pm#binary_predicate_type  the class of predicates relating two items - its valence is two
  supertype:  pm#predicate_type  pm#binary_relation_type
  instance of:  pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type  instance:  sumo#instance (?,sumo#set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named instance_of; an object is an instance of a set_or_class if it is included in that set_or_class; an individual may be an instance of many classes, some of which may be subclasses of others; thus, there is no assumption in the meaning of instance about specificity or uniqueness
     subtype:  pm#kind__type___class___instance_of__instanceof (?,rdfs#class)  the '^' link in the FT notation
     subtype:  sumo#immediate_instance__immediateinstance (?,sumo#set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named immediate_instance_of; an object is an immediate_instance of a set_or_class if it is an instance of the set_or_class and there does not exist a subclass of set_or_class such that it is an instance of the subclass

  instance:  pm#inverse
  instance:  sumo#subclass__subclass_of (sumo#set_or_class,sumo#set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named subclass_of; every instance of the 1st argument is also an instance of the 2nd argument; a class may have multiple superclasses and subclasses
     subtype:  sumo#immediate_subclass__immediate_subclass_of (sumo#set_or_class,sumo#set_or_class)  the 1st argument is a subclass of the 2nd argument and there is no other subclass of the 2nd argument such that the 1st is also a subclass of the 2nd; in WebKB, use the link '<'
  instance:  sumo#subrelation (pm#relation_type,pm#relation_type)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named subclass_of; every tuple of the 1st argument (r1) is also a tuple of the 2nd argument (r2), i.e. if r1 holds for some arguments arg_1, arg_2, ... arg_n, then the r2 holds for the same arguments; a consequence of this is that a relation and its subrelations must have the same valence
     subtype:  rdfs#sub_property_of (pm#binary_relation_type,pm#binary_relation_type)  in WebKB, use the link '<'
  instance:  pm#equal (?,?)  "=" in KIF; true if the 1st argument is identical to the 2nd
     subtype:  owl#same_as (?,?)  MORE PRECISE TYPES THAN THIS ONE SHOULD BE USED
        subtype:  pm#same_type_as (pm#type,pm#type)
           subtype:  owl#equivalent_class (rdfs#class,rdfs#class)  in WebKB, use the link '='
           subtype:  owl#equivalent_property (pm#binary_relation_type,pm#binary_relation_type)  in WebKB, use the link '='
        subtype:  owl#same_individual_as (?,?)

  instance:  sumo#range  sumo#range_subclass  sumo#valence  sumo#documentation  sumo#disjoint  sumo#related_internal_concept  sumo#sub_attribute  sumo#successor_attribute  sumo#successor_attribute_closure  sumo#entails  sumo#material  sumo#sub_collection  sumo#contains_information  sumo#leader
  instance:  sumo#property (?,sumo#Attribute)
     subtype:  sumo#attribute (sumo#object,sumo#Attribute)  the 2nd argument is an attribute of the 1st
     subtype:  sumo#manner (sumo#process,sumo#Attribute)  the 1st argument is qualified by the 2nd (which is usually denoted by and adverb), e.g., the speed of the wind, the style of a dance, or the intensity of a sports competition

  instance:  sumo#less_than  sumo#greater_than  sumo#less_than_or_equal_to  sumo#greater_than_or_equal_to  sumo#increases_likelihood  sumo#decreases_likelihood  sumo#independent_probability  sumo#in_scope_of_interest  sumo#in_list
  instance:  sumo#sub_list__sublist__sub_list_of (sumo#list,sumo#list)  the 1st argument is a sublist of the 2nd, i.e. every element of the 1st is an element of the 2nd and the elements that are common to both lists have the same order in both lists
     subtype:  sumo#initial_list__initiallist (sumo#list,sumo#list)  the 1st argument (?L1) is a sublist of the 2nd (?L2), and (sumo#list_order_fn ?L1 ?NUMBER) returns the same value as (sumo#list_order_fn ?L2 ?N) for all of the values of ?N over which (sumo#list_order_fn ?L1 ?N) is defined

  instance:  sumo#initial_list  sumo#closed_on  sumo#reflexive_on  sumo#irreflexive_on  sumo#partial_ordering_on  sumo#total_ordering_on  sumo#trichotomizing_on  sumo#equivalence_relation_on  sumo#distributes  sumo#causes  sumo#causes_subclass  sumo#copy  sumo#time  sumo#holds_during  sumo#exploits  sumo#has_purpose  sumo#has_skill
  instance:  sumo#partly_located__partly_located_at (sumo#physical,sumo#object)  the instance of the 1st argument is at least partially located at the 2nd argument, e.g., Istanbul is partly located in Asia and partly located in Europe
     subtype:  sumo#contains (sumo#self_connected_object,sumo#object)  the relation of spatial containment for two separable objects; when the two objects are not separable (e.g., an automobile and one of its seats), the relation of part should be used; (sumo#contains ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that the self_connected_object ?OBJ1 has a space (i.e. a hole) which is at least partially filled by ?OBJ2
     subtype:  sumo#located (sumo#physical,sumo#object)  the 1st argument is partly_located at the object, and there is no part or sub_process of the 1st argument that is not located at the object
        subtype:  sumo#exactly_located (sumo#physical,sumo#object)  the actual, minimal location of an object
  instance:  sumo#traverses__traverse (sumo#object,sumo#object)  the first object crosses or extends across the second; note that crosses and penetrates are subrelations of traverses
     subtype:  sumo#crosses__crosse (sumo#object,sumo#object)  the 1st object traverses the second without being connected to it
     subtype:  sumo#penetrates (sumo#object,sumo#object)  the 1st object is connected to the second along at least one whole dimension (length, width or depth)

  instance:  sumo#possesses  sumo#precondition  sumo#inhibits  sumo#prevents
  instance:  sumo#refers (?,?)  the 1st argument mentions or includes a reference to the 2nd argument, e.g., an article whose topic is a recent change in the price of oil may refer to many other things, e.g., the general state of the economy, the weather in California, the prospect of global warming, the options for alternative energy sources, the stock prices of various oil companies, etc.
     subtype:  sumo#names__name (pm#string,?)  the string names the 2nd argument
        subtype:  sumo#unique_identifier (pm#string,?)  the string uniquely identifies the 2nd argument
     subtype:  sumo#represents (?,?)  the 1st argument in some way indicates, expresses, connotes, pictures, describes ... the 2nd argument
        subtype:  sumo#contains_information (sumo#content_bearing_object,sumo#proposition)  relates a content_bearing_object to the proposition it expresses; examples include the relationships between a physical novel and its story and between a printed score and its musical content
        subtype:  sumo#realization (?,?)
     subtype:  rdfs#see_also__seealso (?,pm#entity)
        subtype:  rdfs#is_defined_by (?,pm#entity)  in WebKB, pm#definition SHOULD BE USED INSTEAD
           subtype:  pm#definition (?,pm#description_content/medium/container)  see also #definition
              subtype:  rst#definition (pm#description_content/medium/container,pm#description_content/medium/container)  a logical relation should be used instead of this relation
        subtype:  owl#imports__import (?,pm#entity)  if imports(X,Y) and you believe X, then you should believe what is in Y

  instance:  sumo#subsumes_content_class  sumo#subsumes_content_instance  sumo#expressed_in_language  sumo#sub_proposition  sumo#uses  sumo#identity_element  sumo#element  sumo#measure  sumo#larger  sumo#smaller  sumo#duration  sumo#frequency  sumo#temporal_part  sumo#before_or_equal  sumo#overlaps_temporally  sumo#meets_temporally  sumo#earlier  sumo#cooccur  sumo#date  sumo#connected  sumo#hole  sumo#sub_process  sumo#transaction_amount  sumo#geographic_subregion  sumo#developmental_form  sumo#inhabits  sumo#authors  sumo#editor  sumo#publishes  sumo#version  sumo#wears  sumo#family_relation  sumo#parent  sumo#sibling  sumo#legal_relation  sumo#employs  sumo#citizen  sumo#premise  sumo#conclusion  sumo#consistent  sumo#faces  sumo#modal_attribute  sumo#geometric_part  sumo#parallel  sumo#angular_measure  sumo#line_measure
  equal:  sumo#binary_predicate (pm)
  subtype:  pm#case_relation_type  the class of predicates relating the spatially distinguished parts of a process. e.g., the agent, patient or destination of an action, the flammable substance in a burning process, or the water that falls in rain
     instance:  pm#doer/object/result/place (pm#situation,?)
        subtype:  pm#doer/object/result (pm#situation,?)
           subtype:  pm#agent__doer (pm#situation [48..*],pm#entity [49..*])
              subtype:  pm#organizer (pm#situation,pm#causal_entity)
              subtype:  pm#participant (pm#situation,pm#causal_entity)
              subtype:  pm#seller__vendor___vender (pm#situation -> pm#goal_directed_agent)
              subtype:  pm#customer__client___buyer__buyer___purchaser__purchaser___vendee (pm#situation,pm#goal_directed_agent)
              subtype:  pm#responsible_agent__responsibleagent (pm#situation,pm#causal_entity)
              subtype:  sumo#agent (sumo#process,dl#agentive_physical_object)  the 2nd argument is an active determinant, animate or inanimate, of the process
           subtype:  pm#initiator (pm#situation,pm#causal_entity)
           subtype:  pm#object/result (pm#situation,?)
              subtype:  pm#instrument (pm#situation,pm#entity)
                 subtype:  sumo#instrument (sumo#process,sumo#object)  the 2nd argument is used in bringing about the first and is not changed by it, e.g., the key is an instrument in 'the key opened the door'; instrument and resource cannot be satisfied by the same ordered pair
              subtype:  pm#object__patient___theme__theme (pm#situation,?)
                 subtype:  pm#input (pm#process,?)
                    subtype:  pm#material (pm#process,?)
                    subtype:  pm#parameter (pm#process,?)
                 subtype:  pm#input_output__inputoutput (pm#process,?)
                    subtype:  pm#modified_object (pm#process,?)
                       subtype:  pm#muted_object__mutedobject (pm#process,?)
                    subtype:  pm#deleted_object__deletedobject (pm#process,?)
                 subtype:  sumo#patient (sumo#process,?)  the 2nd argument may be moved, said, experienced, etc; the direct objects in 'The cat swallowed the canary' and 'Billy likes the beer' would be examples of patients; the patient of a process may or may not undergo structural change as a result of the process
                    subtype:  sumo#instrument (sumo#process,sumo#object)  the 2nd argument is used in bringing about the first and is not changed by it, e.g., the key is an instrument in 'the key opened the door'; instrument and resource cannot be satisfied by the same ordered pair
                    subtype:  sumo#resource (sumo#process,sumo#object)  the object is present at the beginning of the process, is used by it, and as a consequence is changed by it; for example, soap is a resource in 'the gun was carved out of soap'; resource differs from instrument in that its internal or physical properties are altered in some way by the process
                    subtype:  sumo#result (sumo#process,?)  the 2nd argument is the product of the process, e.g., house is a result in 'Eric built a house'
              subtype:  pm#result (pm#situation,?)
                 subtype:  pm#output (pm#process,?)
                 subtype:  sumo#result (sumo#process,?)  the 2nd argument is the product of the process, e.g., house is a result in 'Eric built a house'
        subtype:  pm#from/to (pm#situation,pm#entity)
           subtype:  pm#source (pm#situation,pm#causal_entity)
           subtype:  pm#recipient (pm#situation,pm#entity)
              subtype:  pm#beneficiary (pm#situation,pm#causal_entity)
           subtype:  pm#from/to_place__from/toplace (pm#process -> pm#spatial_object)
              subtype:  pm#from_place (pm#process -> pm#spatial_object)
              subtype:  pm#to_place__destination (pm#process -> pm#spatial_object)
              subtype:  pm#via_place__viaplace__via (pm#process -> pm#spatial_object)
              subtype:  pm#path (pm#process -> pm#spatial_object)
           subtype:  sumo#origin__from (sumo#process,sumo#object)  the 2nd argument (which must be present at least at the beginning of the process) indicates where the process began; for example, the submarine is the origin in 'the missile was launched from a submarine'
           subtype:  sumo#destination__to (sumo#process,pm#entity)  the 2nd parameter is the target or goal of the process; for example, Danbury would be the destination in 'Bob went to Danbury'; this is a very general case_role which, in particular, that it covers the concepts of 'recipient' and 'beneficiary'; thus, John would be the destination in 'Tom gave a book to John'
        subtype:  pm#place (pm#situation -> pm#spatial_object)
        subtype:  pm#path_length (pm#process -> pm#spatial_attribute_or_quality_or_measure)
     instance:  pm#experiencer (pm#situation,pm#causal_entity)
        subtype:  sumo#experiencer (sumo#process,dl#agentive_physical_object)  e.g., Yojo is the experiencer of seeing in 'Yojo sees the fish'; unlike agent, this relation does not entail a causal relation between the arguments
     instance:  sumo#exploits  sumo#agent  sumo#destination__to  sumo#experiencer  sumo#origin__from
     instance:  sumo#patient (sumo#process,?)  the 2nd argument may be moved, said, experienced, etc; the direct objects in 'The cat swallowed the canary' and 'Billy likes the beer' would be examples of patients; the patient of a process may or may not undergo structural change as a result of the process
     instance:  sumo#path  sumo#direction

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