supertype: Higgins_DigitalSubject_or_Value (pm) Higgins_Attribute_or_Value (pm)
syncConflict: boolean [*,48..49]
lastModified: dateTime [*,48..49]
subtype: SimpleValue
subtype: String
subtype: Base64Binary
subtype: NormalizedString
subtype: DateTime
subtype: Boolean
subtype: Decimal
subtype: Integer
subtype: NegativeInteger
subtype: NonNegativeInteger
subtype: PositiveInteger
subtype: NonPositiveInteger
subtype: Float
subtype: Double
subtype: Long
subtype: Int
subtype: Short
subtype: Byte
subtype: UnsignedLong
subtype: UnsignedInt
subtype: UnsignedShort
subtype: UnsignedByte
subtype: HexBinary
subtype: Time
subtype: Date
subtype: GYear
subtype: GYearMonth
subtype: GMonthDay
subtype: GDay
subtype: GMonth
subtype: AnyURI
subtype: Token
subtype: Language
subtype: NMTOKEN
subtype: Name
subtype: NCName
subtype: ComplexValue
subtype: SubjectRelationship
subtype: Person
subtype: TimeSpan
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