pm#relation_type  there are three kinds of relation(_types): pm#predicate_type, pm#function_type and sumo#list; both predicates and functions denote sets of ordered n-tuples; the difference between these two classes is that predicates cover formula-forming operators, while functions cover term-forming operators; a list, on the other hand, is a particular ordered n-tuple
  supertype:  1st_order_type__1stordertype__type1  all 1st order types are implicitely or explicitely instance of that 2nd-order type
  instance of:  class_of_inheritable_relation_type  instance:  relation__related_thing__relatedthing___related_with  type for any relation (unary, binary, ..., *-ary) and instance of pm#relation_type
     subtype:  relation_from/to_thing_of_common_kind (*)  this type permits to categorize relations according to their signatures and hence offers (i) a concise way to set essential exclusion relations, and (ii) a systematic and easy-to-follow categorization
        subtype:  relation_from_situation (situation,*)
           subtype:  relation_from_situation_to_time (situation,time_measure)
              subtype:  time (situation,time_measure)
                 subtype:  date (situation -> time_measure)
              subtype:  duration (situation -> time_measure)
              subtype:  from_time (situation -> time_measure)
                 subtype:  departure_time__departuretime (process -> time_measure)
              subtype:  until_time__untiltime__to_time (situation -> time_measure)
                 subtype:  arrival_time__arrivaltime (process -> time_measure)
              subtype:  before_time (situation,time_measure)
           subtype:  relation_from_situation_to_situation (situation,situation)
              subtype:  later_situation__latersituation (situation,situation)
                 subtype:  next_situation (situation -> situation)
                    subtype:  successor (situation -> situation)
                 subtype:  ending_situation__termination (situation -> situation)
                 subtype:  postcondition (process,situation)
                 subtype:  consequence (situation,situation)  see also rst#effect
              subtype:  before_situation (situation,situation)  in WebKB, do not use these relations, use their inverses
                 subtype:  previous_situation (situation -> situation)
                 subtype:  beginning_situation__beginningsituation (situation -> situation)
                 subtype:  precondition (process,situation)
                 subtype:  cause (situation,situation)  see also rst#cause
                    subtype:  causes (process,process)  the process in the 1st argument brings about the process in the 2nd argument
           subtype:  case_relation__thematic_relation (situation,*)
              subtype:  doer/object/result/place (situation,?)
                 subtype:  doer/object/result (situation,?)
                    subtype:  agent__doer (situation [48..*],entity [49..*])
                       subtype:  organizer (situation,causal_entity)
                       subtype:  participant (situation,causal_entity)
                       subtype:  seller__vendor___vender (situation -> goal_directed_agent)
                       subtype:  customer__client___buyer__buyer___purchaser__purchaser___vendee (situation,goal_directed_agent)
                       subtype:  responsible_agent__responsibleagent (situation,causal_entity)
                       subtype:  agent (process,agentive_physical_object)  the 2nd argument is an active determinant, animate or inanimate, of the process
                    subtype:  initiator (situation,causal_entity)
                    subtype:  object/result (situation,?)
                       subtype:  instrument (situation,entity)
                          subtype:  instrument (process,object)  the 2nd argument is used in bringing about the first and is not changed by it, e.g., the key is an instrument in 'the key opened the door'; instrument and resource cannot be satisfied by the same ordered pair
                       subtype:  object__patient___theme__theme (situation,?)
                          subtype:  input (process,?)
                             subtype:  material (process,?)
                             subtype:  parameter (process,?)
                          subtype:  input_output__inputoutput (process,?)
                             subtype:  modified_object (process,?)
                                subtype:  muted_object__mutedobject (process,?)
                             subtype:  deleted_object__deletedobject (process,?)
                          subtype:  patient (process,?)  the 2nd argument may be moved, said, experienced, etc; the direct objects in 'The cat swallowed the canary' and 'Billy likes the beer' would be examples of patients; the patient of a process may or may not undergo structural change as a result of the process
                             subtype:  instrument (process,object)  the 2nd argument is used in bringing about the first and is not changed by it, e.g., the key is an instrument in 'the key opened the door'; instrument and resource cannot be satisfied by the same ordered pair
                             subtype:  resource (process,object)  the object is present at the beginning of the process, is used by it, and as a consequence is changed by it; for example, soap is a resource in 'the gun was carved out of soap'; resource differs from instrument in that its internal or physical properties are altered in some way by the process
                             subtype:  result (process,?)  the 2nd argument is the product of the process, e.g., house is a result in 'Eric built a house'
                       subtype:  result (situation,?)
                          subtype:  output (process,?)
                          subtype:  result (process,?)  the 2nd argument is the product of the process, e.g., house is a result in 'Eric built a house'
                 subtype:  from/to (situation,entity)
                    subtype:  source (situation,causal_entity)
                    subtype:  recipient (situation,entity)
                       subtype:  beneficiary (situation,causal_entity)
                    subtype:  from/to_place__from/toplace (process -> spatial_object)
                       subtype:  from_place (process -> spatial_object)
                       subtype:  to_place__destination (process -> spatial_object)
                       subtype:  via_place__viaplace__via (process -> spatial_object)
                       subtype:  path (process -> spatial_object)
                    subtype:  origin__from (process,object)  the 2nd argument (which must be present at least at the beginning of the process) indicates where the process began; for example, the submarine is the origin in 'the missile was launched from a submarine'
                    subtype:  destination__to (process,entity)  the 2nd parameter is the target or goal of the process; for example, Danbury would be the destination in 'Bob went to Danbury'; this is a very general case_role which, in particular, that it covers the concepts of 'recipient' and 'beneficiary'; thus, John would be the destination in 'Tom gave a book to John'
                 subtype:  place (situation -> spatial_object)
                 subtype:  path_length (process -> spatial_attribute_or_quality_or_measure)
              subtype:  experiencer (situation,causal_entity)
                 subtype:  experiencer (process,agentive_physical_object)  e.g., Yojo is the experiencer of seeing in 'Yojo sees the fish'; unlike agent, this relation does not entail a causal relation between the arguments
              subtype:  relation_from_process_only (process,?)
                 subtype:  goal (process,situation)
                 subtype:  triggering_event (process,event)
                 subtype:  ending_event (process,event)
                 subtype:  precondition (process,situation)
                 subtype:  postcondition (process,situation)
                 subtype:  input (process,?)
                 subtype:  input_output__inputoutput (process,?)
                 subtype:  sub_process__subproces (process,process)
                 subtype:  method (process,description)
                 subtype:  from/to_place__from/toplace (process -> spatial_object)
                 subtype:  process_attribute__processattribute (process,process_attribute_or_quality_or_measure)
                    subtype:  manner (process,process_attribute_or_quality_or_measure)
              subtype:  participant_in_Dolce_Lite (perdurant,endurant)
                 subtype:  participant__PC (perdurant,endurant)  the DOLCE predicate PC(x,y,t) means "x participates in y during t" but this relation respects the usual reading conventions: the 1st argument has for participant the 2nd
                    subtype:  total_participant__totalparticipant__PC.T (perdurant,endurant)
                    subtype:  temporary_total_participant__temporarytotalparticipant__PC.t (perdurant,endurant)
                 subtype:  constant_participant__PC.C (perdurant,endurant)
           subtype:  within_group (situation,collection)
        subtype:  spatial_relation_from_entity_with_spatial_feature (object,*)
           subtype:  relation_from_spatial_object (spatial_object,*)
              subtype:  relation_to_another_spatial_object (spatial_object,spatial_object)
                 subtype:  location (spatial_object,spatial_object)
                    subtype:  address__addres (spatial_object -> spatial_object)
                       subtype:  main_address (spatial_object -> spatial_object)
                       subtype:  secondary_address__secondaryaddres (spatial_object -> spatial_object)
                    subtype:  above (spatial_object -> spatial_object)
                       subtype:  on (spatial_object -> spatial_object)
                    subtype:  below (spatial_object,spatial_object)
                    subtype:  near (spatial_object -> spatial_object)
                       subtype:  touching (spatial_object -> spatial_object)
                    subtype:  far_from__farfrom (spatial_object,spatial_object)
                    subtype:  exterior__in (spatial_object -> spatial_object)
                    subtype:  interior (spatial_object,spatial_object)
                    subtype:  before_location__before (spatial_object,spatial_object)
                 subtype:  spatial_part__spatialpart (spatial_object,spatial_object)
                    subtype:  physical_part (physical_entity,physical_entity)
              subtype:  facility (spatial_object,?)
           subtype:  front_fn__frontfn (self_connected_object -> self_connected_object)  a function that maps an object to the side that generally receives the most attention or that typically faces the direction in which the object moves; note that this is a partial function, since some objects do not have sides, e.g., apples and spheres; note too that the range of this function is indefinite in much the way that immediate_future_fn and immediate_past_fn are indefinite; although this indefiniteness is undesirable from a theoretical standpoint, it does not have significant practical implications, since there is widespread intersubjective agreement about the most common cases
           subtype:  back_fn (self_connected_object -> self_connected_object)  a function that maps an object to the side that is opposite the front_fn of the object; note that this is a partial function, since some objects do not have sides, e.g., apples and spheres; note too that the range of this function is indefinite in much the way that immediate_future_fn and immediate_past_fn are indefinite; although this indefiniteness is undesirable from a theoretical standpoint, it does not have significant practical implications, since there is widespread intersubjective agreement about the most common cases
           subtype:  traverses__traverse (object,object)  the first object crosses or extends across the second; note that crosses and penetrates are subrelations of traverses
              subtype:  crosses__crosse (object,object)  the 1st object traverses the second without being connected to it
              subtype:  penetrates (object,object)  the 1st object is connected to the second along at least one whole dimension (length, width or depth)
           subtype:  distance (object,*)
           subtype:  larger (object,*)
           subtype:  smaller (object,*)
           subtype:  connected (object,*)
           subtype:  connects (object,*)
           subtype:  mereological_sum_fn (object,*)
           subtype:  mereological_product_fn (object,*)
           subtype:  mereological_difference_fn (object,*)
           subtype:  hole (object,*)
           subtype:  hole_host_fn (object,*)
           subtype:  partially_fills__partiallyfill (object,*)
           subtype:  hole_skin_fn (object,*)
           subtype:  orientation (object,*)
           subtype:  between (object,object,object)  the second object is (directly) spatially located between the other two (the projections of which overlap with the second object)
           subtype:  part__part_of (object,object)  this type should have been name sumo#part_of to respect the common reading conventions of parameters; all other mereological relations are defined in terms of this one; it means that the 1st argument is part of the 2nd; note that, since part is a reflexive_relation, every object is a part of itself
              subtype:  proper_part__proper_part_of (object,object)  the 1st argument is part of the 2nd but is not it; this is a transitive_relation and asymmetric_relation (hence an irreflexive_relation)
              subtype:  piece__piece_of__pieceof (substance,substance)  a specialized common sense notion of part for arbitrary parts of substances; quasi-synonyms are: chunk, hunk, bit, etc; compare component, another subrelation of part
              subtype:  component__component_of__componentof (corpuscular_object,corpuscular_object)  a specialized common sense notion of part for heterogeneous parts of complexes; the 1st argument is a component of the 2nd argument; examples: the doors and walls of a house, the states or provinces of a country, or the limbs and organs of an animal; compare with sumo#piece, another specialization of sumo#part
              subtype:  member (self_connected_object,collection)  a specialized common sense notion of part for uniform parts of collections; for example, each sheep in a flock of sheep would have the relationship of member to the flock
        subtype:  relation_from_collection (collection,*)
           subtype:  member (collection,*)
              subtype:  domain_object (domain,?)
                 subtype:  core_domain_object__central_object_of_domain (domain,?)
              subtype:  reverse_of_KIF_member (set,?)  this type only exists to make the connection to kif#member (which should have been named kif#member_of to respect the common reading conventions of parameters)
              subtype:  item (list,?)
                 subtype:  item (list,?)  for item(L,I) read: I is an item in L; either first(L,I) or item(R,I) where rest(L,R)
              subtype:  li (collection,*)
              subtype:  first (list -> ?)
                 subtype:  first (list -> ?)
              subtype:  last (list -> ?)
              subtype:  butlast (list -> ?)
              subtype:  nth (list,positive_integer -> ?)
           subtype:  nthrest (list,nonnegative_integer -> list)
           subtype:  relation_from_collection_to_number (collection -> number)
              subtype:  size__number_of_elements (collection -> nonnegative_integer)
                 subtype:  length (list -> nonnegative_integer)
              subtype:  minimal_size__minimalsize (collection -> nonnegative_integer)
              subtype:  maximal_size__maximalsize (collection -> nonnegative_integer)
              subtype:  percentage (collection -> number)
              subtype:  average (number_container -> number)  to specify an average on the values
           subtype:  list_order_fn (list,positive_integer -> ?)  returns the item that is in the given position (2nd argument) in the list, e.g., (sumo#list_order_fn (sumo#list_fn Monday Tuesday Wednesday) 2) would return the value tuesday
           subtype:  list_length_fn (list -> nonnegative_integer)  returns the number of items in the list, e.g., (sumo#list_length_fn (sumo#list_fn Monday Tuesday Wednesday)) would return the value 3
           subtype:  relation_from_an_ontology (ontology,*)
              subtype:  relation_to_another_ontology (ontology,ontology)
                 subtype:  backward_compatible_with (ontology,ontology)
                 subtype:  incompatible_with (ontology,ontology)
                 subtype:  prior_version__priorversion (ontology,ontology)
           subtype:  relation_between_collections (collection,collection+)
              subtype:  sub_collection__subcollection (collection,collection)  a partial order relation
                 subtype:  ending_collection (collection,collection)
                    subtype:  final_segment__finalsegment (collection,collection)  the second collection is a final segment of the 1st
                 subtype:  sublist__final_segment_of__finalsegmentof (list,list)  USE pm#final_segment INSTEAD OF THIS RELATION TYPE; "sublist" is a misleading name; "final_segment_of" is better
              subtype:  sub_collection_of (collection,collection)  DO NOT use this type; it only exists because the SUMO does not respect common reading conventions of parameters
                 subtype:  sub_collection__subcollection__sub_collection_of (collection,collection)  the 1st collection is a proper part of the 2nd
                 subtype:  sub_list__sublist__sub_list_of (list,list)  the 1st argument is a sublist of the 2nd, i.e. every element of the 1st is an element of the 2nd and the elements that are common to both lists have the same order in both lists
                    subtype:  initial_list__initiallist (list,list)  the 1st argument (?L1) is a sublist of the 2nd (?L2), and (sumo#list_order_fn ?L1 ?NUMBER) returns the same value as (sumo#list_order_fn ?L2 ?N) for all of the values of ?N over which (sumo#list_order_fn ?L1 ?N) is defined
                 subtype:  final_segment_of__finalsegmentof (collection,collection)  USE pm#final_segment INSTEAD
                    subtype:  sublist__final_segment_of__finalsegmentof (list,list)  USE pm#final_segment INSTEAD OF THIS RELATION TYPE; "sublist" is a misleading name; "final_segment_of" is better
              subtype:  overlapping_collection__overlappingcollection (collection,collection)
              subtype:  not_overlapping_collection__notoverlappingcollection (collection,collection)
                 subtype:  collection_complement (collection,collection)
              subtype:  rest (list -> list)
                 subtype:  rest (list -> list)
              subtype:  append (list,list -> list)
              subtype:  list_concatenate_fn (list,list -> list)  returns the concatenation of two lists
              subtype:  revappend (list,list -> list)
              subtype:  reverse (list -> list)
              subtype:  relation_from_type_to_collection (type,collection)
                 subtype:  partition (type,collection)
                 subtype:  instances__instance (type -> collection)
                 subtype:  subtypes (type -> collection)
                 subtype:  relation_from_class_to_collection (class,collection)
                    subtype:  union_of__unionof (class,list)  for unionOf(X,L) read: X is the union of the classes in the list L; i.e. if something is in any of the classes in L, it is in X, and vice versa
                       subtype:  disjoint_union_of (class,list)  for disjointUnionOf(X,L) read: X is the disjoint union of the classes in the list L: (a) for any c1 and c2 in L, disjointWith(c1,c2), and (b) i.e. if something is in any of the classes in L, it is in X, and vice versa
                    subtype:  intersection_of (class,list)  for intersectionOf(X,Y) read: X is the intersection of the classes in the list Y; i.e. if something is in all the classes in Y, then it's in X, and vice versa
                    subtype:  one_of__oneof (class,list)  for oneOf(C,L) read everything in C is one of the things in L
                    subtype:  distinct_members (all_different,list)
                    subtype:  relation_to_another_class (class,class+)
                       subtype:  sub_class_of__subclassof__super_class__superclas (class,class)  in WebKB, use the link '<'
                       subtype:  equivalent_class (class,class)  in WebKB, use the link '='
                       subtype:  exclusive_class__exclusiveclas (class,class)  the 2 classes have no common subtype/instance; in WebKB, use the link '!'
                          subtype:  complement_class (class -> class)  if something is not in one of the classes, then it is in the other, and vice versa; in WebKB, use the link '/'
                       subtype:  restricted_by (class,restriction)
                       subtype:  disjoint_decomposition (class,class+)  a disjoint_decomposition of a class C is a set of mutually disjoint subclasses of C
                          subtype:  partition (class,class+)  a partition of a class C is a set of mutually disjoint classes (a subclass partition) covering C; each instance of C is instance of exactly one of the subclasses in the partition
                       subtype:  exhaustive_decomposition (class,class+)  an exhaustive_decomposition of a class C is a set of subclasses of C such that every instance of C is an instance of one of the subclasses in the set; note:  this does not necessarily mean that the elements of the set are disjoint (see sumo#partition - a partition is a disjoint exhaustive decomposition)
                          subtype:  partition (class,class+)  a partition of a class C is a set of mutually disjoint classes (a subclass partition) covering C; each instance of C is instance of exactly one of the subclasses in the partition
              subtype:  relation_to_another_set_or_class (set_or_class,set_or_class+)  this category is needed to group SUMO relations between classes which cannot be subtype of pm#relation_from_type because their signatures curiously also involve sets
                 subtype:  disjoint (set_or_class,set_or_class)  like sumo#disjoint but from a a pm#set_or_class to another
                    subtype:  disjoint (set_or_class,set_or_class)  classes are exclusive/disjoint only if they share no instance (and hence no subtype), i.e. just in case the result of applying sumo#intersection_fn to them is empty
                    subtype:  exclusive_class__exclusiveclas (class,class)  the 2 classes have no common subtype/instance; in WebKB, use the link '!'
                 subtype:  subclass_of_or_equal (set_or_class,set_or_class)
                    subtype:  subclass__subclass_of (set_or_class,set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named subclass_of; every instance of the 1st argument is also an instance of the 2nd argument; a class may have multiple superclasses and subclasses
                       subtype:  immediate_subclass__immediate_subclass_of (set_or_class,set_or_class)  the 1st argument is a subclass of the 2nd argument and there is no other subclass of the 2nd argument such that the 1st is also a subclass of the 2nd; in WebKB, use the link '<'
                    subtype:  sub_class_of__subclassof__super_class__superclas (class,class)  in WebKB, use the link '<'
                 subtype:  power_set_fn__powersetfn (set_or_class -> set_or_class)  maps the argument to the set_or_class of all its subclasses
                 subtype:  relation_to_another_class (class,class+)
              subtype:  relation_to_another_ontology (ontology,ontology)
           subtype:  relation_from_type (type,*)  type of relations from a concept/relation type, i.e. in RDFS terminology, from a class or a property
              subtype:  specializing_type (type,?)
                 subtype:  instance (type,?)  the ':' link in the FT notation
                 subtype:  subtype__subtype_or_equal (type,type)  subtype links should actually be strict subtype links or not much checking can be done
                    subtype:  strict_subtype (type,type)  the '>' link in the FT notation
                       subtype:  properly_subsumes_leaf__PSBL (type,type)  the 2nd type is a leaf type properly subsumed by the 1st type
                    subtype:  subsumes_leaf__SBL (type,type)  the 2nd type is a leaf type subsumed by the 1st type
                       subtype:  properly_subsumes_leaf__PSBL (type,type)  the 2nd type is a leaf type properly subsumed by the 1st type
              subtype:  supertype (type,type)  in the FT notation, the '<' link is only used to connect to a "strict" supertype
                 subtype:  sub_class_of__subclassof__super_class__superclas (class,class)  in WebKB, use the link '<'
                 subtype:  subrelation (relation_type,relation_type)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named subclass_of; every tuple of the 1st argument (r1) is also a tuple of the 2nd argument (r2), i.e. if r1 holds for some arguments arg_1, arg_2, ... arg_n, then the r2 holds for the same arguments; a consequence of this is that a relation and its subrelations must have the same valence
                    subtype:  sub_property_of (binary_relation_type,binary_relation_type)  in WebKB, use the link '<'
              subtype:  same_type_as (type,type)
                 subtype:  equivalent_class (class,class)  in WebKB, use the link '='
                 subtype:  equivalent_property (binary_relation_type,binary_relation_type)  in WebKB, use the link '='
              subtype:  exclusive_type__exclusivetype (type,type)  in WebKB, use the '!' link
                 subtype:  exclusive_class__exclusiveclas (class,class)  the 2 classes have no common subtype/instance; in WebKB, use the link '!'
                 subtype:  closed_exclusion (type -> type)  the '/' link in the FT notation:  the two linked types either are respectively identical to pm#thing and pm#nothing (they are "complement types") or they subtype a same type and form a complete subtype partition
                    subtype:  complement_type (type -> type)  a supertype of owl#complement_of which can only connect RDFS/OWL classes
                       subtype:  complement_class (class -> class)  if something is not in one of the classes, then it is in the other, and vice versa; in WebKB, use the link '/'
              subtype:  relation_from_relation_type (relation_type,*)
                 subtype:  relation_from_binary_relation_type (binary_relation_type,*)
                    subtype:  relation_to_another_binary_relation_type (binary_relation_type,binary_relation_type)
                       subtype:  equivalent_property (binary_relation_type,binary_relation_type)  in WebKB, use the link '='
                       subtype:  sub_property_of (binary_relation_type,binary_relation_type)  in WebKB, use the link '<'
                       subtype:  inverse__reverse (binary_relation_type -> binary_relation_type)  for inverseOf(R,S) read: R is the inverse of S; i.e. if R(x,y) then S(y,x) and vice versa; in WebKB, use the link '-'
                    subtype:  domain (binary_relation_type,class)
                    subtype:  range (binary_relation_type,class)
                 subtype:  domain (relation_type,positive_integer,set_or_class)  the formula (sumo#domain ?REL ?INT ?CLASS) means that the ?INT'th element of each tuple in the relation ?REL must be an instance of ?CLASS
                 subtype:  domain_subclass (relation_type,positive_integer,set_or_class)  the formula (sumo#domainSubclass ?REL ?INT ?CLASS) means that the ?INT'th element of each tuple in the relation ?REL must be a subclass of ?CLASS
                 subtype:  range (function_type,set_or_class)  gives the range of a function, i.e. all of the values assigned by the function are instances of sumo#class
                 subtype:  range_subclass (function_type,set_or_class)  all of the values assigned by the function in the 1st argument are subclasses of the 2nd argment
                 subtype:  valence (relation_type,positive_integer)  specifies the number of arguments that a relation can take; if a relation does not have a fixed number of arguments, it does not have a valence and it is an instance of variable_arity_relation, e.g., sumo#holds is a variable_arity_relation
                 subtype:  disjoint_relation (relation_type+)  (sumo#disjointRelation @ROW) means that any two relations in @ROW have no tuples in common; as a consequence, the intersection of all of the relations in @ROW is the null set
                 subtype:  holds__hold (relation_type,*)  (holds P N1 ... NK) is true when the tuple of objects denoted by N1,..., NK is an element of the relation P
                 subtype:  assignment_fn (function_type,*)  if F is a function with a value for the objects denoted by N1,..., NK, then (sumo#assignmentFn F N1 ... NK) is the value of applying F to the objects denoted by N1,..., NK; otherwise, the value is undefined
                 subtype:  distributes__distribute (binary_function_type,binary_function_type)  a binary_function ?F1 is distributive over another binary_function ?F2 just in case (?F1 ?INST1 (?F2 ?INST2 ?INST3)) is equal to (?F2 (?F1 ?INST1 ?INST2) (?F1 ?INST1 ?INST3)), for all ?INST1, ?INST2, and ?INST3
              subtype:  relation_from_class (class,*)
                 subtype:  relation_from_class_to_collection (class,collection)
                 subtype:  abstraction_fn__abstractionfn (class -> Attribute)  a unary_function that maps a class into an attribute that specifies the condition(s) for membership in the class
                 subtype:  relation_from_sumo_process_class (sumo_process_class,*)
                    subtype:  causes_subclass (sumo_process_class,sumo_process_class)  the 1st argument brings about the 2nd, e.g., (causes_subclass killing death)
                    subtype:  capability (sumo_process_class,case_relation_type,object)  the object  has the ability to play the role (case relation) in the given kinds of processes
                    subtype:  has_skill__hasskill (sumo_process_class,agentive_physical_object)  similar to the capability predicate with the additional restriction that the ability be practised or demonstrated to some measurable degree
                 subtype:  relation_from_attribute_type (attribute_class,*)
                    subtype:  contrary_attribute (attribute_class,attribute_class+)  set of attributes such that something can not simultaneously have more than one of these attributes, e.g., in KIF, (sumo#contrary_aAttribute sumo#pliable sumo#rigid) means that nothing can be both pliable and rigid
                    subtype:  exhaustive_attribute (attribute_class,attribute_class+)  this predicate relates a class to several types of attributes, and it means that the elements of this set exhaust the instances of the class; for example, in KIF, (sumo#exhaustiveAttribute sumo#physicalState sumo#solid sumo#fluid sumo#liquid sumo#gas) means that there are only three instances of the class sumo#physicalState, viz. sumo#solid, sumo#fluid, sumo#liquid, and sumo#gas
                 subtype:  relation_from_restriction (restriction,*)
                    subtype:  on_property (restriction,binary_relation_type)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel), read: ?restrClass is a restricted with respect to property ?rel
                    subtype:  all_values_from (restriction,class)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel) and toClass(?restrClass,C), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if for all j, ?rel(i,j) implies type(j,C)
                    subtype:  has_value__hasvalue (restriction,?)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel) and hasValue(?restrClass,V), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if ?rel(i,V), i.e. if and only if any ?rel from ?i has for destination an instance of C; toValue is an obsolete name
                    subtype:  some_values_from (restriction,class)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel) and some_values_from(?restrClass,C), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if for some j, ?rel(i,j) and type(j,C), i.e. if and only if i has at least one ?rel which has for destination an instance of C
                    subtype:  has_class_q__hasclassq (restriction,class)  property for specifying class restriction with cardinalityQ constraints
                    subtype:  cardinality (restriction -> nonnegative_integer)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel) and cardinality(?restrClass,n), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if there are exactly n distinct j with ?rel(i,j)
                    subtype:  cardinality_q__cardinalityq (restriction -> nonnegative_integer)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel), cardinalityQ(?restrClass,n) and hasClassQ(?restrClass,C), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if there are exactly n distinct j with ?rel(i,j) and type(j,C)
                    subtype:  min_cardinality__mincardinality (restriction -> nonnegative_integer)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel) and minCardinality(?restrClass,n), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if there are at least n distinct j with ?rel(i,j)
                    subtype:  min_cardinality_q__mincardinalityq (restriction -> nonnegative_integer)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel), minCardinalityQ(?restrClass,n) and hasClassQ(?restrClass,C), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if there are at least n distinct j with ?rel(i,j)
                    subtype:  max_cardinality__maxcardinality (restriction -> nonnegative_integer)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel) and maxCardinality(?restrClass,n), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if there are at most n distinct j with ?rel(i,j)
                    subtype:  max_cardinality_q__maxcardinalityq (restriction,nonnegative_integer)  for onProperty(?restrClass,?rel), maxCardinalityQ(?restrClass,n) and hasClassQ(?restrClass,C), read: i instance of ?restrClass if and only if there are at most n distinct j with ?rel(i,j) and type(j,C)
                 subtype:  wnObject (class,?)
                 subtype:  wnNounType (class,?)
              subtype:  relation_from_type_to_collection (type,collection)
              subtype:  material__material_type_of (substance_class,corpuscular_object)  all other mereological relations are defined in terms of this one; it means that the 2nd argument is structurally made up in part of the 1st argument; this relation encompasses the concepts of 'composed of', 'made of', and 'formed of'; for example, plastic is a material of my computer monitor; since part is a reflexive_relation, every object is a part of itself
        subtype:  relation_from_description_content/medium/container (description_content/medium/container,*)
           subtype:  relation_from_description (description,*)
              subtype:  descr_container__description_support___descr_support (description,description_container)  permits to associate a statement with an object on which it is represented
              subtype:  logical_relation__logicalrelation (description,description)
                 subtype:  and (description,description)
                 subtype:  contextualizing_logical_relation__contextualizinglogicalrelation (description,description)
                    subtype:  or (description,description)
                    subtype:  xor__either (description,description)
                    subtype:  implication__then___therefore__therefore (description,description)
                       subtype:  equivalence__equivalentTo___iff__iff (description,description)
                       subtype:  entails__entail (formula,formula)  the second argument is logically entailed from the first by means of the proof theory of SUO-KIF
              subtype:  contextualizing_relation__contextualizingrelation (description,*)
                 subtype:  contextualizing_logical_relation__contextualizinglogicalrelation (description,description)
                 subtype:  modality (description,modality_measure)
                 subtype:  believer (description,causal_entity)
                 subtype:  overriding_specialization (description,description)
                 subtype:  corrective_statement (description,description)
                    subtype:  corrective_specialization (description,description)
                       subtype:  corrective_existential_specialization (description,description)
                    subtype:  corrective_generalization (description,description)
                       subtype:  corrective_existential_generalization (description,description)
                    subtype:  corrective_restriction__corrective_precision (description,description)
                       subtype:  corrective_existential_specialization (description,description)
                    subtype:  corrective_extension (description,description)
                    subtype:  corrective_reformulation (description,description)
                    subtype:  correction (description,description)
              subtype:  probability_relation__probabilityrelation (formula,?)
                 subtype:  probability_fn__probabilityfn (formula -> real_number)  one of the basic probability_relations, probability_fn is used to state the a priori probability of a state of affairs represented by the given formula
                 subtype:  conditional_probability__conditionalprobability (formula,formula,real_number)  the probability of 'the 2nd formula being true given that the 1st formula is true' is the number given as 3rd parameter
                 subtype:  increases_likelihood__increaseslikelihood__increases_likelihood_of (formula,formula)  the 2nd formula is more likely to be true if the 1st is true
                 subtype:  decreases_likelihood__decreaseslikelihood__decreases_likelihood_of (formula,formula)  the 2nd formula is less likely to be true if the 1st is true
                 subtype:  independent_probability__independentprobability (formula,formula)  the probabilities of the formulas being true are independent
           subtype:  relation_from_string (string,*)
              subtype:  names__name (string,?)  the string names the 2nd argument
                 subtype:  unique_identifier (string,?)  the string uniquely identifies the 2nd argument
              subtype:  related_external_concept (string,?,language)  used to signify a three-place relation between a concept in an external knowledge source, a concept in the SUMO, and the name of the other knowledge source
                 subtype:  synonymous_external_concept (string,?,language)  the 2nd argument has the same meaning as the 1st in the language denoted by the 3rd argument
                 subtype:  subsumed_external_concept (string,?,language)  the 2nd argument is subsumed by the 1st in the language denoted by the 3rd argument
                 subtype:  subsuming_external_concept (string,?,language)  the 2nd argument subsumes the 1st in the language denoted by the 3rd argument
           subtype:  version (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
              subtype:  ascii_content__asciicontent (description_content/medium/container,string)
                 subtype:  exact_ascii_content__exactasciicontent (description_content/medium/container,string)
                 subtype:  ascii_content_except_for_spaces (description_content/medium/container,string)
           subtype:  version_id__versionid (description_content/medium/container,string)
              subtype:  latest_stable_version (description_content/medium/container,string)
           subtype:  Coverage (description_content/medium/container,?)  to specify 1 or several topics
           subtype:  Contributor (description_content/medium/container,entity)  to specify an entity responsible for making contributions to the content of a resource
           subtype:  Source (description_content/medium/container,entity)  to specify a resource from which a resource is derived
           subtype:  Publisher (description_content/medium/container,entity)  to specify an entity responsible for making a resource available
           subtype:  Rights__rights (description_content/medium/container,entity)  to specify rights held in and over a resource
           subtype:  authoring_time__authoringtime (description_content/medium/container -> time_measure)
              subtype:  authoring_date__authoringdate (description_content/medium/container -> time_measure)
           subtype:  author (description,causal_entity)
              subtype:  main_author (description,causal_entity)
              subtype:  co-author (description,causal_entity)
           subtype:  Language (description_content/medium/container -> entity)  to specify a language for the content of a resource
              subtype:  language (description_content/medium/container -> description_medium)
           subtype:  Format (description_content/medium/container -> entity)  to specify the physical or digital manifestation of a resource; in WebKB, this relation type SHOULD NOT BE USED; see pm#format, pm#description_instrument and pm#descr instead
              subtype:  format (description_content/medium/container -> description_content/medium/container)
           subtype:  description_instrument__descriptioninstrument__descr_instrument__descrinstrument (description_content/medium/container,description_medium)
              subtype:  language (description_content/medium/container -> description_medium)
           subtype:  description_object__descriptionobject__descr_object__descrobject (description_content/medium/container,?)  just for documentation: its reverse, pm#descr, should be used instead
           subtype:  physical_support__description_physical_support___descr_physical_support___descr_support (description_content/medium/container,physical_entity)
           subtype:  rhetorical_relation (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  main sources: the Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) and the PENMAN ontology; DO NOT USE such fuzzy relations: instead, use relations from/to situations!
              subtype:  presentational_rhetorical_relation (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  connect to details which should increasing the reader's positive regard or enabling the reader to perform the described action
                 subtype:  enablement (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  background (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  motivation (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  evidence (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  justify (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  antithesis (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  concession (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
              subtype:  subject_matter_rhetorical_relation (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  connect to details for making a better description
                 subtype:  circumstance (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  solution (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  elaboration (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  e.g., rst#subtype rst#property, rst#part
                    subtype:  subtype (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  instance (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  illustration (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  attributive_relation__attributiverelation (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                       subtype:  property (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                       subtype:  attribute (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                       subtype:  possession (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  part (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  subtask (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  specialization (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  cause (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  not a subtype of pm#cause since pm#cause connects situations
                    subtype:  volitional_cause (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  cause of the described intended situation
                    subtype:  non-volitional_cause (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  cause of the described not intended situation
                    subtype:  purpose (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  situation that the described action is intended to reach
                 subtype:  effect (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  not a subtype of pm#consequence since pm#consequence connects situatons
                    subtype:  volitional_result (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  non-volitional_result (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  definition (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  a logical relation should be used instead of this relation
                 subtype:  comparison (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  use one of the subtypes of pm#similar instead of this relation
                 subtype:  means__mean (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  condition (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  otherwise (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  interpretation (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  interpretation/abstraction/comment on the described facts
                    subtype:  evaluation (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  positive interpretation/abstraction/comment on facts
                 subtype:  restatement (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  summary (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  theme (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  contrast (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  comparability and differences of two situations
                    subtype:  antithesis (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
              subtype:  symmetric_rhetorical_relation (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  e.g., rst#restatement
                 subtype:  restatement (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  contrast (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  comparability and differences of two situations
              subtype:  opposition (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
              subtype:  negative_consequence (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
           subtype:  argumentation_relation__argumentationrelation (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
              subtype:  answer (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
              subtype:  contribution (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
              subtype:  replacement (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
              subtype:  confirmation (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
              subtype:  reference (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
              subtype:  argument (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  weak_argument (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  strong_argument (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  proof (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  illustration (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  argument_by_authority (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  argument_by_popularity (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
              subtype:  contradiction (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
                 subtype:  objection (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
        subtype:  relation_from_attribute_or_quality_or_measure (attribute_or_quality_or_measure,*)
           subtype:  extension_fn__extensionfn (Attribute -> class)  a unary_function that maps an attribute into the class whose condition for membership is the attribute
           subtype:  relation_to_another_attribute_or_quality_or_measure (attribute_or_quality_or_measure,attribute_or_quality_or_measure)
              subtype:  measure (attribute_or_quality_or_measure,attribute_or_quality_or_measure)  e.g., [a weight, measure: 75 kg]
              subtype:  q_location__qlocation (quality,region)
                 subtype:  has_quale__hasquale__ql (quality,quale)
        subtype:  relation_to_situation (*,situation)  in WebKB, prefer using relations "from" a situation
           subtype:  relation_from_time_to_situation (time_measure,situation)
           subtype:  relation_from_situation_to_situation (situation,situation)
        subtype:  spatial_relation_to_entity_with_spatial_feature (*,object)
           subtype:  relation_to_spatial_object (*,spatial_object)  in WebKB, prefer using relations "from" a spatial object
              subtype:  relation_to_another_spatial_object (spatial_object,spatial_object)
              subtype:  where_fn__wherefn (physical,time_point -> region)  maps an object and a time_point at which the object exists to the region where the object existed at that time_point
           subtype:  partly_located__partly_located_at (physical,object)  the instance of the 1st argument is at least partially located at the 2nd argument, e.g., Istanbul is partly located in Asia and partly located in Europe
              subtype:  contains (self_connected_object,object)  the relation of spatial containment for two separable objects; when the two objects are not separable (e.g., an automobile and one of its seats), the relation of part should be used; (sumo#contains ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that the self_connected_object ?OBJ1 has a space (i.e. a hole) which is at least partially filled by ?OBJ2
              subtype:  located (physical,object)  the 1st argument is partly_located at the object, and there is no part or sub_process of the 1st argument that is not located at the object
                 subtype:  exactly_located (physical,object)  the actual, minimal location of an object
        subtype:  relation_to_time (*,time_measure)
           subtype:  relation_from_situation_to_time (situation,time_measure)
           subtype:  relation_from_time_to_time (time_measure,time_measure)
              subtype:  near_time (time_measure,time_measure)
              subtype:  before (time_measure,time_measure)
              subtype:  after (time_measure,time_measure)
           subtype:  relation_from_physical_entity_to_time (physical_entity -> time_measure)
              subtype:  check-in__checkin (physical_entity -> time_measure)
              subtype:  check-out__checkout (physical_entity -> time_measure)
           subtype:  creation_date (*,time_measure)
              subtype:  first_release__firstrelease (*,time_measure)
        subtype:  relation_to_collection (*,collection)
           subtype:  member_of (*,collection)  this type SHOULD NOT BE USED IN WEBKB (its inverse may be used); this type is only provided for knowledge sharing purposes
              subtype:  member (?,set)  this type SHOULD NOT BE USED IN WEBKB: if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, the parameters would be swapped or the type would be named member_of
           subtype:  list_of (* -> collection)
           subtype:  set_of__setof (* -> collection)
           subtype:  parts__part (?,collection)  such a type (using a collection as destination) should NOT be used: pm#part or a subtype of it should be used instead
           subtype:  item (?,list)  USE pm#item INSTEAD OF THIS RELATION TYPE: if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, the parameters would be swapped or the type would be named item_of
           subtype:  in_list (?,list)  true if the 1st argument is in the list; analog of element and instance for lists
           subtype:  list_fn (* -> list)  a function that takes any number of arguments and returns the list containing those arguments in exactly the same order
           subtype:  function_returning_a_collection_from_2_elements (?,? -> collection)
              subtype:  cons (?,list -> list)
              subtype:  adjoin (?,list -> list)
              subtype:  remove (?,list -> list)
           subtype:  relation_between_collections (collection,collection+)
           subtype:  relation_to_set_or_class (*,set_or_class)
              subtype:  closed_on (function_type,set_or_class)  a binary_function is closed on a set_or_class if it is defined for all instances of the set_or_class and its value is always an instance of the set_or_class
              subtype:  reflexive_on__reflexiveon (binary_relation_type,set_or_class)  a binary_relation is reflexive on a set_or_class only if every instance of the set_or_class bears the relation to itself
              subtype:  irreflexive_on__irreflexiveon (binary_relation_type,set_or_class)  a binary_relation is irreflexive on a set_or_class only if no instance of the set_or_class bears the relation to itself
              subtype:  partial_ordering_on (binary_relation_type,set_or_class)  a binary_relation is a partial ordering on a set_or_class only if the relation is reflexive_on the set_or_class, and it is both an antisymmetric_relation, and a transitive_relation
              subtype:  total_ordering_on (binary_relation_type,set_or_class)  a binary_relation ?REL is a total ordering on a set_or_class only if it is a partial ordering for which either (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) or (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1) for every ?INST1 and ?INST2 in the set_or_class
              subtype:  trichotomizing_on (binary_relation_type,set_or_class)
              subtype:  equivalence_relation_on (binary_relation_type,set_or_class)  a binary_relation is an equivalence_relation_on a set_or_class only if the relation is reflexive_on the set_or_class and it is both a transitive_relation and a symmetric_relation
              subtype:  relation_to_class (*,class)
                 subtype:  kind__type___class___instance_of__instanceof (?,class)  the '^' link in the FT notation
                 subtype:  extension_fn__extensionfn (Attribute -> class)  a unary_function that maps an attribute into the class whose condition for membership is the attribute
              subtype:  relation_to_another_set_or_class (set_or_class,set_or_class+)  this category is needed to group SUMO relations between classes which cannot be subtype of pm#relation_from_type because their signatures curiously also involve sets
           subtype:  relation_to_type (*,type)
              subtype:  relation_to_class (*,class)
           subtype:  relation_to_string (*,string)
              subtype:  extrinsic_relation__extrinsicrelation (?,Literal)  support for relations ranging on concrete data types
                 subtype:  name (entity,Literal)  a relation between an instance of a concept and the name (instance of a concrete data type) of that concept; the name has to be a lexically meaningful name
                 subtype:  identifier (entity -> Literal)  a relation between an individual of a concept and the identifier of that concept; the identifier is a concrete data type, usually non_meaningful from the lexical viewpoint; useful to map many database relationships
        subtype:  relation_to_attribute_or_quality_or_measure (*,attribute_or_quality_or_measure)
           subtype:  attribute (?,attribute_or_quality_or_measure)  e.g., [a car, attribute: a weight]
              subtype:  property (?,Attribute)
                 subtype:  attribute (object,Attribute)  the 2nd argument is an attribute of the 1st
                 subtype:  manner (process,Attribute)  the 1st argument is qualified by the 2nd (which is usually denoted by and adverb), e.g., the speed of the wind, the style of a dance, or the intensity of a sports competition
              subtype:  qt__quality (quality_or_endurant_or_perdurant,quality)  the DOLCE predicate qt(x,y,t) means "x is a quality of y" but this relation respects the usual reading conventions: the 1st argument has for quality the 2nd argument
                 subtype:  direct_quality__dqt (quality_or_endurant_or_perdurant,quality)  the DOLCE predicate dqt(x,y,t) means "x is a direct quality of y" (not a quality of a quality of x) but this relation respects the usual reading conventions: the 1st argument has for direct quality the 2nd argument
           subtype:  relation_to_another_attribute_or_quality_or_measure (attribute_or_quality_or_measure,attribute_or_quality_or_measure)
           subtype:  has-unit-of-measure (physical_quantity,unit_of_measure)
        subtype:  prefLabel (*)
        subtype:  related (*)
     subtype:  relation_playing_a_special_role (*)  this type permits to categorize relations according to their roles ; this is a traditional but quite subjective way of categorizing relations
        subtype:  attributive_relation__attributiverelation (*)  like pm#binary_relation, this type mostly exists to categorize what cannot be categorized elsewhere
           subtype:  attributive_relation__attributiverelation (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
           subtype:  purpose (?,?)
              subtype:  goal (process,situation)
              subtype:  purpose (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  situation that the described action is intended to reach
           subtype:  has-author__hasauthor (Publication-reference_or_Information-Bearing-Object_or_Technology_or_Method,cognitive_agent)
           subtype:  owned-by__ownedby (Information-Bearing-Object_or_Technology_or_Method,Legal-Agent)
           subtype:  owner (?,causal_entity)  this is not a function: 0..N owner allowed
              subtype:  sole_owner (? -> causal_entity)
           subtype:  owner_of__ownerof (causal_entity,?)
              subtype:  possesses__possesse (agentive_physical_object,object)  the agent has ownership of the object
              subtype:  property_fn (agentive_physical_object -> set)  maps an agent to the set of objects owned by the agent
           subtype:  leader__leader_of (human,agentive_physical_object)  (sumo#leader ?INSTITUTION ?PERSON) means that the leader of ?INSTITUTION is ?PERSON
           subtype:  seller__vendor___vender (situation -> goal_directed_agent)
           subtype:  customer__client___buyer__buyer___purchaser__purchaser___vendee (situation,goal_directed_agent)
           subtype:  generator (? -> causal_entity)
              subtype:  parent (? -> causal_entity)
           subtype:  creator (entity,entity)
              subtype:  Creator (entity,entity)  to specify an entity primarily responsible for making the content of a resource
                 subtype:  author (description,causal_entity)
           subtype:  spatial_origin__spatialorigin (?,?)
              subtype:  cuisine_origin__cuisineorigin (?,?)
           subtype:  exploits (object,agentive_physical_object)  the object is used by the agent as a resource in an unspecified instance of process
           subtype:  has_purpose__haspurpose (physical,formula)  the instance of physical has, as its purpose, the proposition expressed by the formula; note that there is an important difference in meaning between the predicates has_purpose and result; although the second argument of the latter can satisfy the second argument of the former, a conventional goal is an expected and desired outcome, while a result may be neither expected nor desired; for example, a machine process may have outcomes but no goals, aimless wandering may have an outcome but no goal; a learning process may have goals with no outcomes, and so on
           subtype:  has_purpose_for_agent__haspurposeforagent (physical,formula,cognitive_agent)  the purpose of the physical thing for the agent is the proposition expressed by the formula; very complex issues are involved here; in particular, the rules of inference of the first order predicate calculus are not truth-preserving for the formula
           subtype:  measure (attribute_or_quality_or_measure,attribute_or_quality_or_measure)  e.g., [a weight, measure: 75 kg]
           subtype:  attribute (?,attribute_or_quality_or_measure)  e.g., [a car, attribute: a weight]
           subtype:  name (?,?)
              subtype:  Title (? -> entity)  to specify a name of a resource
              subtype:  Identifier (? -> string)  to specify a reference that is unambiguous within a given context; SHOULD NOT BE USED IN WEBKB
                 subtype:  identifier (entity -> Literal)  a relation between an individual of a concept and the identifier of that concept; the identifier is a concrete data type, usually non_meaningful from the lexical viewpoint; useful to map many database relationships
              subtype:  label (?,string)  in WebKB, with FO, use the link '_'
                 subtype:  name (entity,Literal)  a relation between an instance of a concept and the name (instance of a concrete data type) of that concept; the name has to be a lexically meaningful name
                 subtype:  has-pretty-name (?,string)
                 subtype:  has-variant-name__hasvariantname (?,string)
              subtype:  plural (?,string)  to specify plural names; do not use in WebKB
              subtype:  singular (?,string)  to specify singular names; do not use in WebKB
           subtype:  Date (? -> entity)  to specify a date associated with an event in the life cycle of a resource; in WebKB, pm#time or other MORE PRECISE RELATIONS SHOULD BE USED INSTEAD
              subtype:  date (situation -> time_measure)
              subtype:  authoring_time__authoringtime (description_content/medium/container -> time_measure)
              subtype:  publish_date__publishdate (? -> entity)
           subtype:  value (?,?)  principal value (usually a string) of a property when the property value is a structured resource (e.g., "2 kg" or " 020 in Dewey Decimal Code")
           subtype:  rdf_reification_relation__rdfreificationrelation (?,?)
              subtype:  predicate (statement -> binary_relation_type)  the property used in a statement when representing the statement in reified form
              subtype:  subject (statement -> ?)  resource that a statement is describing when representing the statement in reified form
              subtype:  object (? -> ?)  object of a statement when representing the statement in reified form
           subtype:  support (?,?)
           subtype:  example (?,description_content/medium/container)
              subtype:  illustration (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)
           subtype:  syntax (?,description_content/medium/container)
           subtype:  has-magnitude__hasmagnitude (physical_quantity,decimal)
           subtype:  editor (publication,editor)
        subtype:  mereological_relation (?,*)
           subtype:  part_or_parts (?,?)
              subtype:  part (?,?)
                 subtype:  sub_situation__subsituation (situation,situation)
                    subtype:  sub_process__subproces (process,process)
                    subtype:  temporal_part__P.T (perdurant,perdurant)
                    subtype:  spatial_part__spatialpart__P.S (perdurant,perdurant)
                 subtype:  spatial_part__spatialpart (spatial_object,spatial_object)
                 subtype:  sub_collection__subcollection (collection,collection)  a partial order relation
                 subtype:  main_part (?,?)
                 subtype:  first_part__firstpart (?,?)
                    subtype:  first (list -> ?)
                 subtype:  last_part (?,?)
                    subtype:  last (list -> ?)
                 subtype:  part_in_Dolce_Lite (entity,entity)
                    subtype:  part (entity,entity)  the subpart may or may not be different from the whole
                       subtype:  component (entity,entity)
                       subtype:  atomic_part (entity,atom)  an undivisible part
                          subtype:  temporary_atomic_part__AtP (entity,atom)
                    subtype:  proper_part (entity,entity)  the subpart is different from the whole
                    subtype:  temporary_proper_part (endurant,endurant)
                    subtype:  temporary_part__temporarypart (endurant,endurant)
                       subtype:  temporary_component__temporarycomponent (endurant,endurant)
                    subtype:  constant_part (entity,entity)
                    subtype:  sibling_part__siblingpart (entity,entity)
                 subtype:  in_proceedings (conference,publication)
              subtype:  parts__part (?,collection)  such a type (using a collection as destination) should NOT be used: pm#part or a subtype of it should be used instead
           subtype:  part_of (?,?)  this type SHOULD NOT BE USED IN WEBKB (its inverse may be used); this type is only provided for knowledge sharing purposes
              subtype:  part__part_of (object,object)  this type should have been name sumo#part_of to respect the common reading conventions of parameters; all other mereological relations are defined in terms of this one; it means that the 1st argument is part of the 2nd; note that, since part is a reflexive_relation, every object is a part of itself
              subtype:  part_in_Dolce_Full (world,particular,particular+)
                 subtype:  part__P (world,particular,particular,particular)
                 subtype:  atomic_part__AtP (world,particular,particular)
                 subtype:  temporary_atomic_part__AtP (world,particular,particular,particular)
                 subtype:  proper_part__PP (world,particular,particular)  a subpart (different from the whole)
                 subtype:  temporary_proper_part__PP (world,particular,particular,particular)
                 subtype:  temporary_part__temporarypart__P (world,particular,particular,particular)
           subtype:  overlap_with__overlapwith (?,?)
              subtype:  overlap__O (abstract_or_perdurant,abstract_or_perdurant)
        subtype:  intentional_relation__intentionalrelation (cognitive_agent,?)  relations between an agent and one or more entities, where the relation requires that the agent has awareness of the entity
           subtype:  prefers__prefer (cognitive_agent,formula,formula)  the cognitive_agent prefers the state of affairs expressed by the 1st formula over the state of affairs expressed by the 2nd formula, all things being equal
           subtype:  in_scope_of_interest (cognitive_agent,?)  the 2nd argument is within the scope of interest of the agent;  the interest indicated can be either positive or negative
           subtype:  propositional_attitude_relation (cognitive_agent,formula)  intentional_relations where the agent has awareness of a proposition
              subtype:  desires (cognitive_agent,formula)  the agent wants to bring about the state of affairs expressed by the formula (whcih may be already true); desires is distinguished from wants only in that the former is a propositional_attitude, while wants is an object_attitude
              subtype:  considers__consider (cognitive_agent,formula)  the agent considers or wonders about the truth of the proposition expressed by the formula
              subtype:  believes (cognitive_agent,formula)  the agent believes the proposition expressed by the formula
              subtype:  knows__know (cognitive_agent,formula)  the agent knows the proposition expressed by the formula; knows entails conscious awareness, so this predicate cannot be used to express tacit or subconscious or unconscious knowledge
           subtype:  object_attitude_relation (cognitive_agent,physical)  intentional_relations where the agent has awareness of an instance of sumo#physical
              subtype:  needs__need (cognitive_agent,physical)  the 2nd argument is physically required for the continued existence of the cognitive agent
              subtype:  wants__want (cognitive_agent,physical)  the agent believes that the 2nd argument will satisfy one of its goals; what is wanted may or may not be already possessed by the agent
        subtype:  temporal_relation (?,?)
           subtype:  relation_from_time_to_situation (time_measure,situation)
           subtype:  relation_to_time (*,time_measure)
           subtype:  temporal_relation (?,?)
              subtype:  temporal_relation_from_time_point (time_point,nonnegative_integer)
                 subtype:  second-of (time_point,nonnegative_integer)
                 subtype:  minute-of (time_point,nonnegative_integer)
                 subtype:  hour-of (time_point,nonnegative_integer)
                 subtype:  day-of__dayof (time_point,nonnegative_integer)
                 subtype:  month-of__monthof (time_point,nonnegative_integer)
                 subtype:  year-of (time_point,nonnegative_integer)
              subtype:  temporal_relation_from_time_interval (time_interval,temporal_region)
                 subtype:  begins-at-time-point (time_interval,time_point)
                 subtype:  ends-at-time-point (time_interval,time_point)
                 subtype:  has-duration__hasduration (time_interval,time_duration)
              subtype:  has-time-interval (temporal_thing,time_interval)
              subtype:  in-timezone (time_position,integer)
           subtype:  time (physical,time_position)  means that temporal lifespan of the 1st argument includes the time_position in the 2nd argument, i.e. the 1st argument existed or occurred at that time_position; sumo#time does for instances of physical what sumo#holds_during does for instances of sumo#formula; sumo#located and sumo#time are the basic spatial and temporal predicates, respectively
           subtype:  temporal_part (?,?)
           subtype:  begin_fn__beginfn (?,?)
           subtype:  end_fn__endfn (?,?)
           subtype:  starts (?,?)
           subtype:  finishes (?,?)
           subtype:  before (?,?)
           subtype:  before_or_equal (?,?)
           subtype:  temporally_between (?,?)
           subtype:  temporally_between_or_equal (?,?)
           subtype:  overlaps_temporally (?,?)
           subtype:  meets_temporally__meetstemporally (?,?)
           subtype:  earlier (?,?)
           subtype:  cooccur (?,?)
           subtype:  time_interval_fn (?,?)
           subtype:  recurrent_time_interval_fn (?,?)
           subtype:  when_fn (physical -> time_interval)  maps an object or process ?p to the exact time_interval during which it exists (for every time_point ?t outside of the time_interval, (time ?p ?t) does not hold
           subtype:  past_fn (?,?)
           subtype:  immediate_past_fn (?,?)
           subtype:  future_fn (?,?)
           subtype:  immediate_future_fn (?,?)
           subtype:  year_fn (?,?)
           subtype:  month_fn__monthfn (?,?)
           subtype:  day_fn__dayfn (?,?)
           subtype:  hour_fn (?,?)
           subtype:  minute_fn (?,?)
           subtype:  second_fn (?,?)
           subtype:  temporal_composition_fn (?,?)
           subtype:  relative_time_fn (?,?)
           subtype:  holds_during__holdsduring (time_position,formula)  means that the proposition denoted by is true at (every temporal_part of) the time_position
        subtype:  object_relation (?,?)
           subtype:  object__patient___theme__theme (situation,?)
           subtype:  domain_object (domain,?)
        subtype:  conceptual_relation (entity,entity)
           subtype:  immediate_relation__immediaterelation (entity,entity)
              subtype:  inherent_in (quality,entity)
              subtype:  q_location__qlocation (quality,region)
              subtype:  constituted_by__constitutedby__substance___K__k (entity,entity)
                 subtype:  has_member__hasmember (entity,entity)
              subtype:  part (entity,entity)  the subpart may or may not be different from the whole
              subtype:  participant__PC (perdurant,endurant)  the DOLCE predicate PC(x,y,t) means "x participates in y during t" but this relation respects the usual reading conventions: the 1st argument has for participant the 2nd
           subtype:  mediated_relation (entity,entity)
              subtype:  present_at__presentat (endurant,time_interval)
              subtype:  q_present_at__qpresentat (physical_quality,time_interval)
              subtype:  happens_at__happensat (perdurant,time_interval)
              subtype:  overlaps (entity,entity)
              subtype:  sibling_part__siblingpart (entity,entity)
              subtype:  proper_part (entity,entity)  the subpart is different from the whole
              subtype:  generic_location__genericlocation (entity,entity)
                 subtype:  exact_location__exactlocation (entity,region)
                    subtype:  location (entity,region)
                       subtype:  physical_location (physical_endurant,physical_region)
                          subtype:  spatial_location__spatiallocation (physical_endurant,space_region)
                       subtype:  temporal_location (perdurant,temporal_region)
                          subtype:  duration (perdurant,temporal_region)
                    subtype:  e_temporal_location (endurant,temporal_region)
                    subtype:  p_spatial_location__pspatiallocation (perdurant,space_region)
                    subtype:  abstract_location (non-physical_endurant,abstract_region)
                    subtype:  depends_on_spatial_location (non-physical_endurant,space_region)
              subtype:  depends_on__dependson (endurant,quality_or_endurant_or_perdurant)
                 subtype:  physically_depends_on (endurant,PQ_or_PED_or_PR_or_PD)
                 subtype:  descriptively_depends_on__descriptivelydependson (endurant,non-physical_endurant)
              subtype:  host (feature,entity)
        subtype:  relation_for_an_application (*)  relation introduced by an application
           subtype:  relation_coming_from_an_ontology (*)
              subtype:  relation (*)
              subtype:  P3P_relation (?,?)
                 subtype:  expiry (PolicyResource,Expiry)
                 subtype:  access (Policy,AccessClass)  Indicates whether the site provides access to various kinds of information.
                 subtype:  optInstructions__optinstruction (Policy,OptInstructions)  A link to instructions that users can follow to request or decline to have their data used for a particular purpose.
                 subtype:  abs-date__absdate__absolute_date (Expiry,Literal)  An absolute date in http format.
                 subtype:  max-age__maxage__maximum_age (Expiry,Literal)  The maximum time before expiry.
                 subtype:  start-time__starttime (Expiry,Literal)  The time in http date format that the policy was validated.
                 subtype:  about (PolicyRef,Policy)  The policy being referenced.
                 subtype:  base (PolicyRefResource,Literal)  The policy base URI for includes and excludes.
                 subtype:  include (PolicyRef,Literal)  Defines areas of the site to be covered by this policy.
                 subtype:  exclude (PolicyRef,Literal)  Defines areas of the site not covered by this policy.
                 subtype:  hint (PolicyRef,Hint)  A hint where other relevant policy references can be found.
                 subtype:  hintScope__scope (Hint,Literal)  The domain names to which the hint applies.
                 subtype:  hintPath__path (Hint,Literal)  The location of the hinted policy reference files relative to the applicable host.
                 subtype:  includeCookies__include (PolicyRef,CookieDescription)  Cookies covered by the policy.
                 subtype:  excludeCookies__exclude (PolicyRef,CookieDescription)  Cookies not covered by the policy
                 subtype:  cookieDomain__domain (CookieDescription,Literal)  Matches the domain name part of the cookie.
                 subtype:  cookiePath__path (CookieDescription,Literal)  Matches the path part of the cookie.
                 subtype:  cookieValue__value (CookieDescription,Literal)  Matches the value part of the cookie.
                 subtype:  cookieName__name (CookieDescription,Literal)  Matches the name part of the cookie.
                 subtype:  method (PolicyRef,Literal)  The name of a method to which the policy applies
                 subtype:  disclosure (Policy,Disclosure)  A natural language privacy statement
                 subtype:  entity (Policy,LegalEntity)  Identifies the legal entity making the representation of the privacy practices contained in the policy.
                 subtype:  disputeResolution__disputeresolution (Policy,DisputeResolution)  A collection of dispute resolution procedures that may be followed for disputes about a service's privacy practices.
                 subtype:  service (DisputeResolution,?)  The resolution services
                 subtype:  verification (DisputeResolution,?)  A resource which can be used for verification purposes.
                 subtype:  remedy (DisputeResolution,RemedyClass)  The possible remedies in case a policy breach occurs.
                 subtype:  statement (Policy,Statement)  Data practices that are applied to particular types of data
                 subtype:  consequence (Statement,Literal)  Consequences that can be shown to a human user to explain why the suggested practice may be valuable in a particular instance  even if the user would not normally allow the practice.
                 subtype:  purpose (Statement,PurposeClass)  Defines the purpose for which the data practise is employed
                    subtype:  purposeAlways__purposealway (Statement,PurposeClass)  The purpose is always required; users cannot opt-in or opt-out of this use of their data.
                    subtype:  purposeOptIn (Statement,PurposeClass)  Data may be used for this purpose only when the user affirmatively requests this use.
                    subtype:  purposeOptOut (Statement,PurposeClass)  Data may be used for this purpose unless the user requests that it not be used in this way.
                 subtype:  recipient (Statement,Recipient)  A legal entity, or domain, beyond the service provider and its agents where data may be distributed
                    subtype:  recipientAlways (Statement,Recipient)  The recipient always receives this data
                    subtype:  recipientOptIn (Statement,Recipient)  The recipient may receive this data only when the user  affirmatively requests it
                    subtype:  recipientOptOut (Statement,Recipient)  The recipient will receive data unless the user requests that it not be used in this way
                 subtype:  recipient-description__recipientdescription (Recipient,Literal)  a description of the recipient
                 subtype:  retention__retention-policy__retentionpolicy (Statement,RetentionPolicyClass)  The kind of retention policy that applies to the data referenced by the subject
                 subtype:  data (Statement,DataElement)  the data to be transferred or inferred
                    subtype:  optionalData (Statement,DataElement)  the data to be optionaly transferred or inferred
                 subtype:  category (DataElement,CategoryClass)  hints to users and user agents as to the intended uses of the data
                 subtype:  extOptional__optional (?,?)  A p3p processor is not required to understand the value of the only property of the value of this property.
                 subtype:  extMandatory__extmandatory__mandatory (?,?)  A p3p processor is required to understand the value of the only property of the value of this property.
                 subtype:  dataElementComponent__data_element_property (StructuredDataElement,?)  A part of a data structure
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream__clickstream (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream)  click-stream information
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.uri__uri (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.uri)  uri of requested resource
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.uri.authority__authority (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.uri.authority)  uri authority
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.uri.stem__stem (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.uri.stem)  uri stem
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.uri.querystring__querystring (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.uri.querystring)  query-string portion of uri
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.timestamp__timestamp (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.timestamp)  request timestamp
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.ymd__ymd (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.ymd)
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.ymd.year__year (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.ymd.year)  year
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.ymd.month__month (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.ymd.month)  month
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.ymd.day__day (StructuredDataElement,  day
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.hms__hms__hm (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.hms)
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.hms.hour__hour (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.hms.hour)  hour
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.hms.minute__minute (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.hms.minute)  minute
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.hms.second__second (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.hms.second)  second
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.fractionsecond__fractionsecond (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.fractionsecond)  fraction of second
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.timezone__timezone (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.timestamp.timezone)  time zone
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.clientip__clientip (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.clientip)  client's ip address or hostname
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.clientip.hostname__hostname (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.clientip.hostname)  complete host and domain name
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.clientip.partialhostname__partialhostname (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.clientip.partialhostname)  partial host name
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.clientip.fullip__fullip (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.clientip.fullip)  full ip address
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.clientip.partialip__partialip (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.clientip.partialip)  partial ip address
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.other__other (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.other)
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.other.httpmethod__httpmethod (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.other.httpmethod)  http request method
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.other.bytes__bytes (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.other.bytes)  data bytes in response
                    subtype:  dynamic.clickstream.other.statuscode__statuscode (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clickstream.other.statuscode)  response status code
                    subtype:  dynamic.http__http (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.http)  http protocol information
                    subtype:  dynamic.http.referrer__referrer (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.http.referrer)  last uri requested by the user
                    subtype:  dynamic.http.referrer.authority__authority (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.http.referrer.authority)  uri authority
                    subtype:  dynamic.http.referrer.stem__stem (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.http.referrer.stem)  uri stem
                    subtype:  dynamic.http.referrer.querystring__querystring (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.http.referrer.querystring)  query-string portion of uri
                    subtype:  dynamic.http.useragent__useragent (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.http.useragent)  user agent information
                    subtype:  dynamic.clientevents__clientevents (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.clientevents)  user's interaction with a resource
                    subtype:  dynamic.cookies__cookies (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.cookies)  use of http cookies
                    subtype:  dynamic.searchtext__searchtext (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.searchtext)  search terms
                    subtype:  dynamic.interactionrecord__interactionrecord (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.interactionrecord)  server stores transaction history
                    subtype:  dynamic.miscdata__miscdata (StructuredDataElement,Dynamic.miscdata)  miscellaneous non-base data schema
                    subtype:  user.name__name (StructuredDataElement,  user's name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  name prefix
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  given name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  &&& seq? middle name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  family name (last name)
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  name suffix
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  nickname
                    subtype:  user.bdate__bdate (StructuredDataElement,User.bdate)  user's birth date
                    subtype:  user.bdate.ymd__ymd (StructuredDataElement,User.bdate.ymd)
                    subtype:  user.bdate.ymd.year__year (StructuredDataElement,User.bdate.ymd.year)  year
                    subtype:  user.bdate.ymd.month__month (StructuredDataElement,User.bdate.ymd.month)  month
                    subtype:  user.bdate.ymd.day__day (StructuredDataElement,  day
                    subtype:  user.bdate.hms__hms__hm (StructuredDataElement,User.bdate.hms)
                    subtype:  user.bdate.hms.hour__hour (StructuredDataElement,User.bdate.hms.hour)  hour
                    subtype:  user.bdate.hms.minute__minute (StructuredDataElement,User.bdate.hms.minute)  minute
                    subtype:  user.bdate.hms.second__second (StructuredDataElement,User.bdate.hms.second)  second
                    subtype:  user.bdate.fractionsecond__fractionsecond (StructuredDataElement,User.bdate.fractionsecond)  fraction of second
                    subtype:  user.bdate.timezone__timezone (StructuredDataElement,User.bdate.timezone)  time zone
                    subtype:  user.login__login (StructuredDataElement,User.login)  user's login information
                    subtype:  user.login.id__id (StructuredDataElement,  login id
                    subtype:  user.login.password__password (StructuredDataElement,User.login.password)  login password
                    subtype:  user.cert__cert (StructuredDataElement,User.cert)  user's identity certificate
                    subtype:  user.cert.key__key (StructuredDataElement,User.cert.key)  certificate key
                    subtype:  user.cert.format__format (StructuredDataElement,User.cert.format)  certificate format
                    subtype:  user.gender__gender (StructuredDataElement,User.gender)  user's gender
                    subtype:  user.jobtitle__jobtitle (StructuredDataElement,User.jobtitle)  user's jobtitle
                    subtype:  user.home-info__home-info (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info)  user's home contact information
                    subtype:  user.home-info.postal__postal (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.postal)  postal address information
                    subtype:  user.home-info.postal.name__name (StructuredDataElement,
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  name prefix
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  given name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  &&& seq? middle name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  family name (last name)
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  name suffix
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  nickname
                    subtype:  user.home-info.postal.street__street (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.postal.street)  street address
                    subtype:  user.home-info.postal.city__city (StructuredDataElement,  city
                    subtype:  user.home-info.postal.stateprov__stateprov (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.postal.stateprov)  State or Province
                    subtype:  user.home-info.postal.postalcode__postalcode (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.postal.postalcode)  Postal Code
                    subtype:  user.home-info.postal.organization__organization (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.postal.organization)  organization name
                    subtype:  user.home-info.postal.country__country (StructuredDataElement,  country name
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom__telecom (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom)  telecommunications address information
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.telephone__telephone (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.telephone)  telephone number
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.telephone.intcode__intcode (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.telephone.intcode)  international telephone code
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.telephone.loccode__loccode (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.telephone.loccode)  local telephone area code
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.telephone.number__number (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.telephone.number)  telephone number
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.telephone.ext__ext (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.telephone.ext)  telephone extension
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.telephone.comment__comment (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.telephone.comment)  telephone optional comments
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.fax__fax (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.fax)  fax number
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.fax.intcode__intcode (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.fax.intcode)  international telephone code
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.fax.loccode__loccode (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.fax.loccode)  local telephone area code
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.fax.number__number (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.fax.number)  telephone number
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.fax.ext__ext (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.fax.ext)  telephone extension
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.fax.comment__comment (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.fax.comment)  telephone optional comments
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.mobile__mobile (StructuredDataElement,  mobile telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  international telephone code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  local telephone area code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone extension
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone optional comments
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.pager__pager (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.pager)  pager number
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.pager.intcode__intcode (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.pager.intcode)  international telephone code
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.pager.loccode__loccode (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.pager.loccode)  local telephone area code
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.pager.number__number (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.pager.number)  telephone number
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.pager.ext__ext (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.pager.ext)  telephone extension
                    subtype:  user.home-info.telecom.pager.comment__comment (StructuredDataElement,User.home-info.telecom.pager.comment)  telephone optional comments
                    subtype:  user.home-info.online__online (StructuredDataElement,  online address information
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  email address
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  home page address
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  user's business contact information
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  postal address information
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  name prefix
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  given name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  &&& seq? middle name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  family name (last name)
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  name suffix
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  nickname
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  street address
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  city
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  State or Province
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  Postal Code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  organization name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  country name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telecommunications address information
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  international telephone code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  local telephone area code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone extension
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone optional comments
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  fax number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  international telephone code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  local telephone area code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone extension
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone optional comments
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  mobile telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  international telephone code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  local telephone area code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone extension
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone optional comments
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  pager number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  international telephone code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  local telephone area code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone extension
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone optional comments
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  online address information
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  email address
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  home page address
                    subtype:  user.employer__employer (StructuredDataElement,User.employer)  user's employer
                    subtype:  user.department__department (StructuredDataElement,User.department)  department
                    subtype:  thirdparty.name__name (StructuredDataElement,  third party's name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  name prefix
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  given name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  &&& seq? middle name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  family name (last name)
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  name suffix
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  nickname
                    subtype:  thirdparty.bdate__bdate (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.bdate)  thirdparty's birth date
                    subtype:  thirdparty.bdate.ymd__ymd (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.bdate.ymd)
                    subtype:  thirdparty.bdate.ymd.year__year (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.bdate.ymd.year)  year
                    subtype:  thirdparty.bdate.ymd.month__month (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.bdate.ymd.month)  month
                    subtype:  thirdparty.bdate.ymd.day__day (StructuredDataElement,  day
                    subtype:  thirdparty.bdate.hms__hms__hm (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.bdate.hms)
                    subtype:  thirdparty.bdate.hms.hour__hour (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.bdate.hms.hour)  hour
                    subtype:  thirdparty.bdate.hms.minute__minute (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.bdate.hms.minute)  minute
                    subtype:  thirdparty.bdate.hms.second__second (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.bdate.hms.second)  second
                    subtype:  thirdparty.bdate.fractionsecond__fractionsecond (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.bdate.fractionsecond)  fraction of second
                    subtype:  thirdparty.bdate.timezone__timezone (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.bdate.timezone)  time zone
                    subtype:  thirdparty.login__login (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.login)  thirdparty's login information
                    subtype:  thirdparty.login.id__id (StructuredDataElement,  login id
                    subtype:  thirdparty.login.password__password (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.login.password)  login password
                    subtype:  thirdparty.cert__cert (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.cert)  thirdparty's identity certificate
                    subtype:  thirdparty.cert.key__key (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.cert.key)  certificate key
                    subtype:  thirdparty.cert.format__format (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.cert.format)  certificate format
                    subtype:  thirdparty.gender__gender (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.gender)  thirdparty's gender
                    subtype:  thirdparty.jobtitle__jobtitle (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.jobtitle)  third party's jobtitle
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info__home-info (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info)  thirdparty's home contact information
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.postal__postal (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.postal)  postal address information
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.postal.name__name (StructuredDataElement,
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  name prefix
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  given name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  &&& seq? middle name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  family name (last name)
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  name suffix
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  nickname
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.postal.street__street (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.postal.street)  street address
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.postal.city__city (StructuredDataElement,  city
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.postal.stateprov__stateprov (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.postal.stateprov)  State or Province
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.postal.postalcode__postalcode (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.postal.postalcode)  Postal Code
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.postal.organization__organization (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.postal.organization)  organization name
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.postal.country__country (StructuredDataElement,  country name
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom__telecom (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom)  telecommunications address information
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.telephone__telephone (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.telephone)  telephone number
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.telephone.intcode__intcode (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.telephone.intcode)  international telephone code
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.telephone.loccode__loccode (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.telephone.loccode)  local telephone area code
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.telephone.number__number (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.telephone.number)  telephone number
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.telephone.ext__ext (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.telephone.ext)  telephone extension
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.telephone.comment__comment (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.telephone.comment)  telephone optional comments
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.fax__fax (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.fax)  fax number
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.fax.intcode__intcode (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.fax.intcode)  international telephone code
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.fax.loccode__loccode (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.fax.loccode)  local telephone area code
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.fax.number__number (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.fax.number)  telephone number
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.fax.ext__ext (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.fax.ext)  telephone extension
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.fax.comment__comment (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.fax.comment)  telephone optional comments
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.mobile__mobile (StructuredDataElement,  mobile telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  international telephone code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  local telephone area code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone extension
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone optional comments
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.pager__pager (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.pager)  pager number
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.pager.intcode__intcode (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.pager.intcode)  international telephone code
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.pager.loccode__loccode (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.pager.loccode)  local telephone area code
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.pager.number__number (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.pager.number)  telephone number
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.pager.ext__ext (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.pager.ext)  telephone extension
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.telecom.pager.comment__comment (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.home-info.telecom.pager.comment)  telephone optional comments
                    subtype:  thirdparty.home-info.online__online (StructuredDataElement,  online address information
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  email address
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  home page address
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  thirdparty's business contact information
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  postal address information
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  name prefix
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  given name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  &&& seq? middle name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  family name (last name)
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  name suffix
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  nickname
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  street address
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  city
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  State or Province
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  Postal Code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  organization name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  country name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telecommunications address information
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  international telephone code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  local telephone area code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone extension
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone optional comments
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  fax number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  international telephone code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  local telephone area code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone extension
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone optional comments
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  mobile telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  international telephone code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  local telephone area code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone extension
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone optional comments
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  pager number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  international telephone code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  local telephone area code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone extension
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone optional comments
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  online address information
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  email address
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  home page address
                    subtype:  thirdparty.employer__employer (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.employer)  thirdparty's employer
                    subtype:  thirdparty.department__department (StructuredDataElement,Thirdparty.department)  department
                    subtype:  business.name__busines__name (StructuredDataElement,  organization name
                    subtype:  business.department__department (StructuredDataElement,Business.department)  department
                    subtype:  business.cert__cert (StructuredDataElement,Business.cert)  organization identity certificate
                    subtype:  business.cert.key__key (StructuredDataElement,Business.cert.key)  certificate key
                    subtype:  business.cert.format__format (StructuredDataElement,Business.cert.format)  certificate format
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  contact information for the organization
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  postal address information
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  name prefix
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  given name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  &&& seq? middle name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  family name (last name)
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  name suffix
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  nickname
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  street address
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  city
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  State or Province
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  Postal Code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  organization name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  country name
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telecommunications address information
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  international telephone code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  local telephone area code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone extension
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone optional comments
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  fax number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  international telephone code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  local telephone area code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone extension
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone optional comments
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  mobile telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  international telephone code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  local telephone area code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone extension
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone optional comments
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  pager number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  international telephone code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  local telephone area code
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone number
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone extension
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  telephone optional comments
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  online address information
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  email address
                    subtype: (StructuredDataElement,  home page address
                 subtype:  extends__extend (?,?)
                 subtype:  relativeTo (RelativeClass,?)  Defines what context the class is relative to
                 subtype:  imageWidth__imagewidth (Image,Literal)  Width in pixels of the image
                 subtype:  imageHeight (Image,Literal)  Height in pixels of the image
                 subtype:  imageAltText (Image,Literal)  A very short text alternative to the image
                 subtype:  image (?,Image)  An image or logo associated with the subject
                 subtype:  shortDescription__shortdescription (?,Literal)  A short human readable description of the subject
                 subtype:  longDescription (?,Literal)  A human readable description of the subject
              subtype:  Higgins_property (?,?)
                 subtype:  Higgins_annotation_property (?,?)
                    subtype:  base (?,?)
                    subtype:  fractionDigits (?,?)
                    subtype:  length (?,?)
                    subtype:  maxExclusive__maxexclusive (?,?)
                    subtype:  maxInclusive__maxinclusive (?,?)
                    subtype:  maxLength__maxlength (?,?)
                    subtype:  minExclusive__minexclusive (?,?)
                    subtype:  minInclusive__mininclusive (?,?)
                    subtype:  minLength__minlength (?,?)
                    subtype:  pattern (?,?)
                    subtype:  totalDigits (?,?)
                 subtype:  Higgins_datatype_property (?,?)
                    subtype:  simpleMetadata (Value,DigitalSubject)  Used as the super-Property of some DatatypeProperties whose domain is higgins#ValeAndMetadata or higgins#DigitalSubject to indicate that these properties are considered to be metadata about the ValueAndMetadata (or DigitalSubject)
                       subtype:  subjectId__subjectid (SubjectRelationship,normalizedString)
                          subtype:  subjectCUID (SubjectRelationship,normalizedString)
                       subtype:  validFrom__validfrom (TimeSpan,date)
                       subtype:  validTo__validto (TimeSpan,date)
                       subtype:  lastModified (Value,dateTime)
                       subtype:  syncConflict (Value,boolean)
                       subtype:  lastVerifiedFromSource (Value,date)
                       subtype:  lastVerifyAttempt (Value,date)
                       subtype:  creationTime (Value,date)
                       subtype:  simpleValue (SimpleValue,DigitalSubject)
                          subtype:  string (String,string)
                          subtype:  normalizedString (NormalizedString,normalizedString)
                          subtype:  base64Binary (Base64Binary,base64Binary)
                          subtype:  integer (Integer,integer)
                          subtype:  dateTime (DateTime,dateTime)
                          subtype:  boolean (Boolean,boolean)
                          subtype:  decimal (Decimal,decimal)
                          subtype:  nonNegativeInteger__nonnegativeinteger (NonNegativeInteger,nonnegative_integer)
                          subtype:  positiveInteger (PositiveInteger,positiveInteger)
                          subtype:  nonPositiveInteger__nonpositiveinteger (NonPositiveInteger,nonPositiveInteger)
                          subtype:  negativeInteger (NegativeInteger,negativeInteger)
                          subtype:  float (Float,float)
                          subtype:  double (Double,double)
                          subtype:  long (Long,long)
                          subtype:  int (Int,int)
                          subtype:  short (Short,short)
                          subtype:  byte (Byte,byte)
                          subtype:  unsignedInt (UnsignedInt,unsignedInt)
                          subtype:  unsignedLong (UnsignedLong,unsignedLong)
                          subtype:  unsignedShort (UnsignedShort,unsignedShort)
                          subtype:  unsignedByte (UnsignedByte,unsignedByte)
                          subtype:  hexBinary__hexbinary (HexBinary,hexBinary)
                          subtype:  time (Time,time)
                          subtype:  date (Date,date)
                          subtype:  gYear__gyear (GYear,gYear)
                          subtype:  gYearMonth__gyearmonth (GYearMonth,gYearMonth)
                          subtype:  gMonthDay (GMonthDay,gMonthDay)
                          subtype:  gDay__gday (GDay,gDay)
                          subtype:  gMonth__gmonth (GMonth,gMonth)
                          subtype:  anyURI (AnyURI,anyURI)
                          subtype:  token (Token,token)
                          subtype:  nMTOKEN (NMTOKEN,NMTOKEN)
                          subtype:  language (Language,language)
                          subtype:  name (Name,Name)
                          subtype:  nCName (NCName,NCName)
                 subtype:  Higgins_object_property (?,?)
                    subtype:  contextRelationship (ContextObject,ContextRelationship)
                    subtype:  contextId__contextid (Higgins_Relationship,ContextId)
                       subtype:  contextURI (Higgins_Relationship,ContextId)
                    subtype:  attribute (Higgins_ContextObject_or_DigitalSubject,Higgins_Attribute_or_Value)  Instances of this property are used to point to one or more values (i.e. cases where (i.e. cases where the range is higgins:Value). One instance (at most) may also be used to point to a holder of metadata (an instance of higgins:Attribute) about the entire set of values.
                       subtype:  uniqueIdentifier (DigitalSubject -> String)
                       subtype:  relation (Higgins_ContextObject_or_DigitalSubject,SubjectRelationship)  A directed relation between two Digital Subjects
                          subtype:  correlation (Higgins_ContextObject_or_DigitalSubject,SubjectRelationship)  A directed relation between two Digital Subjects believed to represent the same underlying Entity
                       subtype:  firstname (Person,NormalizedStringSimpleAttribute)
                       subtype:  surname (Person,NormalizedStringSimpleAttribute)
                       subtype:  postalAddress (Person,PostalAddress)
                       subtype:  streetAddress (PostalAddress,String)
                       subtype:  city (PostalAddress,String)
                       subtype:  state (Higgins_ContextObject_or_DigitalSubject,String)
                       subtype:  postalCode (PostalAddress,String)
                       subtype:  country (PostalAddress,String)
                       subtype:  friend (DigitalSubject,SubjectRelationship)
                    subtype:  complexMetadata__complexmetadata (Higgins_DigitalSubject_or_Value,?)  Used as the super-Property of some ObjectProperties of higgins:ValueAndMetadata or higgins:DigitalSubject to indicate that these properties are considered to be metadata about the ValueAndMetadata (or DigitalSubject)
                       subtype:  source (Value,SubjectRelationship)
                       subtype:  creator (Value,SubjectRelationship)
                       subtype:  timeSpan (Higgins_DigitalSubject_or_Value,TimeSpan)
        subtype:  domain_related_relation__domain-related-thing (?,?)
           subtype:  relation_from_a_domain__thing_in_domain (domain,?)
              subtype:  subdomain__true-subdomain (domain,domain)  in WebKB-2, ">part" is an abbreviation of this relation since it is not  
 a part relation nor a specialization relation but a mix of both; 
 for details, see
              subtype:  domain_object (domain,?)
           subtype:  relation_from_a_thing_that_is_not_a_domain__thing_in_domain_of_object (thing_that_is_not_a_domain,?)
              subtype:  object_subdomain__subdomain_of_object (thing_that_is_not_a_domain,domain)
              subtype:  object_in_domain_of_object (thing_that_is_not_a_domain,thing_that_is_not_a_domain)  all relations non exclusive with this one are subtypes of this one; this is stated via:
 pm#relation subtype: {(pm#object_in_domain_of_object  pm#relation_from_a_domain pm#object_subdomain)};
           subtype:  relation_to_a_domain__sub-domain_or_object-subdomain (?,domain)
              subtype:  subdomain__true-subdomain (domain,domain)  in WebKB-2, ">part" is an abbreviation of this relation since it is not  
 a part relation nor a specialization relation but a mix of both; 
 for details, see
              subtype:  subdomain_of_object (?,domain)
           subtype:  relation_to_a_thing_that_is_not_a_domain__domain-related-object (?,thing_that_is_not_a_domain)
              subtype:  domain_object (domain,?)
              subtype:  object_in_domain (?,thing_that_is_not_a_domain)
     subtype:  wh-/how_relation (*)  this type permits to categorize relations according to the usual who/what/why/where/when/how questions ; this is a traditional but very subjective and ineffective way of categorizing relations 
        subtype:  who_relation__whorelation (*)
           subtype:  agent__doer (situation [48..*],entity [49..*])
           subtype:  initiator (situation,causal_entity)
           subtype:  experiencer (situation,causal_entity)
           subtype:  owner (?,causal_entity)  this is not a function: 0..N owner allowed
           subtype:  generator (? -> causal_entity)
           subtype:  creator (entity,entity)
        subtype:  what_relation (*)
           subtype:  object/result (situation,?)
           subtype:  process_attribute__processattribute (process,process_attribute_or_quality_or_measure)
           subtype:  mereological_relation (?,*)
           subtype:  method (process,description)
           subtype:  relation_from_collection (collection,*)
           subtype:  relation_to_collection (*,collection)
           subtype:  contextualizing_relation__contextualizingrelation (description,*)
        subtype:  why_relation__whyrelation (*)
           subtype:  cause (situation,situation)  see also rst#cause
           subtype:  consequence (situation,situation)  see also rst#effect
           subtype:  method (process,description)
           subtype:  goal (process,situation)
           subtype:  triggering_event (process,event)
           subtype:  ending_event (process,event)
           subtype:  precondition (process,situation)
           subtype:  postcondition (process,situation)
           subtype:  purpose (?,?)
        subtype:  where_relation__whererelation (*)  where, from/to where, ...
           subtype:  from/to (situation,entity)
           subtype:  place (situation -> spatial_object)
           subtype:  path_length (process -> spatial_attribute_or_quality_or_measure)
           subtype:  within_group (situation,collection)
           subtype:  relation_to_another_spatial_object (spatial_object,spatial_object)
           subtype:  spatial_origin__spatialorigin (?,?)
        subtype:  when_relation (?,?)
           subtype:  relation_to_time (*,time_measure)
           subtype:  relation_from_situation_to_situation (situation,situation)
           subtype:  temporal_relation (?,?)
        subtype:  how_relation__howrelation (*)
           subtype:  instrument (situation,entity)
           subtype:  method (process,description)
           subtype:  sub_process__subproces (process,process)
           subtype:  how_much_relation (*)
              subtype:  duration (situation -> time_measure)
              subtype:  relation_to_attribute_or_quality_or_measure (*,attribute_or_quality_or_measure)
              subtype:  relation_from_collection_to_number (collection -> number)
     subtype:  relation_with_particular_property (*)  this rather fuzzy type permits to group categorization schemes less common than those covered by the previous sibling categories
        subtype:  relation_with_particular_mathematical_property (*)
           subtype:  binary_relation_with_particular_mathematical_property (?,?)
              subtype:  injective_binary_relation (?,?)  if P is injective, then if P(x,y) and P(z,y) then x=z; e.g., if nameOfMonth(m,"Feb") and nameOfMonth(n,"Feb") then m and n are the same month; this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#injective_binary_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
              subtype:  trichotomizing_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#trichotomizing_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                 subtype:  trichotomizing_relation_on_real_number (quantity,quantity)
                    subtype:  less_than (quantity,quantity)
                    subtype:  greater_than__greaterthan (quantity,quantity)
                    subtype:  less_than_or_equal (quantity,quantity)
                    subtype:  greater_than_or_equal (quantity,quantity)
              subtype:  reflexive_relation__reflexiverelation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#reflexive_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                 subtype:  equivalence_relation__equivalencerelation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#equivalence_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                    subtype:  similar (?,?)  DO NOT USE SUCH A RELATION TYPE DIRECTLY
                       subtype:  closely_similar__closelysimilar (?,?)  the '~' link in WebKB-2: currently only used between categories for Greek gods and their Roman counterparts, and between some types from the 3D (endurantist) approach and their counterparts from the 4D (perdurantist) approach or the ?D (vague/unspecified) approach)
                       subtype:  loosely_similar__looselysimilar (?,?)
                       subtype:  related_to__relatedto (?,?)  the '&' link in WebKB-2 (currently used for representing a sumo#related_internal_concept relation)
                          subtype:  related_internal_concept (?,?)  the two arguments are related concepts within the SUMO, i.e. there is a significant similarity of meaning between them; to indicate a meaning relation between a SUMO concept and a concept from another source, use sumo#related_external_concept
                    subtype:  equal (?,?)  "=" in KIF; true if the 1st argument is identical to the 2nd
                       subtype:  same_as (?,?)  MORE PRECISE TYPES THAN THIS ONE SHOULD BE USED
                          subtype:  same_type_as (type,type)
                          subtype:  same_individual_as (?,?)
                    subtype:  equivalence__equivalentTo___iff__iff (description,description)
                    subtype:  copy (object,object)  relates an object to an exact copy of the object, where an exact copy is indistinguishable from the original with regard to every property except (possibly) spatial and/or temporal location
                    subtype:  equivalent_content_class (?,?)
                    subtype:  equivalent_content_instance (?,?)
                    subtype:  cooccur (?,?)
                    subtype:  family_relation (?,?)
                 subtype:  partial_ordering_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#partial_ordering_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                    subtype:  total_ordering_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#total_ordering_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                       subtype:  inferior_to__less_than___superior__superior (?,?)  fuzzy category, DO NOT USE DIRECTLY
                       subtype:  superior_to__more_than___inferior__inferior (?,?)  fuzzy category, DO NOT USE DIRECTLY
                       subtype:  before (time_measure,time_measure)
                       subtype:  after (time_measure,time_measure)
                       subtype:  before_location__before (spatial_object,spatial_object)
                    subtype:  inferior_or_equal_to__less_than_or_equal_to___superior_or_equal___maximum__maximum (?,?)  fuzzy category, DO NOT USE DIRECTLY
                    subtype:  superior_or_equal_to__more_than_or_equal_to___inferior_or_equal___minimum__minimum (?,?)  fuzzy category, DO NOT USE DIRECTLY
                    subtype:  generalizing_type (?,type)  fuzzy category, DO NOT USE DIRECTLY
                       subtype:  supertype (type,type)  in the FT notation, the '<' link is only used to connect to a "strict" supertype
                       subtype:  kind__type___class___instance_of__instanceof (?,class)  the '^' link in the FT notation
                    subtype:  subclass__subclass_of (set_or_class,set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named subclass_of; every instance of the 1st argument is also an instance of the 2nd argument; a class may have multiple superclasses and subclasses
                    subtype:  specializing_type (type,?)
                    subtype:  constitution (?,?)
                       subtype:  substance (? -> ?)
                          subtype:  matter (physical_entity -> physical_entity_part_or_substance)
                       subtype:  constituted_by__constitutedby__substance___K__k (entity,entity)
                    subtype:  part (?,?)
                    subtype:  wnMember (?,?)  member relation in WordNet
                       subtype:  member (collection,*)
                    subtype:  sub_collection__subcollection (collection,collection)  a partial order relation
                    subtype:  sub_attribute__subattribute (Attribute,Attribute)  the second argument can be ascribed to everything which has the first argument ascribed to it
                    subtype:  sub_collection__subcollection__sub_collection_of (collection,collection)  the 1st collection is a proper part of the 2nd
                    subtype:  less_than_or_equal_to (?,?)
                    subtype:  greater_than_or_equal_to (?,?)
                    subtype:  sub_list__sublist__sub_list_of (list,list)  the 1st argument is a sublist of the 2nd, i.e. every element of the 1st is an element of the 2nd and the elements that are common to both lists have the same order in both lists
                    subtype:  initial_list__initiallist (list,list)  the 1st argument (?L1) is a sublist of the 2nd (?L2), and (sumo#list_order_fn ?L1 ?NUMBER) returns the same value as (sumo#list_order_fn ?L2 ?N) for all of the values of ?N over which (sumo#list_order_fn ?L1 ?N) is defined
                    subtype:  subsumes_content_class (?,?)
                    subtype:  subsumes_content_instance (?,?)
                    subtype:  temporal_part (?,?)
                    subtype:  before_or_equal (?,?)
                    subtype:  sub_process__subproces (?,?)
                    subtype:  sub_organization__suborganization (?,?)
                    subtype:  geometric_part__geometricpart (?,?)
                 subtype:  overlaps_temporally (?,?)
                 subtype:  connected (object,*)
                 subtype:  overlaps_spatially (?,?)
              subtype:  irreflexive_relation__irreflexiverelation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#irreflexive_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                 subtype:  asymmetric_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#asymmetric_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                    subtype:  immediate_instance__immediateinstance (?,set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named immediate_instance_of; an object is an immediate_instance of a set_or_class if it is an instance of the set_or_class and there does not exist a subclass of set_or_class such that it is an instance of the subclass
                    subtype:  immediate_subclass__immediate_subclass_of (set_or_class,set_or_class)  the 1st argument is a subclass of the 2nd argument and there is no other subclass of the 2nd argument such that the 1st is also a subclass of the 2nd; in WebKB, use the link '<'
                    subtype:  range (function_type,set_or_class)  gives the range of a function, i.e. all of the values assigned by the function are instances of sumo#class
                    subtype:  range_subclass (function_type,set_or_class)  all of the values assigned by the function in the 1st argument are subclasses of the 2nd argment
                    subtype:  valence (relation_type,positive_integer)  specifies the number of arguments that a relation can take; if a relation does not have a fixed number of arguments, it does not have a valence and it is an instance of variable_arity_relation, e.g., sumo#holds is a variable_arity_relation
                    subtype:  documentation (?,string)  a relation between objects in the domain of discourse and strings of natural language text; the domain of this relation is not constants (names), but the objects themselves; this means that one does not quote the names when associating them with their documentation
                    subtype:  successor_attribute__successorattribute (Attribute,Attribute)  the second argument is the attribute that comes immediately after the first on the scale that they share
                    subtype:  front_fn__frontfn (self_connected_object -> self_connected_object)  a function that maps an object to the side that generally receives the most attention or that typically faces the direction in which the object moves; note that this is a partial function, since some objects do not have sides, e.g., apples and spheres; note too that the range of this function is indefinite in much the way that immediate_future_fn and immediate_past_fn are indefinite; although this indefiniteness is undesirable from a theoretical standpoint, it does not have significant practical implications, since there is widespread intersubjective agreement about the most common cases
                    subtype:  back_fn (self_connected_object -> self_connected_object)  a function that maps an object to the side that is opposite the front_fn of the object; note that this is a partial function, since some objects do not have sides, e.g., apples and spheres; note too that the range of this function is indefinite in much the way that immediate_future_fn and immediate_past_fn are indefinite; although this indefiniteness is undesirable from a theoretical standpoint, it does not have significant practical implications, since there is widespread intersubjective agreement about the most common cases
                    subtype:  proper_part__proper_part_of (object,object)  the 1st argument is part of the 2nd but is not it; this is a transitive_relation and asymmetric_relation (hence an irreflexive_relation)
                    subtype:  contains (self_connected_object,object)  the relation of spatial containment for two separable objects; when the two objects are not separable (e.g., an automobile and one of its seats), the relation of part should be used; (sumo#contains ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that the self_connected_object ?OBJ1 has a space (i.e. a hole) which is at least partially filled by ?OBJ2
                    subtype:  member (self_connected_object,collection)  a specialized common sense notion of part for uniform parts of collections; for example, each sheep in a flock of sheep would have the relationship of member to the flock
                    subtype:  contains_information (content_bearing_object,proposition)  relates a content_bearing_object to the proposition it expresses; examples include the relationships between a physical novel and its story and between a printed score and its musical content
                    subtype:  leader__leader_of (human,agentive_physical_object)  (sumo#leader ?INSTITUTION ?PERSON) means that the leader of ?INSTITUTION is ?PERSON
                    subtype:  attribute (object,Attribute)  the 2nd argument is an attribute of the 1st
                    subtype:  manner (process,Attribute)  the 1st argument is qualified by the 2nd (which is usually denoted by and adverb), e.g., the speed of the wind, the style of a dance, or the intensity of a sports competition
                    subtype:  probability_fn__probabilityfn (formula -> real_number)  one of the basic probability_relations, probability_fn is used to state the a priori probability of a state of affairs represented by the given formula
                    subtype:  in_list (?,list)  true if the 1st argument is in the list; analog of element and instance for lists
                    subtype:  closed_on (function_type,set_or_class)  a binary_function is closed on a set_or_class if it is defined for all instances of the set_or_class and its value is always an instance of the set_or_class
                    subtype:  reflexive_on__reflexiveon (binary_relation_type,set_or_class)  a binary_relation is reflexive on a set_or_class only if every instance of the set_or_class bears the relation to itself
                    subtype:  irreflexive_on__irreflexiveon (binary_relation_type,set_or_class)  a binary_relation is irreflexive on a set_or_class only if no instance of the set_or_class bears the relation to itself
                    subtype:  partial_ordering_on (binary_relation_type,set_or_class)  a binary_relation is a partial ordering on a set_or_class only if the relation is reflexive_on the set_or_class, and it is both an antisymmetric_relation, and a transitive_relation
                    subtype:  total_ordering_on (binary_relation_type,set_or_class)  a binary_relation ?REL is a total ordering on a set_or_class only if it is a partial ordering for which either (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) or (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1) for every ?INST1 and ?INST2 in the set_or_class
                    subtype:  trichotomizing_on (binary_relation_type,set_or_class)
                    subtype:  equivalence_relation_on (binary_relation_type,set_or_class)  a binary_relation is an equivalence_relation_on a set_or_class only if the relation is reflexive_on the set_or_class and it is both a transitive_relation and a symmetric_relation
                    subtype:  causes (process,process)  the process in the 1st argument brings about the process in the 2nd argument
                    subtype:  causes_subclass (sumo_process_class,sumo_process_class)  the 1st argument brings about the 2nd, e.g., (causes_subclass killing death)
                    subtype:  time (physical,time_position)  means that temporal lifespan of the 1st argument includes the time_position in the 2nd argument, i.e. the 1st argument existed or occurred at that time_position; sumo#time does for instances of physical what sumo#holds_during does for instances of sumo#formula; sumo#located and sumo#time are the basic spatial and temporal predicates, respectively
                    subtype:  holds_during__holdsduring (time_position,formula)  means that the proposition denoted by is true at (every temporal_part of) the time_position
                    subtype:  exploits (object,agentive_physical_object)  the object is used by the agent as a resource in an unspecified instance of process
                    subtype:  has_purpose__haspurpose (physical,formula)  the instance of physical has, as its purpose, the proposition expressed by the formula; note that there is an important difference in meaning between the predicates has_purpose and result; although the second argument of the latter can satisfy the second argument of the former, a conventional goal is an expected and desired outcome, while a result may be neither expected nor desired; for example, a machine process may have outcomes but no goals, aimless wandering may have an outcome but no goal; a learning process may have goals with no outcomes, and so on
                    subtype:  has_skill__hasskill (sumo_process_class,agentive_physical_object)  similar to the capability predicate with the additional restriction that the ability be practised or demonstrated to some measurable degree
                    subtype:  crosses__crosse (object,object)  the 1st object traverses the second without being connected to it
                    subtype:  penetrates (object,object)  the 1st object is connected to the second along at least one whole dimension (length, width or depth)
                    subtype:  possesses__possesse (agentive_physical_object,object)  the agent has ownership of the object
                    subtype:  precondition (?,?)
                    subtype:  realization (?,?)
                    subtype:  expressed_in_language (?,?)
                    subtype:  uses (?,?)
                    subtype:  identity_element (?,?)
                    subtype:  element (?,?)
                    subtype:  cardinality_fn__cardinalityfn (?,?)
                    subtype:  measure (?,?)
                    subtype:  duration (?,?)
                    subtype:  frequency (?,?)
                    subtype:  meets_temporally__meetstemporally (?,?)
                    subtype:  date (?,?)
                    subtype:  surface (?,?)
                    subtype:  interior_part (?,?)
                    subtype:  hole (object,*)
                    subtype:  hole_host_fn (object,*)
                    subtype:  partially_fills__partiallyfill (object,*)
                    subtype:  properly_fills (?,?)
                    subtype:  completely_fills (?,?)
                    subtype:  fills__fill (?,?)
                    subtype:  hole_skin_fn (object,*)
                    subtype:  geographic_subregion (?,?)
                    subtype:  geopolitical_subdivision (?,?)
                    subtype:  developmental_form__developmentalform (?,?)
                    subtype:  inhabits (?,?)
                    subtype:  authors__author (?,?)
                    subtype:  editor (?,?)
                    subtype:  publishes__publishe (?,?)
                    subtype:  version (?,?)
                    subtype:  parent (?,?)
                    subtype:  husband (?,?)
                    subtype:  wife (?,?)
                    subtype:  citizen (?,?)
                    subtype:  modal_attribute__modalattribute (?,?)
                 subtype:  successor_attribute_closure__successorattributeclosure (Attribute,Attribute)  transitive closure of successor_attribute: there is a chain of sumo#successor_attribute assertions connecting the two arguments
                 subtype:  different__different_from__differentfrom (?,?)
                    subtype:  different_from__differentfrom (?,?)
                    subtype:  exclusive_class__exclusiveclas (class,class)  the 2 classes have no common subtype/instance; in WebKB, use the link '!'
                 subtype:  inverse__reverse (binary_relation_type -> binary_relation_type)  for inverseOf(R,S) read: R is the inverse of S; i.e. if R(x,y) then S(y,x) and vice versa; in WebKB, use the link '-'
                 subtype:  less_than (quantity,quantity)
                 subtype:  greater_than__greaterthan (quantity,quantity)
                 subtype:  increases_likelihood__increaseslikelihood__increases_likelihood_of (formula,formula)  the 2nd formula is more likely to be true if the 1st is true
                 subtype:  decreases_likelihood__decreaseslikelihood__decreases_likelihood_of (formula,formula)  the 2nd formula is less likely to be true if the 1st is true
                 subtype:  inhibits (?,?)
                 subtype:  prevents (?,?)
                 subtype:  sub_proposition__subproposition (?,?)
                 subtype:  sub_plan__subplan (?,?)
                 subtype:  larger (object,*)
                 subtype:  smaller (object,*)
                 subtype:  starts (?,?)
                 subtype:  finishes (?,?)
                 subtype:  before (?,?)
                 subtype:  during (?,?)
                 subtype:  earlier (?,?)
                 subtype:  meets_spatially__meetsspatially (?,?)
                 subtype:  overlaps_partially (?,?)
                 subtype:  superficial_part__superficialpart (?,?)
                 subtype:  connected_engineering_components (?,?)
                 subtype:  ancestor (?,?)
                 subtype:  sibling (?,?)
                 subtype:  brother (?,?)
                 subtype:  sister (?,?)
                 subtype:  spouse (?,?)
              subtype:  symmetric_relation__symmetricrelation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#symmetric_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                 subtype:  equivalence_relation__equivalencerelation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#equivalence_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                 subtype:  different__different_from__differentfrom (?,?)
                 subtype:  independent_probability__independentprobability (formula,formula)  the probabilities of the formulas being true are independent
                 subtype:  overlaps_temporally (?,?)
                 subtype:  connected (object,*)
                 subtype:  meets_spatially__meetsspatially (?,?)
                 subtype:  overlaps_spatially (?,?)
                 subtype:  overlaps_partially (?,?)
                 subtype:  connected_engineering_components (?,?)
                 subtype:  sibling (?,?)
                 subtype:  legal_relation__legalrelation (?,?)
                 subtype:  spouse (?,?)
                 subtype:  consistent (?,?)
              subtype:  antisymmetric_relation__antisymmetricrelation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#antisymmetric_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                 subtype:  asymmetric_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#asymmetric_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                 subtype:  partial_ordering_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#partial_ordering_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                 subtype:  different__different_from__differentfrom (?,?)
                 subtype:  partly_located__partly_located_at (physical,object)  the instance of the 1st argument is at least partially located at the 2nd argument, e.g., Istanbul is partly located in Asia and partly located in Europe
              subtype:  transitive_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#transitive_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                 subtype:  equivalence_relation__equivalencerelation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#equivalence_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                 subtype:  partial_ordering_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#partial_ordering_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                 subtype:  successor_attribute_closure__successorattributeclosure (Attribute,Attribute)  transitive closure of successor_attribute: there is a chain of sumo#successor_attribute assertions connecting the two arguments
                 subtype:  proper_part__proper_part_of (object,object)  the 1st argument is part of the 2nd but is not it; this is a transitive_relation and asymmetric_relation (hence an irreflexive_relation)
                 subtype:  less_than (quantity,quantity)
                 subtype:  greater_than__greaterthan (quantity,quantity)
                 subtype:  located (physical,object)  the 1st argument is partly_located at the object, and there is no part or sub_process of the 1st argument that is not located at the object
                 subtype:  crosses__crosse (object,object)  the 1st object traverses the second without being connected to it
                 subtype:  precondition (?,?)
                 subtype:  sub_proposition__subproposition (?,?)
                 subtype:  sub_plan__subplan (?,?)
                 subtype:  larger (object,*)
                 subtype:  smaller (object,*)
                 subtype:  starts (?,?)
                 subtype:  finishes (?,?)
                 subtype:  before (?,?)
                 subtype:  during (?,?)
                 subtype:  earlier (?,?)
                 subtype:  superficial_part__superficialpart (?,?)
                 subtype:  interior_part (?,?)
                 subtype:  geographic_subregion (?,?)
                 subtype:  geopolitical_subdivision (?,?)
                 subtype:  developmental_form__developmentalform (?,?)
                 subtype:  version (?,?)
                 subtype:  ancestor (?,?)
                 subtype:  brother (?,?)
                 subtype:  sister (?,?)
                 subtype:  part (entity,entity)  the subpart may or may not be different from the whole
                 subtype:  proper_part (entity,entity)  the subpart is different from the whole
              subtype:  intransitive_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#intransitive_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
                 subtype:  inverse__reverse (binary_relation_type -> binary_relation_type)  for inverseOf(R,S) read: R is the inverse of S; i.e. if R(x,y) then S(y,x) and vice versa; in WebKB, use the link '-'
                 subtype:  immediate_instance__immediateinstance (?,set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named immediate_instance_of; an object is an immediate_instance of a set_or_class if it is an instance of the set_or_class and there does not exist a subclass of set_or_class such that it is an instance of the subclass
                 subtype:  immediate_subclass__immediate_subclass_of (set_or_class,set_or_class)  the 1st argument is a subclass of the 2nd argument and there is no other subclass of the 2nd argument such that the 1st is also a subclass of the 2nd; in WebKB, use the link '<'
                 subtype:  member (self_connected_object,collection)  a specialized common sense notion of part for uniform parts of collections; for example, each sheep in a flock of sheep would have the relationship of member to the flock
                 subtype:  penetrates (object,object)  the 1st object is connected to the second along at least one whole dimension (length, width or depth)
                 subtype:  element (?,?)
                 subtype:  meets_temporally__meetstemporally (?,?)
                 subtype:  parent (?,?)
        subtype:  binary_relation (?,?)  in WebKB, most relation types are binary and some have a variable number of arguments (as in KIF), hence this type is currently only specialized by types that I do not want to see as direct subtypes of pm#relation
           subtype:  unary_function__unaryfunction (? -> ?)  function that requires a single argument; currently not specialized by the SUMO ternary relations since this seems useless (for now)
           subtype:  Relation (?,?)  to specify a reference to a related resource; in WebKB, pm#relation or MORE PRECISE RELATION TYPES SHOULD BE USED INSTEAD
              subtype:  refers (?,?)  the 1st argument mentions or includes a reference to the 2nd argument, e.g., an article whose topic is a recent change in the price of oil may refer to many other things, e.g., the general state of the economy, the weather in California, the prospect of global warming, the options for alternative energy sources, the stock prices of various oil companies, etc.
                 subtype:  names__name (string,?)  the string names the 2nd argument
                 subtype:  represents (?,?)  the 1st argument in some way indicates, expresses, connotes, pictures, describes ... the 2nd argument
                    subtype:  contains_information (content_bearing_object,proposition)  relates a content_bearing_object to the proposition it expresses; examples include the relationships between a physical novel and its story and between a printed score and its musical content
                    subtype:  realization (?,?)
                 subtype:  see_also__seealso (?,entity)
                    subtype:  is_defined_by (?,entity)  in WebKB, pm#definition SHOULD BE USED INSTEAD
                       subtype:  definition (?,description_content/medium/container)  see also #definition
                          subtype:  definition (description_content/medium/container,description_content/medium/container)  a logical relation should be used instead of this relation
                    subtype:  imports__import (?,entity)  if imports(X,Y) and you believe X, then you should believe what is in Y
           subtype:  Type (?,entity)  to specify the nature or genre of the content of a resource; SHOULD NOT BE USED IN WEBKB
              subtype:  instance (?,set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named instance_of; an object is an instance of a set_or_class if it is included in that set_or_class; an individual may be an instance of many classes, some of which may be subclasses of others; thus, there is no assumption in the meaning of instance about specificity or uniqueness
                 subtype:  kind__type___class___instance_of__instanceof (?,class)  the '^' link in the FT notation
                 subtype:  immediate_instance__immediateinstance (?,set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named immediate_instance_of; an object is an immediate_instance of a set_or_class if it is an instance of the set_or_class and there does not exist a subclass of set_or_class such that it is an instance of the subclass
           subtype:  Description (?,entity)  to specify an account of the content of a resource; in WebKB, pm#topic or pmdescr SHOULD BE USED INSTEAD
              subtype:  topic (?,entity)
                 subtype:  annotation (?,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  descr (?,description_content/medium/container)  for connecting an object to a formal representation of it, e.g., a representation written with a fcg
                    subtype:  Subject (description,entity)  to specify 1 or several topics; in WebKB, pm#descr SHOULD BE USED INSTEAD
                    subtype:  origin (?,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  use (?,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  advantage (?,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  disadvantage (?,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  definition (?,description_content/medium/container)  see also #definition
                    subtype:  role (?,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  requirement (?,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  issue (?,description_content/medium/container)
                    subtype:  trap (?,description_content/medium/container)
              subtype:  url (?,URL)
              subtype:  file_or_file_element (?,description_container)
                 subtype:  file (?,document_element)
                    subtype:  home_page (?,document_element)
                 subtype:  file_element (?,document_element)
                 subtype:  descr_in__descrin (?,description_container)  when a thing t has a description stored in a description container dc, there is a relation pm#descr_in from t to dc
                    subtype:  descr_container__description_support___descr_support (description,description_container)  permits to associate a statement with an object on which it is represented
              subtype:  version_info__versioninfo (? -> entity)  generally, a string giving information about this version; e.g., RCS/CVS keywords
              subtype:  title (? -> string)  for connecting an object to its "title" in a natural language
              subtype:  comment  for connecting an object to an informal representation of it, typically a node with a string inside; in WebKB, the FT and FCG notations permit to avoid using this relation type
           subtype:  relation_from_or_to_WordNet_type (*)
              subtype:  menu (meal_shop,food_or_beverage)
           subtype:  before (?,?)
              subtype:  before (time_measure,time_measure)
              subtype:  before_time (situation,time_measure)
              subtype:  later_situation__latersituation (situation,situation)
           subtype:  after (?,?)
              subtype:  after (time_measure,time_measure)
              subtype:  until_time__untiltime__to_time (situation -> time_measure)
              subtype:  before_situation (situation,situation)  in WebKB, do not use these relations, use their inverses
        subtype:  ternary_relation__ternaryrelation__ternary_only_relation (?,?,?)  relation with a fixed arity equal to 3; specialized by the SUMO ternary relations not categorized elsewhere
           subtype:  binary_function (?,? -> ?)  function that requires two arguments; currently not specialized by the  SUMO ternary relations since this seems useless (for now)
           subtype:  confers_norm__confersnorm (thing,formula,objective_norm)  the 1st argument brings it about that the formula has the objective_norm
           subtype:  deprives_norm (thing,formula,objective_norm)  the 1st argument brings it about that the formula does not have the objective_norm
        subtype:  quaternary_relation__quaternary_only_relation (?,?,?)  relation with a fixed arity equal to 4
           subtype:  subst (?,?,? -> ?)
        subtype:  relation_with_variable_arity (*)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#variable_arity_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type; currently not specialized by the SUMO ternary relations since this seems useless (for now)
        subtype:  relation_using_a_world_as_argument (world,*)
           subtype:  relation_from_a_world (world,*)
              subtype:  concept_in_Dolce_Full (world,?)
                 subtype:  non-empty_universal__NEP (world,universal)
              subtype:  relation_in_Dolce_Full (world,*)
                 subtype:  wldr__WLDR (world,world)
                 subtype:  constitution__K (world,particular,particular,particular)
                 subtype:  participant_in_Dolce_Full (world,particular,particular+)
                    subtype:  participant__PC (world,particular,particular,particular)
                    subtype:  total_participant__totalparticipant__PC.T (world,particular,particular)
                    subtype:  temporary_total_participant__temporarytotalparticipant__PC.t (world,particular,particular,particular)
                    subtype:  constant_participant (world,particular,particular+)
                    subtype:  maximal_participant__maximalparticipant__mpc (world,particular,particular)
                    subtype:  maximal_physical_participant__mppc (world,particular,particular)
                 subtype:  part_in_Dolce_Full (world,particular,particular+)
                 subtype:  quality_in_Dolce_Full (world,particular,particular+)
                    subtype:  qt__quality (world,particular,particular)
                    subtype:  direct_quality__dqt (world,particular,particular)
                 subtype:  quale_in_Dolce_Full (world,particular,particular+)
                    subtype:  ql__quale (world,particular,particular)
                    subtype:  temporary_quale__temporaryquale__ql (world,particular,particular,particular)
        subtype:  relationship (?,?)  indicates something that one thing has to do with another; click here for details
           subtype:  composition_of_individual (possible_individual,possible_individual)  click here for details
              subtype:  arrangement_of_individual (possible_individual,arranged_individual [49..*])  click here for details
                 subtype:  assembly_of_individual (possible_individual,arranged_individual)
                 subtype:  feature_whole_part__featurewholepart (possible_individual,arranged_individual)
              subtype:  temporal_whole_part (possible_individual,possible_individual)
              subtype:  participation (possible_individual,activity [49..*])  click here for details
              subtype:  temporal_bounding (event [49..*],possible_individual)  click here for details
                 subtype:  ending (event,possible_individual)
                 subtype:  beginning (event,possible_individual)
           subtype:  cause_of_event (event [49..*],activity [49..*])  click here for details
           subtype:  relative_location (possible_individual [49..*],possible_individual)  indicates that the position of one possible_individual is relative to another; click here for details
           subtype:  connection_of_individual (possible_individual [49..*],possible_individual)  click here for details
              subtype:  direct_connection (possible_individual,possible_individual)
              subtype:  indirect_connection (possible_individual,possible_individual)
           subtype:  individual_used_in_connection (connection_of_individual,possible_individual [49..*])  click here for details
           subtype:  lifecycle_stage (?,?)
           subtype:  involvement_by_reference (thing,activity [49..*])  click here for details
           subtype:  specialization (class,class)  click here for details
              subtype:  specialization_by_domain (role_and_domain,class)  click here for details
              subtype:  specialization_by_role (role_and_domain,role)  click here for details
              subtype:  boundary_of_property_space (property_space,property_space)  click here for details
              subtype:  specialization_of_individual_dimension_from_property (individual_dimension,property)  click here for details
              subtype:  boundary_of_number_space (number_space,number_space)  click here for details
           subtype:  other_relationship__otherrelationship (?,?)
           subtype:  classification (?,?)
           subtype:  class_of_relationship_with_signature (role_and_domain,role_and_domain)  click here for details
           subtype:  intended_role_and_domain (role_and_domain,possible_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  possible_role_and_domain (role_and_domain,possible_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  representation_of_thing (thing,possible_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  usage_of_representation (representation_of_thing,possible_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  responsibility_for_representation (representation_of_thing,possible_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  approval (relationship,possible_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  comparison_of_property (property,property)  click here for details
           subtype:  functional_mapping (thing,thing)  click here for details
           subtype:  recognition (thing,activity)  click here for details
           subtype:  indirect_property (possible_individual,property)  click here for details
           subtype:  temporal_sequence (possible_individual,possible_individual)  click here for details
        subtype:  class_of_relationship (*)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_composition_of_individual (class_of_individual,class_of_individual)  click here for details
              subtype:  class_of_arrangement_of_individual (class_of_individual,class_of_arranged_individual)  click here for details
                 subtype:  class_of_feature_whole_part (class_of_individual,class_of_arranged_individual)
                 subtype:  class_of_assembly_of_individual (class_of_individual,class_of_arranged_individual)
                 subtype:  namespace (class_of_information_representation,class_of_information_representation)  click here for details
                    subtype:  right_namespace (class_of_information_representation,class_of_information_representation)
                    subtype:  left_namespace (class_of_information_representation,class_of_information_representation)
              subtype:  class_of_temporal_whole_part (class_of_individual,class_of_individual)
              subtype:  class_of_participation (participating_role_and_domain,class_of_activity)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_connection_of_individual (class_of_individual,class_of_individual)  click here for details
              subtype:  class_of_direct_connection (class_of_individual,class_of_individual)
              subtype:  class_of_indirect_connection (class_of_individual,class_of_individual)
           subtype:  class_of_classification (class,class_of_class)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_representation_translation (class_of_information_representation,class_of_information_representation)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_usage_of_representation (class_of_representation_of_thing,possible_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_responsibility_for_representation (class_of_representation_of_thing,possible_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_lifecycle_stage (*)
           subtype:  class_of_assertion (*)
           subtype:  class_of_individual_used_in_connection (class_of_connection_of_individual,class_of_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_approval (class_of_relationship,class_of_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_possible_role_and_domain (class_of_individual,role_and_domain)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_involvement_by_reference (role_and_domain,class_of_activity)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_relationship_with_signature (role_and_domain,role_and_domain)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_specialization__classofspecialization (class_of_class,class_of_class)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_intended_role_and_domain (class_of_individual,role_and_domain)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_approval_by_status (*)
           subtype:  class_of_representation_of_thing (class_of_information_representation,thing)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_relative_location (class_of_individual,class_of_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_functional_mapping (class,class)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_recognition (class,class_of_activity)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_indirect_property (class_of_individual,property_space)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_cause_of_beginning_of_class_of_individual (class_of_individual,class_of_activity)  click here for details
           subtype:  dimension_of_individual (possible_individual,individual_dimension)  click here for details
           subtype:  property_for_shape_dimension (property,shape_dimension)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_temporal_sequence (class_of_individual,class_of_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_cause_of_ending_of_class_of_individual (class_of_activity,class_of_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_relationship_with_related_end_1 (thing)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_relationship_with_related_end_2 (thing)  click here for details
        subtype:  class_of_class_of_relationship (?,?)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_class_of_usage_of_representation (class_of_class_of_representation,possible_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_class_of_responsibility_for_representation (class_of_class_of_representation,possible_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_class_of_representation_translation (class_of_class_of_representation,class_of_class_of_representation)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_class_of_relationship_with_signature (?,?)
           subtype:  class_of_class_of_representation (class_of_class_of_representation,class)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_dimension_for_shape (class_of_shape_dimension,class_of_shape)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_class_of_composition (class_of_class_of_individual,class_of_class_of_individual)  click here for details
           subtype:  property_space_for_class_of_shape_dimension (class_of_shape_dimension,property_space)  click here for details
           subtype:  class_of_scale (?,?)
           subtype:  class_of_namespace (class_of_class_of_information_representation,class_of_information_representation)  click here for details
           subtype:  dimension_of_shape (shape_dimension,shape)  click here for details

  equal:  relation (pm)
  subtype:  predicate_type__predicatetype  a sentence-forming relation with each tuple being a finite, ordered sequence of objects
     subtype:  binary_predicate_type  the class of predicates relating two items - its valence is two
        subtype:  case_relation_type  the class of predicates relating the spatially distinguished parts of a process. e.g., the agent, patient or destination of an action, the flammable substance in a burning process, or the water that falls in rain
           instance:  doer/object/result/place (situation,?)
           instance:  experiencer (situation,causal_entity)
           instance:  exploits  agent  destination__to  experiencer  origin__from
           instance:  patient (process,?)  the 2nd argument may be moved, said, experienced, etc; the direct objects in 'The cat swallowed the canary' and 'Billy likes the beer' would be examples of patients; the patient of a process may or may not undergo structural change as a result of the process
           instance:  path  direction
        instance:  instance (?,set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named instance_of; an object is an instance of a set_or_class if it is included in that set_or_class; an individual may be an instance of many classes, some of which may be subclasses of others; thus, there is no assumption in the meaning of instance about specificity or uniqueness
        instance:  inverse__reverse
        instance:  subclass__subclass_of (set_or_class,set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named subclass_of; every instance of the 1st argument is also an instance of the 2nd argument; a class may have multiple superclasses and subclasses
        instance:  subrelation (relation_type,relation_type)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named subclass_of; every tuple of the 1st argument (r1) is also a tuple of the 2nd argument (r2), i.e. if r1 holds for some arguments arg_1, arg_2, ... arg_n, then the r2 holds for the same arguments; a consequence of this is that a relation and its subrelations must have the same valence
        instance:  equal (?,?)  "=" in KIF; true if the 1st argument is identical to the 2nd
        instance:  range  range_subclass  valence  documentation  disjoint  related_internal_concept  sub_attribute__subattribute  successor_attribute__successorattribute  successor_attribute_closure__successorattributeclosure  entails__entail  material__material_type_of  sub_collection__subcollection__sub_collection_of  contains_information  leader__leader_of
        instance:  property (?,Attribute)
        instance:  less_than  greater_than__greaterthan  less_than_or_equal_to  greater_than_or_equal_to  increases_likelihood__increaseslikelihood__increases_likelihood_of  decreases_likelihood__decreaseslikelihood__decreases_likelihood_of  independent_probability__independentprobability  in_scope_of_interest  in_list
        instance:  sub_list__sublist__sub_list_of (list,list)  the 1st argument is a sublist of the 2nd, i.e. every element of the 1st is an element of the 2nd and the elements that are common to both lists have the same order in both lists
        instance:  initial_list__initiallist  closed_on  reflexive_on__reflexiveon  irreflexive_on__irreflexiveon  partial_ordering_on  total_ordering_on  trichotomizing_on  equivalence_relation_on  distributes__distribute  causes  causes_subclass  copy  time  holds_during__holdsduring  exploits  has_purpose__haspurpose  has_skill__hasskill
        instance:  partly_located__partly_located_at (physical,object)  the instance of the 1st argument is at least partially located at the 2nd argument, e.g., Istanbul is partly located in Asia and partly located in Europe
        instance:  traverses__traverse (object,object)  the first object crosses or extends across the second; note that crosses and penetrates are subrelations of traverses
        instance:  possesses__possesse  precondition  inhibits  prevents
        instance:  refers (?,?)  the 1st argument mentions or includes a reference to the 2nd argument, e.g., an article whose topic is a recent change in the price of oil may refer to many other things, e.g., the general state of the economy, the weather in California, the prospect of global warming, the options for alternative energy sources, the stock prices of various oil companies, etc.
        instance:  subsumes_content_class  subsumes_content_instance  expressed_in_language  sub_proposition__subproposition  uses  identity_element  element  measure  larger  smaller  duration  frequency  temporal_part  before_or_equal  overlaps_temporally  meets_temporally__meetstemporally  earlier  cooccur  date  connected  hole  sub_process__subproces  transaction_amount__transactionamount  geographic_subregion  developmental_form__developmentalform  inhabits  authors__author  editor  publishes__publishe  version  wears__wear  family_relation  parent  sibling  legal_relation__legalrelation  employs__employ  citizen  premise  conclusion  consistent  faces__face  modal_attribute__modalattribute  geometric_part__geometricpart  parallel  angular_measure__angularmeasure  line_measure
     subtype:  ternary_predicate_type__ternarypredicatetype  class of predicates that require exactly three arguments
        instance:  domain  domain_subclass
        instance:  related_external_concept (string,?,language)  used to signify a three-place relation between a concept in an external knowledge source, a concept in the SUMO, and the name of the other knowledge source
        instance:  conditional_probability__conditionalprobability  prefers__prefer  capability  has_purpose_for_agent__haspurposeforagent  confers_norm__confersnorm  deprives_norm  between  represents_for_agent  represents_in_language  distance  temporally_between  temporally_between_or_equal  connects  orientation  occupies_position  point_of_intersection  geometric_distance__geometricdistance
     subtype:  quaternary_predicate_type  class of predicates that require four arguments
     subtype:  quintary_predicate_type  class of predicates that require five arguments
     instance:  disjoint_relation  contrary_attribute  exhaustive_attribute
     instance:  exhaustive_decomposition (class,class+)  an exhaustive_decomposition of a class C is a set of subclasses of C such that every instance of C is an instance of one of the subclasses in the set; note:  this does not necessarily mean that the elements of the set are disjoint (see sumo#partition - a partition is a disjoint exhaustive decomposition)
     instance:  disjoint_decomposition (class,class+)  a disjoint_decomposition of a class C is a set of mutually disjoint subclasses of C
     instance:  partition  holds__hold
  subtype:  list  a particular ordered n-tuple of items; generally speaking, lists are created by means of the list_fn function, which takes any number of items as arguments and returns a list with the items in the same order; anything, including other lists, may be an item in a list; note too that lists are extensional - two lists that have the same items in the same order are identical; note too that a list (the null_list) may contain no items
     subtype:  unique_list  a list in which no item appears more than once, i.e. a list for which there are no distinct numbers ?n1 and ?n2 such that (sumo#list_order_fn ?list ?n1) and (sumo#list_order_fn ?list ?n2) return the same value
        subtype:  null__null_list  type of empty lists
           instance:  null_list
        subtype:  single__list_with_1_element  list of length 1
     subtype:  double__list_with_2_elements  list of length 2
     subtype:  triple__list_with_3_elements  list of length 3
     subtype:  container
        subtype:  bag
        subtype:  seq
           subtype:  list
              subtype:  disjoint__disjoint_list_of_classes  classes in such a list are pairwise disjoint
        subtype:  alt  alternatives (exclusive or inclusive?)
           subtype:  or_bag  bag of OR-ed elements
           subtype:  xor_bag__xorbag  bag of XOR-ed elements
     subtype:  multidimensional_object  ordered list of thing; click here for details
        subtype:  multidimensional_property_space
        subtype:  multidimensional_number
        subtype:  multidimensional_property
        subtype:  multidimensional_number_space
        subtype:  multidimensional_scale
  subtype:  single_valued_relation_type  when an assignment of values to every argument position except the last one determines at most one assignment for the last argument position; not all single_valued_relations are total_valued_relations
     subtype:  function_type  term-forming relation that maps from a n-tuple of arguments to a range and that associates this n-tuple with at most one range element; note that the range is a set_or_class, and each element of the range is an instance of the set_or_class
        subtype:  continuous_function_type  class of functions which are continuous; this concept is taken as primitive until representations for limits are devised
           subtype:  time_dependent_quantity_type  a unary_constant_function of continuous time; all instances of this class map a time quantity into another constant_quantity such as temperature; for example, 'the temperature at the top of the Empire State Building' is a time_dependent_quantity since its value depends on the time
        subtype:  function_quantity_type  function that maps from one or more instances of constant_quantity to another instance of constant_quantity; for example, the velocity of a particle would be represented by a function_quantity mapping values of time (which are constant_quantities) to values of distance (also constant_quantities); note that all instances of function_quantity are functions with a fixed arity; note too that all elements of the range of a function_quantity have the same physical dimension as the function_quantity itself
           subtype:  unary_constant_function_quantity_type  unary function that maps from sumo#constant_quantity to the same class
              subtype:  time_dependent_quantity_type  a unary_constant_function of continuous time; all instances of this class map a time quantity into another constant_quantity such as temperature; for example, 'the temperature at the top of the Empire State Building' is a time_dependent_quantity since its value depends on the time
           subtype:  calorie
           subtype:  British_thermal_unit
        subtype:  unary_function_type  class of functions requiring a single argument; if R is functional, then if R(x -> y) and P(x -> z) then y=z
           subtype:  unary_constant_function_quantity_type  unary function that maps from sumo#constant_quantity to the same class
           subtype:  one_to_one_function_type  a function F is one to one just in case for all X, Y in the domain of F, if X is not identical to Y, then F(X) is not identical to F(Y)
              subtype:  sequence_function_type  class of one_to_one_functions whose range is a subclass of the positive_integers
           instance:  unary_function__unaryfunction  power_set_fn__powersetfn  front_fn__frontfn  back_fn  abstraction_fn__abstractionfn  extension_fn__extensionfn  probability_fn__probabilityfn  list_length_fn  property_fn  absolute_value_fn  ceiling_fn__ceilingfn  cosine_fn  denominator_fn__denominatorfn  floor_fn__floorfn  imaginary_part_fn  integer_square_root_fn  numerator_fn__numeratorfn  rational_number_fn  real_number_fn  reciprocal_fn  round_fn__roundfn  signum_fn  sine_fn  square_root_fn  tangent_fn__tangentfn  successor_fn__successorfn  predecessor_fn__predecessorfn  complement_fn  generalized_union_fn__generalizedunionfn  generalized_intersection_fn  cardinality_fn__cardinalityfn  kilo_fn  mega_fn  giga_fn  tera_fn  milli_fn__millifn  micro_fn__microfn  nano_fn  pico_fn  magnitude_fn__magnitudefn  wealth_fn  begin_fn__beginfn  end_fn__endfn  when_fn  past_fn  immediate_past_fn  future_fn  immediate_future_fn  year_fn  hole_host_fn  hole_skin_fn  immediate_family_fn  government_fn  premises_fn
        subtype:  binary_function_type  class of functions requiring two arguments
           subtype:  associative_function_type  a binary function is associative if bracketing has no effect on the value returned by the function; more precisely, a function ?FUNCTION is associative just in case (?FUNCTION ?INST1 (?FUNCTION ?INST2 ?INST3)) is equal to (?FUNCTION (?FUNCTION ?INST1 ?INST2) ?INST3), for all ?INST1, ?INST2, and ?INST3
           subtype:  commutative_function_type  a binary function is commutative if the ordering of the arguments of the function has no effect on the value returned by the function; more precisely, a function ?FUNCTION is commutative just in case (?FUNCTION ?INST1 ?INST2) is equal to (?FUNCTION ?INST2 ?INST1), for all ?INST1 and ?INST2
           instance:  binary_function  list_order_fn  list_concatenate_fn  where_fn__wherefn  multiplication_fn  addition_fn  subtraction_fn__subtractionfn  division_fn  exponentiation_fn  log_fn__logfn  max_fn__maxfn  min_fn__minfn  remainder_fn__remainderfn  union_fn__unionfn  intersection_fn  relative_complement_fn  kappa_fn__kappafn  measure_fn__measurefn  interval_fn  per_fn__perfn  time_interval_fn  recurrent_time_interval_fn  month_fn__monthfn  day_fn__dayfn  hour_fn  minute_fn  second_fn  temporal_composition_fn  mereological_sum_fn  mereological_product_fn  mereological_difference_fn  edition_fn__editionfn  series_volume_fn  periodical_issue_fn  relative_time_fn
        subtype:  ternary_function_type  class of functions requiring three arguments
        subtype:  quaternary_function_type  class of functions requiring four arguments
        instance:  unary_function__unaryfunction  binary_function  assignment_fn  list_fn  greatest_common_divisor_fn  least_common_multiple_fn
     instance:  valence  leader__leader_of  unique_identifier  age  width  distance  altitude  depth  monetary_value  date  transaction_amount__transactionamount  mother  father  conclusion  geometric_distance__geometricdistance
  subtype:  total_valued_relation_type  when there exists an assignment for the last argument position of the relation given any assignment of values to every argument position except the last one; note that declaring a relation to be both a total_valued_relation and a single_valued_relation means that it is a total function
     instance:  power_set_fn__powersetfn  probability_fn__probabilityfn  list_fn  list_length_fn  list_concatenate_fn  where_fn__wherefn  property_fn  multiplication_fn  addition_fn  subtraction_fn__subtractionfn  absolute_value_fn  ceiling_fn__ceilingfn  cosine_fn  denominator_fn__denominatorfn  exponentiation_fn  floor_fn__floorfn  imaginary_part_fn  max_fn__maxfn  min_fn__minfn  numerator_fn__numeratorfn  reciprocal_fn  round_fn__roundfn  signum_fn  sine_fn  tangent_fn__tangentfn  successor_fn__successorfn  predecessor_fn__predecessorfn  union_fn__unionfn  intersection_fn  relative_complement_fn  complement_fn  generalized_union_fn__generalizedunionfn  generalized_intersection_fn  cardinality_fn__cardinalityfn  measure_fn__measurefn  kilo_fn  mega_fn  giga_fn  tera_fn  milli_fn__millifn  micro_fn__microfn  nano_fn  pico_fn  per_fn__perfn  density_fn__densityfn  speed_fn__speedfn  velocity_fn  duration  begin_fn__beginfn  end_fn__endfn  when_fn  past_fn  immediate_past_fn  future_fn  immediate_future_fn  mereological_sum_fn  mereological_product_fn  mereological_difference_fn  hole_host_fn  hole_skin_fn  transaction_amount__transactionamount  premise  conclusion  relative_time_fn  angular_measure__angularmeasure  line_measure  geometric_distance__geometricdistance
  subtype:  partial_valued_relation_type  relation type that is not a total_valued_relation_type, i.e. just in case assigning values to every argument position except the last one does not necessarily mean that there is a value assignment for the last argument position; note that, if a sumo#relation is both a partial_valued_relation and a single_valued_relation, then it is a partial function
     instance:  front_fn__frontfn  back_fn  abstraction_fn__abstractionfn  extension_fn__extensionfn  list_order_fn  division_fn  greatest_common_divisor_fn  integer_square_root_fn  least_common_multiple_fn  remainder_fn__remainderfn  edition_fn__editionfn  series_volume_fn  periodical_issue_fn
  subtype:  binary_relation_type  all binary relation types are instance of that object
     subtype:  unary_function_type  class of functions requiring a single argument; if R is functional, then if R(x -> y) and P(x -> z) then y=z
     subtype:  binary_predicate_type  the class of predicates relating two items - its valence is two
     subtype:  injective_binary_relation_type  if P is injective, then if P(x,y) and P(z,y) then x=z; e.g., if nameOfMonth(m,"Feb") and nameOfMonth(n,"Feb") then m and n are the same month
        instance:  injective_binary_relation
     subtype:  reflexive_relation_type  a relation is reflexive if (?REL ?INST ?INST) for all ?INST
        subtype:  equivalence_relation_type  binary_relation that is reflexive, symmetric and transitive
           instance:  equivalence_binary_relation
           instance:  equal (?,?)  "=" in KIF; true if the 1st argument is identical to the 2nd
           instance:  copy  equivalent_content_class  equivalent_content_instance  cooccur  family_relation
        subtype:  partial_ordering_relation_type  binary_relation that is reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive
           subtype:  total_ordering_relation_type  partial_ordering_relation that is a trichotomizing_relation
              instance:  total_ordering_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#total_ordering_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
           instance:  partial_ordering_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#partial_ordering_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
           instance:  total_ordering_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#total_ordering_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
           instance:  inferior_or_equal_to__less_than_or_equal_to___superior_or_equal___maximum__maximum  superior_or_equal_to__more_than_or_equal_to___inferior_or_equal___minimum__minimum
           instance:  generalizing_type (?,type)  fuzzy category, DO NOT USE DIRECTLY
           instance:  specializing_type (type,?)
           instance:  constitution (?,?)
           instance:  part (?,?)
           instance:  wnMember (?,?)  member relation in WordNet
           instance:  sub_collection__subcollection (collection,collection)  a partial order relation
           instance:  subclass__subclass_of (set_or_class,set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named subclass_of; every instance of the 1st argument is also an instance of the 2nd argument; a class may have multiple superclasses and subclasses
           instance:  subrelation (relation_type,relation_type)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named subclass_of; every tuple of the 1st argument (r1) is also a tuple of the 2nd argument (r2), i.e. if r1 holds for some arguments arg_1, arg_2, ... arg_n, then the r2 holds for the same arguments; a consequence of this is that a relation and its subrelations must have the same valence
           instance:  sub_attribute__subattribute
           instance:  part__part_of (object,object)  this type should have been name sumo#part_of to respect the common reading conventions of parameters; all other mereological relations are defined in terms of this one; it means that the 1st argument is part of the 2nd; note that, since part is a reflexive_relation, every object is a part of itself
           instance:  sub_collection__subcollection__sub_collection_of  less_than_or_equal_to  greater_than_or_equal_to
           instance:  sub_list__sublist__sub_list_of (list,list)  the 1st argument is a sublist of the 2nd, i.e. every element of the 1st is an element of the 2nd and the elements that are common to both lists have the same order in both lists
           instance:  initial_list__initiallist  subsumes_content_class  subsumes_content_instance  temporal_part  before_or_equal  sub_process__subproces  sub_organization__suborganization  geometric_part__geometricpart
        instance:  reflexive_relation__reflexiverelation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#reflexive_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
        instance:  overlaps_temporally  connected  overlaps_spatially
     subtype:  trichotomizing_relation_type  binary_relation such that all ordered pairs consisting of distinct individuals are element of this binary_relation
        subtype:  total_ordering_relation_type  partial_ordering_relation that is a trichotomizing_relation
        instance:  trichotomizing_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#trichotomizing_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
     subtype:  irreflexive_relation_type  r is irreflexive if r(?i,?i) holds for no value of ?i
        subtype:  asymmetric_relation_type  an antisymmetric and irreflexive relation
           subtype:  case_relation_type  the class of predicates relating the spatially distinguished parts of a process. e.g., the agent, patient or destination of an action, the flammable substance in a burning process, or the water that falls in rain
           subtype:  propositional_attitude_relation_type  the class of intentional_relations where the agent has awareness of a proposition
              instance:  propositional_attitude_relation (cognitive_agent,formula)  intentional_relations where the agent has awareness of a proposition
              instance:  desires  considers__consider  believes  knows__know
           instance:  asymmetric_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#asymmetric_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
           instance:  immediate_instance__immediateinstance  immediate_subclass__immediate_subclass_of  range  range_subclass  valence  documentation  successor_attribute__successorattribute  front_fn__frontfn  back_fn  probability_fn__probabilityfn  proper_part__proper_part_of  contains  member  contains_information  leader__leader_of  attribute  manner  in_list  closed_on  reflexive_on__reflexiveon  irreflexive_on__irreflexiveon  partial_ordering_on  total_ordering_on  trichotomizing_on  equivalence_relation_on  causes  causes_subclass  time  holds_during__holdsduring  exploits  has_purpose__haspurpose  has_skill__hasskill  crosses__crosse  penetrates  possesses__possesse  precondition  realization  expressed_in_language  uses  identity_element  element  cardinality_fn__cardinalityfn  measure  duration  frequency  meets_temporally__meetstemporally  date  surface  interior_part  hole  hole_host_fn  partially_fills__partiallyfill  properly_fills  completely_fills  fills__fill  hole_skin_fn  geographic_subregion  geopolitical_subdivision  developmental_form__developmentalform  inhabits  authors__author  editor  publishes__publishe  version  parent  husband  wife  citizen  modal_attribute__modalattribute
        instance:  irreflexive_relation__irreflexiverelation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#irreflexive_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
        instance:  inverse__reverse  successor_attribute_closure__successorattributeclosure  front_fn__frontfn  back_fn  attribute  manner  less_than  greater_than__greaterthan  increases_likelihood__increaseslikelihood__increases_likelihood_of  decreases_likelihood__decreaseslikelihood__decreases_likelihood_of  in_list  inhibits  prevents  sub_proposition__subproposition  sub_plan__subplan  larger  smaller  starts  finishes  before  during  earlier  meets_spatially__meetsspatially  overlaps_partially  superficial_part__superficialpart  connected_engineering_components  ancestor  sibling  brother  sister  spouse  husband  wife  modal_attribute__modalattribute
     subtype:  symmetric_relation_type  when (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) implies (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1), for all ?INST1 and ?INST2
        subtype:  equivalence_relation_type  binary_relation that is reflexive, symmetric and transitive
        instance:  symmetric_relation__symmetricrelation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#symmetric_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
        instance:  inverse__reverse  independent_probability__independentprobability  overlaps_temporally  connected  meets_spatially__meetsspatially  overlaps_spatially  overlaps_partially  connected_engineering_components  sibling  legal_relation__legalrelation  spouse  consistent
     subtype:  antisymmetric_relation_type  when for distinct ?INST1 and ?INST2, (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) implies not (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1), that is, for all ?INST1 and ?INST2, (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) and (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1) imply that ?INST1 and ?INST2 are identical; it is possible for an antisymmetric relation to be a reflexive relation
        subtype:  asymmetric_relation_type  an antisymmetric and irreflexive relation
        subtype:  partial_ordering_relation_type  binary_relation that is reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive
        instance:  antisymmetric_relation__antisymmetricrelation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#antisymmetric_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
        instance:  partly_located__partly_located_at (physical,object)  the instance of the 1st argument is at least partially located at the 2nd argument, e.g., Istanbul is partly located in Asia and partly located in Europe
        instance:  located (physical,object)  the 1st argument is partly_located at the object, and there is no part or sub_process of the 1st argument that is not located at the object
     subtype:  transitive_relation_type  a binary_relation ?REL is transitive if (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) and (?REL ?INST2 ?INST3) imply (?REL ?INST1 ?INST3), for all ?INST1, ?INST2, and ?INST3
        subtype:  equivalence_relation_type  binary_relation that is reflexive, symmetric and transitive
        subtype:  partial_ordering_relation_type  binary_relation that is reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive
        instance:  transitive_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#transitive_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
        instance:  successor_attribute_closure__successorattributeclosure  proper_part__proper_part_of  less_than  greater_than__greaterthan
        instance:  located (physical,object)  the 1st argument is partly_located at the object, and there is no part or sub_process of the 1st argument that is not located at the object
        instance:  crosses__crosse  precondition  sub_proposition__subproposition  sub_plan__subplan  larger  smaller  starts  finishes  before  during  earlier  superficial_part__superficialpart  interior_part  geographic_subregion  geopolitical_subdivision  developmental_form__developmentalform  version  ancestor  brother  sister
        instance:  part (entity,entity)  the subpart may or may not be different from the whole
        instance:  proper_part
     subtype:  intransitive_relation_type  a binary_relation ?REL is intransitive only if (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) and (?REL ?INST2 ?INST3) imply not (?REL ?INST1 ?INST3), for all ?INST1, ?INST2, and ?INST3
        instance:  intransitive_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#intransitive_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
        instance:  inverse__reverse  immediate_instance__immediateinstance  immediate_subclass__immediate_subclass_of  member  penetrates  element  meets_temporally__meetstemporally  parent
     subtype:  annotation_property
     subtype:  deprecated_property
     subtype:  ontology_property
        instance:  relation_to_another_ontology (ontology,ontology)
     subtype:  constraint_property
     subtype:  container_membership_property
        instance:  member
     subtype:  datatype_property
     subtype:  object_property  if rel is an ObjectProperty, and rel(x,y), then y is an object
     instance:  binary_relation (?,?)  in WebKB, most relation types are binary and some have a variable number of arguments (as in KIF), hence this type is currently only specialized by types that I do not want to see as direct subtypes of pm#relation
     instance:  distributes__distribute
  subtype:  ternary_relation_type  relates three items
     subtype:  ternary_predicate_type__ternarypredicatetype  class of predicates that require exactly three arguments
     subtype:  binary_function_type  class of functions requiring two arguments
  subtype:  quaternary_relation_type  relates four items
     subtype:  quaternary_predicate_type  class of predicates that require four arguments
     subtype:  ternary_function_type  class of functions requiring three arguments
  subtype:  quintary_relation_type  relates five items
     subtype:  quintary_predicate_type  class of predicates that require five arguments
     subtype:  quaternary_function_type  class of functions requiring four arguments
  subtype:  variable_arity_relation_type  class of relations that do not have a fixed number of arguments
     instance:  relation_with_variable_arity  disjoint_relation  contrary_attribute  exhaustive_attribute
     instance:  exhaustive_decomposition (class,class+)  an exhaustive_decomposition of a class C is a set of subclasses of C such that every instance of C is an instance of one of the subclasses in the set; note:  this does not necessarily mean that the elements of the set are disjoint (see sumo#partition - a partition is a disjoint exhaustive decomposition)
     instance:  disjoint_decomposition (class,class+)  a disjoint_decomposition of a class C is a set of mutually disjoint subclasses of C
     instance:  partition  assignment_fn  holds__hold  list_fn  greatest_common_divisor_fn  least_common_multiple_fn
  subtype:  many_to_many_relation_type
  subtype:  many_to_one_relation_type
  subtype:  one_to_many_relation_type
  subtype:  type_of_relation_extended_to_quantities  relation that, when it is true on a sequence of arguments that are real_numbers, it is also true on a sequence of constant_quantites with those magnitudes in some unit of measure; for example, the less_than relation is extended to quantities; this means that for all pairs of quantities ?q1 and ?q2, [?q1,  sumo#less_than: ?q2] if and only if, for some numbers ?n1 and ?n2 and unit ?u, [q1 =  sumo#measure_fn(?n1,?u)], [q2 =  sumo#measure_fn(?n2,?u)] and [?n1, less_than: ?n2] for all units on which ?q1 and ?q2 can be measured; note that, when a relation_extended_to_quantities is extended from real_numbers to constant_quantities, the constant_quantities must be measured along the same physical dimension
     instance:  equal (?,?)  "=" in KIF; true if the 1st argument is identical to the 2nd
     instance:  less_than  greater_than__greaterthan  less_than_or_equal_to  greater_than_or_equal_to  multiplication_fn  addition_fn  subtraction_fn__subtractionfn  division_fn  exponentiation_fn  max_fn__maxfn  min_fn__minfn  reciprocal_fn  remainder_fn__remainderfn
  subtype:  probability_relation_type  the class of relations that permit assessment of the probability of an event or situation
     instance:  probability_relation__probabilityrelation (formula,?)
     instance:  probability_fn__probabilityfn  conditional_probability__conditionalprobability  increases_likelihood__increaseslikelihood__increases_likelihood_of  decreases_likelihood__decreaseslikelihood__decreases_likelihood_of  independent_probability__independentprobability
  subtype:  spatial_relation_type  the class of relations that are spatial in a wide sense, e.g., mereological relations and topological relation
     instance:  relation_from_spatial_object (spatial_object,*)
     instance:  front_fn__frontfn  back_fn
     instance:  part__part_of (object,object)  this type should have been name sumo#part_of to respect the common reading conventions of parameters; all other mereological relations are defined in terms of this one; it means that the 1st argument is part of the 2nd; note that, since part is a reflexive_relation, every object is a part of itself
     instance:  contains
     instance:  partly_located__partly_located_at (physical,object)  the instance of the 1st argument is at least partially located at the 2nd argument, e.g., Istanbul is partly located in Asia and partly located in Europe
     instance:  between
     instance:  traverses__traverse (object,object)  the first object crosses or extends across the second; note that crosses and penetrates are subrelations of traverses
     instance:  where_fn__wherefn  distance  larger  smaller  connected  connects  mereological_sum_fn  mereological_product_fn  mereological_difference_fn  hole  hole_host_fn  partially_fills__partiallyfill  hole_skin_fn  orientation
  subtype:  temporal_relation_type  the class of temporal relations, e.g., notions of (temporal) topology of intervals, (temporal) schemata, and (temporal) extension
     instance:  temporal_relation (?,?)
     instance:  time  temporal_part  begin_fn__beginfn  end_fn__endfn  starts  finishes  before  before_or_equal  temporally_between  temporally_between_or_equal  overlaps_temporally  meets_temporally__meetstemporally  earlier  cooccur  time_interval_fn  recurrent_time_interval_fn  when_fn  past_fn  immediate_past_fn  future_fn  immediate_future_fn  year_fn  month_fn__monthfn  day_fn__dayfn  hour_fn  minute_fn  second_fn  temporal_composition_fn  relative_time_fn
  subtype:  intentional_relation_type  the class of relations between an agent and one or more entities, where the relation requires that the agent has awareness of the entity
     subtype:  propositional_attitude_relation_type  the class of intentional_relations where the agent has awareness of a proposition
     subtype:  object_attitude_relation_type  the class of intentional_relations where the agent has awareness of an instance of  sumo#physical
        instance:  object_attitude_relation (cognitive_agent,physical)  intentional_relations where the agent has awareness of an instance of sumo#physical
        instance:  needs__need  wants__want
     instance:  intentional_relation__intentionalrelation (cognitive_agent,?)  relations between an agent and one or more entities, where the relation requires that the agent has awareness of the entity
     instance:  prefers__prefer  in_scope_of_interest

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