edward_the_Confessor__St_Edward_the_Confessor #Saint_Edward_the_Martyr__Edward_the_Martyr__St_Edward_the_Martyr #Edwy__Eadwig #George_I #George_II #George_III #George_IV #George_V #George_VI #King_Harold_I__Harold_I__Harold_Harefoot__Harefoot #King_Harold_II__Harold_II #Henry_I__Henry_Beauclerc #Henry_II #Henry_III #Henry_IV__Bolingbroke__Henry_Bolingbroke #Henry_V #Henry_VI #Henry_VII__Henry_Tudor #Henry_VIII #James_I #James_II #John_Lackland__John #Richard_I__Richard_Coeur_de_Lion__Richard_the_Lion-Heart__Richard_the_Lion-Hearted #Richard_II #Richard_III #William_I__William_the_Conqueror #William_II__William_Rufus #William_III__William_of_Orange #William_IV__The_Sailor_King subtype: #King_of_France the sovereign ruler of France instance: #Hugh_Capet__Capet #Charles_I__Charles_II__Charles_the_Bald #Charles_VII #Charles_IX #Henry_II.King_of_France__henryii #Louis_I__Louis_the_Pious #Louis_II__Louis_le_Begue__Louis_the_Stammerer #Louis_III #Louis_IV__Louis_d'Outremer #Louis_V__Louis_le_Faineant #Louis_VI__Louis_the_Far__Louis_the_Wideawake__Louis_the_Bruiser #Louis_VII #Louis_VIII #Louis_IX__Saint_Louis__St_Louis #Louis_X__Louis_le_Hutin__Louis_the_Quarreller #Louis_XI #Louis_XII #Louis_XIII #Louis_XIV__Sun_King__Louis_the_Great #Louis_XV #Louis_XVI subtype: #Rameses__Ramesses__Ramses any of 12 kings of ancient Egypt between 1315 and 1090 BC instance: #Rameses_II__Ramesses_II__Ramses_II__Rameses_the_Great__Ramesses_the_Great__Ramses_the_Great instance: #Ahab #Akhenaton__Akhenaten__Ikhanaton__Amenhotep_IV #Alaric #Alfred_the_Great__Alfred__AElfred #Artaxerxes_I #Artaxerxes_II #Ashurbanipal__Assurbanipal__Asurbanipal #Athelstan #Attila__Scourge_of_God__Scourge_of_the_Gods #Robert_the_Bruce__Bruce__Robert_I #Carl_XVI_Gustav__carlxvigustav #Clovis_I__Clovis #Croesus.male_monarch__croesu #Cyrus_II__Cyrus_the_Elder__Cyrus_the_Great #Darius_I__Darius_the_Great #Darius_III #David #Edmund_I #Edmund_II__Edmund_Ironside #Edward_the_Elder #Edwin #Egbert #Ethelbert #Ethelred_I__Ethelred #Ethelred_the_Unready__Ethelred__Ethelred_II #Fahd_ibn_Abdel_Aziz_al-Saud__Fahd #Faisal_ibn_Abdel_Aziz_al-Saud__Faisal #Farouk_I__Faruk_I #Ferdinand_the_Great__Ferdinand_I #Ferdinand_V__Ferdinand_the_Catholic #Frederick_I #Frederick_the_Great__Frederick_II #Frederick_William_I #Frederick_William_II #Frederick_William_III #Frederick_William_Iv #Genseric__Gaiseric #Gilgamesh #Gordius #Gustavus_I__Gustavus #Gustavus_Adolphus__Gustavus__Gustavus_II #Gustavus_V #Hammurabi__Hammurapi #Herod_the_Great__Herod #Hezekiah__Ezekias #ibn_Talal_Hussein__Hussein__Husain__Husayn__King_Hussein #Jeroboam_I__Jeroboam #Juan_Carlos_Victor_Maria_de_Borbon_y_Borbon__Juan_Carlos #Kamehameha_I__Kamehameha_the_Great #Leonidas #Macbeth #Mithridates_the_Great__Mithridates__Mithridates_VI #Nebuchadnezzar_II__Nebuchadnezzar__Nebuchadrezzar__Nebuchadrezzar_II #Olaf_II__Olav_II__Saint_Olaf__Saint_Olav__St_Olaf__St_Olav #Otto_I__Otho_I__Otto_the_Great #Philip_II #Philip_II.male_monarch__philipii #Pyrrhus #Saul #Sennacherib #Solomon #Tarquin_the_Proud__Tarquin__Tarquinius__Tarquinius_Superbus__Lucius_Tarquinius_Superbus #Victor_Emanuel_II #Victor_Emanuel_III #Xerxes_I__Xerxes_the_Great subtype: #shah title for the former hereditary monarch of Iran instance: #Mohammed_Reza_Pahlavi__Pahlavi__Pahlevi__Mohammed_Reza_Pahlevi subtype: #Hanoverian any of the British sovereigns belonging to the House of Hanover instance: #George_I #George_II #George_III #George_IV #Queen_Victoria__Victoria subtype: #personal_representative__personalrepresentative a person who manages the affairs of another subtype: #legal_representative__legalrepresentative a personal representative with legal standing (as by power of attorney or the executor of a will) subtype: #resident_commissioner the representative of Puerto Rico in the United States House of Representatives subtype: #union_representative__unionrepresentative a representative for a labor union subtype: #labor_organizer__labororganizer__organizer someone who enlists workers to join a union instance: #Eugene_Victor_Debs__Debs__Eugene_V._Debs subtype: #shop_steward__steward a union member who is elected to represent fellow workers in negotiating with management subtype: #walking_delegate__walkingdelegate a union representative who visits workers at their jobs to see whether agreements are observed subtype: #settler.negotiator a negotiator who settles disputes subtype: #persuader__inducer someone who tries to persuade or induce or lead on subtype: #lobbyist someone who tries to persuade legislators to vote for bills that the lobbyists favor subtype: #wheedler__coaxer someone who tries to persuade by blandishment and coaxing subtype: #popularizer__populariser__vulgarizer__vulgariser someone who makes attractive to the general public subtype: #presenter someone who presents a message of some sort (as a petition or an address or a check or a memorial etc.) subtype: #promisee a person to whom a promise is made subtype: #promiser__promisor a person who makes a promise subtype: #vower someone who makes a solemn promise to do something or behave in a certain way; "young vowers of eternal love"; "there are many vowers of chastity but few who observe it" subtype: #propagandist a person who disseminates messages calculated to assist some cause or some government subtype: #sloganeer someone who coins and uses slogans to promote a cause instance: #Paul_Joseph_Goebbels__Goebbels__Joseph_Goebbels subtype: #disseminator__propagator someone who spreads the news subtype: #publicist__publicizer someone who publicizes subtype: #advertiser__advertizer__adman someone whose business is advertising subtype: #huckster a person who writes radio or tv advertisements subtype: #promoter__booster__plugger someone who is an active supporter and advocate subtype: #barker someone who stands in front of a show (as at a carnival) and gives a loud colorful sales talk to potential customers subtype: #tout__touter someone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen way subtype: #press_agent__publicity_man__publicityman__public_relations_man__PR_man someone employed to arrange publicity (for a firm or a public figure) subtype: #sensationalist__ballyhoo_artist someone who uses exaggerated or lurid material in order to gain public attention subtype: #quoter a communicator (speaker or writer) who uses quotations subtype: #rambler a person whose speech or writing is not well organized subtype: #reporter__newsman__newsperson a person who investigates and reports or edits news stories subtype: #newswoman a female newsperson subtype: #television_reporter__television_newscaster__TV_reporter__TV_newsman someone who reports news stories via television subtype: #anchorman__anchor__anchorperson a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute subtype: #responder__respondent__answerer someone who responds subtype: #equivocator__hedger a respondent who avoids giving a clear direct answer subtype: #interviewee a person who is interviewed subtype: #don't-know__don'tknow (colloquial) a person who responds "I don't know" in public opinion poll subtype: #testee__examinee someone who is tested (as by an intelligence test or an academic examination) subtype: #passer a student who passes and examination subtype: #roarer__bawler__bellower__screamer__screecher__shouter__yeller someone who communicates vocally in a very loud voice subtype: #crier a shouter who advertises the goods they sell subtype: #sender__transmitter someone who transmits a message; "return to sender" subtype: #signaler__signaller someone who communicates by signals subtype: #signalman a railroad employee in charge of signals and point in a railroad yard subtype: #toller__bell_ringer__bellringer__ringer a person who rings church bells (as for summoning the congregation) subtype: #whistler makes a loud high sound subtype: #signer someone who can use sign language to communicate subtype: #swearer someone who takes a solemn oath subtype: #sympathizer commiserates with someone who has had misfortune subtype: #Job's_comforter someone whose comfort is actually discouraging subtype: #mental_telepathist__telepathist__thoughtreader__mind_reader someone with the power of communicating thoughts directly subtype: #waffler someone who speaks or writes in a vague and evasive manner subtype: #warner someone who gives a warning to others subtype: #waver.communicator someone who communicates by waving subtype: #wirer someone who sends a telegram subtype: #professional_writer__writer__author writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay) subtype: #abstractor__abstracter one who makes abstracts or summarizes information subtype: #alliterator a speaker or writer who makes use of alliteration subtype: #authoress__authores a woman author subtype: #biographer someone who writes an account of another person's life subtype: #autobiographer someone who writes their own biography instance: #Plutarch #Giles_Lytton_Strachey__Strachey__Lytton_Strachey subtype: #coauthor__joint_author__jointauthor a writer who collaborates with others in writing something subtype: #commentator a writer who reports and analyzes events of the day subtype: #contributor a writer whose work is published in a newspaper or magazine or as part of a book subtype: #drafter a writer of a draft subtype: #dramatist__playwright someone who writes plays instance: #Aeschylus #Edward_Albee__Albee__Edward_Franklin_Albeen #Maxwell_Anderson__Anderson #Jean_Anouilh__Anouilh #Aristophanes #Sir_James_Matthew_Barrie__Barrie__James_Barrie__J._M._Barrie__James_Matthew_Barrie #Samuel_Beckett__Beckett #Bertolt_Brecht__Brecht #Pedro_Calderon_de_la_Barca__Calderon__Calderon_de_la_Barca #Miguel_de_Cervantes_Saavedra__Cervantes__Miguel_de_Cervantes__Cervantes_Saavedra #Anton_Pavlovich_Chekhov__Chekhov__Chekov__Anton_Chekhov__Anton_Chekov__Anton_Pavlovich_Chekov #Pierre_Corneille__Corneille #Sir_Noel_Pierce_Coward__Coward__Noel_Coward #Russel_Crouse__Crouse #John_Dryden__Dryden #Euripides #Christopher_Fry__Fry #Frederico_Garcia_Lorca__Garcia_Lorca__Lorca #Hippolyte_Jean_Giraudoux__Giraudoux__Jean_Giraudoux #Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe__Goethe #Carlo_Goldoni__Goldoni #Harley_Granville-Barker__Granville-Barker #Moss_Hart__Hart #Vaclav_Havel__Havel #Christian_Friedrich_Hebbel__Hebbel__Friedrich_Hebbel #Lillian_Hellman__Hellman #Victor-Marie_Hugo__Hugo__Victor_Hugo #Henrik_Ibsen__Ibsen #William_Inge__Inge #Eugene_Ionesco__Ionesco__ionesco #Benjamin_Jonson__Jonson__Ben_Jonson #George_Simon_Kaufman__Kaufman__George_S._Kaufman #Bernd_Heinrich_Wilhelm_von_Kleist__Kleist__Heinrich_von_Kleist #Gotthold_Ephraim_Lessing__Lessing #Howard_Lindsay__Lindsay #Clare_Booth_Luce__Luce #Count_Maurice_Maeterlinck__Maeterlinck #David_Mamet__Mamet #Christopher_Marlowe__Marlowe #John_Marstan__Marstan #Menander #Thomas_Middleton__Middleton #Arthur_Miller__Miller #Moliere__Jean-Baptiste_Poquelin #Ferenc_Molnar__Molnar #Sean_O'Casey__O'Casey__o'casey #Clifford_Odets__Odets #Eugene_Gladstone_O'Neill__O'Neill__Eugene_O'Neill #John_James_Osborne__Osborne__John_Osborne #Titus_Maccius_Plautus__Plautus #Sir_Terence_Mervyn_Rattigan__Rattigan__Terence_Rattigan #Elmer_Leopold_Rice__Rice__Elmer_Rice__Elmer_Reizenstein #Esme_Stuart_Lennox_Robinson__Robinson__Lennox_Robinson #Augustin_Eugene_Scribe__Scribe #Lucius_Annaeus_Seneca__Seneca #William_Shakespeare__Shakespeare__Shakspere__William_Shakspere__the_bard__thebard #George_Bernard_Shaw__Shaw__G._B._Shaw #Richard_Brinsley_Sheridan__Sheridan #Robert_Emmet_Sherwood__Sherwood #Marvin_Neil_Simon__Simon__Neil_Simon #Sophocles #Sir_Tom_Stoppard__Stoppard__Tom_Stoppard__Thomas_Straussler #Johan_August_Strindberg__Strindberg__August_Strindberg #Edmund_John_Millington_Synge__Synge__J._M._Synge__John_Millington_Synge #Terence__Publius_Terentius_Afer #Tirso_de_Molina__Gabriel_Tellez #Peter_Alexander_Ustinov__Ustinov__Sir_Peter_Ustinov #Lope_de_Vega__Vega #Thornton_Niven_Wilder__Wilder__Thornton_Wilder #Thomas_Lanier_Williams__Williams__Tennessee_Williams #William_Wycherley__Wycherley #William_Butler_Yeats__Yeats__W._B._Yeats subtype: #encyclopedist__compiler a person who compiles (or writes for) encyclopedias subtype: #essayist__litterateur a writer of literary works instance: #Charles_Lamb__Lamb__Elia subtype: #folk_writer a writer of folktales subtype: #folk_poet a folk writer who composes in verse subtype: #framer someone who writes a new law or plan; "the framers of the Constitution" subtype: #gagster__gagman__gagwriter someone who writes comic material for public performers subtype: #ghostwriter__ghost a writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else subtype: #Gothic_romancer__gothicromancer a writer of Gothic romances subtype: #literary_hack__hack__hack_writer a mediocre and disdained writer subtype: #journalist a writer for newspapers and magazines subtype: #broadcast_journalist__broadcastjournalist a journalist who broadcasts on radio or television subtype: #columnist a journalist who writes editorials subtype: #gossip_columnist a journalist who writes a column of gossip about celebrities subtype: #newspaper_columnist__newspapercolumnist a columnist who writes for newspapers subtype: #newspaper_critic__newspapercritic a critic who writes a column for the newspapers subtype: #correspondent__newspaperman__newspaperwoman__newswriter__pressman a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media subtype: #scribe__scribbler informal terms for journalists subtype: #sob_sister__sobsister a journalist who specializes in sentimental stories subtype: #sports_writer a journalist who writes about sports instance: #Alfred_Alistair_Cooke__Cooke__Alistair_Cooke #Elizabeth_Merriwether_Gilmer__Gilmer__Dorothy_Dix #Horace_Greeley__Greeley__greeley #Edgar_Albert_Guest__Guest__Edgar_Guest #Walter_Lippmann__Lippmann #Henry_Louis_Mencken__Mencken__H._L._Mencken #John_Reed__Reed #Elizabeth_Cochrane_Seaman__Seaman__Elizabeth_Seaman__Nellie_Bly #William_Lawrence_Shirer__Shirer #Sir_Henry_Morton_Stanley__Stanley__Henry_M._Stanley__John_Rowlands #Joseph_Lincoln_Steffens__Steffens__Lincoln_Steffens #Isidor_Feinstein_Stone__Stone__I._F._Stone #Theodore_Harold_White__White__T._H._White #Alexander_Woollcott__Woollcott subtype: #librettist author of words to be set to music in an opera or operetta instance: #William_Schwenk_Gilbert__Gilbert__William_Gilbert__Sir_William_Gilbert subtype: #lyricist a person who writes the words for songs instance: #Ira_Gershwin__Gershwin #Oscar_Hammerstein_II__Hammerstein__Oscar_Hammerstein #Lorenz_Milton_Hart__Hart__Lorenz_Hart #Alan_Jay_Lerner__Lerner #Timothy_Miles_Bindon_Rice__Rice__Sir_Tim_Rice subtype: #novelist someone who writes novels instance: #James_Agee__Agee #Louisa_May_Alcott__Alcott #Honore_de_Balzac__Balzac__Honore_Balzac #William_Cuthbert_Faulkner__Faulkner__William_Faulkner__Falkner__William_Falkner #Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe__Goethe #Victor-Marie_Hugo__Hugo__Victor_Hugo #Harry_Sinclair_Lewis__Lewis__Sinclair_Lewis #George_Meredith__Meredith #Marcel_Proust__Proust #Emile_Zola__Zola subtype: #pamphleteer a writer of pamphlets (usually taking a partisan stand on public issues) instance: #Thomas_Paine__Paine__Tom_Paine subtype: #paragrapher a writer of paragraphs (as for publication on the editorial page of a newspaper) subtype: #poet a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry) subtype: #bard.poet a lyric poet subtype: #elegist the author of a mournful poem lamenting the dead subtype: #poetess__poetes a woman poet instance: #Edna_Saint_Vincent_Millay__Millay__Edna_Millay #Sappho subtype: #Poet_Laureate the poet officially appointed to the Royal Household in Great Britain; "the Poet Laureate is expected to provide poems for great national occasions" subtype: #sonneteer a poet who writes sonnets instance: #Alcaeus #Guillaume_Apollinaire__Apollinaire__Wilhelm_Apollinaris_de_Kostrowitzki #Matthew_Arnold__Arnold #Jean_Arp__Arp__Hans_Arp #Wystan_Hugh_Auden__Auden__W._H._Auden #Charles_Pierre_Baudelaire__Baudelaire__Charles_Baudelaire #William_Blake__Blake #Giovanni_Boccaccio__Boccaccio #Bertolt_Brecht__Brecht #Rupert_Brooke__Brooke #Elizabeth_Barrett_Browning__Browning #Robert_Browning__Browning #Robert_Burns__Burns #Sixth_Baron_Byron_of_Rochdale__Byron__Lord_Byron__George_Gordon_Byron #Pedro_Calderon_de_la_Barca__Calderon__Calderon_de_la_Barca #Giosue_Carducci__Carducci #Thomas_Carew__Carew #Gaius_Valerius_Catullus__Catullus #Geoffrey_Chaucer__Chaucer #John_Anthony_Ciardi__Ciardi__John_Ciardi #Samuel_Taylor_Coleridge__Coleridge #Pierre_Corneille__Corneille #Harold_Hart_Crane__Crane__Hart_Crane #Cynewulf__Cynwulf #Dante_Alighieri__Dante #Walter_John_de_la_Mare__de_la_Mare__Walter_de_la_Mare #Emily_Dickinson__Dickinson #John_Donne__Donne #John_Dryden__Dryden #Thomas_Stearns_Eliot__Eliot__T._S._Eliot #Edward_Fitzgerald__Fitzgerald #Robert_Lee_Frost__Frost__Robert_Frost #Frederico_Garcia_Lorca__Garcia_Lorca__Lorca #William_Schwenk_Gilbert__Gilbert__William_Gilbert__Sir_William_Gilbert #Allen_Ginsberg__Ginsberg #Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe__Goethe #Thomas_Gray__Gray #Robert_Herrick__Herrick #Hesiod #Hugo_von_Hoffmannsthal__Hoffmannsthal #James_Hogg__Hogg #Homer #Gerard_Manley_Hopkins__Hopkins #Horace #Alfred_Edward_Housman__Housman__A._E._Housman #Edward_James_Hughes__Hughes__Ted_Hughes #Victor-Marie_Hugo__Hugo__Victor_Hugo #Henrik_Ibsen__Ibsen #Randall_Jarrell__Jarrell #John_Robinson_Jeffers__Jeffers__Robinson_Jeffers #Juan_Ramon_Jimenez__Jimenez #Benjamin_Jonson__Jonson__Ben_Jonson #Erik_Axel_Karlfeldt__Karlfeldt #John_Keats__Keats #Francis_Scott_Key__Key #Friedrich_Gottlieb_Klopstock__Klopstock #Nicholas_Vachel_Lindsay__Lindsay__Vachel_Lindsay #Henry_Wadsworth_Longfellow__Longfellow #Richard_Lovelace__Lovelace #Amy_Lowell__Lowell #Robert_Traill_Spence_Lowell_Jr.__Lowell__Robert_Lowell #Titus_Lucretius_Carus__Lucretius #Archibald_MacLeish__MacLeish #Stephane_Mallarme__Mallarme #Osip_Emilevich_Mandelstam__Mandelstam__Osip_Mandelstam__Mandelshtam #Giambattista_Marini__Marini__Marino__Giambattista_Marino #Christopher_Marlowe__Marlowe #Jose_Julian_Marti__Marti #Martial #Andrew_Marvell__Marvell__marvell #John_Edward_Masefield__Masefield__John_Masefield #Edgar_Lee_Masters__Masters #Vladimir_Vladimirovich_Mayakovski__Mayakovski #George_Meredith__Meredith #John_Milton__Milton #Marianne_Craig_Moore__Moore__Marianne_Moore #Thomas_Moore__Moore #William_Morris__Morris #Louis_Charles_Alfred_de_Musset__Musset__Alfred_de_Musset #Alfred_Noyes__Noyes #Omar_Khayyam #Ovid__Publius_Ovidius_Naso #Francis_Turner_Palgrave__Palgrave #Petrarch__Petrarca__Francesco_Petrarca #Pindar #Ezra_Loomis_Pound__Pound__Ezra_Pound #Aleksandr_Sergeyevich_Pushkin__Pushkin__Alexander_Pushkin #James_Whitcomb_Riley__Riley #Rainer_Maria_Rilke__Rilke #Jean_Nicholas_Arthur_Rimbaud__Rimbaud__Arthur_Rimbaud #Edwin_Arlington_Robinson__Robinson #Alan_Seeger__Seeger #Anne_Sexton__Sexton #William_Shakespeare__Shakespeare__Shakspere__William_Shakspere__the_bard__thebard #Percy_Bysshe_Shelley__Shelley #Taras_Grigoryevich_Shevchenko__Shevchenko #Sir_Philip_Sidney__Sidney #Dame_Edith_Louisa_Sitwell__Sitwell__Dame_Edith_Sitwell #Robert_Southey__Southey #Sir_Stephen_Harold_Spender__Spender__Stephen_Spender #Edmund_Spenser__Spenser #Wallace_Stevens__Stevens #Sir_John_Suckling__Suckling #Algernon_Charles_Swinburne__Swinburne #Arthur_Symons__Symons #Torquato_Tasso__Tasso #John_Orley_Allen_Tate__Tate__Allen_Tate #Sara_Teasdale__Teasdale #First_Baron_Tennyson__Tennyson__Alfred_Tennyson__Alfred_Lord_Tennyson #Thespis #Dylan_Marlais_Thomas__Thomas__Dylan_Thomas #John_Trumbull__Trumbull #Tristan_Tzara__Tzara__Samuel_Rosenstock #Johann_Ludwig_Uhland__Uhland #Paul_Verlaine__Verlaine #Francois_Villon__Villon #Virgil__Vergil__Publius_Vergilius_Maro #Andrei_Voznesenski__Voznesenski #Robert_Penn_Warren__Warren #Isaac_Watts__Watts #Phillis_Wheatley__Wheatley #Walt_Whitman__Whitman #John_Greenleaf_Whittier__Whittier #William_Carlos_Williams__Williams #William_Wordsworth__Wordsworth #Sir_Thomas_Wyatt__Wyatt__Wyat__Sir_Thomas_Wyat #Elinor_Morton_Hoyt_Wylie__Wylie #William_Butler_Yeats__Yeats__W._B._Yeats #Yevgeni_Aleksandrovich_Yevtushenko__Yevtushenko__Yevgeni_Yevtushenko #Edward_Young__Young subtype: #rhymer__rhymester__versifier__poetizer a writer who composes rhymes; a maker of poor verses (usually used as terms of contempt for minor or inferior poets) subtype: #scenarist a writer of screenplays subtype: #scriptwriter someone who writes scripts for plays or movies or broadcast dramas subtype: #screenwriter__film_writer someone who writes screenplays instance: #George_Lucas__Lucas #Dalton_Trumbo__Trumbo subtype: #space_writer__spacewriter a writer paid by the area of the copy subtype: #speechwriter a writer who composes speeches for others to deliver subtype: #tragedian a writer (especially a playwright) who writes tragedies instance: #Jean_Baptiste_Racine__Racine__Jean_Racine subtype: #wordmonger a writer who uses language carelessly or pretentiously with little regard for meaning subtype: #word-painter a writer of vivid or graphic descriptive power subtype: #wordsmith a fluent and prolific writer instance: #Horatio_Alger__Alger #Hans_Christian_Andersen__Andersen #Sherwood_Anderson__Anderson #Louis_Aragon__Aragon #Sholem_Asch__Asch__Shalom_Asch__Sholom_Asch #Jane_Austen__Austen #Imamu_Amiri_Baraka__Baraka__LeRoi_Jones #Samuel_Beckett__Beckett #Sir_Henry_Maxmilian_Beerbohm__Beerbohm__Max_Beerbohm #Ambrose_Gwinett_Bierce__Bierce__Ambrose_Bierce #Jorge_Luis_Borges__Borges__Jorge_Borges #James_Boswell__Boswell #Ray_Douglas_Bradbury__Bradbury__Ray_Bradbury #Charlotte_Bronte__Bronte #Emily_Jane_Bronte__Bronte__Emily_Bronte__Currer_Bell #Anne_Bronte__Bronte #Charles_Farrar_Browne__Browne__Artemus_Ward #Pearl_Sydenstricker_Buck__Buck__Pearl_Buck #John_Bunyan__Bunyan #Frances_Eliza_Hodgson_Burnett__Burnett__burnett__franceshodgsonburnett #Edgar_Rice_Burroughs__Burroughs #William_Burroughs__Burroughs__William_Seward_Burroughs #James_Branch_Cabell__Cabell #Erskine_Preston_Caldwell__Caldwell__Erskine_Caldwell #Albert_Camus__Camus #Lewis_Carroll__Carroll__Dodgson__Reverend_Dodgson__Charles_Dodgson__Charles_Lutwidge_Dodgson #Willa_Sibert_Cather__Cather__Willa_Cather #Miguel_de_Cervantes_Saavedra__Cervantes__Miguel_de_Cervantes__Cervantes_Saavedra #Raymond_Thornton_Chandler__Chandler__Raymond_Chandler #Francois_Rene_Chateaubriand__Chateaubriand__Vicomte_de_Chateaubriand #Gilbert_Keith_Chesterton__Chesterton__G._K._Chesterton #Dame_Agatha_Mary_Clarissa_Christie__Christie__Agatha_Christie #Sir_Winston_Leonard_Spenser_Churchill__Churchill__Winston_Churchill__Winston_S._Churchill #Samuel_Langhorne_Clemens__Clemens__Mark_Twain #Jean_Cocteau__Cocteau #Sidonie_Gabrielle_Claudine_Colette__Colette #William_Wilkie_Collins__Collins__Wilkie_Collins #Sir_Arthur_Conan_Doyle__Conan_Doyle__A._Conan_Doyle__Arthur_Conan_Doyle #Joseph_Conrad__Conrad__Teodor_Josef_Konrad_Korzeniowski #James_Fenimore_Cooper__Cooper #Stephen_Crane__Crane #Edward_Estlin_Cummings__Cummings__e._e._cummings #Clarence_Shepard_Day_Jr.__Day__Clarence_Day #Daniel_Defoe__Defoe #Thomas_De_Quincey__De_Quincey #Charles_John_Huffam_Dickens__Dickens__Charles_Dickens #John_Dos_Passos__Dos_Passos #Feodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoyevsky__Dostoyevsky__Dostoevski__Dostoevsky__Feodor_Dostoyevsky__Fyodor_Dostoyevsky__Feodor_Dostoevski__Fyodor_Dostoevski__Feodor_Dostoevsky__Fyodor_Dostoevsky__Fyodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoyevsky__Feodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoevski__Fyodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoevski__Feodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoevsky__Fyodor_Mikhailovich_Dostoevsky #Theodore_Herman_Albert_Dreiser__Dreiser__Theodore_Dreiser #Alexandre_Dumas__Dumas #Dame_Daphne_du_Maurier__du_Maurier #Lawrence_George_Durrell__Durrell__Lawrence_Durrell #Ilya_Grigorievich_Ehrenberg__Ehrenberg__Ilya_Ehrenberg #George_Eliot__Eliot__Mary_Ann_Evans #Ralph_Waldo_Emerson__Emerson #James_Thomas_Farrell__Farrell #Edna_Ferber__Ferber #Henry_Fielding__Fielding #Francis_Scott_Key_Fitzgerald__Fitzgerald__F._Scott_Fitzgerald #Gustave_Flaubert__Flaubert #Ian_Lancaster_Fleming__Fleming__Ian_Fleming #Ford_Hermann_Hueffer__Ford__Ford_Madox_Ford #Cecil_Scott_Forester__Forester__C._S._Forester #Anatole_France__France__Jacques_Anatole_Francois_Thibault #Benjamin_Franklin__Franklin #Carlos_Fuentes__Fuentes #Emile_Gaboriau__Gaboriau #John_Galsworthy__Galsworthy #Erle_Stanley_Gardner__Gardner #Elizabeth_Cleghorn_Stevenson_Gaskell__Gaskell__Elizabeth_Gaskell #Theodor_Seuss_Geisel__Geisel__Dr._Seuss #Jean_Genet__Genet #Kahlil_Gibran__Gibran #Karl_Gjellerup__Gjellerup #Nikolai_Vasilievich_Gogol__Gogol #Sir_William_Gerald_Golding__Golding__William_Golding #Oliver_Goldsmith__Goldsmith #Edmond_Louis_Antoine_Huot_de_Goncourt__Goncourt__Edmond_de_Goncourt #Jules_Alfred_Huot_de_Goncourt__Goncourt__Jules_de_Goncourt #Nadine_Gordimer__Gordimer #Maksim_Gorky__Gorky__Gorki__Maxim_Gorki__Aleksey_Maksimovich_Peshkov__Aleksey_Maximovich_Peshkov #Kenneth_Grahame__Grahame #Gunter_Wilhelm_Grass__Grass__Gunter_Grass #Robert_Ranke_Graves__Graves__Robert_Graves #Henry_Graham_Greene__Greene__Graham_Greene #Zane_Grey__Grey #Jakob_Ludwig_Karl_Grimm__Grimm #Wilhelm_Karl_Grimm__Grimm #Hagard__Rider_Haggard__Sir_Henry_Rider_Haggard #Elizabeth_Sanderson_Haldane__elizabethsandersonhaldane__Haldane__Elizabeth_Haldane #Edward_Everett_Hale__Hale #Alex_Haley__Haley #Marguerite_Radclyffe_Hall__Hall__Radclyffe_Hall #Samuel_Dashiell_Hammett__Hammett__Dashiell_Hammett #Knut_Hamsun__Hamsun__Knut_Pedersen #Thomas_Hardy__Hardy #James_Thomas_Harris__Harris__Frank_Harris #Bret_Harte__Harte #Nathaniel_Hawthorne__Hawthorne #Ben_Hecht__Hecht #Robert_Anson_Heinlein__Heinlein #Joseph_Heller__Heller #Ernest_Hemingway__Hemingway #Hermann_Hesse__Hesse #Paul_Johann_Ludwig_von_Heyse__Heyse__Paul_Heyse #DuBois_Heyward__Heyward__Edwin_DuBois_Hayward #Thomas_Wentworth_Storrow_Higginson__Higginson__Thomas_Higginson #Ernst_Theodor_Amadeus_Hoffmann__Hoffmann__E._T._A._Hoffmann__Ernst_Theodor_Wilhelm_Hoffmann #Oliver_Wendell_Holmes__Holmes #William_Dean_Howells__Howells #Edmond_Hoyle__Hoyle #James_Langston_Hughes__Hughes__Langston_Hughes #James_Henry_Leigh_Hunt__Hunt__Leigh_Hunt #Aldous_Leonard_Huxley__Huxley__Aldous_Huxley #John_Irving__Irving #Washington_Irving__Irving #Christopher_William_Bradshaw_Isherwood__Isherwood__Christopher_Isherwood #Helen_Maria_Fiske_Hunt_Jackson__Jackson__Helen_Hunt_Jackson #Jane_Jacobs__Jacobs #William_Wymark_Jacobs__Jacobs__W._W._Jacobs #Henry_James__James #Johannes_Vilhelm_Jensen__Jensen #Samuel_Johnson__Johnson__Dr._Johnson #James_Augustine_Aloysius_Joyce__Joyce__James_Joyce #Franz_Kafka__Kafka #Helen_Adams_Keller__Keller__Helen_Keller #Jean-Louis_Lebris_de_Kerouac__Kerouac__Jack_Kerouac #Ken_Elton_Kesey__Kesey__Ken_Kesey #Joseph_Rudyard_Kipling__Kipling__Rudyard_Kipling #Arthur_Koestler__Koestler #Jean_de_La_Fontaine__La_Fontaine #Ringgold_Wilmer_Lardner__Lardner__Ring_Lardner #Francois_de_La_Rochefoucauld__La_Rochefoucauld #David_Herbert_Lawrence__Lawrence__D._H._Lawrence #Thomas_Edward_Lawrence__Lawrence__T._E._Lawrence__Lawrence_of_Arabia #John_le_Carre__le_Carre__David_John_Moore_Cornwell #Elmore_John_Leonard__Leonard__Elmore_Leonard__Dutch_Leonard #Mikhail_Yurievich_Lermontov__Lermontov #Clive_Staples_Lewis__Lewis__C._S._Lewis #Jack_London__London__John_Griffith_Chaney #Clarence_Malcolm_Lowry__Lowry__Malcolm_Lowry #John_Lyly__Lyly #Edward_George_Earle_Bulwer-Lytton__Lytton__First_Baron_Lytton__Bulwer-Lytton #Norman_Mailer__Mailer #Bernard_Malamud__Malamud #Sir_Thomas_Malory__Malory__Thomas_Malory #Andre_Malraux__Malraux #Thomas_Mann__Mann #Kathleen_Mansfield_Beauchamp__Mansfield__Katherine_Mansfield #John_Philip_Marquand__Marquand__John_Marquand #Ngaio_Marsh__Marsh #Alfred_Edward_Woodley_Mason__Mason__A._E._W._Mason #William_Somerset_Maugham__Maugham__Somerset_Maugham__W._Somerset_Maugham #Henri_Rene_Albert_Guy_de_Maupassant__Maupassant__Guy_de_Maupassant #Andre_Maurois__Maurois__Emile_Herzog #Carson_Smith_McCullers__McCullers__Carson_McCullers #Herbert_Marshall_McLuhan__McLuhan__Marshall_McLuhan #Herman_Melville__Melville #Thomas_Merton__Merton #Henry_Valentine_Miller__Miller__Henry_Miller #Alan_Alexander_Milne__Milne__A._A._Milne #Margaret_Munnerlyn_Mitchell__Mitchell__Margaret_Mitchell #Nancy_Freeman_Mitford__Mitford__Nancy_Mitford #Jessica_Lucy_Mitford__Mitford__Jessica_Mitford #Michel_Eyquem_Montaigne__Montaigne__Michel_Montaigne #Lucy_Maud_Montgomery__Montgomery__L._M._Montgomery #Sir_Thomas_More__More__Thomas_More #Toni_Morrison__Morrison #Hector_Hugh_Munro__Munro__H._H._Munro__Saki #Dame_Jean_Iris_Murdoch__Murdoch__Iris_Murdoch #Louis_Charles_Alfred_de_Musset__Musset__Alfred_de_Musset #Vladimir_vladimirovich_Nabokov__Nabokov__Vladimir_Nabokov #Ogden_Nash__Nash #Sir_Harold_George_Nicolson__Nicolson__Harold_Nicolson #Benjamin_Franklin_Norris_Jr.__Norris__Frank_Norris #Joyce_Carol_Oates__Oates #Edna_O'Brien__O'Brien__o'brien #Mary_Flannery_O'Connor__O'Connor__Flannery_O'Connor #Liam_O'Flaherty__O'Flaherty #John_Henry_O'Hara__O'Hara #Philip_Michael_Ondaatje__Ondaatje__Michael_Ondaatje #Baroness_Emmusca_Orczy__Orczy #George_Orwell__Orwell__Eric_Arthur_Blair #Thomas_Nelson_Page__Page #Dorothy_Rothschild_Parker__Parker__Dorothy_Parker #Boris_Leonidovich_Pasternak__Pasternak__Boris_Pasternak #Alan_Stewart_Paton__Paton__Alan_Paton #William_Sydney_Porter__Porter__O._Henry #Ezra_Loomis_Pound__Pound__Ezra_Pound #Ayn_Rand__Rand #Kenneth_Roberts__Roberts #Anna_Eleanor_Roosevelt__Roosevelt__Eleanor_Roosevelt #Jean-Jacques_Rousseau__Rousseau #Alfred_Damon_Runyon__Runyon__Damon_Runyon #Ahmed_Salman_Rushdie__Rushdie__Salman_Rushdie #Comte_Donatien_Alphonse_Francois_de_Sade__Sade__de_Sade__Marquis_de_Sade #Jerome_David_Salinger__Salinger__J._D._Salinger #George_Sand__Sand__Amandine_Aurore_Lucie_Dupin__Baroness_Dudevant #Carl_Sandburg__Sandburg #William_Saroyan__Saroyan #Jean_Paul_Sartre__Sartre #Dorothy_Leigh_Sayers__Sayers__Dorothy_Sayers__Dorothy_L._Sayers #Johann_Christoph_Friedrich_von_Schiller__Schiller #Sir_Walter_Scott__Scott__Walter_Scott #Robert_William_Service__Service #George_Bernard_Shaw__Shaw__G._B._Shaw #Mary_Godwin_Wollstonecraft_Shelley__Shelley__Mary_Shelley__Mary_Wollstonecraft_Shelley #Nevil_Shute_Norway__Shute__Nevil_Shute #Georges_Joseph_Christian_Simenon__Simenon__Georges_Simenon #Upton_Beall_Sinclair__Sinclair__Upton_Sinclair #Isaac_Bashevis_Singer__Singer #Tobias_George_Smollett__Smollett__Tobias_Smollett #Baron_Snow_of_Leicester__Snow__C._P._Snow__Charles_Percy_Snow #Alexander_Isayevich_Solzhenitsyn__Solzhenitsyn #Susan_Sontag__Sontag #Muriel_Sarah_Spark__Spark__Muriel_Spark__Dame_Muriel_Spark #Frank_Morrison_Spillane__Spillane__Mickey_Spillane #Madame_de_Stael__Stael__Baronne_Anne_Louise_Germaine_Necker_de_Steal-Holstein #Sir_Richrd_Steele__Steele #Gertrude_Stein__Stein #John_Ernst_Steinbeck__Steinbeck__John_Steinbeck #Stendhal__Marie_Henri_Beyle #Sir_Leslie_Stephen__Stephen #Laurence_Sterne__Sterne #Robert_Louis_Balfour_Stevenson__Stevenson__Robert_Louis_Stevenson #Francis_Richard_Stockton__Stockton__Frank_Stockton #Abraham_Stoker__Stoker__Bram_Stoker #Harriet_Elizabeth_Beecher_Stowe__Stowe__Harriet_Beecher_Stowe #William_Styron__Styron #Eugene_Sue__Sue #John_Addington_Symonds__Symonds #William_Makepeace_Thackeray__Thackeray #Henry_David_Thoreau__Thoreau #Alexis_Charles_Henri_Maurice_de_Tocqueville__Tocqueville #Alice_B._Toklas__Toklas #John_Ronald_Reuel_Tolkien__Tolkien__J._R._R._Tolkien #Count_Lev_Nikolayevitch_Tolstoy__Tolstoy__Leo_Tolstoy #Anthony_Trollope__Trollope #Ivan_Sergeevich_Turgenev__Turgenev #Louis_Untermeyer__Untermeyer #John_Hoyer_Updike__Updike__John_Updike #Carl_Clinton_Van_Doren__Van_Doren__Carl_Van_Doren #Mario_Vargas_Llosa__Vargas_Llosa #Jules_Verne__Verne #Eugene_Luther_Vidal__Vidal__Gore_Vidal #Voltaire__Arouet__Francois-Marie_Arouet #Kurt_Vonnegut__Vonnegut #John_Barrington_Wain__Wain__John_Wain #Alice_Malsenior_Walker__Walker__Alice_Walker #Richard_Horatio_Edgar_Wallace__Wallace__Edgar_Wallace #Horatio_Walpole__Walpole__Horace_Walpole__Fourth_Earl_of_Orford #Izaak_Walton__Walton #Mary_Augusta_Arnold_Ward__Ward__Mrs._Humphrey_Ward #Robert_Penn_Warren__Warren #Evelyn_Arthur_Saint_John_Waugh__Waugh__Evelyn_Waugh #Martha_Beatrice_Potter_Webb__Webb__Beatrice_Webb #Herbert_George_Wells__Wells__H._G._Wells #Eudora_Welty__Welty #Franz_Werfel__Werfel #Dame_Rebecca_West__West__Rebecca_West__Cicily_Isabel_Fairfield #Elwyn_Brooks_White__White__E._B._White #Patrick_Victor_Martindale_White__White__Patrick_White #Eliezer_Wiesel__Wiesel__Elie_Wiesel #Oscar_Fingal_O'Flahertie_Wills_Wilde__Wilde__Oscar_Wilde #Thornton_Niven_Wilder__Wilder__Thornton_Wilder #Angus_Frank_Johnstone_Wilson__Wilson__Sir_Angus_Wilson #Owen_Wister__Wister #Pelham_Grenville_Wodehouse__Wodehouse__P._G._Wodehouse #Thomas_Clayton_Wolfe__Wolfe__Thomas_Wolfe #Thomas_Kennerly_Wolfe_Jr.__Wolfe__Tom_Wolfe__Thomas_Wolfe #Mary_Wollstonecraft_Godwin__Wollstonecraft__Mary_Wollstonecraft #Ellen_Price_Wood__Wood__Mrs._Henry_Wood #Adeline_Virginia_Stephen_Woolf__Woolf__Virginia_Woolf #Herman_Wouk__Wouk #Richard_Wright__Wright #Willard_Huntington_Wright__Wright__S._S._Van_Dine #Israel_Zangwill__Zangwill #Stefan_Zweig__Zweig subtype: #contestant a person who participates in competitions subtype: #athlete__jock a person trained to compete in sports subtype: #acrobat an athlete who performs acts requiring skill and agility and coordination subtype: #aerialist an acrobat who performs in the air (as on a rope or trapeze) subtype: #ropewalker__ropedancer an acrobat who performs on a rope stretched at some height above the ground subtype: #balancer an acrobat who balances himself in difficult positions subtype: #circus_acrobat a acrobat who performs acrobatic feats in a circus subtype: #contortionist an acrobat able to twist into unusual positions subtype: #amateur.athlete does not play for pay subtype: #outdoor_man__outdoorman__sporting_man someone who enjoys outdoor activities subtype: #ball_hawk an team athlete who is skilled at stealing or catching the ball subtype: #ballplayer__baseball_player an athlete who plays baseball subtype: #base_runner__runner a baseball player on the team at bat who is on base (or attempting to reach a base) subtype: #slugger__batter__hitter__batsman a ballplayer who is batting subtype: #bunter a batter who bunts subtype: #designated_hitter a ballplayer who is designated to bat in place of the pitcher subtype: #pinch_hitter__pinchhitter (baseball or softball) a substitute for the regular batter subtype: #switch-hitter a baseball player who can bat either right or left handed subtype: #whiffer a batter who strikes out by swinging at and missing the third strike subtype: #fielder a member of the baseball team that is in the field instead of at bat subtype: #infielder (baseball or softball) a person who plays a position in the infield subtype: #catcher (baseball or softball) the person who plays the position of catcher subtype: #first_baseman__firstbaseman__first_sacker__firstsacker (baseball or softball) the person who plays first base subtype: #second_baseman__second_sacker (baseball or softball) the person who plays second base subtype: #shortstop (baseball) the person who plays the shortstop position subtype: #third_baseman__thirdbaseman__third_sacker__thirdsacker (baseball or softball) the person who plays third base subtype: #outfielder (baseball or softball) a person who plays in the outfield subtype: #right_fielder__rightfielder the person who plays right field subtype: #center_fielder the person who plays center field subtype: #left_fielder the person who plays left field subtype: #little_leaguer a player between 8 and 12 years of age who is a member of a little-league team subtype: #major_leaguer__majorleaguer__big_leaguer__bigleaguer a member of a major-league baseball team subtype: #minor_leaguer__minorleaguer a player on a minor-league baseball team subtype: #hurler__pitcher__twirler (baseball or softball) the person who does the pitching; "our pitcher has a sore arm" subtype: #left-handed_pitcher__left-hander__lefty__southpaw a baseball pitcher who throws the ball with the left hand subtype: #right-handed_pitcher__right-hander__righthander (baseball) a pitcher who throws with the left hand subtype: #relief_pitcher__reliever__fireman a pitcher who does not start the game subtype: #screwballer (baseball) a pitcher who throws screwballs subtype: #starting_pitcher the pitcher who starts in a baseball game subtype: #utility_man.ballplayer__utilityman a baseball player valued for the ability to play at several positions instance: #Henry_Louis_Aaron__Aaron__Hank_Aaron #Lawrence_Peter_Berra__Berra__Yogi__Yogi_Berra #Joseph_Paul_DiMaggio__DiMaggio__Joe_DiMaggio #Henry_Louis_Gehrig__Gehrig__Lou_Gehrig #Mickey_Charles_Mantle__Mantle__Mickey_Mantle #Willie_Howard_Mays_Jr.__Mays__Willie_Mays__the_Say_Hey_Kid #John_Joseph_McGraw__McGraw__John_McGraw #Stanley_Frank_Musial__Musial__Stan_Musial__stanmusial__Stan_the_Man #Leroy_Robert_Paige__Paige__Satchel_Paige #Jack_Roosevelt_Robinson__Robinson__Jackie_Robinson #George_Herman_Ruth__Ruth__Babe_Ruth__Sultan_of_Swat #Theodore_Samuel_Williams__Williams__Ted_Williams #Carl_Yastrzemski__Yastrzemski #Danton_True_Young__Young__Cy_Young subtype: #basketball_player__basketeer__cager an athlete who plays basketball subtype: #center.basketball_player (basketball) the person who plays center subtype: #dribbler a basketball player who is dribbling the ball to advance it subtype: #dunker a basketball player who is able to make dunk shots subtype: #forward.basketball_player the person who plays the position of forward on a basketball team instance: #Julius_Winfield_Erving__Erving__Julius_Erving__Dr._J subtype: #guard.basketball_player the person who plays the position of guard on a basketball team subtype: #bounder__leaper__jumper an athlete who bounds or leaps (as in basketball) subtype: #climber someone who climbs as a sport subtype: #escalader someone who gains access by the use of ladders subtype: #mountaineer__mountain_climber someone who climbs mountains subtype: #rock_climber__cragsman a climber of vertical rock faces subtype: #cricketer an athlete who plays cricket subtype: #bowler.cricketer delivers the ball to the batsman in cricket subtype: #fieldsman__fielder a member of the cricket team that is fielding rather than batting subtype: #outfielder.fieldsman a fielder in cricket who is stationed in the outfield subtype: #wicket-keeper stands behind the wicket to catch balls instance: #John_Berry_Hobbs__Hobbs__Sir_Jack_Hobbs #Sir_Leonard_Hutton__Hutton subtype: #football_player__footballer an athlete who plays American football subtype: #back.football_player (football) a person who plays in the backfield subtype: #flankerback__flanker a back stationed wide of the scrimmage line; used as a pass receiver subtype: #signal_caller__quarterback__field_general__fieldgeneral (football) the person who plays quarterback subtype: #running_back__runningback (football) a back on the offensive team (a fullback or halfback) who tries to advance the ball by carrying it on plays from the line of scrimmage subtype: #fullback.running_back (football) the running back who plays the fullback position on the offensive team subtype: #halfback.running_back (football) the running back who plays the offensive halfback position subtype: #tailback.back (football) the person who plays tailback subtype: #wingback.back (football) the person who plays wingback subtype: #ball_carrier (football) the football player who is carrying (and trying to advance) the ball on an offensive play subtype: #forward_passer__forwardpasser__passer (football) a ball carrier who tries to gain ground by throwing a forward pass subtype: #rusher.ball_carrier (football) a ball carrier who tries to gain ground by running with the ball subtype: #blocker a football player whose responsibility is to block players attempting to stop an offensive play subtype: #football_hero a football player who has achieved a reputation for success subtype: #kicker a player who kicks the football subtype: #dropkicker a football kicker who drops the ball and kicks it just as it reaches the ground subtype: #place-kicker__placekicker (football) a kicker who makes a place kick for a goal subtype: #punter (football) a person who kicks the football by dropping it from the hands and contacting it with the foot before it hits the ground subtype: #line_backer__linebacker a defensive football player who takes a position close behind the linemen subtype: #lineman.football_player one of the players on the line of scrimmage subtype: #football_snapper__center__snapper (football) the person who plays center on the line of scrimmage and snaps the ball to the quarterback; "the center fumbled the handoff" subtype: #football_end-line-man__end (football) the person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage; "the end managed to hold onto the pass" subtype: #split_end__splitend (football) an offensive end who lines up at a distance from the other linemen subtype: #tight_end__tightend (football) an offensive end who lines up close to the tackle subtype: #football_guard__guard the person who plays that position on a football team; "the left guard was injured on the play" subtype: #tackle.lineman the person who plays that position on a football team; "the right tackle is a straight A student" subtype: #pass_receiver__receiver__pass_catcher a football player who catches (or is supposed to catch) a forward pass subtype: #tackler a football player who tackles the ball carrier subtype: #gymnast an athlete who is skilled in gymnastics subtype: #tumbler.gymnast a gymnast who performs rolls and somersaults and twists etc. subtype: #turner.tumbler a tumbler who is a member of a turnverein instance: #Olga_Korbut__Korbut subtype: #ice-hockey_player__hockey_player an athlete who plays hockey subtype: (ice hockey) the person who plays center subtype: #goalie__goalkeeper__goaltender__netkeeper the soccer or hockey player assigned to protect the goal instance: #Wayne_Gretzky__Gretzky #Robert_Orr__Orr__Bobby_Orr subtype: #hooker (rugby) the player in the middle of the front row of the scrum who tries to hook the ball subtype: #hurdler an athlete who runs the hurdles subtype: #jumper.athlete an athlete who competes at jumping subtype: #hopper.jumper someone who hops; "at hopscotch, the best hoppers are the children" instance: #Frederick_Carleton_Lewis__Lewis__Carl_Lewis subtype: #lacrosse_player an athlete who plays lacrosse subtype: #letterman an athlete who has earned a letter in a school sport subtype: #Olympian__olympian an athlete who participates in the Olympic games subtype: #pentathlete an athlete who competes in a pentathlon subtype: #professional__pro an athlete who plays for pay subtype: #free_agent (sports) a professional athlete who is free to sign a contract to play for any team subtype: #semiprofessional__semipro an athlete who plays for pay on a part-time basis subtype: #runner.athlete a trained athlete who competes in foot races subtype: #marathoner__marathon_runner__road_runner__long-distance_runner someone who participates in long-distance races (especially in marathons) subtype: #miler a runner in a one-mile race subtype: #four-minute_man someone who has run the mile is less that 4 minutes instance: #Sir_Roger_Gilbert_Bannister__Bannister__Roger_Bannister #John_Walker__Walker subtype: #sprinter someone who runs a short distance at top speed instance: #Frederick_Carleton_Lewis__Lewis__Carl_Lewis subtype: #sharpshooter.athlete an athlete noted for accurate aim subtype: #shot_putter an athlete who competes in the shot put subtype: #skater someone who skates subtype: #ice-skater__iceskater someone who engages in ice skating subtype: #roller-skater someone who engages in roller skating subtype: #skateboarder someone who skates on a skateboard subtype: #skier someone who skis subtype: #langlauffer a cross-country skier subtype: #ski_jumper__skijumper a skier who leaps through the air (especially on a ski jump) subtype: #skydiver__parachute_jumper__parachutejumper a person who jumps from a plane and performs various gymnastic maneuvers before pulling the parachute cord subtype: #sledder someone who rides a sled subtype: #luger__slider someone who races the luge subtype: #tobogganist someone who rides a toboggan subtype: #soccer_player an athlete who plays soccer subtype: #goalie__goalkeeper__goaltender__netkeeper the soccer or hockey player assigned to protect the goal subtype: #sportsman__sport__sportswoman someone who engages in sports subtype: #striker.athlete (soccer) a forward on a soccer team subtype: #substitute__reserve an athlete who plays only when another member of the team drops out subtype: #bench_warmer__benchwarmer (sports) a substitute who seldom plays subtype: #pinch_hitter__pinchhitter (baseball or softball) a substitute for the regular batter subtype: #swimmer a trained athlete who participates in swimming meets; "he was an Olympic swimmer" subtype: #backstroker someone who swims the backstroke subtype: #breaststroker someone who swims the breaststroke subtype: #diver__plunger someone who dives (into water) instance: #Gertrude_Caroline_Ederle__Ederle__Gertrude_Ederle subtype: #swinger someone who swings sports implements subtype: #tennis_player an athlete who plays tennis subtype: #tennis_pro__professional_tennis_player someone who earns a living playing or teaching tennis instance: #Arthur_Robert_Ashe__Ashe__Arthur_Ashe #John_Donald_Budge__Budge__Don_Budge #Maureen_Catherine_Connolly__Connolly__Little_Mo_Connolly #James_Scott_Connors__Connors__Jimmy_Conors #Margaret_Court__Court #Dwight_Filley_Davis__Davis__Dwight_Davis #Christine_Marie_Evert__Evert__Chris_Evert__Chrissie_Evert #Althea_Gibson__Gibson #Stephanie_Graf__Graf__Steffi_Graf #Billie_Jean_Moffitt_King__King__Billie_Jean_King #Rodney_George_Laver__Laver__Rod_Laver #Ivan_Lendl__Lendl #Helen_Wills_Moody__Moody__Helen_Wills__Helen_Newington_Wills #Martina_Navratilova__Navratilova #Monica_Seles__Seles #William_Tatem_Tilden_Jr.__Tilden__Big_Bill_Tilden #Virginia_Wade__Wade subtype: #pole_vaulter__vaulter__pole_jumper an athlete who jumps over a high crossbar with the aid of a long pole subtype: #weightlifter__lifter an athlete who lifts barbells subtype: #winger (soccer; hockey; rugby; football) player in wing position instance: #Robert_Bruce_Mathias__Mathias__mathia__Bob_Mathias #James_Cleveland_Owens__Owens__Jesse_Owens #James_Francis_Thorpe__Thorpe__Jim_Thorpe #Mildred_Ella_Didrikson_Zaharias__Zaharias__Babe_Zaharias__Didrikson__Babe_Didrikson__Mildred_Ella_Didrikson subtype: #defaulter a contestant who forfeits a match subtype: #entrant.contestant one who enters a competition subtype: #long_shot.contestant__longshot a contestant that is unlikely to win subtype: #also-ran__loser a contestant who loses the contest subtype: #opponent__opposition__opposite a contestant that you are matched against subtype: #player__participant a person who participates in or is skilled at some game subtype: #ballplayer__baseball_player an athlete who plays baseball subtype: #billiard_player someone who plays billiards subtype: #bowler rolls balls down an alley at pins subtype: #card_player someone who plays (or knows how to play) card games subtype: #bridge_player__hand a card player in a game of bridge; "we need a 4th hand for bridge" subtype: #bidder.bridge_player someone who makes a bid at cards subtype: #preemptor__pre-emptor__preemptor a bidder in bridge who makes a preemptive bid subtype: #bridge_partner one of a pair of bridge players who are on the same side of the game subtype: #raiser a bridge partner who increases the partner's bid subtype: #declarer__contractor the bridge player in contract bridge who wins the bidding and can declare which suit is to be trumps subtype: #cardsharp__cardsharper a professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games subtype: #dealer.card_player the person who distributes the playing cards in a card game subtype: #eldest_hand__eldesthand__elder_hand__elderhand the card player on the dealer's left subtype: #shuffler.card_player the card player who shuffles the cards instance: #Ely_Culbertson__Culbertson subtype: #chess_player__chessplayer someone who plays the game of chess subtype: #chess_master__chessmaster a chess player of great skill instance: #Robert_James_Fischer__Fischer__Bobby_Fischer #Anatoli_Yevgenevich_Karpov__Karpov__Anatoli_Karpov #Gary_Kasparov__Kasparov__Gary_Weinstein #Viktor_Lvovich_Korchnoi__Korchnoi__Viktor_Korchnoi #Boris_Vasilevich_Spassky__Spassky__Boris_Spassky subtype: #patzer a poor chess player subtype: #dart_player someone who plays the game of darts subtype: #football_player__footballer an athlete who plays American football subtype: #golfer__golf_player__linksman someone who plays the game of golf subtype: #driver.golfer a golfer who hits the golf ball with a driver subtype: #golf_pro__professional_golfer someone who earns a living by playing or teaching golf subtype: #hacker someone who plays golf poorly subtype: #hooker.golfer a golfer whose shots typically curve left (for right-handed golfers) subtype: #medal_winner__medalwinner__medalist__medallist (golf) the winner at medal play of a golf tournament subtype: #putter a golfer who is putting subtype: #slicer.golfer a golfer whose shots typically curve right (for right-handed golfers) instance: #William_Benjamin_Hogan__Hogan__Ben_Hogan #Robert_Tyre_Jones__Jones__Bobby_Jones #Jack_William_Nicklaus__Nicklaus__Jack_Nicklaus #Gregory_John_Norman__Norman__Greg_Norman #Arnold_Daniel_Palmer__Palmer__Arnold_Palmer #Gene_Sarazen__Sarazen #Lee_Buck_Trevino__Trevino__Lee_Trevino__Supermex subtype: #grandmaster a player of exceptional or world class skill in chess or bridge subtype: #International_Grandmaster a chess player who has been awarded the highest title by the International Chess Federation subtype: #ice-hockey_player__hockey_player an athlete who plays hockey subtype: #lacrosse_player an athlete who plays lacrosse subtype: #most_valuable_player__MVP the player judged to be the most important to the sport subtype: #pool_player someone who shoots pool subtype: #scorer.player a player who makes a score in a game or contest subtype: #seeded_player__seed one of the outstanding players in a tournament subtype: #server.player (court games) the player who serves to start a point subtype: #shooter (sports) a player who drives or kicks a ball at the goal (or a basketball player who shoots at the basket) subtype: #soccer_player an athlete who plays soccer subtype: #stringer.player a member of a squad on a team; "a first stringer"; "a second stringer" subtype: #tennis_player an athlete who plays tennis subtype: #volleyball_player someone who plays the game of volleyball subtype: #pothunter.contestant someone who participates in contests in order to collect trophies subtype: #qualifier a contestant who meets certain requirements and so qualifies to take part in the next stage of competition; "the tournament was won by a late qualifier" subtype: #rival__challenger__competitor__competition__contender the contestant you hope to defeat; "he had respect for his rivals"; "he wanted to know what the competition was doing" subtype: #champ__champion__title-holder__titleholder someone who has won first place in a competition subtype: #record-breaker__record-holder someone who breaks a record subtype: #comer someone with a promising future subtype: #finalist a contestant who reaches the final stages of a competition subtype: #foe__enemy a personal enemy; "they had been political foes for years" subtype: #mortal_enemy an enemy who wants to kill you subtype: #front-runner__frontrunner__favorite__favourite a competitor thought likely to win subtype: #world-beater__worldbeater__king a competitor who holds a preeminent position subtype: #runner-up__second_best the competitor who finishes second subtype: #semifinalist one of four competitors remaining in a tournament by elimination subtype: #street_fighter a contestant who is very aggressive and willing to use underhand methods subtype: #tier.rival any one of two or more competitors who tie one another subtype: #tilter.rival someone who engages in a tilt or joust subtype: #starter a contestant who is in the game at the beginning subtype: #starting_pitcher the pitcher who starts in a baseball game subtype: #winner.contestant__victor the contestant who wins the contest subtype: #medalist__medallist someone who has won a medal subtype: #upsetter an unexpected winner; someone who defeats the favorite competitor subtype: #walloper a winner by a wide margin subtype: #withdrawer.contestant a contestant who withdraws from competition subtype: #coward a person who shows fear or timidity subtype: #cur a cowardly and despicable person subtype: #caitiff (archaic) a cowardly and despicable person subtype: #dastard a malicious coward subtype: #poltroon__craven__recreant an abject coward subtype: #quaker__trembler one who quakes and trembles with (or as with) fear subtype: #shy_person__shyperson__shrinking_violet__shrinkingviolet someone who shrinks from familiarity with others subtype: #wallflower.shy_person remains on sidelines at social event subtype: #sissy__pantywaist__pansy__milksop__Milquetoast a timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive subtype: #waverer__vacillator__hesitator__hesitater one who hesitates (out of fear) subtype: #creator a person who grows or makes or invents things subtype: #architect__designer someone who creates plans to be used in making something (such as buildings) subtype: #landscape_architect__landscapearchitect__landscape_gardener__landscapegardener someone who arranges features of the landscape or garden attractively instance: #Andrew_Jackson_Downing__Downing #Andre_Le_Notre__Le_Notre #Frederick_Law_Olmsted__Olmsted__olmsted #Calvert_Vaux__Vaux instance: #Marcel_Lajos_Breuer__Breuer #John_Merven_Carrere__Carrere #Philibert_Delorme__Delorme__de_l'Orme__Philibert_de_l'Orme #Richard_Buckminster_Fuller__Fuller__Buckminster_Fuller__R._Buckminster_Fuller #Antonio_Gaudi__Gaudi #Cass_Gilbert__Gilbert #Walter_Gropius__Gropius #Thomas_Hastings__thomashasting__Hastings #Victor_Horta__Horta #Richard_Morris_Hunt__Hunt #Inigo_Jones__Jones #Benjamin_Henry_Latrobe__Latrobe #Le_Corbusier__Charles_Edouard_Jeanneret #Pierre_Charles_L'Enfant__L'Enfant #Leonardo_da_Vinci__Leonardo__da_Vinci #Maya_Lin__Lin #Sir_Edwin_Lutyens__Lutyens__Sir_Edwin_Landseer_Luytens #Francois_Mansart__Mansart__mansart #Charles_Follen_McKim__McKim #Michelangelo_Buonarroti__Michelangelo #Ludwig_Mies_Van_Der_Rohe__Mies_Van_Der_Rohe #Pier_Luigi_Nervi__Nervi #Andrea_Palladio__Palladio #Ieoh_Ming_Pei__Pei__I._M._Pei #Albert_Speer__Speer #Edward_Durell_Stone__Stone #Louis_Henry_Sullivan__Sullivan__Louis_Sullivan__Louis_Henri_Sullivan #Kenzo_Tange__Tange #William_Thornton__Thornton #Richard_Upjohn__Upjohn #Henri_Clemens_van_de_Velde__van_de_Velde__Henri_van_de_Velde #Robert_Charles_Venturi__Venturi__Robert_Venturi #Stanford_White__White #Sir_Christopher_Wren__Wren #Frank_Lloyd_Wright__Wright #James_Wyatt__Wyatt subtype: #artist__creative_person a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination subtype: #illustrator an artist who makes illustrations (for books or magazines or advertisements etc.) subtype: #commercial_artist an illustrator who is supported by advertising instance: #Hablot_Knight_Browne__Browne__Phiz #Norman_Rockwell__Rockwell subtype: #classic.artist an artist who has created classic works subtype: #classicist an artistic person who adheres to classicism subtype: #constructivist an artist of the school of constructivism subtype: #decorator__ornamentalist someone who decorates subtype: #draftsman__drawer an artist skilled at drawing subtype: #cartoonist a person who draws cartoons instance: #Jules_Feifer__Feifer #Reuben_Lucius_Goldberg__Goldberg__Rube_Goldberg #Sir_David_Alexander_Cecil_Low__Low__David_Low #William_Henry_Mauldin__Mauldin__Bill_Mauldin #Thomas_Nast__Nast #Charles_Munroe_Schulz__Schulz__Charles_Schulz #Saul_Steinberg__Steinberg #Sir_John_Tenniel__Tenniel #James_Grover_Thurber__Thurber__James_Thurber subtype: #pavement_artist someone who draws on the pavement with colored chalks (hoping that passers-by will give them money) subtype: #sketcher.draftsman someone who draws sketches subtype: #etcher someone who etches subtype: #expressionist an artist who is an adherent of expressionism subtype: #maestro__master an artist of consummate skill; "a master of the violin"; "one of the old masters" subtype: #old_master__oldmaster a great European painter prior to 19th century instance: #Sandro_Botticelli__Botticelli__Alessandro_di_Mariano_dei_Filipepi #Pieter_Brueghel_the_Elder__Brueghel__Breughel__Bruegel__Pieter_Brueghel__Pieter_Breughel__Pieter_Bruegel__Breughel_the_Elder #Michelangelo_Merisi_da_Caravaggio__Caravaggio #Giovanni_Cimabue__Cimabue #Antonio_Allegri_da_Correggio__Correggio #Albrecht_Durer__Durer #El_Greco__Greco__Domenikos_Theotocopoulos #Jan_van_Eyck__Eyck__van_Eyck #Giotto_di_Bondone__Giotto #William_Hogarth__Hogarth #Holbein_the_Elder__Holbein__Hans_Holbein #Holbein_the_Younger__Holbein__Hans_Holbein #Georges_de_La_Tour__La_Tour #Leonardo_da_Vinci__Leonardo__da_Vinci #Fra_Filippo_Lippi__Lippi #Filippino_Lippi__Lippi #Michelangelo_Buonarroti__Michelangelo #Nicolas_Poussin__Poussin #Raffaello_Santi__Raphael__Raffaello_Sanzio #Rembrandt_Harmensz_van_Rijn__Rembrandt__Rembrandt_van_Rijn__Rembrandt_van_Ryn #Pierre_Auguste_Renoir__Renoir #Sir_Peter_Paul_Rubens__Rubens__Peter_Paul_Rubens #Tintoretto__Jacopo_Robusti #Titian__Tiziano_Vecellio #Sir_Anthony_Vandyke__Vandyke__Van_Dyck #Diego_Rodriguez_de_Silva_y_Velazquez__Velazquez #Jan_Vermeer__Vermeer__Jan_van_der_Meer #Paolo_Veronese__Veronese__Paola_Caliari #Jean_Antoine_Watteau__Watteau__watteau subtype: #minimalist a practitioner or advocate of artistic minimalism subtype: #modernist an artist who makes a deliberate break with previous styles subtype: #musician artist who composes or conducts music as a profession subtype: #arranger__adapter__transcriber a musician who adapts a composition for particular voices or instruments or for another style of performance subtype: #orchestrator an arranger who writes for orchestras subtype: #choirmaster__precentor__cantor the musical director of a choir subtype: #composer composes music as a profession subtype: #contrapuntist a composer who specializes in counterpoint subtype: #psalmist a composer of sacred songs; "David is called The Psalmist because he is believed to be the author of the Book of Psalms subtype: #songwriter__songster__ballad_maker a composer of words or music for popular songs instance: #Irving_Berlin__Berlin__Israel_Baline #Hoagland_Howard_Carmichael__Carmichael__Hoagy_Carmichael #George_Michael_Cohan__Cohan__George_M._Cohan #Antoine_Domino__Domino__Fats_Domino #Bob_Dylan__Dylan #Stephen_Collins_Foster__Foster__Stephen_Foster #Woodrow_Wilson_Guthrie__Guthrie__Woody_Guthrie #Buddy_Holly__Holly__Charles_Hardin_Holley #John_Lennon__Lennon #Sir_James_Paul_McCartney__McCartney__Paul_McCartney #Paul_Simon__Simon instance: #Johann_Sebastian_Bach__Bach #Ludwig_van_Beethoven__Beethoven__van_Beethoven #Louis-Hector_Berlioz__Berlioz__Hector_Berlioz #Leonard_Bernstein__Bernstein #Marc_Blitzstein__Blitzstein #Johannes_Brahms__Brahms #Maria_Luigi_Carlo_Zenobio_Cherubini__Cherubini__Luigi_Cherubini #Frederic_Francois_Chopin__Chopin #Aaron_Copland__Copland #Sir_Noel_Pierce_Coward__Coward__Noel_Coward #Karl_Czerny__Czerny #Claude_Achille_Debussy__Debussy__Claude_Debussey #Frederick_Delius__Delius #Gaetano_Donizetti__Donizetti #Antonin_Dvorak__Dvorak #Sir_Edward_Elgar__Elgar #Georges_Enesco__Enesco__George_Enescu #George_Gershwin__Gershwin #Mikhail_Ivanovich_Glinka__Glinka #Christoph_Willibald_von_Gluck__Gluck #Charles_Francois_Gounod__Gounod #George_Percy_Aldridge_Grainger__Grainger__Percy_Grainger #Edvard_hagerup_Grieg__Grieg__Edvard_Grieg #Jacques_Francois_Fromental_Elie_Halevy__Halevy__Fromental_Halevy #George_Frederick_Handel__Handel__Georg_Friedrich_Handel #William_Christopher_Handy__Handy__W._C._Handy #Franz_Joseph_Haydn__Haydn__Joseph_Haydn #Paul_Hindemith__Hindemith #Arthur_Honegger__Honegger #Engelbert_Humperdinck__Humperdinck #Charles_Edward_Ives__Ives #Scott_Joplin__Joplin #Jerome_David_Kern__Kern__Jerome_Kern #Aram_Ilich_Khachaturian__Khachaturian__Aram_Khachaturian #Leonard_Constant_Lambert__Lambert__Constant_Lambert #Franz_Lehar__Lehar #Franz_Liszt__Liszt #Baron_Lloyd_Webber_of_Sydmonton__Lloyd_Webber__Andrew_Lloyd_Webber #Frederick_Loewe__Loewe #Jean_Baptiste_Lully__Lully #Gustav_Mahler__Mahler #Jules_Emile_Frederic_Massenet__Massenet #Jakob_Ludwig_Felix_Mendelssohn-Bartholdy__Mendelssohn__Felix_Mendelssohn #Gian_Carlo_Menotti__Menotti #Giacomo_Meyerbeer__Meyerbeer__Jakob_Liebmann_Beer #Darius_Milhaud__Milhaud #Claudio_Monteverdi__Monteverdi #Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart__Mozart #Modest_Petrovich_Mussorgsky__Mussorgsky__Moussorgsky__Modest_Mussorgsky__Modest_Moussorgsky__Modest_Petrovich_Moussorgsky #Carl_August_Nielson__Nielson #Jacques_Offenbach__Offenbach #Roy_Orbison__Orbison #Giovanni_Pierluigi_da_Palestrina__Palestrina #Cole_Albert_Porter__Porter__Cole_Porter #Sergei_Sergeyevich_Prokofiev__Prokofiev #Giacomo_Puccini__Puccini #Sergei_Vasilievich_Rachmaninoff__Rachmaninoff__Sergei_Rachmaninoff__Rachmaninov__Sergei_Rachmaninov__Sergei_Vasilievich_Rachmaninov #Ottorino_Respighi__Respighi #Nikolai_Andreyevich_Rimsky-Korsakov__Rimsky-Korsakov__Rimski-Korsakov__Nikolai_Andreyevich_Rimski-Korsakov #Richard_Rodgers__Rodgers #Sigmund_Romberg__Romberg #Giloacchino_Antonio_Rossini__Rossini #Anton_Grigorevich_Rubinstein__Rubinstein__Anton_Gregor_Rubinstein #Erik_Alfred_Leslie_Satie__Satie__Erik_Satie #Artur_Schnabel__Schnabel #Arnold_Schonberg__Schonberg__Schoenberg__Arnold_Schoenberg #Franz_Peter_Schubert__Schubert__Franz_Schubert #Robert_Alexander_Schumann__Schumann__Robert_Schumann #Alexander_Nikolayevich_Scriabin__Scriabin #Andres_Segovia__Segovia__segovia #Roger_Huntington_Sessions__Sessions__Roger_Sessions #Dmitri_Dmitrievich_Shostakovich__Shostakovich__Dmitri_Shostakovich #Johan_Julius_Christian_Sibelius__Sibelius__Jean_Sibelius #Stephen_Sondheim__Sondheim #John_Philip_Sousa__Sousa__The_March_King #Strauss_the_Elder__Strauss__Johann_Strauss #Strauss_the_Younger__Strauss__Johann_Strauss #Richard_Strauss__Strauss #Igor_Fyodorovich_Stravinsky__Stravinsky__Igor_Stravinsky #Arthur_Seymour_Sullivan__Sullivan__Arthur_Sullivan__Sir_Arthur_Sullivan #Joseph_Deems_Taylor__Taylor__Deems_Taylor #Peter_Ilich_Tchaikovsky__Tchaikovsky__Peter_Tchaikovsky__Pyotr_Tchaikovsky__Pyotr_Ilich_Tchaikovsky #Georg_Philipp_Telemann__Telemann #Edgard_Varese__Varese #Ralph_Vaughan_Williams__Vaughan_Williams #Guiseppe_Fortunino_Francesco_Verdi__Verdi__Giuseppe_Verdi #Antonio_Lucio_Vivaldi__Vivaldi__Antonio_Vivaldi #Wilhelm_Richard_Wagner__Wagner__Richard_Wagner #Sir_William_Turner_Walton__Walton__Sir_William_Walton #Baron_Karl_Maria_Friedrich_Ernst_von_Weber__Weber #Kurt_Weill__Weill #Hugo_Wolf__Wolf subtype: #music_director__musicdirector__conductor__director the person who leads a musical group subtype: #bandleader the leader of a dance band instance: #Benjamin_David_Goodman__Goodman__goodman__Benny_Goodman__the_King_of_Swing #Woodrow_Charles_Herman__Herman__Woody_Herman #Alton_Glenn_Miller__Miller__Glenn_Miller subtype: #bandmaster the conductor of a band instance: #John_Philip_Sousa__Sousa__The_March_King subtype: #drum_major the leader of a marching band or drum corps subtype: #drum_majorette a female drum major instance: #Leonard_Bernstein__Bernstein #Arthur_Fiedler__Fiedler #Sergei_Aleksandrovich_Koussevitzky__Koussevitzky__Serge_Koussevitzky #Leonard_Constant_Lambert__Lambert__Constant_Lambert #Eugene_Ormandy__Ormandy #Seiji_Ozawa__Ozawa #Leopold_Antoni_Stanislaw_Stokowski__Stokowski__Leopold_Stokowski #George_Szell__Szell #Arturo_Toscanini__Toscanini #Bruno_Walter__Walter #Sir_Henry_Joseph_Wood__Wood__Sir_Henry_Wood subtype: #virtuoso a musician who is a consummate master of technique and artistry instance: #Victor_Herbert__Herbert #Yoko_Ono__Ono #Carl_Orff__Orff subtype: #painter an artist who paints subtype: #abstractionist__abstract_artist a painter of abstract pictures instance: #Josef_Albers__Albers #Piet_Mondrian__Mondrian subtype: #colorist a painter able to achieve special effects with color subtype: #cubist an artist who adheres to the principles of cubism subtype: #dauber an unskilled painter subtype: #distortionist a painter who introduces distortions subtype: #Fauve__fauvist a member of a group of French painters who followed Fauvism subtype: #impressionist a painter who follows the theories of impressionism subtype: #landscapist someone who paints landscapes subtype: #miniaturist someone who paints tiny pictures in great detail subtype: #oil_painter a painter who uses oil paints subtype: #old_master__oldmaster a great European painter prior to 19th century subtype: #pointilist a painter who uses the technique of pointilism subtype: #portraitist__portrait_painter__portrayer a painter or drawer of portraits subtype: #Postimpressionist an artist of the Postimpressionist school who revolted against impressionism subtype: #realist.painter a painter who represents the world realistically and not in an idealized or romantic style subtype: #scenic_artist__scene_painter__scenepainter an artist specializing in scenic subjects subtype: #watercolorist__watercolourist paints with watercolors instance: #Vanessa_Bell__Bell__Vanessa_Stephen #Thomas_Hart_Benton__Benton #Georges_Braque__Braque #Paul_Cezanne__Cezanne #Marc_Chagall__Chagall__chagall #Giorgio_de_Chirico__Chirico #John_Constable__Constable #John_Singleton_Copley__Copley__John_Copley #Jean_Baptiste_Camille_Corot__Corot #Gustave_Courbet__Courbet #Salvidor_Dali__Dali #Honore_Daumier__Daumier #Jacques_Louis_David__David #Willem_de_Kooning__de_Kooning #Ferdinand_Victor_Eugene_Delacroix__Delacroix__Eugene_Delacroix #Adnre_Derain__Derain #Raoul_Dufy__Dufy #Max_Ernst__Ernst #Jean_Honore_Fragonard__Fragonard #Roger_Eliot_Fry__Fry__Roger_Fry #Thomas_Gainsborough__Gainsborough #Paul_Gauguin__Gauguin #Alberto_Giacometti__Giacometti #Francisco_Jose_de_Goya_y_Lucientes__Goya__Francisco_Goya__Francisco_de_Goya__Francisco_Jose_de_Goya #Duncan_James_Corrow_Grant__Grant__Duncan_Grant #Jaun_Gris__Gris #Frederick_Childe_Hassam__Hassam__Childe_Hassam #Katsushika_Hokusai__Hokusai__hokusai #Winslow_Homer__Homer #Jean_Auguste_Dominique_Ingres__Ingres #Wassily_Kandinsky__Kandinsky #Ernst_Ludwig_Kirchner__Kirchner #Paul_Klee__Klee #Gustav_Klimt__Klimt #Franz_Joseph_Kline__Kline #Lee_Krasner__leekrasner__Krasner #Sir_Thomas_Lawrence__Lawrence #Fernand_Leger__Leger #Roy_Lichtenstein__Lichtenstein #Laurence_Stephen_Lowry__Lowry__L._S._Lowry #Rene_Magritte__Magritte #Kazimir_Severinovich_Malevich__Malevich__Kazimir_Malevich #Edouard_Manet__Manet #Andrea_Mantegna__Mantegna #Reginald_Marsh__Marsh #Henri_Emile_Benoit_Matisse__Matisse__Henri_Matisse #Jean_Francois_Millet__Millet #Joan_Miro__Miro #Modigliani__Amedeo_Modigliano #Claude_Monet__Monet #Samuel_Finley_Breese_Morse__Morse__Samuel_Morse__Samuel_F._B._Morse #Anne_Mary_Robertson_Moses__Moses__Grandma_Moses #Robert_Motherwell__Motherwell #Edvard_Munch__Munch #Bartolome_Esteban_Murillo__Murillo #O'Keeffe__Georgia_Okeeffe #Jose_Clemente_Orozco__Orozco__Jose_Orozco #Maxfield_Frederick_Parrish__Parrish__Maxfield_Parrish #Pablo_Picasso__Picasso #Jackson_Pollock__Pollock #Sir_Joshua_Reynolds__Reynolds #Mark_Rothko__Rothko #Le_Douanier_Rousseau__Rousseau__Henri_Rousseau #John_Singer_Sargent__johnsingersargent__Sargent__sargent #Georges_Pierre_Seurat__Seurat__Georges_Seurat #Benjamin_Shahn__Shahn__Ben_Shahn #David_Alfaro_Siqueiros__Siqueiros__David_Siqueiros #Chaim_Soutine__Soutine #Frank_Philip_Stella__Stella__Frank_Stella #Gilbert_Charles_Stuart__Stuart__Gilbert_Stuart #Thomas_Sully__Sully #Yves_Tanguy__Tanguy #Giovanni_Battista_Tiepolo__Tiepolo #Mark_Tobey__Tobey #Henri_Toulouse-Lautrec__Toulouse-Lautrec #Trumbull__John_Trumbull #Joseph_Mallord_William_Turner__Turner #Maurice_Utrillo__Utrillo #Vincent_van_Gogh__van_Gogh__Gogh #Viktor_Vasarely__Vasarely #Giorgio_Vasari__Vasari #Marie_Louise_Elisabeth_Vigee-Lebrun__Vigee-Lebrun__Elisabeth_Vigee-Lebrun #Maurice_de_Vlaminck__Vlaminck #Jean_Edouard_Vuillard__Vuillard__Edouard_Vuillard #Andy_Warhol__Warhol #Weber__Max_Weber #Benjamin_West__West #James_Abbott_McNeill_Whistler__Whistler #Grant_Wood__Wood #Andrew_Wyeth__Wyeth subtype: #photographer someone who takes photographs professionally subtype: #cameraman__camera_operator__cinematographer a photographer who operates a movie camera subtype: #press_photographer__pressphotographer a photographer who works for a newspaper instance: #Mathew_B._Brady__Brady #Alfred_Eisenstaedt__Eisenstaedt #Dorothea_Lange__Lange #Edward_Jean_Steichen__Steichen #Alfred_Stieglitz__Stieglitz #William_Henry_Fox_Talbot__Talbot__Fox_Talbot #Edward_Weston__Weston subtype: #Pre-Raphaelite a painter or writer dedicated to restoring early Renaissance ideals instance: #William_Holman_Hunt__Hunt__Holman_Hunt #Sir_John_Everett_Millais__Millais__millai #Dante_Gabriel_Rossetti__Rossetti subtype: #printmaker__graphic_artist__graphicartist an artist who designs and makes prints subtype: #engraver.printmaker a printmaker who prints from an engraved printing plate subtype: #lithographer a printmaker who uses lithography instance: #Nathaniel_Currier__Currier #Honore_Daumier__Daumier #James_Merritt_Ives__Ives__James_Ives subtype: #romanticist__romantic an artist of the romantic period or someone influenced by romanticism subtype: #sculptor__sculpturer__carver__statue_maker an artist who creates sculptures subtype: #sculptress a woman sculptor instance: #Constantin_Brancusi__Brancusi #Alexander_Calder__Calder #Benvenuto_Cellini__Cellini #Thomas_Crawford__Crawford #Donatello__Donato_di_Betto_Bardi #Sir_Jacob_Epstein__Epstein__Jacob_Epstein #Daniel_Chester_French__French #Alberto_Giacometti__Giacometti #Dame_Barbara_Hepworth__Hepworth__Barbara_Hepworth #Malvina_Hoffman__Hoffman #Gaston_Lachaise__Lachaise #Leonardo_da_Vinci__Leonardo__da_Vinci #Maya_Lin__Lin #Jacques_Lipchitz__Lipchitz #Lysippus #Aristide_Maillol__Maillol #Michelangelo_Buonarroti__Michelangelo #Modigliani__Amedeo_Modigliano #Henry_Spencer_Moore__Moore__Henry_Moore #Louise_Nevelson__Nevelson #Isamu_Noguchi__Noguchi #Pablo_Picasso__Picasso #Francois_Auguste_Rene_Rodin__Rodin__Auguste_Rodin #George_Segal__Segal #David_Roland_Smith__Smith__David_Smith #Lorado_Taft__Taft subtype: #stylist an artist who is a master of a particular style subtype: #surrealist an artist who is a member of the movement called surrealism subtype: #symbolist a member of an artistic movement that expressed ideas indirectly via symbols instance: #Jean_Arp__Arp__Hans_Arp #John_James_Audubon__Audubon #Marcel_Duchamp__Duchamp #Jasper_Johns__Johns #Edward_Lear__Lear #Louis_Comfort_Tiffany__Tiffany subtype: #builder__developer__constructor someone who contracts for and supervises the construction of a building subtype: #boatbuilder a person who builds boats subtype: #contractor someone (a person or firm) who contracts to build things subtype: #defense_contractor__defensecontractor a contractor concerned with the development and manufacture of systems of defense subtype: #hauler__haulier a haulage contractor subtype: #garbage_carter__garbagecarter__carter__garbage_hauler__garbagehauler a hauler of garbage; "there is a web site where licensed carters and would-be customers can make connections" subtype: #ship-breaker a contractor who buys old ships and breaks them up for scrap subtype: #subcontractor someone who enters into a subcontract with the primary contractor subtype: #homebuilder__housebuilder someone who builds houses as a business subtype: #jerry-builder__jerrybuilder someone who builds cheap buildings out of poor materials on speculation for a quick profit subtype: #road_builder someone whose business is to build roads subtype: #shipbuilder.builder a person who builds ships as a business subtype: #choreographer someone who creates new dances instance: #Alvin_Ailey__Ailey #Alicia_Alonso__Alonso #Sir_Frederick_Ashton__Ashton #George_Balanchine__Balanchine #Mikhail_Baryshnikov__Baryshnikov #Merce_Cunningham__Cunningham #Agnes_George_De_Mille__De_Mille__Agnes_De_Mille #Martha_Graham__Graham #Lev_Ivanov__Ivanov #Judith_Jamison__Jamison #Robert_Joffrey__Joffrey #Rudolph_Laban__Laban #Leonide_Fedorovitch_Massine__leonidefedorovitchmassine__Massine__Leonid_Fyodorovich_Myasin #Jerome_Robbins__Robbins__robbin #Ted_Shawn__Shawn #Ruth_St._Denis__St._Denis__Saint_Denis__Ruth_Saint_Denis #Twyla_Tharp__Tharp #Antony_Tudor__Tudor subtype: #couturier__fashion_designer__fashiondesigner__clothesdesigner someone who designs clothing subtype: #costumier__costumer__costume_designer__costumedesigner someone who designs or supplies costumes (as for a play or masquerade) instance: #Christian_Dior__Dior #Calvin_Richard_Klein__Klein__Calvin_Klein #Elsa_Schiaparelli__Schiaparelli #Gianni_Versace__Versace #Charles_Frederick_Worth__charlesfrederickworth__Worth subtype: #crafter a creator of great skill in the manual arts; "the jewelry was made by internationally famous craftsmen" subtype: #fantasist a creator of fantasies subtype: #farmer__husbandman__granger__sodbuster a person who operates a farm subtype: #contadino an Italian farmer subtype: #agriculturist__cultivator__grower__raiser someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil subtype: #fruit_grower__fruitgrower someone who grows fruit commercially subtype: #beekeeper__apiarist__apiculturist a farmer who keeps bees for their honey subtype: #dairy_farmer__dairyfarmer__dairyman the owner or manager of a dairy subtype: #forester__tree_farmer__arboriculturist someone trained in forestry subtype: #lumberman__lumberjack__timberman__feller__faller a person that works at lumbering and fells trees subtype: #logger a lumberman who cuts logs into lengths after the trees have been felled subtype: #scorer a logger who marks trees to be felled instance: #Paul_Bunyan__Bunyan subtype: #plantation_owner__planter the owner or manager of a plantation subtype: #rancher a person who owns or operates a ranch subtype: #grazier a rancher who grazes cattle or sheep for market subtype: #smallholder (British) a person owning or renting a smallholding subtype: #small_farmer__smallfarmer a farmer on a small farm subtype: #crofter an owner or tenant of a small farm in Great Britain subtype: #sower someone who sows subtype: #stockman__stock_raiser__stockraiser__stock_farmer__stockfarmer farmer who breed or raises livestock subtype: #stock_breeder__stockbreeder__breeder a person who breeds animals subtype: #cow_man__cowman__cattleman__beef_man a man who raises (or tends) cattle subtype: #sheepman a man who raises (or tends) sheep subtype: #tenant_farmer a farmer who works land owned by someone else subtype: #tiller.farmer someone who tills land (prepares the soil for the planting of crops) subtype: #inventor__discoverer__artificer someone who is the first to think of or make something subtype: #patentee the inventor to whom a patent is issued instance: #Alexander_Graham_Bell__Bell__Alexander_Bell #Sir_Henry_Bessemer__Bessemer #John_Moses_Browning__Browning__John_M._Browning #William_Seward_Burroughs__Burroughs #Edmund_Cartwright__Cartwright #Louis_Jacques_Mande_Daguerre__Daguerre #Lee_De_Forest__De_Forest__The_Father_of_Radio #George_Eastman__Eastman #Thomas_Alva_Edison__Edison__Thomas_Edison #Robert_Fulton__Fulton #Richard_Jordan_Gatling__Gatling #Gillette__King_Camp_Gilette #Peter_Carl_Goldmark__Goldmark__Peter_Goldmark #Charles_Goodyear__Goodyear #James_Hargreaves__Hargreaves #Hero_of_Alexandria__Hero__Heron #Herman_Hollerith__Hollerith #Elias_Howe__Howe #Joseph_Marie_Jacquard__Jacquard__Joseph_M._Jacquard #Edwin_Herbert_Land__Land__Din_Land #Samuel_Pierpoint_Langley__Langley #Peter_Paul_Mauser__Mauser__von_Mauser__P._P._von_Mauser #Sir_Hiram_Stevens_Maxim__Maxim #Cyrus_Hall_McCormick__McCormick__Cyrus_McCormick #Ottmar_Mergenthaler__Mergenthaler #Samuel_Finley_Breese_Morse__Morse__Samuel_Morse__Samuel_F._B._Morse #Eadweard_Muybridge__Muybridge__Edward_James_Muggeridge #Elisha_Graves_Otis__Otis #Isaac_Merrit_Singer__Singer__Isaac_M._Singer #Elmer_Ambrose_Sperry__Sperry #Francis_Edgar_Stanley__Stanley #Charles_Proteus_Steinmetz__Steinmetz #William_Henry_Fox_Talbot__Talbot__Fox_Talbot #Nikola_Tesla__Tesla #James_Watt__Watt #George_Westinghouse__Westinghouse #Sir_Charles_Wheatstone__Wheatstone #Eli_Whitney__Whitney #Orville_Wright__Wright #Wilbur_Wright__Wright #Count_Ferdinand_von_Zeppelin__Zeppelin subtype: #shaper__maker a person who makes things subtype: #basketweaver__basketmaker someone skilled in weaving baskets subtype: #belt_maker a maker of belts subtype: #bookmaker a maker of books; someone who edits or publishes or binds books subtype: #beer_maker__brewer someone who brews beer or ale from malt and hops and water subtype: #chandler a maker (and seller) of candles and soap and oils and paints subtype: #candlemaker a person who makes or sells candles subtype: #wax-chandler__waxchandler one who deals in wax candles subtype: #shoemaker__cobbler a person who makes or repairs shoes subtype: #bootmaker__boot_maker a maker of boots subtype: #confectioner__candymaker someone who makes candies and other sweets instance: #Milton_Snavely_Hershey__Hershey subtype: #author__generator__source someone who originates or causes or initiates something; "he was the generator of several complaints" subtype: #coiner someone who is a source of new words or new expressions subtype: #glassmaker some who makes glass subtype: #hatmaker__hatter__milliner__modiste someone who makes and sells hats subtype: #ironworker a person who makes articles of iron subtype: #puddler a worker who turns pig iron into wrought iron by puddling subtype: #jewelry_maker__jewelrymaker__jeweler__jeweller someone who makes jewelry subtype: #goldsmith__goldworker an artisan who makes jewelry and other objects out of gold instance: #Peter_Carl_Faberge__Faberge subtype: #silversmith__silverworker someone who makes or repairs articles of silver instance: #Paul_Revere__Revere subtype: #maltster__maltman a maker of malt subtype: #manufacturer__producer someone who manufactures something subtype: #arms_manufacturer someone who manufactures arms and munitions instance: #Alfred_Krupp__Krupp #Peter_Paul_Mauser__Mauser__von_Mauser__P._P._von_Mauser subtype: #brewer the owner or manager of a brewery subtype: #distiller someone who distills alcoholic liquors subtype: #food_manufacturer a person who manufactures food products instance: #W._K._Kellogg__Kellogg__Will_Keith_Kellog subtype: #sericulturist a producer of raw silk instance: #Cyrus_Hall_McCormick__McCormick__Cyrus_McCormick #John_Mercer__Mercer #Isaac_Merrit_Singer__Singer__Isaac_M._Singer #Eli_Whitney__Whitney subtype: #needleworker someone who does work (as sewing or embroidery) with a needle subtype: #edger.needleworker a person who puts finishing edges on a garment subtype: #embroiderer someone who ornaments with needlework subtype: #embroideress a woman embroiderer subtype: #garmentmaker__garmentworker__garment_worker__garmentworker a person who makes garments subtype: #cloakmaker__furrier someone whose occupation is making or repairing fur garments subtype: #dressmaker__modiste__needlewoman__seamstress__sempstress someone who makes or mends dresses instance: #Betsy_Griscom_Ross__Ross__Betsy_Ross subtype: #outfitter someone who provides outfits subtype: #stitcher a garmentmaker who performs the finishing steps subtype: #tailor__seamster__sartor a person whose occupation is making and altering garments subtype: #fitter someone who fits a garment to a particular person subtype: #knitter someone who makes garments (or fabrics) by intertwining yarn or thread subtype: #sewer someone who sews; "a sewer of fine gowns" subtype: #baster.sewer__tacker a sewer who fastens a garment with long loose stitches subtype: #sewing-machine_operator someone who sews by operating a sewing machine subtype: #tucker.sewer a sewer who tucks subtype: #patternmaker someone who makes patterns (as for sewing or carpentry or metalworking) subtype: #perfumer a person who makes (and sells) perfumes subtype: #piano_maker__pianomaker a person who makes pianos instance: #Heinrich_Engelhard_Steinway__Steinway__Henry_Steinway__Henry_Engelhard_Steinway subtype: #saddler a maker and repairer and seller of equipment for horses subtype: #sailmaker a maker of sails subtype: #shirtmaker a maker of shirts subtype: #thread_maker__spinner__spinster someone who spins (who twists fibers into threads) subtype: #steelmaker__steelworker__steelman a worker engaged in making steel subtype: #tentmaker someone who makes or repairs tents subtype: #toolmaker someone skilled in making or repairing tools subtype: #winemaker__vintner__wine_maker someone who makes wine subtype: #violin_maker someone who makes violins instance: #Nicolo_Amati__Amati__Nicola_Amati #Andrea_Guarneri__Guarneri__Guarnieri__Guarnerius #Guiseppe_Guarneri__Guarneri__Guarnieri__Guarnerius #Antonio_Stradivari__Stradivari__Stradivarius__Antonius_Stradivarius subtype: #watchmaker__horologist__horologer someone who makes or repairs watches subtype: #wigmaker someone who makes and sells wigs subtype: #modeler__modeller a person who creates models instance: #Madame_Tussaud__Tussaud__tussaud__Marie_Tussaud__Marie_Grosholtz subtype: #originator__conceiver__mastermind someone who creates new things subtype: #beginner__founder__founding_father__father a person who founds or establishes some institution; "George Washington is the father of his country" subtype: #cofounder one of a group of founders subtype: #colonizer someone who helps to found a colony instance: #Sir_Walter_Raleigh__Raleigh__Walter_Raleigh__Ralegh__Walter_Ralegh__Sir_Walter_Ralegh #Cecil_John_Rhodes__Rhodes__Cecil_Rhodes__Cecil_J._Rhodes subtype: #foundress__foundres a woman founder subtype: #innovator__pioneer someone who helps to open up a new line of research or technology or art subtype: #proposer__mover (parliamentary procedure) someone who makes a formal motion subtype: #nominator someone who proposes a candidate for appointment or election subtype: #suggester__proposer someone who advances a suggestion or proposal; "the suggester of this absurd strategy was a fool" subtype: #producer someone who finds financing for and supervises the making and presentation of a show (play or film or program or similar work) subtype: #film_maker__film_producer__movie_maker__moviemaker a producer of motion pictures subtype: #auteur a filmmaker who has a personal style and keeps creative control over his or her works subtype: #New_Waver a film maker who follows New Wave ideas instance: #Allen_Stewart_Konigsberg__Allen__Woody_Allen #Bernardo_Bertolucci__Bertolucci #Frank_Capra__Capra #Sir_Charles_Spencer_Chaplin__Chaplin__Charlie_Chaplin #Jean_Cocteau__Cocteau #Francis_Ford_Coppola__Coppola #Cecil_Blount_De_Mille__De_Mille__Cecil_B._De_Mille #Vittorio_De_Sica__De_Sica #Walter_Elias_Disney__Disney__Walt_Disney #Sergei_Mikhailovich_Eisenstein__Eisenstein__Sergei_Eisenstein #John_Ford__Ford #Jean_Luc_Godard__Godard #Samuel_Goldwyn__Goldwyn__Sam_Goldwyn #David_Lewelyn_Wark_Griffith__Griffith__D._W._Griffith #Howard_Robard_Hughes__Hughes__Howard_Hughes #John_Huston__Huston #Norman_Jewison__Jewison #Krzysztof_Kieslowski__Kieslowski #Sir_Alexander_Korda__Korda__Sandor_Kellner #Stanley_Kubrick__Kubrick #Akira_Kurosawa__Kurosawa #Shelton_Jackson_Lee__Lee__Spike_Lee #Ernst_Lubitsch__Lubitsch #George_Lucas__Lucas #Louis_Burt_Mayer__Mayer__Louis_B._Mayer #Sydney_Pollack__Pollack #Charles_Robert_Redford__Redford__Robert_Redford #Martin_Scorsese__Scorsese #David_Oliver_Selznick__Selznick__David_O._Selznick #Mack_Sennett__Sennett #Spielburg__Steven_Spielberg #George_Stevens__Stevens #Oliver_Stone__Stone #Quentin_Jerome_Tarantino__Tarantino__Quentin_Tarantino #Andrei_Arsenevich_Tarkovsky__Tarkovsky__Andrei_Tarkovsky #Jacques_Tati__Tati__Jacques_Tatischeff #Francois_Truffaut__Truffaut #Don_Luchino_Visconti_Conte_di_Modrone__Visconti__Luchino_Visconti #Josef_von_Sternberg__von_Sternberg #Andrzej_Wajda__Wajda #Charles_Dudley_Warner__Warner #George_Orson_Welles__Welles__Orson_Welles #Samuel_Wilder__Wilder__Billy_Wilder #William_Wyler__Wyler #Darryl_Francis_Zanuck__Zanuck__Darryl_Zanuck #Fred_Zinnemann__Zinnemann subtype: #theatrical_producer someone who produces theatrical performances instance: #Harley_Granville-Barker__Granville-Barker #Sir_Herbert_Beerbohm_Tree__Tree #Florenz_Ziegfeld__Ziegfeld__Flo_Ziegfeld subtype: #disputant a person who disputes; who is good at or enjoys controversy subtype: #accuser someone who imputes guilt or blame subtype: #debater__arguer someone who engages in debate subtype: #devil's_advocate__devil'sadvocate someone who takes the worse side just for the sake of argument subtype: #disprover__rebutter__refuter a debater who refutes or disproves by offering contrary evidence or argument subtype: #wrangler someone who argues noisily or angrily subtype: #denier one who denies subtype: #logomach__logomachist someone given to disputes over words subtype: #obstructionist__obstructor__obstructer__resister__thwarter someone who systematically obstructs some action that others want to take subtype: #naysayer someone with an aggressively negative attitude subtype: #stonewaller one who stonewalls or refuses to answer or cooperate subtype: #quarreler__quarreller a disputant who quarrels subtype: #quibbler__caviller__caviler__pettifogger a disputant who quibbles; someone who raises annoying petty objections subtype: #radical a person who has radical ideas or opinions subtype: #anarchist__nihilist__syndicalist an advocate of anarchism instance: #Mikhail_Aleksandrovich_Bakunin__Bakunin__Mikhail_Bakunin #Emma_Goldman__Goldman #Pyotr_Alexeyevich_Kropotkin__Kropotkin__Prince_Peter_Kropotkin #Nicola_Sacco__Sacco #Benjamin_Ricketson_Tucker__Tucker #Bartolomeo_Vanzetti__Vanzetti subtype: #Bolshevik__Marxist__pinko__red__bolshie emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries subtype: #extremist a person who holds extreme views subtype: #leveler__leveller a radical who advocates the abolition of political or economic or social inequalities subtype: #revolutionist__revolutionary__subversive__subverter a radical supporter of political or social revolution subtype: #counterrevolutionist__counterrevolutionary a revolutionary whose aim is to reverse the changes introduced by an earlier revolution subtype: #dynamiter__dynamitist a person who uses dynamite in a revolutionary cause subtype: #Girondist a member of the moderate republican party during the French Revolution; the Girondists were overthrown by their more radical rivals the Jacobins subtype: #insurgent__insurrectionist__freedom_fighter__freedomfighter__rebel a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions) subtype: #mutineer open rebellion and refusal to obey authorities (especially by seamen or soldiers) instance: #Nat_Turner__Turner #Denmark_Vesey__Vesey #Sir_William_Wallace__Wallace instance: #Marie_Anne_Charlotte_Corday_d'Armont__Corday__Charlotte_Corday #Georges_Jacques_Danton__Danton #Ernesto_Guevara_de_la_Serna__Guevara__Che_Guevara #Mao_Tsetung__Mao__Mao_Zedong #Jean_Paul_Marat__Marat #Jose_Julian_Marti__Marti #Karl_Marx__Marx #Comte_de_Mirabeau__Mirabeau__Honore-Gabriel_Victor_Riqueti #Maxmillien_Marie_Isidore_de_Robespierre__Robespierre #Leon_Trotsky__Trotsky__Lev_Davidovich_Bronstein #Francisco_Villa__Villa__Pancho_Villa__Doroteo_Arango #Emiliano_Zapata__Zapata #Zhou_En-lai__Chou_En-lai subtype: #terrorist a radical who employs terror as a political weapon instance: #Jacobin subtype: #Trotskyite__Trotskyist__Trot radicals who support Trotsky's theory that socialism must be established throughout the world by continuing revolution subtype: #Young_Turk a radical who agitates for reform subtype: #reformist__reformer__crusader__meliorist a disputant who advocates reform subtype: #abolitionist__emancipationist a reformer who favors abolishing slavery instance: #Henry_Ward_Beecher__Beecher #John_Brown__Brown #Frederick_Douglass__Douglass #William_Lloyd_Garrison__Garrison #Harriet_Elizabeth_Beecher_Stowe__Stowe__Harriet_Beecher_Stowe #Arthur_Tappan__Tappan #Sojourner_Truth__Truth #Harriet_Tubman__Tubman #Theodore_Dwight_Weld__Weld subtype: #birth-control_campaigner__birthcontrolcampaigner__birth-control_reformer__birthcontrolreformer a social reformer who advocates birth control and family planning instance: #Marie_Charlotte_Carmichael_Stopes__Stopes__Marie_Stopes subtype: #Chartist a 19th century English reformer who advocated better social and economic conditions for working people subtype: #civil_rights_leader__civil_rights_worker a leader of the political movement dedicated to securing equal opportunity for members of minority groups instance: #Julian_Bond__Bond #William_Edward_Burghardt_Du_Bois__Du_Bois__W._E._B._Du_Bois #Medgar_Wiley_Evers__Evers__Medgar_Evers #James_Leonard_Farmer__Farmer #Jesse_Louis_Jackson__Jackson__Jesse_Jackson #Martin_Luther_King_Jr.__King__Martin_Luther_King #Malcolm_X__Malcolm_Little #James_Howard_Meredith__Meredith__James_Meredith #Rosa_Parks__Parks #Paul_Bustill_Robeson__Robeson__robeson__paulrobeson #Roy_Wilkins__Wilkins #Whitney_Moore_Young_Jr.__Young__Whitney_Young subtype: #protester__demonstrator someone who participates in a public display of group feeling subtype: #picket.protester a protester posted by a labor organization outside a place of work subtype: #dry__prohibitionist a reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beverages instance: #Carry_Amelia_Moore_Nation__Nation__Carry_Nation #Frances_Elizabeth_Caroline_Willard__Willard subtype: #environmentalist__conservationist someone who works to protect the environment from destruction or pollution subtype: #Green an environmentalist who belongs to the Green Party instance: #Rachel_Louise_Carson__Carson__Rachel_Carson #Barbara_Ward__Ward__Baroness_Jackson_of_Lodsworth subtype: #feminist__women's_rightist__women'srightist__women's_liberationist__women'sliberationist__libber a supporter of feminism subtype: #suffragette a woman advocate of women's right to vote (especially a militant advocate in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the 20th century) instance: #Simone_de_Beauvoir__Beauvoir #Betty_Naomi_Friedan__Friedan__Betty_Friedan #Charlotte_Anna_Perkins_Gilman__Gilman #Lucretia_Coffin_Mott__Mott #Alice_Paul__Paul #Elizabeth_Cady_Stanton__Stanton #Gloria_Steinem__Steinem #Lucy_Stone__Stone #Sojourner_Truth__Truth #Mary_Wollstonecraft_Godwin__Wollstonecraft__Mary_Wollstonecraft #Frances_Wright__Wright__Fanny_Wright subtype: #hippie__hippy__hipster__flowerchild someone who rejects the established culture; advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle subtype: #insurgent__insurrectionist__freedom_fighter__freedomfighter__rebel a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions) subtype: #militant__activist a militant reformer subtype: #Black_Muslim activist member of a largely Black American group called The Nation of Islam instance: #Elijah_Muhammad__Muhammad subtype: #Black_Panther a member of the Black Panthers political party instance: #Malcolm_X__Malcolm_Little subtype: #non-resistant__nonresistant__passive_resister__passiveresister a reformer who believes in passive resistance subtype: #Utopian an idealistic (but usually impractical) social reformer; "a Utopian believes in the ultimate perfectibility of man" instance: #Anthony_Comstock__Comstock #John_Huss__Huss__Hus__Jan_Hus #Robert_Owen__Owen #Girolamo_Savonarola__Savonarola #Francis_Everett_Townsend__Townsend #John_Wilkes__Wilkes subtype: #engineer__applied_scientist__appliedscientist__technologist a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems subtype: #aeronautical_engineer an engineer concerned with the design and construction of aircraft instance: #Reginald_Joseph_Mitchell__Mitchell__R._J._Mitchell subtype: #aerospace_engineer__aerospaceengineer an engineer of aircraft and space vehicles subtype: #army_engineer__military_engineer a member of the military who is trained in engineering and construction work subtype: #sapper a military engineer who does sapping (digging trenches or undermining fortifications) subtype: #sapper.army_engineer a military engineer who lays or detects and disarms mines subtype: #automotive_engineer an engineer concerned with the design and construction of automobiles subtype: #civil_engineer__civilengineer an engineer trained to design and construct and maintain public works (roads or bridges or harbors etc.) subtype: #highway_engineer__highwayengineer a civil engineer who specializes in the design and construction of roads and highways instance: #David_Barnard_Steinman__Steinman subtype: #electrical_engineer a person trained in practical applications of the theory of electricity instance: #Vannevar_Bush__Bush #Lee_De_Forest__De_Forest__The_Father_of_Radio #Ray_M._Dolby__Dolby #Oliver_Heaviside__Heaviside #Arthur_Edwin_Kennelly__Kennelly__A._E._Kennelly #Guglielmo_Marconi__Marconi #Ernst_Werner_von_Siemens__Siemens #Sir_Clive_Marles_Sinclair__Sinclair__Clive_Sinclair #Charles_Proteus_Steinmetz__Steinmetz #Nikola_Tesla__Tesla #Elihu_Thomson__Thomson subtype: #marine_engineer__naval_engineer__navalengineer an officer responsible for the operation and maintenance of the ship's engines subtype: #mechanical_engineer a person trained to design and construct machines subtype: #tribologist a specialist in tribology subtype: #metallurgist__metallurgical_engineer__metallurgicalengineer an engineer trained in the extraction and refining and alloying and fabrication of metals instance: #Sir_Henry_Bessemer__Bessemer subtype: #mining_engineer an engineer concerned with the construction and operation of mines subtype: #computer_programmer__programmer__coder__softwareengineer a person who designs and writes and tests computer programs subtype: #hacker.computer_programmer a programmer for whom computing is its own reward; may enjoy the challenge of breaking into other computers subtype: #rocket_engineer__rocket_scientist an engineer who builds and tests rockets instance: #Wernher_Magnus_Maximilian_von_Braun__Braun__von_Braun__Wernher_von_Braun subtype: #surveyor an engineer who determines the boundaries and elevations of land or structures subtype: #lineman.surveyor the surveyor who marks positions with a range pole subtype: #locator__locater a person who fixes the boundaries of land claims instance: #Gottlieb_Daimler__Daimler #Rudolf_Christian_Karl_Diesel__Diesel__Rudolf_Diesel #Bryan_Donkin__Donkin #Alexandre_Gustave_Eiffel__Eiffel #George_Washington_Goethals__Goethals #Hugo_Junkers__Junkers #Charles_Franklin_Kettering__Kettering__Charles_Kettering #Leonardo_da_Vinci__Leonardo__da_Vinci #John_Augustus_Roebling__Roebling__John_Roebling #Claude_Elwood_Shannon__Shannon__shannon__Claude_Shannon__Claude_E._Shannon #Sir_Charles_William_Siemens__Siemens__Karl_Wilhelm_Siemens #Elmer_Ambrose_Sperry__Sperry #Richard_Trevithick__Trevithick #Thomas_Augustus_Watson__Watson #James_Watt__Watt subtype: #entertainer a person who tries to please or amuse subtype: #bombshell.entertainer an entertainer who has a sensational effect; "she was a blonde bombshell" subtype: #busker a person who entertains people for money in public places (as by singing or dancing) subtype: #drawing_card__drawingcard__draw__attraction__attractor an entertainer who attracts large audiences; "he was the biggest drawing card they had" subtype: #humorist__humourist someone who acts speaks or writes in an amusing way subtype: #parodist__lampooner mimics literary or musical style for comic effect subtype: #caricaturist someone who parodies in an exaggerated manner instance: #Sir_Henry_Maxmilian_Beerbohm__Beerbohm__Max_Beerbohm subtype: #punster someone overly fond of making puns subtype: #satirist__ironist a humorist who uses ridicule and irony and sarcasm instance: #Juvenal__Decimus_Junius_Juvenalis #Francois_Rabelais__Rabelais #Jonathan_Swift__Swift__Dean_Swift subtype: #wag__wit__card (informal) a witty amusing person who makes jokes instance: #Robert_Charles_Benchley__Benchley__Robert_Benchley #Samuel_Langhorne_Clemens__Clemens__Mark_Twain #Ringgold_Wilmer_Lardner__Lardner__Ring_Lardner #Stephen_Butler_Leacock__Leacock__Stephen_Leacock #Edward_Lear__Lear #Donald_Robert_Perry_Marquis__Marquis__Don_Marquis__donmarqui #William_Penn_Adair_Rogers__Rogers__Will_Rogers #Henry_Wheeler_Shaw__Shaw__Josh_Billings #James_Grover_Thurber__Thurber__James_Thurber subtype: #master_of_ceremonies__emcee__host a person who acts as host at formal occasions (makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakers) subtype: #compere British term for someone who introduces television acts or cabarets etc subtype: #Lord_of_Misrule a person appointed master of revels at a Christmas celebration subtype: #question_master__quizmaster (British) the host or chairman of a radio or tv quiz show or panel game subtype: #ringmaster the person in charge of performances in a circus ring subtype: #toastmaster the person who proposes toasts and introduces speakers at a banquet subtype: #toast_mistress a woman toastmaster instance: #Edward_Vincent_Sullivan__Sullivan__Ed_Sullivan subtype: #performer__performing_artist an entertainer who performs a dramatic or musical work for an audience subtype: #histrion__actor__player__thespian__role_player a theatrical performer subtype: #actress__actres a female actor subtype: #leading_lady__leadinglady actress who plays the leading female role subtype: #starlet a young (film) actress who is publicized as a future star subtype: #tragedienne an actress who specializes in tragic roles instance: #Tallulah_Bankhead__Bankhead #Georgiana_Emma_Barrymore__Barrymore__Georgiana_Barrymore #Ethel_Barrymore__Barrymore #Ingrid_Bergman__Bergman #Sarah_Bernhardt__Bernhardt__Henriette_Rosine_Bernard #Shirley_Temple_Black__Black__Shirley_Temple #Katherine_Cornell__Cornell #Joan_Crawford__Crawford #Bette_Davis__Davis #Marlene_Dietrich__Dietrich__Maria_Magdalene_von_Losch #Eleonora_Duse__Duse #Jane_Fonda__Fonda #Lynn_Fontanne__Fontanne #Greta_Garbo__Garbo__Greta_Louisa_Gustafsson #Judy_Garland__Garland #Lillian_Gish__Gish #Jean_Harlow__Harlow__Harlean_Carpenter #Helen_Hayes__Hayes #Katharine_Houghton_Hepburn__Hepburn__hepburn__Katharine_Hepburn #Glenda_Jackson__Jackson #Grace_Patricia_Kelly__Kelly__Grace_Kelly__Princess_Grace_of_Monaco #Lillie_Langtry__Langtry__the_Jersey_Lillie__Emilie_Charlotte_le_Breton #Gertrude_Lawrence__Lawrence #Eva_Le_Gallienne__Le_Gallienne #Vivien_Leigh__Leigh #Beatrice_Lillie__Lillie__Lady_Peel #Sophia_Loren__Loren__Sofia_Scicolone #Mary_Martin__Martin #Anna_Amalia_Mercouri__Mercouri__Melina_Mercouri #Marilyn_Monroe__Monroe__Norma_Jean_Baker #Alla_Nazimova__Nazimova #Mary_Pickford__Pickford__Gladys_Smith #Ginger_Rogers__Rogers__Virginia_McMath #Moira_Shearer__Shearer #Sarah_Kemble_Siddons__Siddons__Sarah_Siddons #Cornelia_Otis_Skinner__Skinner #Meryl_Streep__Streep #Barbra_Joan_Streisand__Streisand__Barbra_Streisand #Gloria_Swanson__Swanson__Gloria_May_Josephine_Svensson #Elizabeth_Taylor__Taylor #Dame_Alice_Ellen_Terry__Terry__Dame_Ellen_Terry #Dame_Sybil_Thorndike__Thorndike #Ethel_Waters__Waters #Mae_West__West #Natalie_Wood__Wood #Loretta_Young__Young subtype: #barnstormer__playactor__trouper an actor who travels around the country presenting plays subtype: #character_actor__characteractor an actor who specializes in playing supporting roles subtype: #comedian an actor in a comedy subtype: #comedienne.comedian a female actor in a comedy instance: #Eleanor_Gwynn__Gwynn__Gywn__Gynne__Nell_Gwynn__Nell_Gywn__Nell_Gwynne__Eleanor_Gwyn__Eleanor_Gwynne subtype: #ham_actor__hamactor__ham an unskilled actor who overacts subtype: #heavy.histrion an actor who plays villainous roles subtype: #ingenue.histrion an actress who specializes in playing the role of an artless innocent young girl subtype: #leading_man__leadingman actor who plays the leading male role subtype: #mime__mimer__mummer__pantomimer__pantomimist an actor who communicates entirely by gesture and facial expression instance: #Marcel_Marceau__Marceau subtype: #plant.histrion an actor situated in the audience whose acting is rehearsed but seems spontaneous to the audience subtype: #scene-stealer__scenestealer an actor who draws more attention than other actors in the same scene; "babies are natural scene-stealers" subtype: #star.histrion__principal__lead an actor who plays a principal role subtype: #co-star one of two actors who are given equal status as stars in a play or film subtype: #film_star__movie_star__moviestar a star who plays leading roles in the cinema subtype: #matinee_idol__matineeidol__idol someone who is adored blindly and excessively subtype: #heartthrob an object of infatuation subtype: #television_star__TV_star a star in a television show subtype: #supernumerary__spear_carrier__spearcarrier__extra a minor actor in crowd scenes subtype: #tragedian.histrion one who specializes in tragic roles subtype: #understudy__standby an actor able to replace a regular performer when required subtype: #upstager a selfish actor who upstages the other actors subtype: #walk-on plays a small part in a dramatic production instance: #Allen_Stewart_Konigsberg__Allen__Woody_Allen #Fred_Astaire__Astaire #Maurice_Barrymore__Barrymore__Herbert_Blythe #Lionel_Barrymore__Barrymore #John_Barrymore__Barrymore #Humphrey_DeForest_Bogart__Bogart__Humphrey_Bogart #John_Wilkes_Booth__Booth #Richard_Burbage__Burbage__burbage #Richard_Burton__Burton #Jimmy_Cagney__Cagney__James_Cagney #Maurice_Chevalier__Chevalier #Frank_Cooper__Cooper__Gary_Cooper #Sir_Noel_Pierce_Coward__Coward__Noel_Coward #Harry_Lillis_Crosby__Crosby__Bing_Crosby #James_Byron_Dean__Dean__James_Dean #Robert_De_Niro__De_Niro #Gerard_Depardieu__Depardieu #John_Drew__Drew #Douglas_Elton_Fairbanks__Fairbanks__Douglas_Fairbanks__Julius_Ullman #Douglas_Fairbanks_Jr.__Fairbanks #Henry_Fonda__Fonda #William_Clark_Gable__Gable__gable__Clark_Gable #David_Garrick__Garrick__garrick #Mel_Columcille_Gerard_Gibson__Gibson__Mel_Gibson #Arthur_John_Gielgud__Gielgud__Sir_John_Gielgud #Cary_Grant__Grant #Harley_Granville-Barker__Granville-Barker #Sir_Alec_Guinness__Guinness__Alec_Guinness #Thomas_J._Hanks__Hanks__Tom_Hanks #Reginald_Carey_Harrison__Harrison__Rex_Harrison__Sir_Rex_Harrison #John_Heming__Heming__Hemminge__John_Hemminge #Dustin_Hoffman__Hoffman #Sir_Anthony_Philip_Hopkins__Hopkins__Anthony_Hopkins__Sir_Anthony_Hopkins #Leslie_Howard_Stainer__Howard__Leslie_Howard #Al_Jolson__Jolson__Asa_Yoelson #Boris_Karloff__Karloff__William_Henry_Pratt #Edmund_Kean__Kean #Joseph_Francis_Keaton__Keaton__Buster_Keaton #Eugene_Curran_Kelly__Kelly__Gene_Kelly #Charles_Laughton__Laughton #Lee_Yuen_Kam__Lee__Bruce_Lee #Jack_Lemmon__Lemmon__John_Uhler #Harold_Clayton_Lloyd__Lloyd__Harold_Lloyd #Peter_Lorre__Lorre__Laszlo_Lowestein #Bela_Lugosi__Lugosi__Bela_Ferenc_Blasko #Alfred_Lunt__Lunt #E._G._Marshall__Marshall #Steve_Martin__Martin #James_Neville_Mason__Mason__James_Mason #Robert_Mitchum__Mitchum #Dudley_Stuart_John_Moore__Moore__Dudley_Moore #Paul_Newman__Newman #Sir_Laurence_Kerr_Olivier__Olivier__Laurence_Olivier__Baron_Olivier_of_Birghton #Peter_Seamus_O'Toole__O'Toole__Peter_O'Toole #Sidney_Poitier__Poitier #Charles_Robert_Redford__Redford__Robert_Redford #Sir_Ralph_David_Richardson__Richardson__Ralph_Richardson #Edward_Goldenberg_Robinson__Robinson__Edward_G._Robinson #George_C._Scott__Scott #Peter_Sellers__Sellers #Francis_Albert_Sinatra__Sinatra__Frank_Sinatra #Otis_Skinner__Skinner #Konstantin_Sergeevich_Stanislavsky__Stanislavsky__Konstantin_Stanislavsky__Konstantin_Sergevich_Alekseev #James_Maitland_Stewart__Stewart__Jimmy_Stewart #Erich_von_Stroheim__Stroheim #Spencer_Tracy__Tracy #Sir_Herbert_Beerbohm_Tree__Tree #Peter_Alexander_Ustinov__Ustinov__Sir_Peter_Ustinov #John_Wayne__Wayne__Duke_Wayne #George_Orson_Welles__Welles__Orson_Welles subtype: #artiste a public performer (a dancer or singer) subtype: #baton_twirler__batontwirler__twirler someone who twirls a baton subtype: #drum_majorette.baton_twirler__drummajorette a female baton twirler who accompanies a marching band subtype: #comic__comedian a professional performer who tells jokes and performs comic acts subtype: #merry_andrew__merryandrew__clown__buffoon a person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior subtype: #harlequin a clown or buffoon (after the Harlequin character in the commedia dell'arte) subtype: #jester__fool a professional clown employed to to entertain a king or nobleman in the middle ages subtype: #whiteface a clown whose face is covered with white make-up subtype: #zany a buffoon in one of the old comedies; imitates others for ludicrous effect instance: #Emmett_Kelly__Kelly__Weary_Willie subtype: #comedienne a female comedian subtype: #gagman__standup_comedian__standupcomedian a comedian who uses gags subtype: #jokester__joker a person who enjoys telling or playing jokes subtype: #top_banana__topbanana the leading comedian in a burlesque show instance: #George_Burns__Burns__Nathan_Birnbaum #Sir_Charles_Spencer_Chaplin__Chaplin__Charlie_Chaplin #Jimmy_Durante__Durante #W._C._Fields__Fields__William_Claude_Dukenfield #Oliver_Hardy__Hardy #Benny_Hill__Hill__Alfred_Hawthorne #Leslie_Townes_Hope__Hope__Bob_Hope #Joseph_Francis_Keaton__Keaton__Buster_Keaton #Sir_Harry_MacLennan_Lauder__Lauder__Harry_Lauder #Arthur_Stanley_Jefferson_Laurel__Laurel__Stan_Laurel #Steve_Martin__Martin #Julius_Marx__Groucho__groucho__marx #Leonard_Marx__Chico__Marx #Arthur_Marx__Harpo__Marx #Herbert_Marx__Zeppo__Marx #Dudley_Stuart_John_Moore__Moore__Dudley_Moore subtype: #rodeo_rider__rodeorider__cowboy a performer who gives exhibitions of riding and roping and bulldogging subtype: #professional_dancer__dancer a performer who dances subtype: #ballet_dancer a dancer who is a member of a ballet company subtype: #ballerina__danseuse a female ballet dancer subtype: #prima_ballerina__primaballerina a leading female ballet dancer subtype: #danseur_noble__danseurnoble__danseur a male ballet dancer who is the partner of a ballerina subtype: #ballet_master a man who directs and teaches and rehearses dancers for a ballet company subtype: #baller_mistress a woman who directs and teaches and rehearses dancers for a ballet company subtype: #belly_dancer__bellydancer__exotic_dancer a woman who performs a solo Oriental dance using exaggerated abdominal movements subtype: #chorus_girl__showgirl__chorine a woman who dances in a chorus line subtype: #hoofer__stepper a professional dancer subtype: #nautch_girl a professional dancing girl in India subtype: #tap_dancer__tapdancer a dancer who who sounds out rhythms by using metal taps on the toes and heels of the shoes subtype: #taxi_dancer a woman employed to dance with patrons who pay a fee for each dance instance: #Alicia_Alonso__Alonso #Fred_Astaire__Astaire #George_Balanchine__Balanchine #Mikhail_Baryshnikov__Baryshnikov #Merce_Cunningham__Cunningham #Agnes_George_De_Mille__De_Mille__Agnes_De_Mille #Isadora_Duncan__Duncan #Dame_Margot_Fonteyn__Fonteyn #Martha_Graham__Graham #Judith_Jamison__Jamison #Tamara_Karsavina__Karsavina #Eugene_Curran_Kelly__Kelly__Gene_Kelly #Dame_Alicia_Markova__Markova__Lilian_Alicia_Marks #Leonide_Fedorovitch_Massine__leonidefedorovitchmassine__Massine__Leonid_Fyodorovich_Myasin #Arthur_Mitchell__Mitchell #Lola_Montez__Montez__Marie_Dolores_Eliza_Rosanna_Gilbert #Vaslav_Nijinsky__Nijinsky__Waslaw_Nijinsky #Rudolf_Nureyev__Nureyev #Anna_Pavlova__Pavlova #Ginger_Rogers__Rogers__Virginia_McMath #Salome #Ted_Shawn__Shawn #Moira_Shearer__Shearer #Ruth_St._Denis__St._Denis__Saint_Denis__Ruth_Saint_Denis #Maria_Tallchief__Tallchief #Twyla_Tharp__Tharp #Antony_Tudor__Tudor #Galina_Sergeevna_Ulanova__Ulanova__Galina_Ulanova #Gaetan_Vestris__Vestris subtype: #executant a performer (usually of musical works) subtype: #fire-swallower__fire-eater a performer who pretends to swallow fire subtype: #fire_walker someone who walks barefoot on burning coals subtype: #headliner__star a performer who receives prominent billing subtype: #juggler a performer who juggles objects and performs tricks of manual dexterity subtype: #magician__prestidigitator__conjurer__conjuror__illusionist someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience subtype: #escapologist__escape_expert someone who is expert in the art of escaping subtype: #mind_reader__telepathist__thoughtreader a magician who seems to discern the thoughts of another person (usually by clever signals from an accomplice) subtype: #minstrel a performer in a minstrel show subtype: #corner_man__end_man__endman a man at one end of line of performers in a minstrel show; carries on humorous dialogue with the interlocutor subtype: #interlocutor__middleman the performer in the middle of a minstrel line who engages the others in talk subtype: #monologist an entertainer who performs along subtype: #instrumentalist__musician__player someone who plays a musical instrument (as a profession) subtype: #accompanist__accompanyist a person who provides musical accompaniment (usually on a piano) subtype: #bandsman a player in a band (especially a military band) subtype: #bassoonist a musician who plays the bassoon subtype: #bell_ringer__bellringer someone who plays musical handbells subtype: #carillonneur a musician who plays a carillon subtype: #cellist some who plays a violoncello instance: #Pablo_Casals__Casals subtype: #clarinetist__clarinettist a musician who plays the clarinet instance: #Benjamin_David_Goodman__Goodman__goodman__Benny_Goodman__the_King_of_Swing subtype: #flutist__flute_player__fluteplayer someone who plays the flute subtype: #guitarist__guitar_player a musician who plays the guitar instance: #James_Marshall_Hendrix__Hendrix__Jimi_Hendrix #Riley_B_King__King__B._B._King #Andres_Segovia__Segovia__segovia subtype: #harpist__harper someone who plays the harp subtype: #harpsichordist someone who plays the harpsichord instance: #Wanda_Landowska__Landowska subtype: #jazz_musician__jazzman a musician who plays or composes jazz music subtype: #syncopator a musician who plays syncopated jazz music (usually in a dance band); "they called themselves the Dixie Syncopators" instance: #Louis_Armstrong__Armstrong__Satchmo #Miles_Dewey_Davis_Jr.__Davis__Miles_Davis #Edward_Kennedy_Ellington__Ellington__Duke_Ellington #Lionel_Hampton__Hampton__hampton #Woodrow_Charles_Herman__Herman__Woody_Herman #Thelonious_Sphere_Monk__Monk__Thelonious_Monk #Ferdinand_Joseph_La_Menthe_Morton__Morton__Jelly_Roll_Morton #King_Oliver__Oliver__Joseph_Oliveer #Arthur_Tatum__Tatum__Art_Tatum #Thomas_Wright_Waller__Waller__Fats_Waller subtype: #koto_player a (Japanese) musician who plays the koto subtype: #lutist__lutanist__lutenist a musician who plays the lute subtype: #oboist a musician who plays the oboe subtype: #organist a person who plays an organ instance: #Johann_Sebastian_Bach__Bach #Albert_Schweitzer__Schweitzer subtype: #percussionist a musician who plays percussion instruments subtype: #drummer someone who plays a drum subtype: #tympanist__timpanist a person who plays the kettledrums instance: #Ringo_Starr__Starr__Richard_Starkey subtype: #xylophonist someone who plays a xylophone subtype: #pianist__piano_player__pianoplayer a person who plays the piano instance: #Frederic_Francois_Chopin__Chopin #Karl_Czerny__Czerny #Dame_Myra_Hess__Hess #Vladimir_Horowitz__Horowitz #Jerry_Lee_Lewis__Lewis #Franz_Liszt__Liszt #Ignace_Jan_Paderewski__Paderewski #Sergei_Vasilievich_Rachmaninoff__Rachmaninoff__Sergei_Rachmaninoff__Rachmaninov__Sergei_Rachmaninov__Sergei_Vasilievich_Rachmaninov #Anton_Grigorevich_Rubinstein__Rubinstein__Anton_Gregor_Rubinstein #Arthur_Rubinstein__Rubinstein__Artur_Rubinstein #Artur_Schnabel__Schnabel #Rudolf_Serkin__Serkin subtype: #piper__bagpiper someone who plays the bagpipe subtype: #pipe_major the chief piper in a band of bagpipes subtype: #recorder_player someone who plays the recorder subtype: #rhythm_and_blues_musician a performer (and sometimes composer) of rhythm and blues music instance: #Antoine_Domino__Domino__Fats_Domino subtype: #rock_'n'_roll_musician__rocker a performer (or composer) of rock music subtype: #rock_star a famous singer of rock music instance: #Charles_Edward_Berry__Berry__Chuck_Berry #William_John_Clifton_Haley_Jr.__Haley__Bill_Haley #George_Harrison__Harrison #Buddy_Holly__Holly__Charles_Hardin_Holley #Michael_Philip_Jagger__Jagger__Mick_Jagger #John_Lennon__Lennon #Jerry_Lee_Lewis__Lewis #Sir_James_Paul_McCartney__McCartney__Paul_McCartney #James_Douglas_Morrison__Morrison__Jim_Morrison #Elvis_Aron_Presley__Presley__Elvis_Presley #Ringo_Starr__Starr__Richard_Starkey subtype: #saxophonist a musician who plays the saxophone instance: #Coleman_Hawkins__colemanhawkin__Hawkins #Charles_Christopher_Parker__Parker__Charlie_Parker__Yardbird_Parker__Bird_Parker #Lester_Willis_Young__Young__Pres_Young subtype: #singer__vocalist__vocalizer__vocaliser a person who sings subtype: #alto.singer a singer whose voice lies in the alto clef subtype: #countertenor a male singer with a voice above that of a tenor subtype: #baritone__barytone a male singer subtype: #basso__bass an adult male singer with the lowest voice subtype: #canary (informal) a female singer subtype: #caroler__caroller a singer of carols subtype: #castrato a male singer who was castrated before puberty and retains a soprano or alto voice subtype: #chorister a singer in a choir subtype: #choirboy a boy who sings in a choir subtype: #contralto a woman singer having a contralto voice instance: #Marian_Anderson__Anderson #Ernestine_Schumann-Heink__Schumann-Heink subtype: #crooner__balladeer a singer of popular ballads instance: #Harry_Lillis_Crosby__Crosby__Bing_Crosby #Francis_Albert_Sinatra__Sinatra__Frank_Sinatra subtype: #folk_singer__jongleur__minstrel__poet-singer__troubadour a singer of folk songs instance: #Woodrow_Wilson_Guthrie__Guthrie__Woody_Guthrie #Peter_Seeger__Seeger__Pete_Seeger subtype: #hummer a singer who produces a tune without opening the lips or forming words subtype: #lieder_singer a singer of lieder subtype: #madrigalist a singer of madrigals subtype: #opera_star__operastar__operatic_star singer of lead role in an opera subtype: #diva__prima_donna a distinguished female operatic singer; a female operatic star subtype: #rock_star a famous singer of rock music subtype: #songster a person who sings subtype: #songstress a woman songster (especially of popular songs) subtype: #soprano a female singer subtype: #coloratura_soprano__coloratura a lyric soprano who specializes in coloratura vocal music instance: #Maria_Meneghini_Callas__Callas__Maria_Callas #Dame_Nellie_Melba__Melba__Helen_Porter_Mitchell subtype: #mezzo__mezzo-soprano a soprano with a voice between soprano and contralto instance: #Eileen_Farrell__Farrell #Jenny_Lind__Lind__Swedish_Nightingale #Marta_Brigit_Nilsson__Nilsson__Brigit_Nilsson #Jessye_Norman__Norman #Mary_Leontyne_Price__Price__Leontyne_Price #Beverly_Sills__Sills #Dame_Joan_Sutherland__Sutherland__Joan_Sutherland #Renata_Tebaldi__Tebaldi #Dame_Kiri_Janette_Te_Kanawa__Te_Kanawa__Dame_Kiri_Te_Kanawa #Helen_Traubel__Traubel subtype: #tenor an adult male with a tenor voice instance: #Enrico_Caruso__Caruso #Placido_Domingo__Domingo__domingo #John_McCormick__McCormick #Lauritz_Lebrecht_Hommel_Melchior__Melchior__Lauritz_Melchior #Luciano_Pavarotti__Pavarotti subtype: #thrush.singer (informal) a woman who sings popular songs subtype: #torch_singer__torchsinger a singer (usually a woman) who specializes in singing torch songs subtype: #voice.singer (metonymy) a singer; "he wanted to hear trained voices sing it" subtype: #yodeller a singer who changes register rapidly (popular is Swiss folk songs) instance: #Pearl_Mae_Bailey__Bailey__Pearl_Bailey #Maurice_Chevalier__Chevalier #Marlene_Dietrich__Dietrich__Maria_Magdalene_von_Losch #Bob_Dylan__Dylan #Ella_Fitzgerald__Fitzgerald #Judy_Garland__Garland #Julio_Iglesias__Iglesias #Mahalia_Jackson__Jackson #Michael_Joe_Jackson__Jackson__Michael_Jackson #Al_Jolson__Jolson__Asa_Yoelson #Janis_Joplin__Joplin #Riley_B_King__King__B._B._King #Sir_Harry_MacLennan_Lauder__Lauder__Harry_Lauder #Madonna_Louise_Ciccone__Madonna #Robert_Nesta_Marley__Marley__Bob_Marley #Dean_Martin__Dino_Paul_Crocetti__Martin #Ethel_Merman__Merman #Roy_Orbison__Orbison #Edith_Piaf__Piaf__Edith_Giovanna_Gassion__Little_Sparrow #Paul_Bustill_Robeson__Robeson__robeson__paulrobeson #Paul_Simon__Simon #Bessie_Smith__Smith #Kathryn_Elizabeth_Smith__Smith__Kate_Smith #Barbra_Joan_Streisand__Streisand__Barbra_Streisand #Sarah_Vaughan__Vaughan #Ethel_Waters__Waters #Tammy_Wynette__Wynette__Tammy_Wynetter_Pugh subtype: #sitar_player__sitarplayer a musician who plays the sitar instance: #Ravi_Shankar__Shankar subtype: #soloist a musician who performs a solo subtype: #recitalist a musician who gives recitals subtype: #trombonist__trombone_player a musician who plays the trombone subtype: #cornetist__trumpeter a musician who plays the trumpet or cornet subtype: #bugler someone who plays a bugle instance: #Louis_Armstrong__Armstrong__Satchmo #John_Birks_Gillespie__Gillespie__Dizzy_Gillespie subtype: #violinist__fiddler a musician who plays the violin instance: #Georges_Enesco__Enesco__George_Enescu #Stephane_Grappelli__Grappelli #Fritz_Kreisler__Kreisler #Sir_Yehudi_Menuhin__Menuhin__Yehudi_Menuhin #Niccolo_Paganini__Paganini #Isaac_Stern__Stern #Antonio_Lucio_Vivaldi__Vivaldi__Antonio_Vivaldi #Efrem_Zimbalist__Zimbalist #Pinchas_Zukerman__Zukerman subtype: #puppeteer one who operates puppets or marionettes instance: #Jim_Henson__Henson subtype: #Savoyard.performer__savoyard a person who performs in the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan subtype: #snake_charmer a performer who uses movements and music to control snakes subtype: #straight_man a performer who acts as stooge to a comedian subtype: #stripper__striptease_artist__striptease__stripteaser__exotic_dancer__ecdysiast__peeler a performer who provides erotic entertainment by undressing to music instance: #Gypsy_Rose_Lee__Lee__Rose_Louise_Hovick subtype: #vaudevillian a performer who works in vaudeville instance: #George_Burns__Burns__Nathan_Birnbaum #Sophie_Tucker__Tucker subtype: #ventriloquist a performer who projects the voice into a wooden dummy subtype: #pleaser a pleasing entertainer; "he is quite the crowd pleaser" subtype: #expert a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully subtype: #adept__ace__maven__virtuoso__genius__hotshot__star__whiz__whizz__wizard__wiz someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field subtype: #track_star__trackstar a star runner subtype: #agronomist an expert in soil management and field-crop production subtype: #all-rounder__allrounder__all_arounder__allarounder a versatile person who is expert at many things; "she's the best all-rounder they've seen in years" subtype: #analyst someone who is skilled at analyzing data subtype: #intelligence_analyst a government analyst of information about an enemy or potential enemy subtype: #assayer an analyst who assays (performs chemical tests on) metals subtype: #systems_analyst__systemsanalyst a person skilled at systems analysis subtype: an expert who studies financial data (on credit or securities or sales or financial patterns etc.) and recommends appropriate business actions subtype: #credit_analyst an analyst who studies the financial statements and financial history of applicants for credit in order to evaluate their creditworthiness subtype: #financial_analyst__financialanalyst__securities_analyst an analyst who studies the financial performance of corporations subtype: #industry_analyst an analyst of conditions affecting a particular industry subtype: #oil-industry_analyst an analyst of the oil industry subtype: #market_analyst an analyst of conditions affecting a market (especially the stock market) subtype: #anatomist an expert in anatomy subtype: #comparative_anatomist__comparativeanatomist anatomist who compares the anatomy of different animals instance: #Sir_Richard_Owen__Owen subtype: #histologist anatomist who specializes in the microscopic study of animal tissues instance: #Camillo_Golgi__Golgi #Marcello_Malpighi__Malpighi #Santiago_Ramon_y_Cajal__Ramon_y_Cajal #Theodor_Schwann__Schwann instance: #Bartolommeo_Eustachio__Eustachio #Herbert_McLean_Evans__Evans #Galen #Georg_Meissner__Meissner #Johannes_Peter_Muller__Muller #Andreas_Vesalius__Vesalius #Kaspar_Friedrich_Wolff__Wolff subtype: #antiquary__antiquarian an expert or collector of antiquities subtype: #arbiter__supreme_authority__supremeauthority someone with the power to settle matters at will; "she was the final arbiter on all matters of fashion" subtype: #archer__bowman a person who is expert in the use of a bow and arrow subtype: #longbowman a medieval English archer who used a longbow instance: #William_Tell__Tell subtype: an expert whose views are taken as definitive; "he is an authority on corporate law" subtype: #adviser__advisor__consultant an expert who gives advice subtype: #amicus_curiae__friend_of_the_court an adviser to the court on some matter of law who is not a party to the case; usually someone who wants to influence the outcome of a lawsuit involving matters of wide public interest subtype: #backroom_boy__brain_truster__braintruster an expert adviser involved in making important decisions but usually lacking official status subtype: #beauty_consultant someone who gives you advice about your personal appearance subtype: #counselor__counsellor some who gives advice about problems subtype: #Dutch_uncle a counselor who admonishes frankly and sternly instance: #Nestor subtype: #county_agent__agricultural_agent__extension_agent__extensionagent an advisor employed by the government to assist people in rural areas with methods of farming and home economics subtype: #fashion_consultant__fashionconsultant__fashionmonger someone who advises you about fashionable clothing subtype: #investment_adviser__investment_advisor someone who advises others how to invest their money subtype: #management_consultant adviser to business about efficient management practices subtype: #media_consultant__mediaconsultant__medai_guru__medaiguru someone who advises about the use of communication media subtype: #security_consultant an adviser about alarm systems to prevent burglaries subtype: #tipster__tout one who sells advice about gambling or speculation (especially at the racetrack) subtype: #Church_Father__Father an early writer accepted as an authority on the teachings and practices of the Christian church subtype: #connoisseur__cognoscenti an expert able to appreciate a field; especially in the fine arts subtype: #esthete__aesthete one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature subtype: #oenophile__oenophilist__wine_lover a connoisseur of fine wines; a grape nut subtype: #evaluator__judge an authority who is able to estimate worth or quality subtype: #valuator__appraiser one who estimates officially the worth or value or quality of things subtype: #valuer (Brit) someone who assesses the monetary worth of possessions subtype: #critic.evaluator anyone who expresses a reasoned judgment of something subtype: #appraiser__authenticator one who determines authenticity (as of works of art) or who guarantees validity subtype: #drama_critic__dramacritic__theater_critic__theatercritic a critic of theatrical performances instance: #Alexander_Woollcott__Woollcott subtype: #grader a judge who assigns grades to something subtype: #wool_sorter__wool_stapler a person who sorts wool into different grades subtype: #music_critic__musiccritic a critic of musical performances instance: #Joseph_Deems_Taylor__Taylor__Deems_Taylor subtype: #panelist__panellist a member of a panel subtype: #juror__juryman__jurywoman someone who serves (or waits to be called to serve) on a jury subtype: #foreperson the presiding member of the jury and the one who speaks on their behalf subtype: #foreman a man who is foreperson of a jury subtype: #forelady__forewoman a woman who is foreperson of a jury subtype: #petit_juror__petitjuror__petty_juror__pettyjuror a member of a petit jury subtype: #reviewer__referee__reader someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication subtype: #scanner.reviewer someone who scans verse to determine the number and prosodic value of the syllables subtype: #taster__tastetester__sampler someone who samples food or drink for its quality subtype: #wine_taster a taster who evaluates the quality of wines subtype: #liturgist an authority on liturgies subtype: #master.authority__professional an authority qualified to teach apprentices subtype: #past_master.master__pastmaster someone who was formerly a master subtype: #black_belt.expert__blackbelt a person who attained the rank of expert in the martial arts (judo or karate) subtype: #calculator__reckoner__figurer__computer an expert at calculation (or at operating calculating machines) subtype: #number_cruncher.calculator__numbercruncher someone able to perform complex and lengthy calculations subtype: #statistician__actuary someone versed in the collection and interpretation of numerical data (especially someone who uses statistics to calculate insurance premiums) subtype: #surveyor.statistician someone who conducts a statistical survey subtype: #computer_expert__computer_guru an authority on computers and computing subtype: #UNIX_guru an expert on the UNIX operating system subtype: #cosmetologist an expert in the use of cosmetics subtype: #efficiency_expert__efficiency_engineer an expert in increasing the efficient use of machines and personnel subtype: #genealogist an expert in genealogy subtype: #geographer an expert on geography subtype: #cartographer__map_maker__mapmaker a person who makes maps instance: #Sebastian_Cabot__Cabot instance: #Gerardus_Mercator__Mercator__Gerhard_Kremer subtype: #horticulturist an expert in the science of cultivating plants (fruit or flowers or vegetables or ornamental plants) subtype: #nurseryman__gardener someone who takes care of a garden subtype: #transplanter a gardener who moves plants to new locations instance: #Luther_Burbank__Burbank subtype: #investigator someone who investigates subtype: #claims_adjuster__adjuster__adjustor__claims_adjustor__claim_agent__claimagent one who investigates insurance claims or claims for damages and recommends an effective settlement subtype: #coroner__medical_examiner__medicalexaminer a public official who investigates by inquest any death not due to natural causes subtype: #detective an investigator engaged or employed in obtaining information not easily available to the public subtype: #private_detective__privatedetective__PI__private_eye__privateeye__private_investigator__privateinvestigator__operative__shamus__sherlock someone who can be employed as a detective to collect information subtype: #hotel_detective__hoteldetective__house_detective__housedetective__house_dick__housedick a private detective employed by a hotel or retail store subtype: #inquiry_agent__inquiryagent (British) a private detective subtype: #store_detective__storedetective a private detective employed by a merchant to stop pilferage subtype: #sleuth__sleuthhound a detective who follows a trail subtype: #examiner__inspector an investigator who observes carefully; "the examiner searched for clues" subtype: #bank_examiner an official appointed to audit the accounts of banks in a given jurisdiction subtype: #checker one who checks the correctness of something subtype: #scrutinizer__scrutiniser a careful examiner; someone who inspects with great care subtype: #scrutineer (British) someone who examines votes at an election subtype: #ombudsman a government appointee who investigates complaints by private persons against the government instance: #Samuel_Wiesenthal__Wiesenthal subtype: #jurist__legal_expert__legalexpert a legal scholar versed in civil law or the law of nations subtype: #Mufti a jurist who interprets Muslim law instance: #Jeremy_Bentham__Bentham #Oliver_Wendell_Holmes_Jr.__Holmes #Charles_Evans_Hughes__Hughes #John_Jay__Jay #John_Marshall__Marshall #William_Hubbs_Rehnquist__Rehnquist__William_Rehnquist #Harlan_Fiske_Stone__Stone #Frederick_Moore_Vinson__Vinson #Earl_Warren__Warren subtype: #lapidary__lapidarist an expert on precious stones and the art of cutting and engraving them subtype: #logician__logistician a person skilled at symbolic logic subtype: #dialectician a logician skilled in dialectic subtype: #syllogist__syllogizer__syllogiser logician skilled in syllogistic reasoning instance: #William_Stanley_Jevons__Jevons #Charles_Franklin_Peirce__Peirce__Charles_Peirce #Willard_Van_Orman_Quine__Quine #Bertrand_Arthur_William_Russell__Russell__russell__Bertrand_Russell__Earl_Russell #John_Venn__Venn subtype: #mnemonist an expert in the use of mnemonics; someone able to perform unusual feats of memory subtype: #mythologist an expert on mythology instance: #Joseph_Campbell__Campbell subtype: #observer__commentator an expert who observes and comments on something subtype: #annotator a commentator who writes notes to a text subtype: #out-and-outer__outandouter (slang) someone who is excellent at something subtype: #parliamentarian an expert in parliamentary rules and procedures instance: #Henry_Martin_Robert__Robert subtype: #past_master someone who has long and thorough experience in a given activity subtype: #prosthetist an expert in prosthetics subtype: #scout__pathfinder__guide someone who can find paths through unexplored territory subtype: #hunting_guide__huntingguide guide to people hunting in unfamiliar territory subtype: a person who is unusually skilled in certain ways; "a card shark" subtype: #shot.expert__shooter a person who shoots (as regards their ability); "he is a crack shot"; "a poor shooter" subtype: #marksman__sharpshooter__crack_shot__crackshot someone skilled in shooting subtype: #franc-tireur__franctireur a sharpshooter (in the French army) subtype: #rifleman someone skilled in the use of a rifle subtype: #sniper a marksman who shoots at people from a concealed place subtype: #gunman__gun a person who shoots a gun (as regards their ability) subtype: #trapshooter a person who engages in shooting at clay pigeons that are hurled into the air by a trap subtype: #specialist__specializer an expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning subtype: #enologist__oenologist__fermentologist a specialist in wine making subtype: #attache a specialist assigned to the staff of a diplomatic mission subtype: #cultural_attache an attache who is a specialist in cultural matters subtype: #military_attache an attache who is a specialist in military matters subtype: #canonist a specialist in canon law subtype: #criminologist a specialist in criminology instance: #Alphonse_Bertillon__Bertillon subtype: #dietician__dietitian__nutritionist a specialist in the study of nutrition subtype: #educationist__educationalist a specialist in the theory of education subtype: #fingerprint_expert__fingerprintexpert__fingerprint_specialist__fingerprintspecialist__fingerprint_man__fingerprintman a specialist in identifying fingerprints subtype: #graphologist__handwriting_expert__handwritingexpert a specialist in inferring character from handwriting subtype: #interior_designer__designer__interior_decorator__house_decorator__housedecorator__room_decorator__decorator a person who specializes in designing architectural interiors and their furnishings instance: #Charles_Eames__Eames subtype: #meteorologist a specialist who studies processes in the earth's atmosphere that cause weather conditions subtype: #weatherman__weather_forecaster__weatherforecaster predicts the weather subtype: #optometrist__oculist a person skilled in testing for defects of vision in order to prescribe corrective glasses subtype: #orientalist a specialist in oriental subjects subtype: #tree_surgeon__arborist a specialist in treating damaged trees subtype: #talent a person who possesses unusual innate ability in some field or activity subtype: someone known for high skill in some intellectual or artistic technique subtype: #therapist__healer a person skilled in a particular type of therapy subtype: #naprapath a therapist who practices naprapathy subtype: #alleviator a therapist who makes suffering more endurable subtype: #chiropractor a therapist who practices chiropractic subtype: #electrotherapist someone who specializes in the treatment of disease by electricity subtype: #herbalist__herbdoctor a therapist who heals by the use of herbs subtype: #naturopath a therapist who practices naturopathy subtype: #osteopath__osteopathist a therapist who manipulates the skeleton and muscles subtype: #physical_therapist__physiotherapist therapist who treats injury or dysfunction with exercises and other physical treatments of the disorder subtype: #massager someone who rubs or kneads parts of the body to stimulate circulation and promote relaxation subtype: #masseur a male massager subtype: #masseuse a female massager subtype: #psychotherapist__clinical_psychologist a therapist who deals with mental and emotional disorders subtype: #speech_therapist a therapist who treats speech defects and disorders subtype: #old-timer__oldtimer__veteran__old_hand__oldhand__warhorse__old_stager__oldstager__stager an experienced person; someone who has given long service subtype: #face.person (synecdoche) a part of a person that is used to refer to a person; "he looked out at a roomful of faces"; "when he returned to work he met many new faces" subtype: #good_person a person who is good to other people subtype: #benefactor__helper a person who helps people or institutions subtype: #benefactress a woman benefactor subtype: #bondsman__bondswoman someone who signs a bond as surety for someone else subtype: #donor.benefactor__giver__presenter person who makes a gift of property subtype: #abnegator one who gives up or relinquishes or renounces something subtype: #almsgiver a person who gives alms subtype: #Indian_giver one who ask you to return the present he has given you subtype: #philanthropist__altruist someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being instance: #Andrew_Carnegie__Carnegie #Peter_Cooper__Cooper #Ezra_Cornell__Cornell #Solomon_Guggenheim__Guggenheim #John_Harvard__Harvard #Milton_Snavely_Hershey__Hershey #Hopkins__Johns_Hopkins #Andrew_William_Mellon__Mellon__Andrew_Mellon__Andrew_W._Mellon #Alfred_Bernhard_Nobel__Nobel__Alfred_Nobel #First_Viscount_Nuffield__Nuffield__William_Richard_Morris #John_Davison_Rockefeller__Rockefeller__John_D._Rockefeller #Cornelius_Vanderbilt__Vanderbilt__Commodore_VAnderbilt #Elihu_Yale__Yale subtype: #subscriber__contributor someone who contributes (or promises to contribute) a sum of money subtype: #subsidizer__subsidiser someone who assists or supports by giving a subsidy subtype: #tipper a person who leaves a tip; "a generous tipper" subtype: #donor (medicine) someone who gives blood or tissue or an organ to be used in another person (the host) subtype: #blood_donor someone who gives blood to be used for transfusions subtype: #universal_donor a person whose type O Rh-negative blood may be safely transfused into persons with other blood types subtype: #organ_donor__organdonor someone from whom an organ is taken for transplantation subtype: #good_Samaritan__Samaritan a person who voluntarily offers help or sympathy in times of trouble subtype: #humanitarian__do-gooder__improver someone devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms subtype: #liberator someone who releases people from captivity or bondage subtype: #emancipator__manumitter someone who frees others from bondage; "Lincoln is known as the Great Emancipator" subtype: #obliger__accommodator someone who performs a service or does a favor subtype: #offerer__offeror someone who presents something to another for acceptance or rejection subtype: #patron__sponsor__supporter someone who supports or champions something subtype: #backer__angel invests in a theatrical production subtype: #godfather someone having a relation analogous to that of a male sponsor to his godchild subtype: #godparent a person who sponsors someone (the godchild) at baptism subtype: #godfather.godparent any man who serves as a sponsor for a child at baptism subtype: #godmother any woman who serves as a sponsor for a child at baptism subtype: #guarantor__surety__warrantor__warranter one who provides a warrant or guarantee to another subtype: #patroness__patrones a woman who is a patron subtype: #provider someone who provides the means for subsistence subtype: #savior__saviour__rescuer__deliverer a person who rescues you from harm or danger subtype: #messiah__christ any expected deliverer subtype: #sparer someone who refrains from injuring or destroying subtype: #uncle.benefactor a source of help and advice and encouragement; "he played uncle to lonely students" subtype: #brick.good_person a good fellow; helpful and trustworthy subtype: #giver someone who devotes themselves completely; "there are no greater givers than those who give themselves" subtype: #plaster_saint__plastersaint a person (considered to be) without human failings; "he's no plaster saint" subtype: #holy_man__saint__holy_person__angel person of exceptional holiness subtype: #Buddha one who has achieved a state of perfect enlightenment subtype: #fakir__fakeer__faqir__faquir a Muslim or Hindu mendicant monk who is regarded as a holy man subtype: #dervish an ascetic Muslim monk; a member of an order noted for devotional exercises involving bodily movements subtype: #whirling_dervish__whirler a dervish whose actions include ecstatic dancing and whirling subtype: #square_shooter__straight_shooter__straight_arrow a frank and honest person subtype: #sweetheart any well-liked individual; "he's a sweetheart" subtype: #individualist a person who pursues independent thought or action subtype: #dropout.individualist someone who withdraws from a social group or environment subtype: #loner__lone_wolf__lone_hand a person who avoids the company or assistance of others subtype: #hermit__recluse__solitudinarian__troglodyte one who lives in solitude instance: #John_the_Baptist subtype: #mugwump__independent a neutral or uncommitted person (especially in politics) subtype: #night_owl__nightowl__nighthawk__nightbird a person who likes to be active late at night subtype: #nudist__naturist a person who practices nudity for reasons of health or religion subtype: #withdrawer.individualist an individualist who withdraws from social interaction subtype: #inhabitant__dweller__denizen a person who inhabits a particular place subtype: #Australian__Aussie a native or inhabitant of Australia subtype: #Australian_Aborigine__Aborigine__Abo__Aboriginal__native_Australian a dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived subtype: pm#Australian_researcher instance: subtype: #Austronesian a native or inhabitant of Austronesia subtype: #Nauruan a native or inhabitant of Nauru subtype: #Polynesian a native or inhabitant of Polynesia subtype: #Fijian.Polynesian__fijian a native or inhabitant of Fiji subtype: #Samoan a native or inhabitant of the Samoan Islands subtype: #Tahitian.Polynesian__tahitian a native or inhabitant of Tahiti subtype: #Tongan a native or inhabitant of Tonga subtype: #New_Zealander a native or inhabitant of New Zealand subtype: #American a native or inhabitant of the United States subtype: #African-American__Afro-American an American whose ancestors were born in Africa subtype: #Creole a person descended from French ancestors in southern United States especially Louisiana subtype: #Anglo-American an American who was born in England or whose ancestors were English subtype: #Alabaman__Alabamian a resident of Alabama subtype: #Alaskan a resident of Alaska subtype: #Arizonan__Arizonian a resident of Arizona subtype: #Arkansan__Arkansawyer a resident of Arkansas subtype: #Bay_Stater a resident of Massachusetts subtype: #Californian a resident of California subtype: #Carolinian a resident of the Carolinas subtype: #Coloradan a resident of Colorado subtype: #Connecticuter a resident of Connecticut subtype: #Delawarean__Delawarian a resident of Delaware subtype: #Floridian a resident of Florida subtype: #Franco-American an American who was born in France or whose ancestors were French subtype: #German_American an American who was born in Germany or whose ancestors were German subtype: #Georgian a resident of the American state of Georgia subtype: #Hawaiian.American__hawaiian a resident of Hawaii subtype: #Idahoan a resident of Idaho subtype: #Illinoisan a resident of Illinois subtype: #Indianan__Hoosier a resident of Indiana subtype: #Iowan a resident of Iowa subtype: #Kansan a resident of Kansas subtype: #Kentuckian a resident of Kentucky subtype: #Louisianan__Louisianian a resident of Louisiana subtype: #Mainer__Down_Easter a resident of Maine subtype: #Michigander__Wolverine a resident of Michigan subtype: #Minnesotan a resident of Minnesota subtype: #Mississippian a resident of Mississippi subtype: #Missourian a resident of Missouri subtype: #Montanan a resident of Montana subtype: #Nebraskan__Cornhusker a resident of Nebraska subtype: #Nevadan a resident of Nevada subtype: #New_Hampshirite a resident of New Hampshire subtype: #New_Yorker a resident of New York subtype: #East-sider a resident of the east side of Manhattan in New York City subtype: #West-sider a resident of the west side of Manhattan in New York City subtype: #North_Carolinian a resident of North Carolina subtype: #North_Dakotan a resident of North Dakota subtype: #Ohioan__Buckeye a resident of Ohio subtype: #Oregonian a resident of Oregon subtype: #Pennsylvanian a resident of Pennsylvania subtype: #Rhode_Islander a resident of Rhode Island subtype: #South_Carolinian a resident of South Carolina subtype: #South_Dakotan a resident of South Dakota subtype: #Tennessean a resident of Tennessee subtype: #Texan a resident of Texas subtype: #Utahan a resident of Utah subtype: #Vermonter a resident of Vermont subtype: #Virginian a resident of Virginia subtype: #Washingtonian a resident of the state of Washington subtype: #Washingtonian.American__washingtonian a resident of the city of Washington subtype: #West_Virginian a resident of West Virginia subtype: #Wisconsinite a resident of Wisconsin subtype: #Wyomingite a resident of Wyoming subtype: #Puerto_Rican a resident of Puerto Rico subtype: #Yankee-Doodle__Yankee__Yank an American subtype: #New_Englander__Yankee__Yank an American who lives in New England subtype: #Yankee__Yank__Northerner an American who lives in the North (especially during the American Civil War) subtype: #Federal_soldier__Federal__Union_soldier a member of the Union Army during the American Civil War subtype: #Southerner an American who lives in the South subtype: #Confederate a supporter of the Confederate States of America subtype: #Confederate_soldier a soldier in the Army of the Confederacy during the American Civil War subtype: #bushwhacker a Confederate guerrilla during the American Civil War subtype: #Rebel__Reb__Johnny_Reb__Johnny__grayback (informal) `johnny' was applied as a nickname for Confederate soldiers by the Federal soldiers in the American Civil War; `grayback' derived from their gray Confederate uniforms subtype: #Spanish_American__Hispanic_American__Hispanic__Latino an American whose first language was Spanish subtype: #Tory an American who favored the British side during the American Revolution subtype: #Alsatian a native or inhabitant of Alsace subtype: #borderer an inhabitant of a border area (especially the border between Scotland and England) subtype: #cottager__cottage_dweller someone who lives in a cottage subtype: #easterner an inhabitant of an eastern area; especially of the U.S. subtype: #islander__island-dweller an inhabitant of an island subtype: #landlubber__landsman__landman a person who lives and works on land subtype: #liver.inhabitant someone who lives in a place; "a liver in cities" subtype: #Northerner an inhabitant of the North subtype: #Occidental a native inhabitant of the Occident subtype: #Philistine a non-Semitic inhabitant of ancient Philistia subtype: #plainsman an inhabitant of a plains region (especially the Great Plains of North America) subtype: #resident__occupant__occupier someone who lives at a particular place for a prolonged period or who was born there subtype: #Latin_American__Spanish_American a resident of Latin America subtype: #spic__spik__spick ethnic slur; offensive terms for persons of Latin American descent subtype: #criollo.Latin_American a Spanish American of pure European stock (usually Spanish); "Mexico is a country of mestizos, criollos, and indigenes" subtype: #coaster.resident a resident of a coastal area subtype: #colonial a resident of a colony subtype: #dalesman a person who lives in the dales of Northern England subtype: #Galilean__Galilaean a resident of Galilee (an epithet of Jesus Christ) subtype: #inmate one of several resident of a dwelling (especially someone confined to a prison or hospital) subtype: #metropolitan a person who lives in a metropolis subtype: #outlier.resident a person who lives away from his place of work subtype: #owner-occupier__owneroccupier a occupant who owns the home that he/she lives in subtype: #sojourner a temporary resident subtype: #stater a resident of a particular state or group of states; "Keystone stater"; "farm staters" subtype: #suburbanite a resident of a suburb subtype: #tenant.resident any occupant who dwells in a place subtype: #towner__townsman a resident of a town or city subtype: #townee (Brit; informal) townsman unacquainted with country life especially a slick and flashy male city dweller subtype: #townie__towny resident of a college town not affiliated with the college subtype: #tellurian__earthling__earthman an inhabitant of the earth subtype: #Trinidadian inhabitant or native of Trinidad subtype: #villager one who has lived in a village most of their life subtype: #westerner an inhabitant of a western area; especially of the U.S. subtype: #native__indigen__indigene a person who was born in a particular place; an indigenous person subtype: #Levantine (formerly) a native or inhabitant of the Levant subtype: #Mauritian a native or inhabitant of Mauritius subtype: #Filipino a native or inhabitant of the Philippines subtype: #Tagalog.Filipino__tagalog a member of a people native to the Philippines chiefly inhabiting central Luzon around and including Manila subtype: #Visayan__Bisayan a member of the most numerous indigenous people of the Philippines subtype: #Cebuan inhabitant of the island of Cebu; a member of the Visayan people of the Philippines subtype: #Russian a native or inhabitant of Russia subtype: #Tatar.Russian__tatar a member of the Turkic-speaking people living from the Volga to the Ural Mountains (the name has been attributed to many other groups) subtype: #Votyak__Udmurt a member of the Finno-Ugric-speaking people living in eastern European Russia subtype: #Komi a member of a Finnish people living in the northwestern Urals in Russia subtype: #Cheremiss__Cheremis__Mari a member of a rural Finnish people living in eastern Russia subtype: #Inger__Ingrian__Ingerman a member of western Finnish people formerly living in the Baltic province where Saint Petersburg was built subtype: #Carelian__Karelian a member of the Finnish people living in Karelia in northwestern European Russia subtype: #Ostyak__Khanty a member of the nomadic Ugrian people living in northwestern Siberia (east of the Ural mountains) subtype: #Mordvin__Mordva__Mordvinian a member of the agricultural people living in the central Volga provinces of European Russia subtype: #Nganasan.Russian__nganasan a member of the Samoyedic people living on the Taimyr peninsula in Siberia subtype: #Ostyak-Samoyed__Selkup one of the people of mixed Ostyak and Samoyed origin in Siberia subtype: #Samoyed a Samoyedic-speaking person in northwestern Siberia subtype: #Vepse__Veps__Vepsian a member of a Finnish people of Russia subtype: #Vogul__Mansi a member of a nomadic people of the northern Ural mountains subtype: #Yeniseian a member of one of the groups living in the Yenisei river valley in western Siberia subtype: #Great_Russian a member of the chief East Slavonic people of Soviet Russia subtype: #Muscovite a resident of Moscow subtype: #Georgian.Russian__georgian a native or inhabitant of Asian Georgia subtype: #Siberian a native or inhabitant of Siberia subtype: #Seychellois a native or inhabitant of Seychelles subtype: #American.native__american a native or inhabitant of America subtype: #Creole.American__creole a person of European descent born in the West Indies or Spanish America subtype: #North_American a native or inhabitant of North America subtype: #Bermudan__Bermudian a native or inhabitant of Bermuda subtype: #Canadian a native or inhabitant of Canada subtype: #French_Canadian a Canadian descended from early French settlers and whose native language is French subtype: #Acadian an early French settler in the Maritimes subtype: #Cajun a Louisianian descended from Acadian immigrants from Nova Scotia (`Cajun' comes from `Acadian') subtype: #Canuck US slang for Canadians in general and French Canadians in particular subtype: #Central_American a native or inhabitant of Central America subtype: #Costa_Rican a native or inhabitant of Costa Rica subtype: #Guatemalan a native or inhabitant of Guatemala subtype: #Honduran a native or inhabitant of Honduras subtype: #Mexican a native of inhabitant of Mexico subtype: #greaser__wetback__taco ethnic slur; offensive terms for a person of Mexican descent subtype: #Mexican-American__Mexicano a Mexican (or person of Mexican descent) living in the United States subtype: #Nicaraguan a native or inhabitant of Nicaragua subtype: #Panamanian a native or inhabitant of Panama subtype: #South_American a native or inhabitant of South America subtype: #Argentinian a native or inhabitant of Argentina subtype: #Bolivian a native or inhabitant of Bolivia subtype: #Brazilian a native or inhabitant of Brazil subtype: #Carioca a native or inhabitant of Rio de Janeiro subtype: #Chilean a native or inhabitant of Chile subtype: #Colombian a native or inhabitant of Colombia subtype: #Ecuadorian__Ecuadoran a native or inhabitant of Ecuador subtype: #Salvadoran__Salvadorian__Salvadorean a native or inhabitant of El Salvador subtype: #Guyanese a native or inhabitant of Guyana subtype: #Paraguayan a native or inhabitant of Paraguay subtype: #Peruvian a native or inhabitant of Peru subtype: #Uruguayan a native or inhabitant of Uruguay subtype: #Venezuelan a native or inhabitant of Venezuela subtype: #West_Indian a native or inhabitant of the West Indies subtype: #Anguillan a native or inhabitant of the island of Anguilla in the West Indies subtype: #Antiguan a native or inhabitant of Antigua subtype: #Bahamian a native or inhabitant of the Bahamas subtype: #Barbadian a native or inhabitant of Barbados subtype: #Cuban a native or inhabitant of Cuba subtype: #Haitian a native or inhabitant of Haiti subtype: #Jamaican a native or inhabitant of Jamaica subtype: #Montserratian a native or inhabitant of Montserrat subtype: #Grenadian a native or inhabitant of Grenada subtype: #Tobagonian a native or inhabitant of the island of Tobago in the West Indies subtype: #innocent__inexperienced_person__inexperiencedperson a person who lacks knowledge of evil subtype: #intellectual__intellect a person who uses the mind creatively subtype: #juvenile_person__juvenile a youthful person subtype: #lover a person who loves or is loved subtype: #leader a person who rules or guides or inspires others subtype: #money_handler__moneyhandler__money_dealer__moneydealer a person who receives or invests or pays out money subtype: #national__subject a person who owes allegiance to that nation; "a monarch has a duty to his subjects" subtype: #nonreligious_person a person who does not manifest devotion to a deity subtype: #nonworker a person who does nothing subtype: #peer__equal__match__compeer a person who is of equal standing with another in a group subtype: #perceiver__observer__beholder a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses subtype: #precursor__forerunner a person who goes before or announces the coming of another subtype: #primitive_person__primitiveperson__primitive a person who belongs to early stage of civilization subtype: #religionist__religious_person__religiousperson a person who manifests devotion to a deity subtype: #sensualist a person who enjoys sensuality subtype: #traveler__traveller a person who changes location subtype: #unfortunate_person__unfortunateperson__unfortunate a person who suffers misfortune subtype: #unwelcome_person__unwelcomeperson__persona_non_grata a person who for some reason is not wanted or welcome subtype: #unskilled_person__unskilledperson a person who lacks technical training subtype: #worker a person who works at a specific job; "he is a good worker" subtype: #African a native or inhabitant of Africa subtype: #person_of_color__person_of_colour (formal) any non-European non-White person subtype: #White__white_person__whiteperson__Caucasian a member of the Caucasoid race subtype: #Slav any member of the people of Eastern Europe or Russian Asia who speak a Slavonic language subtype: #Gentile a person who is not a member of one's own religion; used in this sense by Mormons and Hindus subtype: #Jew__Hebrew__Israelite a person belonging to the worldwide group claiming descent from Jacob (or converted to it) and connected by cultural or religious ties subtype: #European a person of European nationality subtype: #abstinent__abstainer__nondrinker a person who refrains from drinking intoxicating beverages subtype: #achiever__winner__success__succes a person with a record of successes; "his son would never be the achiever that his father was"; "only winners need apply"; "if you want to be a success you have to dress like a success" subtype: #acquaintance__friend a person with whom you are acquainted; "I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances"; "we are friends of the family" subtype: #acquirer a person who acquires something (usually permanently) subtype: #actor__doer__worker a person who acts and gets things done; "he's a principal actor in this affair"; "when you want something done get a doer"; "he's a miracle worker" subtype: #adjudicator a person who adjudicates subtype: #admirer a person who admires; someone who esteems or respects or approves subtype: #adversary__antagonist__opponent__opposer someone who offers opposition subtype: #advisee someone who receives advice subtype: #advocator__advocate__proponent__exponent a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea subtype: #affiant a person who makes an affidavit subtype: #amateur someone who pursues a study or sport as a pastime subtype: #apprehender a person who seizes or arrests (especially a person who seizes or arrests in the name of justice) subtype: #appreciator a person who is fully aware of something and understand it; "he is not an appreciator of our dilemma" subtype: #arrogator a person who through conceit makes pretentious claims to rights or advantages that he or she is not entitled to or to qualities that he or she does not possess subtype: #authority (usually plural) persons who exercise (administrative) control over others; "the authorities have issued a curfew" subtype: #autodidact a person who is self-taught subtype: #baby_boomer__boomer a member of the baby boom generation in the 1950s; "they expanded the schools for a generation of baby boomers" subtype: #baby_buster__buster a person born in the generation following the baby boom when the birth rate fell dramatically subtype: #baldhead__baldpate__baldy a person whose head is bald subtype: #balker__baulker a person who refuses to comply subtype: #bullfighter someone who fights bulls subtype: #bather a person who takes a bath subtype: #bedfellow a person with whom you share a bed subtype: #best.person the person who is most outstanding or excellent; "he could beat the best of them" subtype: #biter someone who bites subtype: #blond__blonde a person with fair skin and hair subtype: #bodybuilder__musclebuilder someone who does special exercises to develop the musculature subtype: #bomber.person a person who plants bombs subtype: #brunet__brunette a person with dark (brown) hair subtype: #buster a person (or thing) that breaks up or overpowers something; "dam buster"; "sanction buster"; crime buster" subtype: #candidate__prospect someone who is considered for something (for an office or prize or honor etc.) subtype: #case.person a person requiring professional services; "a typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor" subtype: #celebrator__celebrant__celebrater a person who is celebrating subtype: #charmer a person who charms others (usually by personal attractiveness) subtype: #child.person__baby an immature childish person; "he remained a child in practical matters as long as he lived"; "stop being a baby!" subtype: #clumsy_person a person with poor motor coordination subtype: #aggregator__collector a person who collects things subtype: #combatant__battler__belligerent__fighter someone who fights (or is fighting) subtype: #complexifier someone makes things complex subtype: #compulsive a person with a compulsive disposition; someone who feels compelled to do certain things subtype: #copycat__imitator__emulator__ape__aper someone who copies the words or behavior of another subtype: #crawler__creeper a person who crawls or creeps along the ground subtype: #wight__creature a human being; `wight' is an archaic term subtype: #social_dancer__dancer a person who participates in a social gathering arranged for dancing (as a ball) subtype: #dead_person__dead_soul__deceased_person__deceased__decedent__departed someone who is no longer alive; "I wonder what the dead person would have done" subtype: #debaser__degrader a person who lowers the quality or character or value (as by adding cheaper metal to coins) subtype: #defecator__voider__shitter a person who defecates subtype: #delayer a person who delays; to put off until later or cause to be late subtype: #deliverer a person who gives up or transfers money or goods subtype: #demander a person who makes demands subtype: #dichromat a person with any of the various forms of dichromacy subtype: #differentiator__discriminator a person who differentiates subtype: #disentangler__unraveler__unraveller a person who removes tangles; someone who takes something out of a tangled state subtype: #dissenter__dissident__protester__objector__contestant a person who dissents from some established policy subtype: #divider a person who separates something into parts or groups subtype: #look-alike__double__image someone who closely resembles a famous person (especially an actor); "he could be Gingrich's double"; "she's the very image of her mother" subtype: #dresser.person a person who dresses in a particular way; "she's an elegant dresser"; "he's a meticulous dresser" subtype: #driveller__dribbler__slobberer__drooler a person who dribbles; "that baby is a dribbler; he needs a bib" subtype: #drug_user__substance_abuser__substanceabuser__user a person who takes drugs subtype: #ectomorph a person with a thin non-muscular body subtype: #effecter__effector one who brings about a result or event; one who accomplishes a purpose subtype: #Elizabethan a person who lived during the reign of Elizabeth I; "William Shakespeare was an Elizabethan" subtype: #emotional_person__emotionalperson a person subject to strong states of emotion subtype: #endomorph a heavy person with a soft and rounded body subtype: #enjoyer a person who delights in having or using or experiencing something subtype: #explorer__adventurer someone who travels into little known regions (especially for some scientific purpose) subtype: #faddist a person who subscribes to a variety of fads subtype: #faller a person who falls; "one of them was safe but they were unable to save the faller"; "a faller among thieves" subtype: #fastener a person who fastens or makes fast; "he found the door fastened and wondered who the fastener was" subtype: #fiduciary a person who holds assets in trust for a beneficiary; "it is illegal for a fiduciary to misappropriate money for personal gain" subtype: #first-rater__firstrater one who is first-rate subtype: #follower an ordinary person who accepts the leadership of another subtype: #free_spirit__free_agent__freewheeler someone acting freely or even irresponsibly subtype: #friend a person you know well and regard with affection and trust; "he was my best friend at the university" subtype: #fugitive__runaway someone who flees from an uncongenial situation; "fugitives from the seatshops" subtype: #gainer a person who gains (gains an advantage or gains profits); "she was clearly the gainer in that exchange" subtype: #weight_gainer__gainer a person who gains weight subtype: #gambler a person who wagers money on the outcome of games or sporting events subtype: #gatherer a person who gathers; "they were a society of hunters and gatherers" subtype: #good_guy any person who is on your side subtype: #bad_guy__badguy any person who is not on your side subtype: #granter a person who grants or gives something subtype: #greeter__saluter__welcomer a person who greets; "the newcomers were met by smiling greeters" subtype: #grinner a person who grins subtype: #groaner a person who groans subtype: #grunter a person who grunts subtype: #guesser a person who guesses subtype: #handicapped_person__handicappedperson a person who has some handicap that interferes with normal functions subtype: #hater a person who hates subtype: #heterosexual_person__heterosexual__straight_person__straight a heterosexual person; someone having a sexual orientation to persons of the opposite sex subtype: #homosexual__homo__gay someone who practices homosexuality; having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex subtype: #homunculus a tiny fully formed individual that (according to the discredited theory of preformation) is supposed to be present in the sperm cell subtype: #hope.person someone (or something) on which expectations are centered; "he was their best hope for a victory" subtype: #hoper a person who hopes; "only an avid hoper could expect the team to win now" subtype: #huddler a person who crouches; "low huddlers against the wind" subtype: #hugger a person who hugs subtype: #idler__loafer__do-nothing__layabout__bum person who does no work subtype: #immune a person who is immune to a particular infection subtype: #interpreter someone who uses art to represent something; "his paintings reveal a sensitive interpreter of nature"; "she was famous as an interpreter of Shakespearean roles" subtype: #jewel__gem a person who is a brilliant and precious as a piece of jewelry subtype: #slayer__killer someone who causes the death of a person or animal subtype: #relative__relation a person related by blood or marriage; "police are searching for relatives of the deceased"; "he has distant relations back in New Jersey" subtype: #kneeler.person a person in a kneeling position subtype: #knocker a person who knocks (as seeking to gain admittance); "open the door and see who the knocker is" subtype: #knower__apprehender a person who knows or apprehends subtype: #large_person__largeperson a person of greater than average size subtype: #laugher a person who is laughing or who laughs easily subtype: #learner__assimilator someone (especially a child) who learns (as from a teacher) or takes up knowledge or beliefs subtype: #left-hander__lefty__southpaw a person who uses the left hand with greater skill than the right; "their pitcher was a southpaw" subtype: #life.person a living person; "his heroism saved a life" subtype: #lightning_rod__lightningrod someone who is a frequent target of negative reactions and serves to distract attention from another subtype: #polyglot__linguist a person who speaks more than one language subtype: #literate_person__literate a person who can read and write subtype: #liver.person a person who has a special life style; "a high liver" subtype: #longer__thirster__yearner a person with a strong desire for something; "a longer for money"; "a thirster after blood"; "a yearner for knowledge" subtype: #loose_cannon__loosecannon a person who is expected to perform a particular task but who is out of control and dangerous subtype: #machine.person an efficient person; "the boxer was a magnificent fighting machine" subtype: #mailer.person a person who mails something subtype: #malcontent a person who is discontented or disgusted subtype: #human_being__humanbeing__man the generic use of the word to refer to any human being; "it was every man for himself" subtype: #manipulator a person who handles things manually subtype: #man_jack__manjack a single individual; "every man jack" subtype: #masturbator a person who practices masturbation subtype: #measurer a person who makes measurements subtype: #nonmember a person who is not a member subtype: #mesomorph a person with a well-developed muscular body subtype: #mestizo a person of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry) subtype: #middlebrow (informal) someone who is neither a highbrow nor a lowbrow subtype: #miracle_man__miracleman__miracle_worker__miracleworker a person who claims or is alleged to perform miracles subtype: #misogamist a person who hates marriage subtype: #mixed-blood__mixedblood a person whose ancestors belonged to two or more races subtype: #modern a contemporary person subtype: #mutilator__maimer__mangler a person who mutilates or destroys or disfigures or cripples subtype: #namer a person who gives a name or names; "the owner is usually the namer of a boat" subtype: #namesake a person with the same name as another subtype: #neglecter a person who is neglectful and gives little attention or respect to people or responsibilities; "he tried vainly to impress his neglecters" subtype: #neighbor__neighbour a person who lives (or is located) near another subtype: #neutral one who does not side with any party in a war or dispute subtype: #nondescript a person is not easily classified and not very interesting subtype: #nonparticipant a person who does not participate subtype: #nonsmoker a person who does not smoke tobacco subtype: #nude_person__nude a naked person subtype: #nurser a person who treats something carefully; "a great nurser of pennies" subtype: #occultist some who practices the occult arts subtype: #old_maid.person__oldmaid a person who is primly fastidious subtype: #outcaste a person belonging to no caste subtype: #outdoorsman a person who spends time outdoors (e.g., hunting or fishing) subtype: #owner__possessor a person who owns something; "they are searching for the owner of the car"; "who is the owner of that friendly smile?" subtype: #pamperer__spoiler someone who pampers or spoils by excessive indulgence subtype: #forgiver__pardoner__excuser a person who pardons or forgives or excuses a fault or offense subtype: #partner a person who is a member of a partnership subtype: #party.person a person involved in legal proceedings; "the party of the first part" subtype: #passer.person a person who passes as a member of a different ethnic or racial group subtype: #personage another word for person; a person not meriting identification; "a strange personage appeared at the door" subtype: #personification.person one who personifies an abstract quality subtype: #perspirer__sweater a person who perspires subtype: #philosopher.person a wise person who is calm and rational; someone who lives a life of reason with equanimity subtype: #chooser__picker__selector a person who chooses or selects out subtype: #urinator__pisser a person who urinates subtype: #planner__contriver__deviser a person who makes plans subtype: #powderer someone who applies or scatters powder subtype: #preserver someone who keeps safe from harm or danger subtype: #propositus the person immediately affected by or concerned with an action subtype: #pursuer a person who pursues some plan or goal; "a pursuer of truth" subtype: #pussycat a person who is regarded as easygoing and agreeable subtype: #quarter.person an unspecified person; "he dropped a word in the right quarter" subtype: #quitter a person who gives up too easily subtype: #rectifier.person a person who corrects or sets right; "a rectifier of prejudices" subtype: #redhead__carrottop someone who has red hair subtype: #registrant a person who is formally entered (along with others) in a register (and who obtains certain rights thereby) subtype: #reliever__allayer a person who reduces the intensity (e.g., of fears) and calms and pacifies; "a reliever of anxiety"; "an allayer of fears" subtype: #repeater.person a person who repeats; "the audience consisted largely of repeaters who had seen the movie many times" subtype: #rescuer__recoverer__saver someone who saves something from danger or violence subtype: #rester a person who rests subtype: #restrainer.person__controller a person who directs and restrains subtype: #rich_person__wealthy_person__wealthyperson__have a person who possesses great material wealth subtype: #right-hander__righthander a person who uses the right hand more skillfully than the left subtype: #riser.person a person who rises (especially from bed); "he's usually a late riser" subtype: #roundhead a brachycephalic person subtype: #swayer__ruler a person who rules or commands; "swayer of the universe" subtype: #rusher a person who rushes; someone in a hurry; someone who acts precipitously subtype: #scratcher.person a person who scratches to relieve an itch subtype: #second-rater__mediocrity a person of second-rate ability or value: "a team of aging second-raters"; "shone among the mediocrities who surrounded him" subtype: #cloud_seeder__cloudseeder__seeder a person who seeds clouds subtype: #quester__seeker__searcher someone making a search or inquiry; "they are seekers after truth" subtype: #sentimentalist__romanticist someone who indulges in excessive sentimentality subtype: #sex_object__sexobject any person regarded simply as an object of sexual gratification subtype: #shaker.person__mover a person who wields power and influence; "movers and shakers in the business world"; "a shaker of traditional beliefs"; "a mover of mountains" subtype: #signatory__signer someone who signs and is bound by a document subtype: #significant_other__significantother a person with whom you have shared a long-term sexual relationship subtype: #simpleton__simple a person lacking intelligence or common sense subtype: #six-footer__sixfooter a person who is at least six feet tall subtype: #slave a person who is owned by someone subtype: #sleepyhead a sleepy person subtype: #sloucher a person who slouches; someone with a drooping carriage subtype: #small_person__smallperson a person of below average size subtype: #smasher a person who smashes something subtype: #smiler a person who smiles subtype: #sneezer a person who sneezes subtype: #sniffer a person who sniffs subtype: #snuffler a person who breathes noisily (as through a nose blocked by mucus) subtype: #socializer a person who takes part in social activities subtype: #sort.person a person of a particular character or nature; "what sort of person is he?"; "he's a good sort" subtype: #sounding_board a person whose reactions to something serve as an indication of its acceptability; "I would use newspapermen as a sounding board for such policies" subtype: #sphinx.person an inscrutable person who keeps his thoughts and intentions secret subtype: #expectorator__spitter a person who spits (ejects saliva from the mouth) subtype: #sprawler a person who sprawls; "he is such a sprawler he needs a bed to himself" subtype: #spurner a person who rejects (someone or something) with contempt; "she was known as a spurner of all suitors"; "he was no spurner of rules" subtype: #squinter__squint-eye a person with strabismus subtype: #stifler__smotherer a person who stifles or smothers or suppresses; "he is a real conversation stifler"; "I see from all the yawn smotherers that it is time to stop" subtype: #stigmatic__stigmatist a person whose body is marked by religious stigmata (such as marks resembling the wounds of the crucified Christ) subtype: #stooper a person who carries himself or herself with the head and shoulders habitually bent forward subtype: #struggler a person who struggles with difficulties or with great effort subtype: #guinea_pig__subject__case a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an object of investigation; "the subjects for this investigation were selected randomly"; "the cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities" subtype: #surrenderer a person who yields or surrenders subtype: #survivor.person one who outlives another; "he left his farm to his survivors" subtype: #suspect someone who is under suspicion subtype: #tempter a person who tempts others; "Satan is the great tempter of mankind" subtype: #termer a person who serves a specified term; "there are not many fourth termers in the Senate" subtype: #terror__scourge__threat a person who inspires fear or dread; "he was the terror of the neighborhood" subtype: #testator__testate a person who makes a will subtype: #thin_person__skin_and_bones a person who is unusually thin subtype: #third-rater__thirdrater one who is third-rate or distinctly inferior subtype: #thrower someone who projects something through the air (especially by a rapid motion of the arm) subtype: #tiger a fierce or audacious person; "he's a tiger on the tennis court"; "it aroused the tiger in me" subtype: #toucher a person who causes or allows a part of the body to come in contact with someone or something subtype: #transfer.person__transferee someone who transfers or is transferred from one position to another; "the best student was a transfer from LSU" subtype: #transsexual a person whose sexual identification is entirely with the opposite sex subtype: #transvestite__cross-dresser__crossdresser someone who adopts the dress or manner or sexual role of the opposite sex subtype: #attempter__trier__essayer one who tries subtype: #unfastener__undoer__opener__untier a person who unfastens or unwraps or opens; "children are talented undoers of their shoelaces" subtype: #user a person who makes use of a thing; someone who uses or employs something subtype: #vanisher a person who disappears subtype: #dupe__victim a person who is tricked or swindled subtype: #Victorian a person who lived during the reign of Victoria subtype: #waiter a person who waits or awaits subtype: #waker a person who awakes; "an early waker" subtype: #wanter__needer a person who wants or needs something; "an owner of many things and needer of none" subtype: #ward a person who is under the protection or in the custody of another subtype: #warrior someone engaged in or experienced in warfare subtype: #watcher a person who keeps a devotional vigil by a sick bed or by a dead body subtype: #weakling__doormat__wus a person who is physically weak and ineffectual subtype: #squirmer__wiggler__wriggler one who can't stay still (especially a child): "the toddler was a real wiggler on plane trips" subtype: #winker a person who winks subtype: #withholder.person a person who refrains from granting; "a withholder of payments" subtype: #witness (law) a person who testifies under oath in a court of law subtype: #yawner a person who yawns subtype: pm#male_or_female_person subtype: pm#in_relationship_person subtype: pwa#Person subtype: pm#living_physical_entity alive physical entity subtype: #living_thing__organism__being a living (or once living) entity that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently subtype: #cell the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; cells may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals subtype: dl#non-agentive_physical_object__NAPO e.g., a bottle subtype: cyc#information_bearing_object__informationbearingobject This notion is useful to group together all information bearing physical entities, including video, audio and documents. An information bearing object may have an author (a generic agent) and may be owned by a legal agent. It is a tangible object. See for more details. subtype: pm#physical_entity_part_or_substance subtype: dl#feature__F e.g., hole, gulf, bundary subtype: sowa#object__physical_independent_continuant click here for details subtype: #mathematical_point__point a geometric element that has position but no extension; "a point is defined by its coordinates" subtype: pm#2D_object subtype: pm#3D_object subtype: cyc#information_bearing_thing__informationbearingthing subtype: sumo#self_connected_object object that does not consist of two or more disconnected parts subtype: sumo#collection__physical_collection such a collection has members like a class, but unlike a class, it has a position in space-time and members can be added and subtracted without thereby changing the identity of the collection; some examples are toolkits, football teams, and flocks of sheep
sumo#object has many specializing statements. Browse its subtypes, or click here for a search form or here to represent such an object.
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