pm#cognitive_agent__cognitiveagent  for example an organization, an animal or an AI-agent
  supertype:  goal_directed_agent  goal directed causal entity, e.g., a problem solver or an interactional agent
  equal:  Generic-Agent (pm)
  has-author of<=  Publication-reference_or_Information-Bearing-Object_or_Technology_or_Method
  subtype:  sentient_agent  an agent that has rights but may or may not have responsibilities and the ability to reason; if the latter are present, then the agent is also a cognitive_agent; domesticated animals are an example of sentient_agents that are not also cognitive_agents
     subtype:  cognitive_agent__cognitiveagent  (many specializations)$ sentient_agent with responsibilities and the ability to reason, deliberate, make plans, etc; this is essentially the legal/ethical notion of a person; chimpanzees, gorillas, dolphins, whales, and some extraterrestrials (if they exist) may be cognitive_agents
        subtype:  human  a modern man (member of the only remaining species of the Homo genus)
  subtype:  non_sentient_cognitive_agent  e.g., AI_Agent
     subtype:  social_group  people sharing some social relation
        subtype:  society  an extended social group having a distinctive cultural and economic organization
        subtype:  minority  a group of people who differ racially or politically from a larger group of which it is a part
        subtype:  interest_group__interest  (usually plural) a social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims; "the iron interests stepped up production"
        subtype:  kin_group__kingroup__kin__kinship_group__kinshipgroup__kindred__clan__tribe  group of people related by blood or marriage
        subtype:  kith  your friends and acquaintances; "all his kith and kin"
        subtype:  gathering__assemblage  a group of persons together in one place
        subtype:  fold__congregation__faithful  a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church
        subtype:  organization__organisation  a group of people who work together
        subtype:  phylum.social_group  (linguistics) a large group of languages that are historically related
        subtype:  force.social_group  a group of people having the power of effective action; "he joined forces with a band of adventurers"
        subtype:  platoon.social_group  a group of persons who are engaged in a common activity; "platoons of tourists poured out of the busses"; "the defensive platoon of the football team"
        subtype:  set.social_group__circle__band__lot  an unofficial association of people or groups; "the smart set goes there"; "they were an angry lot"
        subtype:  organized_crime__organizedcrime__gangland__gangdom  underworld organizations
        subtype:  subculture  a social group within a national culture that has distinctive patterns of behavior and beliefs
        subtype:  nonalignment__nonalinement  people (or countries) who are not aligned with other people (or countries) in a pact or treaty
        subtype:  political_system__politicalsystem__form_of_government  the members of a social organization who are in power
        subtype:  moiety  one of two basic subdivisions of a tribe
        subtype:  folk__tribe  a social division of (usually preliterate) people
        subtype:  social_movement__movement__front  a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals; "he was a charter member of the movement"; "politicians have to respect a mass movement"; "he led the national liberation front"
        subtype:  Jewry  Jews collectively
  subtype:  Legal-Agent  agent with legal status, e.g., organizations and people
     subtype:  person_or_organization  this category is for menu-generation purposes
        subtype:  person__individual__someone__somebody__mortal__human__human_being__humanbeing__soul  a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
        subtype:  organization__organisation  a group of people who work together
     subtype:  Organization-Unit_or_Organization_or_Person
        subtype:  Organization-Unit
        subtype:  Organization
        subtype:  Person
     subtype:  Awarding-Body

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