pm#attribute_or_quality_or_measure  e.g., mass, mass unit, 1 kg, frequency, [2-3] hz, color, blue, speed, 1 m/s
  closed_exclusion:  non_spatial_object_that_is_not_an_attribute_or_quality_or_measure
  exclusion:  spatial_object  description_content  description_container
  supertype:  non_spatial_object  thing_that_can_be_seen_as_a_relation  individual
  subtype:  time_measure__temporal_attribute_or_quality_or_measure  temporal duration or positions of time_points and time_intervals along the universal timeline
     subtype:  time_measure
        subtype:  temporal_quality__TQ  e.g., a date or a duration, but not its measure/value
        subtype:  temporal_region__TR  a value for a temporal quality, e.g., 24/5/2002, 2 seconds
     subtype:  time  the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past
        subtype:  geological_time__geologic_time__geologictime  the time of the physical formation and development of the earth (especially prior to human history)
        subtype:  biological_time  the time of various biological processes
        subtype:  cosmic_time  the time covered by the physical formation and development of the universe
        subtype:  civil_time__civiltime__standard_time__local_time__localtime  the official time in a local region (adjusted for location around the Earth); established by law or custom
        subtype:  daylight-saving_time__daylight-savings_time__daylight_saving__daylight_savings  time during which clocks are set one hour ahead of local standard time; widely adopted during summer to provide extra daylight in the evenings
        subtype:  nowadays__present  the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech; "that is enough for the present"; "he lives in the present with no thought of tomorrow"
        subtype:  past_times__past__yesteryear__yore  the time that has elapsed; "forget the past"
        subtype:  hereafter__future__futurity__time_to_come  the time yet to come
        subtype:  musical_time__musicaltime  the beat of musical rhythm
        subtype:  continuum  a continuous nonspatial whole or extent or succession in which no part or portion is distinct of distinguishable from adjacent parts
        subtype:  Greenwich_Mean_Time__Greenwich_Time__GMT__universal_time__universaltime__ut__UT1  the local time at the 0 meridian passing through Greenwich, England; it is the same everywhere
        subtype:  continuance__duration  the property of enduring or continuing in time
        subtype:  infinity__eternity__forever  time without end
     subtype:  time_period__period__period_of_time  an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of his recovery"
        subtype:  time_frame  a time period during which something occurs or is expected to occur; "an agreement can be reached in a reasonably short time frame"
        subtype:  hours.time_period__hour  an indefinite period of time; "they talked for hours"
        subtype:  downtime  a period of time when something (as a machine or factory) is not operating (especially as a result of malfunctions)
        subtype:  uptime  a period of time when something (as a machine or factory) is functioning and available for use
        subtype:  work_time  a time period when you are required to work
        subtype:  time_off  a time period when you are not required to work; "he requested time off to attend his grandmother's funeral"
        subtype:  travel_time  a period of time spent traveling; "workers were not paid for their travel time between home and factory"
        subtype:  indefinite_time_period__time  an indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes or activities); "he waited a long time"; "the time of year for planting"; "he was a great actor is his time"
        subtype:  elapsed_time__elapsedtime  the time that elapses while some event is occurring
        subtype:  duration__continuance  the period of time during which something continues
        subtype:  calendar_week__week  a period of seven consecutive days starting on Sunday
        subtype:  field_day__fieldday  a time of unusual pleasure and success
        subtype:  lifetime__life__lifespan  the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death); "the battery had a short life"; "he lived a long and happy life"
        subtype:  elapsed_period_from_birth__life  the period between birth and the present time; "I have known him all his life"
        subtype:  period_from_birth_to_death__life  the period from the present until death; "he appointed himself emperor for life"
        subtype:  millennium  a span of 1000 years
        subtype:  bimillennium__bimillenary  a span of 2000 years
        subtype:  past  a earlier period in someone's life (especially one that they have reason to keep secret); "reporters dug into the candidate's past"
        subtype:  shelf_life__shelflife  the length of time a packaged food or drug will last without deteriorating
        subtype:  puerperium  time period following childbirth when the mother's uterus shrinks and the other functional and anatomic changes of pregnancy are resolved; "a perinatologist cared for her during the puerperium"
        subtype:  time_of_life  a period of time during which a person is normally in a particular life state
        subtype:  calendar_day__civil_day__civilday  a day reckoned from midnight to midnight
        subtype:  festival  a day or period of time set aside for feasting and celebration
        subtype:  daytime__day  the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside; "the dawn turned night into day"; "it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime"
        subtype:  morning_time__morningtime__morn__forenoon  the time period between dawn and noon; "I spent the morning running errands"
        subtype:  nighttime__dark  the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside
        subtype:  night  the time between sunset and midnight; "he watched television every night"
        subtype:  night.time_period  the period spent sleeping; "I had a restless night"
        subtype:  period_of_ignorance__night  a period of ignorance or backwardness or gloom
        subtype:  eve.time_period  the period immediately before something; "on the eve of the French Revolution"
        subtype:  evening  the early part of night (from dinner until bedtime) spent in a special way; "an evening at the opera"
        subtype:  week__hebdomad  any period of seven consecutive days; "it rained for a week"
        subtype:  fortnight__two_weeks__twoweek  a period of fourteen consecutive days; "most major tennis tournaments last a fortnight"
        subtype:  weekend  usually Friday night through Sunday
        subtype:  point_in_time__point  a very short period of time; "at that point I had to leave"
        subtype:  Indian_summer__Saint_Martin's_summer  a period of unusually warm weather in the autumn
        subtype:  year.time_period  the period of time that it takes for a planet (as, e.g., Earth or Mars) to make a complete revolution around the sun; "a Martian year takes 687 of our days"
        subtype:  schooltime__school  the period of instruction in a school; "stay after school" or "he didn't miss a single day of school"
        subtype:  twelvemonth__yr  a period of time containing 365 (or 366) days; "she is 4 years old"
        subtype:  year  a period of time occupying a regular part of a calendar year that is used for some particular activity; "a school year"
        subtype:  semester  half a year; a period of 6 months
        subtype:  bimester  a period of 2 months
        subtype:  Olympiad  one of the 4-year intervals between Olympic Games; used to reckon time in ancient Greece for twelve centuries beginning in 776 BC
        subtype:  lustrum.time_period  a period of five years
        subtype:  decade__decennary__decennium  a period of 10 years
        subtype:  century  100 years
        subtype:  half-century  50 years
        subtype:  quarter-century__quartercentury  25 years
        subtype:  quarter.time_period  a fourth part of a year; three months; "unemployment fell during the last quarter"
        subtype:  phase_of_the_moon  a time when the moon presents a particular recurring appearance
        subtype:  day.time_period  the period of time taken by a particular planet (e.g. Mars) to make a complete rotation on its axis; "how long is a day on Jupiter?"
        subtype:  calendar_month__month  one of the twelve divisions of the calendar year; "he paid the bill last month"
        subtype:  mid-January  the middle part of January
        subtype:  mid-February  the middle part of February
        subtype:  mid-March  the middle part of March
        subtype:  mid-April  the middle part of April
        subtype:  mid-May  the middle part of May
        subtype:  mid-June  the middle part of June
        subtype:  mid-July  the middle part of July
        subtype:  mid-August  the middle part of August
        subtype:  mid-September  the middle part of September
        subtype:  mid-October  the middle part of October
        subtype:  mid-November  the middle part of November
        subtype:  mid-December  the middle part of December
        subtype:  time_limit  a time period within which something must be done or completed
        subtype:  term.time_period  a limited period of time; "a prison term"; "he left school before the end of term"
        subtype:  trimester  a period of three months; especially one of the three three-month periods into which human pregnancy is divided
        subtype:  particular_hour__hour  a special and memorable period; "it was their finest hour"
        subtype:  silly_season__sillyseason  a time usually late summer characterized by exaggerated news stories about frivolous matters for want of real news
        subtype:  Golden_Age  (classical mythology) the first and best age of the world, a time of ideal happiness, prosperity, and innocence; by extension, any flourishing and outstanding period
        subtype:  silver_age  (classical mythology) the second age of the world, characterized by opulence and irreligion; by extension, a period secondary in achievement to a golden age
        subtype:  bronze_age  (classical mythology) the third age of the world, marked by war and violence
        subtype:  iron_age  (classical mythology) the last and worst age of the world
        subtype:  Platonic_year__great_year__greatyear  time required for one complete cycle of the precession of the equinoxes, about 25,800 years
        subtype:  regulation_time  (sports) the normal prescribed duration of a game; "the game was finished in regulation time"
        subtype:  extra_time__extratime__overtime  playing time beyond regulation, to break a tie
        subtype:  time_of_year__season  one of the natural periods into which the year is divided by the equinoxes and solstices or atmospheric conditions; "the regular sequence of the seasons"
        subtype:  dog_days__canicule__canicular_days  the hot period between early July and early September; a period of inactivity
        subtype:  midwinter  the middle of winter
        subtype:  season.time_period  a recurrent time marked by major holidays; "it was the Christmas season"
        subtype:  season  a period of the year marked by special events or activities in some field; "he celebrated his 10th season with the ballet company" or "she always looked forward to the avocado season"
        subtype:  long_time__age__years__year  a prolonged period of time; "we've known each other for ages"; "I haven't been there for years and years"
        subtype:  long_run__long_haul  a period of time sufficient for factors to work themselves out; "in the long run we will win" or "he performed well over the long haul"
        subtype:  drought.time_period  a prolonged shortage
        subtype:  era  a period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or event
        subtype:  generation.time_period  the normal time between successive generations; "they had to wait a generation for that prejudice to fade"
        subtype:  prehistory  the time during human development before the appearance of the written word
        subtype:  reign  a period during which something or somebody is dominant or powerful; "he was helpless under the reign of his egotism"
        subtype:  early_days__youth  an early period of development; "during the youth of the project"
        subtype:  dawn.time_period  an opening time period; "it was the dawn of the Roman Empire"
        subtype:  evening.time_period  a later concluding time period; "it was the evening of the Roman Empire"
        subtype:  sufficient_time_period__time  a period of time considered as a resource under your control and sufficient to accomplish something; "take time to smell the roses"; "I didn't have time to finish"; "it took more than half my time"
        subtype:  sleep.time_period__nap  a period of time spent sleeping; "he felt better after a little sleep"; "a brief nap"
        subtype:  term_of_a_contract__lease  the period of time during which a contract conveying property to a person is in effect
        subtype:  half_life__half-life  the time required for something to fall to half its initial value (in particular, the time for half the atoms in a radioactive substance to disintegrate)
        subtype:  lunar_time_period__tide  there are usually two high and two low tides each day
        subtype:  phase.time_period__stage  any distinct time period in a sequence of events; "we are in a transitional stage in which many former ideas must be revised or rejected"
        subtype:  multistage  occurring in more than one stage
        subtype:  watch.time_period  the period during which someone (especially a guard) is on duty
        subtype:  peacetime  a period of time during which there is no war
        subtype:  wartime  a period of time during which there is armed conflict
        subtype:  term_of_enlistment__enlistment__hitch__tour_of_duty__duty_tour__tour  a period of time spent in military service
        subtype:  honeymoon.time_period  the early usually calm and harmonious period of a relationship; business or political
        subtype:  indiction  a 15-year cycle used as a chronological unit in ancient Rome and adopted in some medieval kingdoms
        subtype:  the_Great_Depression__Depression__the_Depression  a time period during the 1930s when there was a worldwide economic depression and mass unemployment
        subtype:  prohibition_era__prohibitionera__prohibition  the period from 1920 to 1933 when the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in the United States by a constitutional amendment
        subtype:  incubation_period  the period between infection and the appearance of symptoms of the disease
        subtype:  rainy_day__rainyday  a (future) time of financial need; "I am saving for a rainy day"
        subtype:  noviciate__novitiate  the period during which you are a novice (especially in a religious order)
        subtype:  heyday__flower__prime__peak__bloom__blossom__efflorescence__flush  the period of greatest prosperity or productivity
        subtype:  running_time__runningtime  the length of time that a movie or tv show runs
        subtype:  historical_period__period__historic_period  a stage in the history of a culture having a definable place in space and time; "a novel from the Victorian period"
        subtype:  clotting_time  the time it takes for a sample of blood to clot; used to diagnose some clotting disorders
        subtype:  real_time  (computer science) the time it takes for a process under computer control to occur
        subtype:  study_hall.time_period__studyhall  a period of time during the school day that is set aside for study
        subtype:  usance  (commerce) the period of time permitted by commercial usage for the payment of a bill of exchange (especially a foreign bill of exchange)
        instance:  Bronze_Age  Iron_Age  Stone_Age  Eolithic_Age  Paleolithic_Age  Mesolithic_Age  Neolithic_Age
  subtype:  physical/spatial_attribute_or_quality_or_measure  e.g., mass/length/color measure; here are most of the subtypes of #property.attribute, e.g., #visual_property
     subtype:  physical_quality__PQ  e.g., weight, color, as attributes
        subtype:  Spatial_location__SL
     subtype:  physical_region__PR  e.g., 2 meters, 3.5 kg, [2-3] hz
        subtype:  space_region__spaceregion__S
        subtype:  volume
     subtype:  physical_characteristic  this category is for menu-generation purposes
        subtype:  visual_property  an attribute of vision
        subtype:  physical_property  a property used to characterize physical objects
     subtype:  living_entity_attribute_or_quality_or_measure
        subtype:  date_of_birth__D.O.B.___birthdate__birthdate  not a birthday
     subtype:  spatial_attribute_or_quality_or_measure  e.g., length measure in meters
        subtype:  Spatial_location__SL
        subtype:  spatial_characteristic__spatialcharacteristic  this category is mainly for menu-generation purposes
        subtype:  spatial_unit_of_measure
     subtype:  physical/spatial_unit_of_measure
        subtype:  spatial_unit_of_measure
        subtype:  unit_of_measure_for_a_physical_process
        subtype:  metric_unit  a decimal unit of measurement based on meters and kilograms and seconds
     subtype:  physical_process_attribute_or_quality_or_measure
        subtype:  unit_of_measure_for_a_physical_process
        subtype:  energy_measure
        subtype:  absorption_measure
        subtype:  radiation_measure__radiationmeasure
        subtype:  explosion_measure__explosionmeasure
        subtype:  game_point__point  the unit of counting in scoring a game or contest; "he scored 20 points in the first half"; "a touchdown counts 6 points"
  subtype:  process_attribute_or_quality_or_measure  e.g., a speed measure
     subtype:  physical_process_attribute_or_quality_or_measure
        subtype:  unit_of_measure_for_a_physical_process
        subtype:  energy_measure
        subtype:  absorption_measure
        subtype:  radiation_measure__radiationmeasure
        subtype:  explosion_measure__explosionmeasure
        subtype:  game_point__point  the unit of counting in scoring a game or contest; "he scored 20 points in the first half"; "a touchdown counts 6 points"
  subtype:  psychological_attribute_or_quality_or_measure
     subtype:  unit_of_measure_for_a_psychological_attribute
  subtype:  social_attribute_or_quality_or_measure
     subtype:  identifier__id
        subtype:  passport_identifier
        subtype:  social_welfare_identifier
        subtype:  serial_number
        subtype:  URI__Uniform_Ressource_Identifier
     subtype:  unit_of_measure_for_a_social_attribute
        subtype:  monetary_unit  a monetary unit
  subtype:  modality_measure  e.g., pm#never is as an instance
     subtype:  temporal_modality_measure
        instance:  never  rarely  often  always
     subtype:  physical_possibility
  subtype:  numeric_attribute__numericattribute
     subtype:  latitude
     subtype:  longitude
     subtype:  ID_number
        subtype:  integer_address_part__integeraddresspart
        subtype:  City_Search_ID
     subtype:  star_rating
     subtype:  minimum_number_of_nights
  subtype:  unit_of_measure   Any kind of unit of measure, metre, dollar, kilogram, etc. 
     subtype:  unit_of_time_duration  the class of all unit of measures used to measure time, e.g., minute, second, hour, etc.
        subtype:  time_unit__unit_of_time  a unit for measuring time periods
        instance:  time-measure-second__timemeasuresecond__second  time-measure-minute__minute  time-measure-hour__hour  time-measure-day__day  time-measure-month__month
     subtype:  physical/spatial_unit_of_measure
        subtype:  spatial_unit_of_measure
        subtype:  unit_of_measure_for_a_physical_process
        subtype:  metric_unit  a decimal unit of measurement based on meters and kilograms and seconds
     subtype:  unit_of_measure_for_a_process
     subtype:  unit_of_measure_for_a_psychological_attribute
     subtype:  unit_of_measure_for_a_social_attribute
        subtype:  monetary_unit  a monetary unit
     subtype:  unit_of_measurement__unit  any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange; "the dollar is the United States unit of currency"; "a unit of wheat is a bushel"; "change per unit volume"
        subtype:  measuring_unit__measuringunit__measuring_block__measuringblock  a unit of measurement
        subtype:  Karat__carat  the unit of measurement for the proportion of gold in an alloy; 18-karat gold is 75% gold; 24-karat gold is pure gold
        subtype:  absorption_unit  a unit for measuring absorption
        subtype:  acceleration_unit  a unit for measuring acceleration
        subtype:  angular_unit__angularunit  a unit of measurement for angles
        subtype:  area_unit__square_measure  a system of units used to measure areas
        subtype:  volume_unit__capacity_unit__capacity_measure__cubage_unit__cubic_measure__cubicmeasure__cubic_content_unit__cubiccontentunit__displacement_unit__cubature_unit  a unit of measurement of volume or capacity
        subtype:  computer_memory_unit  a unit for measuring computer memory
        subtype:  electromagnetic_unit__electromagneticunit__emu  any of various systems of units for measuring electricity and magnetism
        subtype:  explosive_unit__explosiveunit  any unit for measuring the force of explosions
        subtype:  force_unit__forceunit  a unit of measurement of physical force
        subtype:  metric_unit  a decimal unit of measurement based on meters and kilograms and seconds
        subtype:  monetary_unit  a monetary unit
        subtype:  MFLOPS__MegaFLOPS__million_floating_point_operations_per_second  (computer science) a unit for measuring computing power
        subtype:  MIPS__million_instructions_per_second  (computer science) a unit for measuring the execution speed of computers; "4 MIPS is 4,000,000 instructions per second"
        subtype:  pain_unit  a unit measuring the intensity of pain
        subtype:  pressure_unit  a unit measuring force per unit area
        subtype:  printing_unit  a unit of measurement for printing
        subtype:  sound_unit__soundunit  any acoustic unit of measurement
        subtype:  telephone_unit__telephoneunit  a unit of measurement for telephone use
        subtype:  temperature_unit__temperatureunit  a unit of measurement for temperature
        subtype:  weight_unit  a unit used to measure weight; "he placed two weights in the scale pan"
        subtype:  mass_unit  a unit of measurement for mass
        subtype:  unit_of_viscosity  a unit of measurement for viscosity
        subtype:  work_unit__heat_unit__energy_unit  a unit of measurement for work
        subtype:  langley  unit of solar radiation
        subtype:  Brinell_number  measure of the hardness of a material
        subtype:  game_point__point  the unit of counting in scoring a game or contest; "he scored 20 points in the first half"; "a touchdown counts 6 points"
        subtype:  electrostatic_unit__electrostaticunit  any of various units of electricity based on forces of interaction between electric charges
        subtype:  time_unit__unit_of_time  a unit for measuring time periods
  subtype:  security_attribute
     subtype:  dependancy_or_information_security_attribute
        subtype:  accessibility
        subtype:  safety  a score in American football; a player is tackled behind his own goal line
  subtype:  Attribute
     subtype:  internal_attribute  any attribute of an entity that is an internal property of the entity, e.g., its shape, its color, its fragility, etc
     subtype:  relational_attribute  any attribute that an entity has by virtue of a relationship that it bears to another entity or set of entities, e.g., social_roles and positional_attributes
        subtype:  normative_attribute__normativeattribute  attribute specific to morality, legality, aesthetics, etiquette, etc; many of such attributes express a judgement that something ought or ought not to be the case
     subtype:  quality__Q  an attribute/dimension of something, e.g., its color, but not the measure of this color
        subtype:  temporal_quality__TQ  e.g., a date or a duration, but not its measure/value
        subtype:  physical_quality__PQ  e.g., weight, color, as attributes
        subtype:  abstract_quality__AQ  e.g., an asset value (but not any actual measure of this value)
  subtype:  quantity  any specification of how many or how much of something there is
     subtype:  atomic_ADT__atomic_abstract_data_type
        subtype:  number
        subtype:  boolean  two instances: true and false
     subtype:  physical_quantity  a measure of some quantifiable aspect of the modeled world, such as 'the earth's diameter' (a constant length) and 'the stress in a loaded deformable solid' (a measure of stress, which is a function of three spatial coordinates); physical_quantities need not be material, e.g., amounts of money (in specified currencies) would be instances of sumo#physical_quantity
        subtype:  region__R  the measure of an attribute/dimension
        subtype:  function_quantity_type  function that maps from one or more instances of constant_quantity to another instance of constant_quantity; for example, the velocity of a particle would be represented by a function_quantity mapping values of time (which are constant_quantities) to values of distance (also constant_quantities); note that all instances of function_quantity are functions with a fixed arity; note too that all elements of the range of a function_quantity have the same physical dimension as the function_quantity itself
        subtype:  constant_quantity  physical_quantity with a constant value, e.g., 3 meters and 5 hours; the magnitude (see magnitude_fn) of every constant_quantity is a real_number; constant_quantities are expressed with measure_fn, e.g., 3 meters can be expressed as (sumo#measure_fn 3 meter); they form a partial order with the less_than relation, since less_than is a relation_extended_to_quantities and less_than is defined over the real_numbers; the less_than relation is not a total order over the class constant_quantity since elements of some subclasses of constant_quantity (such as length quantities) are incomparable to elements of other subclasses of constant_quantity (such as mass quantities)
  subtype:  measure__quantity__amount__quantum  how much there is of something that you can measure
     subtype:  probability.measure  a measure of how likely it is that some event will occur; "what is the probability of rain?"; "we have a good chance of winning"
        subtype:  cross_section.probability__crosssection  (atomic or nuclear physics) the probability that a particular interaction (as capture or ionization) will take place between particles; measured in barns
        subtype:  joint_probability__jointprobability  the probability of two events occurring together
     subtype:  economic_value__value  the amount (of money or goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else; "he tried to estimate the value of the produce at normal prices"
     subtype:  fundamental_quantity__fundamentalquantity__fundamental_measure__fundamentalmeasure  one of the four quantities that are the basis of systems of measurement
        subtype:  temperature  the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment (corresponding to its molecular activity)
        subtype:  mass  the property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field
        subtype:  length.distance  the linear extent in space from one end to the other; the longest horizontal dimension of something that is fixed in place; "the length of the table was 5 feet"
        subtype:  time_period__period__period_of_time  an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of his recovery"
     subtype:  definite_quantity  a specific measure of amount
        subtype:  absolute_value  a numerical value regardless of its sign
        subtype:  acid_value  (chemistry) the amount of free acid present in fat as measured by the milligrams of potassium hydroxide needed to neutralize it; "as the glycerides in fat slowly decompose the acid value increases"
        subtype:  number  a concept of quantity derived from zero and units; "every number has a unique position in the sequence"
        subtype:  quire  a quantity of paper; 24 or 25 sheets
        subtype:  ream  a quantity of paper; 480 or 500 sheets; one ream equals 20 quires
        subtype:  solubility.definite_quantity  the quantity of a particular substance that can dissolve in a particular solvent (yielding a saturated solution)
        subtype:  toxicity  the degree to which something is poisonous
        subtype:  unit_of_measurement__unit  any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange; "the dollar is the United States unit of currency"; "a unit of wheat is a bushel"; "change per unit volume"
     subtype:  indefinite_quantity  an estimated quantity
        subtype:  addition.indefinite_quantity__increase__gain  a quantity that is added; "there was an addition to property taxes this year"; "they recorded the cattle's gain in weight over a period of weeks"
        subtype:  bag.indefinite_quantity  the quantity of game taken in a particular period (usually by one person); "his bag included two deer"
        subtype:  breakage.indefinite_quantity  the quantity broken; "the total breakage was huge"
        subtype:  capacity.indefinite_quantity  (computer science) the amount of information (in bytes) that can be stored on a disk drive; "the capacity of a hard disk drive is usually expressed in megabytes"
        subtype:  haul__catch  the quantity that was caught; "the catch was only 10 fish"
        subtype:  fudge_factor__fudgefactor__correction  a quantity that is added or subtracted in order to increase the accuracy of a scientific measure
        subtype:  containerful  the quantity that a container will hold
        subtype:  footstep.indefinite_quantity__pace__step__stride  the distance covered by a step; "he stepped off ten paces from the old tree and began to dig"
        subtype:  headspace  the volume left at the top of a filled container (bottle or jar or tin) before sealing
        subtype:  large_indefinite_quantity__large_indefinite_amount  an indefinite quantity that is above the average in size or magnitude
        subtype:  limit.indefinite_quantity__limitation  the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed; "there are limits on the amount you can bet"; "it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight"
        subtype:  neighborhood__region  the approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of'); "it was going to take in the region of two or three months to finish the job"; "the price is in the neighborhood of $100"
        subtype:  outage.indefinite_quantity  the amount of something (as whiskey or oil) lost in storage or transportation
        subtype:  picking.indefinite_quantity__pick  the quantity of a crop that is harvested; "he sent the first picking of berries to the market"; "it was the biggest peach pick in years"
        subtype:  reserve  (medicine) potential capacity to respond in order to maintain vital functions
        subtype:  small_indefinite_quantity__small_indefinite_amount__smallindefiniteamount  an indefinite quantity that is below average size or magnitude
        subtype:  spillage  the amount that has spilled
        subtype:  spoilage  the amount that has spoiled
        subtype:  tankage.indefinite_quantity  the quantity contained in (or the capacity of) a tank or tanks
        subtype:  ullage  the amount that a container (as a wine bottle or tank) lacks of being full
        subtype:  worth.indefinite_quantity  an indefinite quantity of something having a specified value; "10 dollars worth of gasoline"
        subtype:  dosage__dose  the quantity of an active agent (substance or radiation) taken in or absorbed at any one time
        subtype:  load.indefinite_quantity  (informal) an amount of alcohol sufficient to intoxicate; "he got a load on and started a brawl"
        subtype:  load__loading  a quantity that can be processed or transported at one time; "the system broke down under excessive loads"
        subtype:  supply  an amount of something available for use
     subtype:  relative_quantity  a quantity relative to some purpose
        subtype:  enough__sufficiency  an adequate quantity; a quantity that is large enough to achieve a purpose; "enough is as good as a feast"; "there is more than a sufficiency of lawyers in this country"
        subtype:  N__normality  (of a solution) concentration expressed in gram equivalents of solute per liter
        subtype:  absolute_majority__majority  (in an election) more than half of the votes
        subtype:  plurality__relative_majority  (in an election with more than 2 options) the number of votes for the candidate or party receiving the greatest number (but less that half of the votes)
        subtype:  nothing__nil__nix__null__aught__cypher__goose_egg__naught__zero__zilch__zip  a quantity of no importance; "it looked like nothing I had ever seen before"; "reduced to nil all the work we had done"; "we racked up a pathetic goose egg"; "it was all for naught"; "I didn't hear zilch about it"
     subtype:  cordage.measure  the amount of wood in an area as measured in cords
     subtype:  octane_number__octane_rating  a measure of the antiknock properties of gasoline
     subtype:  linear_measure__long_measure  a measure of length
        subtype:  linear_unit  a unit of measurement of length
     subtype:  magnetic_flux  a measure of the strength of a magnetic field over a given area
        subtype:  magnetic_flux_unit__flux_unit  a measure of the strength of a magnetic field per unit area
     subtype:  volume  the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object; "the gas expanded to twice its original volume"
        subtype:  volume_unit__capacity_unit__capacity_measure__cubage_unit__cubic_measure__cubicmeasure__cubic_content_unit__cubiccontentunit__displacement_unit__cubature_unit  a unit of measurement of volume or capacity
        subtype:  capacity.volume__content  the amount that can be contained; "the gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons"
     subtype:  volume.measure  a relative amount; "mix one volume of the solution with ten volumes of water"
     subtype:  proof.measure  a measure of alcoholic strength expressed as an integer twice the percentage of alcohol present (by volume)
     subtype:  playing_period__playingperiod__period_of_play__play  (in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds; "rain stopped play in the 4th inning"
        subtype:  golf_hole__hole  one playing period (from tee to green) on a golf course; "he played 18 holes"
        subtype:  chukka__chukker  one of the six playing periods into which the game of polo is divided
        subtype:  inning__frame  a period of play in baseball during which each team has a turn at bat
        subtype:  set.playing_period  a unit of play in tennis or squash; "they played two sets of tennis after dinner"
        subtype:  bout__turn__round  (in sports) a period of play during which one team is on the offensive
        subtype:  first_period__firstperiod  the first period of play in a game
        subtype:  second_period  the second period of play in a game
        subtype:  third_period__thirdperiod  the third period of play in a game
        subtype:  final_period__finalperiod  the last period of play in a game
        subtype:  half.period  in various games or performances: either of two periods of play separated by an interval
        subtype:  hockey_period__period  one of three periods of play in hockey games
        subtype:  quarter.playing_period  one of four periods of play into which some games are divided; "both teams scored in the first quarter"
        subtype:  over  (cricket) the period during which a given number of balls (6 in England; 8 in Australia) are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch
     subtype:  time_interval__interval  a definite length of time marked off by two instants
        subtype:  access_time  (computer science) the interval between the time data is requested by the system and the time the data is provided by the drive; "access time is the sum of seek time and rotational latency and command processing overhead"
        subtype:  distance.time_interval__space  the interval between two times; "the distance from birth to death"; "it all happened in the space of 10 minutes"
        subtype:  intercalation  an insertion into a calendar
        subtype:  AM__A.M.__a.m.__ante_meridiem  (Latin: before midday) the time interval from midnight to midday
        subtype:  PM__P.M.__p.m.__post_meridiem  the time interval from midday to midnight
        subtype:  seek_time  (computer science) the time it takes for a read/write head to move to a specific data track
        subtype:  time_constant.time_interval__timeconstant  (electronics) the time required for the current or voltage in a circuit to rise or fall exponentially through approximately 63 per cent of its amplitude
        subtype:  time_slot__slot  a time assigned on a schedule or agenda; "the TV program has a new time slot"; "an aircraft landing slot"
        subtype:  lunitidal_interval__lunitidalinterval  interval between the moon's transit of a particular meridian and the next high tide at that meridian
        subtype:  absence.time_interval  the time interval during which something or somebody is away; "he visited during my absence"
        subtype:  pause.time_interval__intermission__break__interruption__suspension  a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something
        subtype:  interlude  an intervening period or episode
        subtype:  interim__lag  the time between one event, process, or period and another
        subtype:  latent_period  the time that elapses before the presence of a disease is manifested by symptoms
        subtype:  reaction_time__response_time__latency__latentperiod  the time that elapses between a stimulus and the response to it
        subtype:  eternity  a seemingly endless time interval (waiting)
        subtype:  rhythm__cycle__round  an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs; "the neverending cycle of the seasons"
        subtype:  period  the interval taken to complete one cycle of a regularly repeating phenomenon
        subtype:  float.time_interval  the time interval between the deposit of a check in a bank and its payment
        subtype:  rotational_latency__latency  (computer science) the time it takes for a specific block of data on a data track to rotate around to the read/write head
        subtype:  processing_time  the time it takes to complete a prescribed procedure; "they increased output by decreasing processing time"
  subtype:  attribute  an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity
     subtype:  trait  a distinguishing feature of one's personal nature
        subtype:  unit_character  (genetics) a character inherited on an all-or-none basis and dependent on the presence of a single gene
        subtype:  fibre__fiber  the inherent complex of attributes that determine a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions: "education has for its object the formation of character"- Herbert Spencer
        subtype:  nature.trait  the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions: "it is his nature to help others"
        subtype:  compulsiveness__compulsivity  the trait of acting compulsively
        subtype:  emotionality__emotionalism  emotional nature or quality
        subtype:  unemotionality__emotionlessness__emotionlessnes  absence of emotion
        subtype:  activeness__activity  the trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically; "the level of activity declines with age"
        subtype:  inactiveness__inactivity__inertia  a disposition to remain inactive or inert; "he had to overcome his inertia and get back to work"
        subtype:  serious-mindedness__seriousness__earnestness__sincerity  the trait of being serious; "a lack of solemnity is not necessarily a lack of seriousness"- Robert Rice
        subtype:  frivolousness__frivolousnes  the trait of being frivolous; not serious or sensible
        subtype:  communicativeness__communicativenes  the trait of being communicative
        subtype:  uncommunicativeness__uncommunicativenes  the trait of being uncommunicative
        subtype:  thoughtfulness  the trait of thinking carefully before acting
        subtype:  unthoughtfulness__thoughtlessness__thoughtlessnes  the trait of not thinking carefully before acting
        subtype:  attentiveness__attentivenes  the trait of being observant and paying attention
        subtype:  inattentiveness  the trait of not being considerate and thoughtful of others
        subtype:  masculinity  the trait of behaving in ways considered typical for men
        subtype:  femininity__muliebrity  the trait of behaving in ways considered typical for women
        subtype:  trustworthiness__trustworthines__trustines  the trait of deserving trust and confidence
        subtype:  untrustworthiness__untrustworthines__untrustines  the trait of not deserving trust or confidence
        subtype:  individuality__individualism  the quality of being individual: "so absorbed by the movement that she lost all sense of individuality"
        subtype:  stinginess  a lack of generosity; a general unwillingness to part with money
        subtype:  egoism__egocentrism__self-interest__self-concern__self-centeredness  attempting to get personal recognition for yourself (especially by unacceptable means)
        subtype:  drive.trait  the trait of being highly motivated; "his drive and energy exhausted his co-workers"
        subtype:  resoluteness__firmness__resolve  the trait of being resolute; firmness of purpose; "his resoluteness carried him through the battle"; "it was his unshakeable resolution to finish the work"
        subtype:  irresoluteness__irresolution  the trait of being irresolute; lacking firmness of purpose
        subtype:  discipline.trait  the trait of being well behaved; "he insisted on discipline among the troops"
        subtype:  indiscipline__undiscipline  the trait of lacking discipline
        subtype:  pride  the trait of being spurred on by a dislike of falling below your standards
        subtype:  humility__humbleness  a disposition to be humble; a lack of false pride; "not everyone regards humility as a virtue"
        subtype:  wisdom.trait__wiseness  the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight
        subtype:  unwiseness__folly__foolishness__foolishnes  the trait of acting stupidly or rashly
        subtype:  sound_judgment__soundjudgment__judgment__judgement__sound_judgement__soundjudgement__perspicacity  the capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions
        subtype:  trustingness__trust__trustfulness  the trait of trusting; of believing in the honesty and reliability of others; "the experience destroyed his trust and personal dignity"
        subtype:  distrustfulness__distrustfulnes__mistrust  the trait of not trusting others
        subtype:  cleanliness.trait  diligence in keeping clean
        subtype:  uncleanliness.trait__uncleanlines  lack of cleanly habits
        subtype:  demeanor__demeanour__behavior__behaviour__conduct__deportment  behavioral attributes
        subtype:  tractability__tractableness__tractablenes  the trait of being easily persuaded
        subtype:  intractability__intractableness  the trait of being hard to influence or control
        subtype:  epicurism  the traits of an epicure
     subtype:  thing.attribute  any attribute or quality considered as having its own existence: "the thing I like about her is ..."
     subtype:  common_denominator  an attribute that is common to all members of a category
     subtype:  personality  the complex of all the attributes--behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental--that characterize a unique individual; "their different reactions reflected their very different personalities"; "it is his nature to help others"
        subtype:  identity.personality__individuality  the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity: "you can lose your identity when you join the army"
        subtype:  personableness  the complex of attributes that make a person socially attractive
        subtype:  anal_personality__anal_retentive_personality  (psychoanalysis) a personality characterized by meticulous neatness and suspicion and reserve; formed in early childhood by fixation during the anal stage of development (as a consequence of toilet training)
        subtype:  genital_personality__genitalpersonality  (psychoanalysis) the mature personality which is not dominated by infantile pleasure drives
        subtype:  narcissistic_personality  personality marked by self-love and self-absorption; unrealistic views about your own qualities and little regard for others
        subtype:  obsessive-compulsive_personality  personality characterized by a strong need to repeat certain acts or rituals
        subtype:  oral_personality  (psychoanalysis) a personality characterized either by generous optimism or aggressive and ambitious selfishness; formed in early childhood by fixation during the oral stage of development
     subtype:  cheerfulness__cheer  the quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom; "flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room"
        subtype:  good-temperedness__good-humoredness__good_humouredness__good_naturedness  a cheerful willingness to be obliging
     subtype:  uncheerfulness  not conducive to cheer or good spirits
        subtype:  lugubriousness__gloominess  excessive sadness and mournfulness
     subtype:  ethos__etho  the distinctive spirit of a people or an era; "the Greek ethos"
     subtype:  quality  an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespeare
        subtype:  visual_aspect__appearance  outward or visible aspect of a person or thing
        subtype:  attraction.quality__attractiveness  the quality of arousing interest; being attractive or something that attracts; "her personality held a strange attraction for him"
        subtype:  uncloudedness__uncloudednes__clearnes  the quality of clear water; "when she awoke the clarity was back in her eyes"
        subtype:  opacity.quality__opaqueness  the quality of being opaque to a degree; the degree to which something reduces the passage of light
        subtype:  easiness__ease__simplicity  freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort: "he rose through the ranks with apparent ease"; "they put it into containers for ease of transportation"
        subtype:  difficultness__difficultnes  the quality of being difficult; "they agreed about the difficulty of the climb"
        subtype:  suitability__suitablenes  the quality of having the properties that are right for a specific purpose; "an important requirement is suitability for long trips"
        subtype:  unsuitability__unsuitableness__ineptness  the quality of having the wrong properties for a specific purpose
        subtype:  nature  the essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized; "it is the nature of fire to burn"; "the true nature of jealousy"
        subtype:  humanness__humannes  the quality of being human
        subtype:  air.quality__aura__atmosphere  a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing: "an air of mystery"; "the house had a neglected air"; "an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters"; "the place had an aura of romance"
        subtype:  excellence  the quality of excelling; possessing good qualities in high degree
        subtype:  characteristic  a distinguishing quality
        subtype:  changeableness__changeability  the quality of being changeable; having a marked tendency to change; "the changeableness of the weather"
        subtype:  unchangeability__changelessness__unchangeableness__unchangingness  the quality of being unchangeable; having a marked tendency to remain unchanged
        subtype:  sameness  the quality of being alike: "sameness of purpose kept them together"
        subtype:  difference  the quality of being unlike or dissimilar: "there are many differences between jazz and rock"
        subtype:  sure_thing__certainty  something that is certain; "his victory is a certainty"
        subtype:  probability  the quality of being probable
        subtype:  uncertainness__uncertainnes  being unsettled or in doubt: "the uncertainty of the outcome"
        subtype:  factuality__factualness  the quality of being actual or based on fact; "the realm of factuality must be distinguished from the realm of imagination"
        subtype:  counterfactuality  the quality of being contrary to fact
        subtype:  physicalness__materiality__corporeality  the quality of being physical; consisting of matter
        subtype:  incorporeality__immateriality  the quality of not being physical; not consisting of matter
        subtype:  particularity  the quality of being particular and pertaining to a specific case or instance; "the particularity of human situations"
        subtype:  generality  the quality of being general or widespread or having general applicability
        subtype:  simpleness__simplicity  the quality of being simple or uncompounded; "the simplicity of a crystal"
        subtype:  complexity__complexness__complexnes  the quality of being intricate and compounded; "he enjoyed the complexity of modern computers"
        subtype:  regularity  the quality of being characterized by a fixed principle or rate; "he was famous for the regularity of his habits"
        subtype:  unregularity__irregularity  not characterized by a fixed principle or rate; at irregular intervals
        subtype:  mobility  the quality of moving freely
        subtype:  immobility  the quality of not moving
        subtype:  pleasantness.quality__sweetness__sweetnes  the quality of giving pleasure; "he was charmed by the sweetness of her manner"; "the pleasantness of a cool breeze on a hot summer day"
        subtype:  unpleasantness  the quality of giving displeasure; "the recent unpleasantness of the weather"
        subtype:  credibility__credibleness__believability  the quality of being believable or trustworthy
        subtype:  incredibility__incredibleness  the quality of being incredible
        subtype:  logicality__logicalness  correct and valid reasoning
        subtype:  illogicality__illogicalness__illogicalnes  invalid or incorrect reasoning
        subtype:  naturalness__naturalnes  the quality of being natural or based on natural principles: "he accepted the naturalness of death"; "the spontaneous naturalness of his manner"
        subtype:  unnaturalness__unnaturalnes  the quality of being unnatural or not based on natural principles
        subtype:  vertu__virtu  artistic quality
        subtype:  wholesomeness__wholesomenes  the quality of being beneficial and generally good for you
        subtype:  unwholesomeness__unwholesomenes__morbidnes__morbidity  the quality of being unhealthful and generally bad for you
        subtype:  satisfactoriness  the quality of giving satisfaction sufficient to meet a demand or requirement
        subtype:  unsatisfactoriness  the quality of being adequate or suitable
        subtype:  ordinariness  the quality of being ordinary
        subtype:  extraordinariness__extraordinarines  the quality of being extraordinary and not commonly encountered
        subtype:  ethnicity  an ethnic quality or affiliation resulting from racial or cultural ties; "ethnicity has a strong influence on community status relations"
        subtype:  foreignness__foreignnes__strangenes__curiousnes  the quality of being alien or not native: "the strangeness of a foreigner"
        subtype:  nativeness  the quality of belonging to or being connected with a certain place or region by virtue of birth or origin
        subtype:  originality.quality  the quality of being new and original (not derived from something else)
        subtype:  unoriginality  the quality of being unoriginal
        subtype:  correctness.quality__correctnes__rightnes  conformity to fact or truth
        subtype:  incorrectness.quality__incorrectnes__wrongnes  the quality of not conforming to fact or truth
        subtype:  accuracy.quality__truth  the quality of nearness to the truth or the true value; "he was beginning to doubt the accuracy of his compass"; "the lawyer questioned the truth of my account"
        subtype:  accuracy  (mathematics) the number of significant figures given in a number; "the atomic clock enabled scientists to measure time with much greater accuracy"
        subtype:  inaccuracy  the quality of being inaccurate and having errors
        subtype:  distinction  a distinguishing quality; "it has the distinction of being the cheapest restaurant in town"
        subtype:  popularity  the quality of being widely admired or accepted or sought after: "his charm soon won him affection and popularity"; "the universal popularity of American movies"
        subtype:  unpopularity  the quality of lacking general approval or acceptance
        subtype:  lawfulness  the quality of conforming to law
        subtype:  unlawfulness  the quality of failing to conform to law
        subtype:  elegance  a quality of refined gracefulness and good taste
        subtype:  inelegance  the quality of lacking refinement and good taste
        subtype:  comprehensibility__understandability  the quality of comprehensible language or thought
        subtype:  expressiveness  the quality of being expressive
        subtype:  incomprehensibility  the quality of being incomprehensible
        subtype:  humaneness  the quality of compassion or consideration for others (people or animals)
        subtype:  inhumaneness__inhumanity  the quality of lacking compassion or consideration for others
        subtype:  morality  concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong; right or good conduct
        subtype:  immorality  the quality of not being in accord with standards of right or good conduct
        subtype:  amorality  the quality of being amoral
        subtype:  divinity  the quality of being divine; "ancient Egyptians believed in the divinity of the Pharaohs"
        subtype:  holiness__sanctity  the quality of being holy
        subtype:  ideality  the quality of being ideal
        subtype:  unholiness  the quality of being unholy
        subtype:  parental_quality  a quality appropriate to a parent
        subtype:  faithfulness__fidelity  the quality of being faithful
        subtype:  infidelity__unfaithfulness  the quality of being unfaithful
        subtype:  sophistication__worldliness__worldlines  the quality or character of being intellectually sophisticated through cultivation or experience or disillusionment
        subtype:  naivete__naivety__naiveness__naivenes  lack of sophistication or worldliness
        subtype:  adequacy__sufficiency  the quality of being sufficient for the end in view; "he questioned the sufficiency of human intelligence"
        subtype:  worth  the quality that renders something desirable or valuable or useful
        subtype:  worthlessness__worthlessnes  having no qualities that would render it valuable or useful; "the drill sergeant's intent was to convince all the recruits of their worthlessness"
        subtype:  fruitfulness__fecundity  the quality of something that causes or assists healthy growth
        subtype:  aridity__fruitlessnes__barrennes  a condition yielding nothing of value
        subtype:  usefulness__utility  the quality of being of practical use
        subtype:  inutility__uselessness__unusefulness  the quality of having to practical use
        subtype:  constructiveness  the quality of serving to build or improve
        subtype:  destructiveness  the quality of causing destruction
        subtype:  positivism__positivity  a quality or state characterized by certainty or acceptance or affirmation
        subtype:  negativism__negativity  characterized by habitual skepticism and a tendency to deny or oppose or resist suggestions or commands
        subtype:  powerfulness__power__potency  possession of controlling influence; "the deterrent power of nuclear weapons"; "the power of his love saved her"
        subtype:  ability  the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment
        subtype:  powerlessness__powerlessnes__impotency  the quality of lacking strength or power; being weak and feeble
        subtype:  inability.quality__unfitness__unfitnes  lacking the power to perform
        subtype:  romanticism.quality__romance  an exciting and mysterious quality (as of a heroic time or adventure)
        subtype:  domesticity.quality  the quality of being domestic or domesticated: "a royal family living in unpretentious domesticity"
        subtype:  infiniteness__infinitude__unboundedness__unboundednes__boundlessnes__limitlessnes  the quality of being infinite; without bound or limit
        subtype:  finiteness__finitude__boundedness  the quality of being finite
        subtype:  quantifiability  the quality of being measurable
        subtype:  solubility  the quality of being soluble
        subtype:  insolubility  the quality of being insoluble
        subtype:  stuff  unspecified qualities required to do or be something; "the stuff of heros"; "you don't have the stuff to be a United States Marine"
        subtype:  hot_stuff.quality__hotstuff  (informal) the quality of being attractive and exciting (especially sexually exciting); "he thought she was really hot stuff"
        subtype:  humor__humour  the quality of being funny; "I fail to see the humor in it"
        subtype:  poignancy__pathos  a quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow); "the film captured all the pathos of their situation"
        subtype:  tone.quality  the quality of something (an act or a piece of writing) that reveals the attitudes and presuppositions of the author; "the general tone of articles appearing in the newspapers is that the government should withdraw"; "from the tone of her behavior I gathered that I had outstayed my welcome"
        subtype:  responsiveness  the quality of being responsive; reacting quickly; as a quality of people, it involves responding with emotion to people and events
        subtype:  unresponsiveness  the quality of being unresponsive; not reacting; as a quality of people, it is marked by a failure to respond quickly or with emotion to people or events
     subtype:  property.attribute  a basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class; "a study of the physical properties of atomic particles"
        subtype:  actinism  the property of radiation that enables it to produce photochemical effects
        subtype:  anisotropy  the property of being anisotropic; in chemistry it is a property of a substance that depends on direction
        subtype:  isotropy  the property of being isotropic
        subtype:  device_characteristic__characteristic  (electronics) any measurable property of a device measured under closely specified conditions
        subtype:  connectivity  the property of being connected or the degree to which something has connections
        subtype:  wave-particle_duality__duality  (physics) the property of matter and electromagnetic radiation that is characterized by the fact that some properties can be explained best by wave theory and others by particle theory
        subtype:  genetic_endowment__geneticendowment__heredity  the total of inherited attributes
        subtype:  age  how long something has existed; "it was replaced because of its age"
        subtype:  manner.property__mode__style__way__fashion  a manner of performance; "a manner of living"; "in the characteristic New York style"; "a way of life"
        subtype:  makeup__constitution__composition  the way in which someone or something is composed
        subtype:  consistency__consistence__body  the property of holding together and retaining its shape; "when the dough has enough consistency it is ready to bake"
        subtype:  disposition  a natural or acquired habit or characteristic tendency in a person or thing: "a swelling with a disposition to rupture"
        subtype:  tactile_property__tactileproperty__feel  a property perceived by touch
        subtype:  visual_property  an attribute of vision
        subtype:  olfactory_property__olfactoryproperty__smell__aroma__odor__odour__scent  any property detected by the olfactory system
        subtype:  sound_property_or_value__sound_property__soundproperty  an attribute of sound
        subtype:  taste_property__tasteproperty  a property appreciated via the sense of taste
        subtype:  saltiness  the property of containing salt (as a compound or in solution)
        subtype:  edibility__edibleness  the property of being fit to eat
        subtype:  bodily_property  an attribute of the body
        subtype:  physical_property  a property used to characterize physical objects
        subtype:  chemical_property  a property used to characterize materials in reactions that change their identity
        subtype:  sustainability  the property of being sustainable
        subtype:  strength  the property of being physically or mentally strong; "fatigue sapped his strength"
        subtype:  concentration  the strength of a solution; number of molecules of a substance in a given volume (expressed as moles/cubic meter)
        subtype:  weakness  the property of lacking physical or mental strength; liability to failure under pressure or stress or strain; "his weakness increased as he became older"; "the weakness of the span was overlooked until it collapsed"
        subtype:  temporal_property  a property relating to time
        subtype:  viability  (of living things) capable of normal growth and development
        subtype:  spatial_property__spatialproperty__spatiality  any property relating to or occupying space
        subtype:  magnitude  the property of relative size or extent; "they tried to predict the magnitude of the explosion"
        subtype:  analyticity  the property of being analytic
        subtype:  selectivity  the property of being selective
        subtype:  vascularity  the property being vascular; "a prominent vascularity"
     subtype:  inheritance.attribute__heritage  any attribute or immaterial possession that is inherited from ancestors; "my only inheritance was my mother's blessing"; "the world's heritage of knowledge"
        subtype:  inherited_personal_characteristics__birthright  personal characteristics that are inherited at birth
        subtype:  background  a person's social heritage: previous experience or training; "he is a lawyer with a sports background"
        subtype:  birthright  a right or privilege that you are entitled to at birth; "free public education is the birthright of every American child"
        subtype:  upbringing  properties acquired during a person's formative years
  subtype:  property__attribute__dimension  a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished; "self-confidence is not an endearing property"
     subtype:  quality.property__character__lineament  a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something; "each town has a quality all its own"; "the radical character of our demands"
        subtype:  texture.quality  the essential quality of something; "the texture of Neapolitan life"
     subtype:  feature.property__characteristic  a prominent aspect of something: "the map showed roads and other features"; "generosity is one of his best characteristics"
        subtype:  sex_characteristic__sexcharacteristic__sex_character__sexcharacter  those characteristics (both anatomical and psychological) that are strongly associated with one sex relative to the other
        subtype:  aspect.feature__facet  a distinct feature or element in a problem; "he studied every facet of the question"
        subtype:  attractor__attraction__attractive_feature  a characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts people
        subtype:  badge.feature  any feature that is regarded as a sign of status (a particular power or quality or rank); "wearing a tie was regarded as a badge of respectability"
        subtype:  excellence.feature  something in which something or some one excels: "the use of herbs is one of the excellences of French cuisine"
        subtype:  external  outward features; "he enjoyed the solemn externals of religion"
        subtype:  peculiarity__distinctive_feature__distinctivefeature  an odd or unusual characteristic
        subtype:  safety_feature  feature of an artifact that is added to insure a user's safety
  subtype:  magnitude_relation__magnituderelation__quantitative_relation  a relation between magnitudes
     subtype:  scale  relative magnitude; "they entertained on a grand scale"
     subtype:  ratio  the relative magnitudes of two quantities (usually expressed as a quotient)
        subtype:  margin_of_profit__profit_margin__gross_margin__grossmargin  the ratio gross profits divided by net sales
        subtype:  abundance  (chemistry) the ratio of the total mass of an element in the earth's crust to the total mass of the earth's crust; expressed as a percentage or in parts per million
        subtype:  abundance.ratio  (physics) the ratio of the number of atoms of a specific isotope of an element to the total number of isotopes present
        subtype:  albedo__reflective_power  the ratio of reflected to incident light
        subtype:  aspect_ratio  the ratio of the width to the height of a tv picture
        subtype:  cephalic_index__breadth_index__breadthindex__cranial_index__cranialindex  ratio (in percent) of the maximum breadth to the maximum length of a skull
        subtype:  efficiency  the ratio of the output to the input of any system
        subtype:  facial_index  the ratio (in percent) of the maximum width the the maximum height of the face
        subtype:  focal_ratio__focalratio__f_number__fnumber__stop_number__speed  the ratio of the focal length to the diameter of a (camera) lens system
        subtype:  relative_frequency__frequency  the ratio of the number of observations in a statistical category to the total number of observations
        subtype:  packed_cell_volume__hematocrit__haematocrit  the ratio of the volume occupied by packed red blood cells to the volume of the whole blood as measured by a hematocrit
        subtype:  intelligence_quotient__IQ__I.Q.  a measure of a person's intelligence as indicated by an intelligence test; the ratio of a person's mental age to their chronological age (multiplied by 100)
        subtype:  load_factor  (aeronautics) the ratio of an external load to the weight of the aircraft (measured in g)
        subtype:  loss_ratio  the ratio of the annual claims paid by an insurance company to the premiums received
        subtype:  Mach_number  the ratio of the speed of a moving body to the speed of sound
        subtype:  magnification.ratio  the ratio of the size of an image to the size of the object
        subtype:  mechanical_advantage  the ratio of the force exerted by a machine to the force applied to it
        subtype:  fuel_consumption__mileage__milespergallon  the ratio of the number of miles traveled to the number of gallons of gasoline burned
        subtype:  betting_odds__odds  the ratio by which one better's wager is greater than that of another; "he offered odds of two to one"
        subtype:  order_of_magnitude__magnitude  a number assigned to the ratio of two quantities; two quantities are of the same order of magnitude if one is less than 10 times as large as the other; the number of magnitudes that the quantities differ is specified to within a power of 10
        subtype:  output-to-input_ratio  the output power of a transducer divided by the input power
        subtype:  prevalence.ratio  (epidemiology) the ratio (for a given time period) of the number of occurrences of a disease or event to the number of units at risk in the population
        subtype:  price-to-earnings_ratio__P/E_ratio  (stock market) the price of a stock divided by its earnings
        subtype:  productivity  (economics) the ratio of the quantity and quality of units produced to the labor per unit of time
        subtype:  quotient.ratio  the ratio of two quantities to be divided
        subtype:  refractive_index__index_of_refraction  the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to that in a medium
        subtype:  relative_humidity  the ratio of the amount of water in the air at a give temperature to the maximum amount it could hold at that temperature; expressed as a percentage
        subtype:  respiratory_quotient__respiratoryquotient  the ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide expired to the volume of oxygen consumed by an organism or cell in a given period of time
        subtype:  safety_factor__factor_of_safety  the ratio of the breaking stress of a structure to the estimated maximum stress in ordinary use
        subtype:  signal-to-noise_ratio__signal-to-noise__signal/noise_ratio__signal/noise__S/N  the ratio of signal intensity to noise intensity
        subtype:  stoichiometry  (chemistry) the relation between the quantities of substances that take part in a reaction or form a compound (typically a ratio of whole integers)
        subtype:  time_constant  the ratio of the inductance of a circuit in henries to its resistance in ohms
        subtype:  turnover_rate__turnover  the ratio of the number of workers that had to be replaced in a given time period to the average number of workers
        subtype:  loading.ratio  the ratio of the gross weight of an airplane to some factor determining its lift
        subtype:  eccentricity.ratio  (geometry) a ratio describing the shape of a conic section; the ratio of the distance between the foci to the length of the major axis; "a circle is an ellipse with zero eccentricity"
     subtype:  rate  a magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit; "they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour"; "the rate of change was faster than expected"
        subtype:  attrition_rate__attritionrate__rate_of_attrition  the rate of shrinkage in size or number
        subtype:  birthrate__birth_rate__birthrate__fertility__fertility_rate__fertilityrate__natality  the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 population per year
        subtype:  bits_per_second__bps__bp  (computer science) the rate at which data is transferred (as by a modem)
        subtype:  crime_rate__crimerate  the ratio of crimes in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 population per year
        subtype:  data_rate  the rate at which circuits or other devices operate when handling digital information
        subtype:  deathrate__death_rate__deathrate__morbidity__mortality__mortality_rate__mortalityrate__fatalityrate  the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 per year
        subtype:  dose_rate  the quantity of radiation absorbed per unit time
        subtype:  erythrocyte_sedimentation_rate__erythrocytesedimentationrate__ESR__sedimentation_rate__sedimentationrate__sed_rate__sedrate  the rate at which red blood cells settle out in a tube of blood under standardized conditions; a high rate usually indicates the presence of inflammation
        subtype:  rate_of_flow__flow__flow_rate  the amount of fluid that flows in a given time
        subtype:  flux.rate  the rate of flow of energy or particles across a given surface
        subtype:  frequency__frequence__oftenness__oftennes  the number of occurrences within a given time period (usually 1 second); "the frequency of modulation was 40 cycles per second"
        subtype:  gigahertz__GHz__gigacycle_per_second__gigacyclepersecond__gigacycle__Gc  1,000,000,000 periods per second
        subtype:  growth_rate__rate_of_growth  the rate of increase in size per unit time
        subtype:  Hertz__Hz__cycle_per_second__cyclepersecond__cycles/second__cps__cp__cycle  the unit of frequency; one Hertz has a periodic interval of one second
        subtype:  inflation_rate__inflationrate__rate_of_inflation  the rate of change of prices (as indicated by a price index) calculated on a monthly or annual basis
        subtype:  jerk__rate_of_acceleration  (mechanics) the rate of change of velocity
        subtype:  kilohertz__khz__kilocycle_per_second__kilocyclepersecond__kilocycle__kc  one thousand periods per second
        subtype:  kilometers_per_hour__kilometres_per_hour__kph__km/h  the ratio of the distance traveled (in kilometers) to the time spent traveling (in hours)
        subtype:  megahertz__MHz__megacycle_per_second__megacyclepersecond__megacycle__Mc  one million periods per second
        subtype:  metabolic_rate__metabolicrate  rate of metabolism; the amount of energy expended in a give period
        subtype:  miles_per_hour__milesperhour__mph  the ratio of the distance traveled (in miles) to the time spent traveling (in hours)
        subtype:  gait.rate__pace  the rate of moving (especially walking or running)
        subtype:  pulse_rate__pulserate__pulse__heart_rate__heartrate  the rate at which the heart beats; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
        subtype:  respiratory_rate__respiratoryrate__rateofrespiration  the rate at which a person inhales and exhales; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
        subtype:  revolutions_per_minute__revolutionsperminute__rpm__rev  rate of revolution of a motor; "the engine was doing 6000 revs"
        subtype:  sampling_rate  (telecommunications) the frequency of sampling per unit time
        subtype:  solar_constant__solarconstant  the rate at which radiant solar energy is received at the outer layer of the earth's atmosphere
        subtype:  spacing  the time between occurrences of a repeating event; "some women do not control the spacing of their children"
        subtype:  speed__velocity  distance travelled per unit time
        subtype:  tempo.rate  the rate of some repeating event
        subtype:  words_per_minute__wordsperminute__wpm  the rate at which words are produced (as in speaking or typing)
        subtype:  computer_speed
        subtype:  pace.rate__rate  the relative speed of progress or change; "he lived at a fast pace"; "he works at a great rate"; "the pace of events accelerated"
        subtype:  m/s__m/__meter_per_second__meterpersecond

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